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Posts posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > That is CYA legalish boilerplate put on every game, whether it is needed or not. I think even sims has it but I would need to check. The epilepsy community ignores those warnings because they are so overused.



    Choosing to ignore a warning because "it doesn't happen often enough" isn't an excuse for you to act like its absolutely absurd when it finally does happen. There's a warning, you choose to ignore it and then when it happens you don't get to act like its everyone else's fault that you chose to do something you knew could potentially have consequences. So now we have to either tone down video games or waste resources on a super special "slider" for the minute fraction of people who shouldn't be looking at flashing lights to begin with. Next it will be that people with severe motor control disabilities can't respond to on screen action fast enough, so we'll have to dumb the game down again or spend resources on a "slider" again for that 1%. Repeat ad nauseam for every indivudal's personal "I can't do this because of x" until we're all just playing a game where you press space bar every 5 seconds to watch a black and white "you win" screen (with audio cues for the blind who also suddenly have a need to be catered to in complex mmos).

  2. > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > That's would be an insane amount of gems form a single set of armor.


    Legendary armors require legendary feats! A legendary amount of gems to equate to the gem stores version of legendary armor. Seems fitting surprisingly.

  3. > @"Conncept.7638" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


    > Haha, good one, now please explain to me how the people who literally utterly and solely control how many of X items appear in the world per Y amount of players, do not completely control supply of said items.


    > GW2 does not have a player driven economy by any stretch of the imagination, that was a load of nonsense made up by the games (thankfully) ex-economist.


    > That being said, the devs already stated long ago that TP prices are supposed to be lower because it's a consistent method for obtaining the item, and you don't have to pay for it in one lump sum but instead over the course of the legendary journey; it's always more expensive to pay for something over time than all at once.


    As other have already pointed out, you're wrong. Unless there's an Arenanet employee holding a gun to your head behind your computer, what you choose to spend your time farming, putting on the auction house, and what price you decide you are willing to sell and purchase things for on the auction house are all 100% dictated by you. Its nice that you think Arena net are forcing you as a player to make individual choices, but I assure you, you do in fact still have free will.

  4. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


    > But you can't deny that a difference of more than 100% is not normal, putting aside all that crap about demand.


    Suggesting that supply and demand is "crap" just shows that you legitimately have no idea how the auction house works and are simply making demands because "I want, I want, I want!"

  5. Can Kralkatorrik brand awakened? Can Joko awaken the branded? Whose magic is more powerful? Who controls a branded awakened or an awakened branded? I imagine Joko can't be pleased that Kralkatorrik is wreaking havok on his domain. And I assume Kralkatorrik just doesn't even register Joko as an thought at all.

  6. Killing brandstorm elementals too quickly as they spawn makes them not count towards the quest resulting in a situation where you've killed them all but the quest still says "remaining Brandstorm Elementals: 1" Was able to replicate this 3 times now.... mainly because it took me three times to figure out why it was happening. GG.

  7. I didn't mean necessarily that those two abilities would become any weaker, just that their mechanic would hopefully be changed to a better mechanic that allowed for them to be used at range to the same effect since they are both ranged weapons. That was the impression I got from Irenio's comments.

  8. Whatever happened to the discussion Irenio had about "shotgun" abilities such as shortbow 2 and MH axe 2 being poor game designs? I had a sense that those two abilities were going to be changed for the better in the future after that comment. It's been quite some time since that comment was made now and nothing has changed.

  9. > @Coulter.2315 said:

    > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > >

    > > Accusing people of "making stuff up" is rather insulting and ignorant.

    > >

    > > Many people are experiencing severe lags in PoF (I am _not_ one of them, but know quite a few). It's a fact that GW2 is not optomized to modern standards, and it is also a fact that a lot of gamers know nothing about configuring their OS properly (and given that many of them are using Windows 10, that makes matters only worse, because that is one kitten OS that requires plenty of configuration to avoid lags, freezes, program crashes, and games not running smoothly).

    > >

    > > Next time maybe think about all those things before accusing people of lying, and instead try to point in them in the right direction.


    > He was refering to people claiming Serpent's Ire was "impossible," which is making stuff up.


    Exactly, claiming Serpents Ire is an "impossible" event is 100% making stuff up considering many people have accomplished it. So like next time maybe think about all that stuff man, or like, you could totally hurt someone's feelings man.... and that's not cool and like, I'm totally offended and everyone needs to know how offended I am so they can see my righteous indignations man!

  10. Well, to be honest, you're requesting that players make changes to a skill due to subjective differences in how you view the wording surrounding traits, when we, as players, don't have the power to make these changes to begin with. So what is your purpose here, other then to complain about losing to a ranger with lesser muddy terrain?

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