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Posts posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > I have made six legendaries. They are what I enjoy doing and my end game goal to work towards.


    > When coins are high, I don't feel like making them. When I don't make legendaries, I stop playing the game. When I don't play the game, I do not buy gems(qol/cosmetic cash shop items only).


    > Do you like people buying gems, Anet?


    Ah the good ol "do what I want or Im going to quit" post to ANet. Classic. I'm sure they'll get right on doing exactly what you want because they're absolutely terrified of losing you as a customer who makes thinly veiled threats to get what they want.

  2. If something that will take no more than two weeks tops for you to achieve is causing you depression and negatively affecting your life, you really need to take a step back from video games all together and evaluate life on a deeper level. People are acting like they simply can't go on any more in life because of something takes some minor effort in a video game. Imagine if you had to face some ACTUAL hardships in life.

  3. Ever since the latest update I've been having issues with the game. I either get randomly black screened where I can hear the games background music but I've been disconnected, I get an infinite loading screen that eventually freezes and I have to end program, or I simply can't even log in during character select. I choose a character, I press the Play button, and nothing happens. The button greys out and the client just sits there at the character select screen before eventually booting me out to desktop. Anyone familiar with this and find a fix?

  4. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > So if I understand correctly, you willingly went to a gw2 wiki, a place with detailed information regarding the game and its story, found information on the story in a wiki that's designed to have... information, and you decided to come complain to Arena net for a wiki that they have no control over? THE AUDACITY


    > Freedom of speech


    That's not how that works, that's not how any of that works at all...

  5. So if I understand correctly, you willingly went to a gw2 wiki, a place with detailed information regarding the game and its story, found information on the story in a wiki that's designed to have... information, and you decided to come complain to Arena net for a wiki that they have no control over? THE AUDACITY

  6. I can understand the argument about the investment it would require to make new weapon types. However, I would suggest then that they start with the existing weapon models for the underwater weapons. Being able to wield a spear as a normal ground weapon on several classes would be pretty great. Melee spear for some classes, ranged throwing type spear for other classes. The models already exist for the weapons. Some of the trident models could also be used as land spear type weapons. I know I've seen multiple threads about adding spear to "land" weapons over the years. Seems like a good middle ground starting point. Not as much investment needed since the weapons already exist in the game.

  7. Sounds more and more like user error. No email stating the transaction was finalized, no product delivered, no indication money exchanged hands. Also I understand digital deluxe upgrades (upgrading from standard version to deluxe expansion versions) are available in the gem store but it was my understanding that the actual expansions were not for sale in the in game gem store to begin with. Did this change?

  8. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > Hi Swagger. You have the LOD option in the menu. Activate it and most the visual noise will go away.

    > Reducing the effects in the Graphics Option menu will do wonders too.


    > If after all this the bloom still bothers you can activate NVIDIA profiler and reduce the brightness of the effects.

    > OR you can use RESHADE if you don't have an NVIDIA card.


    > You are very welcome!


    People don't actually want options as there are already many like you've posted. What they really want is Anet to straight up remove things from the game they don't like. They already did this once, things like elementalist fire staff 1 skill went from being a ball of fire cast by a master of magic to a peashooter. There were no options for people, there was no check box for people that wanted the old animation as they had been playing with for years. It was just gutted. I applaud that many people like you have pointed out the many different options people have to tone down peoples graphic and video settings, but rather than choose to use the existing options they already have there are still an incredibly small but vocal micro group of people who demand anet gut the games visuals even more for them.


  9. Video games are literally light shows of color and flashing on a screen. The vast majority of people complaining are people who either just don't like flashy effects or are simply looking for secondary gains and not true epileptics. Anyone with an actual medical diagnosis of epileptic seizures wouldn't be submitting themselves to bright flashy video games to begin with. It would be like a quadriplegic deciding to go for a swim.

  10. > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    >have you understood any words of the OP .

    > I should just be quiet and hold my tong .. because the smart people here know how it goes , and how it's goes should not be questioned.


    You are the OP, why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person? Also if you want to go that route feel free, but that just shows that you can't seem to grasp the concept of the item at all. When 15 people in a room understand something and try to explain it to the 1 person who doesn't, its not the 15 people that are wrong.



  11. > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:


    > Great and wonderful, but as far as I know none of them (festival items) has a 1000g material cost attached to it.. please don't mix it up, talking about Winter's Presence here.


    No we're talking about how you feel like you're entitled to cheap endgame goals purposely designed to be expensive long term goals for people willing to put in the time and effort.



  12. A lamborghini veneno is also expensive at 4.5M dollars. Have you tried complaining to them about how its not easily obtainable for you and you would like them to lower the price to a more reasonable $30K-$40K? I don't want to have to put time or resources into legendaries but that's how the game works.

  13. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:


    > Are you referring to the per-hour payment? Because that's what she looks like. :s (I still can't believe that ANet is no better than other companies when it comes to creating sexist armor for female characters. Plain awful.)


    >Also, there is a difference between "hot" and "cheap" (I can't type the actual term I am thinking of, because it would get censored, but I am sure you know what I mean).


    > Indeed there is, and "cheap" (I can't use the actual term, it's being filtered) isn't sexy.


    We get it, you think women who don't do what you want are hookers and you hate them. Sheesh. Also you don't get to define what is sexy for the rest of us. Now go be a busy body somewhere else.


  14. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I like the idea of themed quivers to match the legendary bows, but only if it's optional - if I can choose whether to use that or another back piece. If I was stuck with a quiver every time I'm using the bow that would be annoying.


    Agreed. This is what I had initially envisioned when I thought of it. Basically just a separate back piece option. Can choose it or not. Up to you.


  15. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > Also, give ele’s torches so we can actually wield Rodgort. He was intrinsically a source for fire magic, but can only be held by guardians and rangers, and now warriors/necromancers

    > > >

    > > > mesmers*

    > >

    > > What??


    > You forgot to mention mesmers https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Torch


    I feel like this dude is about to have his mind blown and find out for the first time since the games release that mesmers can use torch.

  16. Seems like a pretty good idea. Juggernaut gives the tonic that gives you the effect. Chuka basically gives you a cool backpack. Kudzu, the new legendary longbow, plus possibly the two legendary shortbows could give a quiver that matches the respective legendary as a bonus like some others have.

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