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Posts posted by sevenDEADLY.5281

  1. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > 1) Remove all bright camera flashes from skills. They cause eye fatigue, pain, and are unhealthy. Worst case, it can cause seizures. This really needs to be a priority, but unfortunately, Anet doesn’t give a kitten.


    This really doesn't need to be a priority actually. Pretending that there are this magically large percentage of the overall population who suddenly suffer from actual diagnosed epilepsy playing MMOs is inaccurate at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Current figures suggest that between 4 to 10 people per 1000 suffer from active epilepsy and that the vast majority of these people come from underdeveloped countries; aka countries where people aren't chillin on their lunch break playing Guild Wars 2. Unlike people who become mildly irritated by bright lights and then wildly exaggerate their symptoms and diagnose themselves with seizure disorders or epilepsy because they read a webMD article, real epileptics know the dangers of what they need to avoid and probably aren't willfully submitting themselves to the fast paced, bright colored, flashy entertainment that is video games in general.


    So no, removing all skill effects from the game is not a priority nor should it be.

  2. I can never tell if the people making these posts are actually serious about what they say, or are purposely being over the top dramatic just to rile everyone else up and get replies. I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely wonder this.

  3. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > People asking what OP is asking are very dangerous and come to think of it, evil.

    > "Hey!, I don't like that particular group of people. Kill them"

    > All this while having the option to turn the darn map chat off.


    > >! By the way, DiCaprio's character dies in Titanic!



    But in their mind they're the righteous one just doing good for what THEY think is the betterment of everyone. It's insanely delusional.

  4. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > I also can't believe it but I saw nobody else in the conversation questioning it so I though it must be a leak but the only leaks I found are related to the map and some story coming from China.

    > Oh, don't say "Mr" as they could be "Mrs" or something else not gender related. Thanks


    Found the person trying to derail the thread

  5. > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > @"Timo.1065" said:

    > > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

    > > > I miss the "I don't give kitten" button, please fix!

    > >

    > > It is easy to say "I don't care" I did that on purpose.


    > Of course you did that on purpose. Otherwise "I don't care" would dominate your poll.


    There's literally no options other than 3 choices of "what a great idea!" and 1 choice of "I'm a horrible person" while completely ignoring the broad spectrum of views. But I guess that's really all politics in general is today; agree with me or you're a bad person, while ignoring the broad spectrum of humanity.

  6. As Ayakaru said, the demands become more and more until they're unreasonable. Anet already supports this through their content as many have pointed out. Now you're mad because that's not enough and you're demanding they change their logo. Then, if/when that's done, you'll decide that isn't enough and make another demand that's one step up, and so on and so on until it very quickly becomes unreasonable or more likely begins to infringe on another subgroup of people. Does Arenanet have to change their logo for black history month? Do they have to change their logo for jewish american heritage month? What about other places besides the united states? LGBT history month is February in the UK, but oh wait thats black history month is the US. Who gets to decide what anet does with their logo for February? Can't have one without excluding the other. LBGT isn't even the only celebrated group for June, why do they get June and the others are excluded? If you can't see the problem with going down this route, then you really are only making this suggestion to benefit yourself and no one else.


    Edit: you've also created the poll answers with clear bias and and a purposeful disregard for anyone who disagrees with the suggestion.

  7. Just out of curiosity, exactly how many times does something have to be meticulously explained to someone in a good willed and informative manner, to have it willfully ignored, before being able to write them off entirely as a troll? Honest question, why do people like this even need to be catered to? His request is asinine, he refuses to see reason, and the community as a whole would be much better off by simply not engaging him at all at this point. You're all going out of you way to carefully explain everything and his response is simply to ignore it and continue to make false claims about his privacy rights in an online video game.

  8. > @"Tiger Ashante.1792" said:

    >In any case, this was not directed at any of you but at the devs, i don't see what gives you the right to speak on their behalf.


    Then email them. This isn't a developers email box, its a community discussion forum. The only person here who isn't getting it is you.



  9. > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > As a final note, I will agree that some players can be very short or blunt with their feedback, and it can be frustrating, but maybe they are also just frustrated because people always complain at every little hurdle they face, and undue complaints often lead to the unnecessary toning down of content.


    Can I get an amen



  10. > @"TwilightSoul.9048" said:


    > Dear ArenaNet, please consider the fact that not every class has unlimited access to meaningful CC's


    But this statement is objectively false. Every class does in fact have CCs both soft and hard to counter break bars, just because they choose not to use them doesn't mean they suddenly don't exist at all and you can make absurd claims like this on the forum.

  11. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > also, why is everyone on here so nasty always? all from a simple suggestion. I mean look at what you guys wrote. anet doesn't want 5-10 dollars its not enough money to do anything, and we basically dont want new legendaries. We dont care that they didnt release new legendaries in the time frame they promised. New ideas are bad... I'm going to assume negative things about the OP because, clearly they don't know how long it takes to make things and they must be clueless... and my favorite post, simply saying "NO... give them money some other way, because, reasons."


    > wow....


    Yes, its everyone else's fault you want logistically impossible things and everyone is a meanie for pointing out the many flaws with your request.

  12. Is this the first time in your life you've ever seen midriff? Serious question. Its the only logical explanation I could think of for why you would act like this is such a world shattering problem that you thought it just had to be addressed immediately. Not only is it not a problem, but it doesn't even fit the definition of indecent exposure, despite your attempt to label it as such.

  13. > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:



    if its in my story Journal then its part of what i need to do to get ahead in story for my personal benefit and i should have not have to make my Journal into a event where i cant get through story without help of others that's why we have maps to do events and it should not need others for story



    You don't. Many people have been able to do this solo without so much as a second thought. The fact that you think it's REQUIRED to take extra people to complete already indicates you're not doing it correctly. So why is it that you immediately jump on arena net, blaming them, saying its their fault and that there's something wrong with the game, when clearly its you that has the issue and not the game.

  14. Every single living story episode since the beginning of GW2 has followed the EXACT same pattern. They give you mechanics during the episode that have to be used on the boss and yet somehow... here we are at season four, episode two, and people still apparently need Arenanet to call them up on the phone, explain exactly what to do to them, and then send pictures and a video, because figuring out that you have to hit the boss with four electric blasts to remove the clear as day FOUR stacks of buff he has, EXACTLY like they had to do to reach said boss in the first place by doing the EXACT same thing to the golems blocking the path there, is too difficult. So in short, to answer your question; No the boss isn't bugged and no it isn't poorly designed. You just need to put a minute amount of effort into it.

  15. > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:


    > Pk So my Guild-leader is a above average player- and as he is doing new story last night and complains that he has died over 40 times in story just to get to the end


    Your very first sentence is a contradictory sentence. If your guild leader died 40 times then hes definitely not above average. I completed the entire living world episode in a few hours and I'm not the greatest player ever. Your "above average guild leader" is either lying to you, or hes completely incapable of understanding mechanics... in which case he's not an above average player.

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