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Everything posted by Shadowmoon.7986

  1. Bad storytelling, it is like ls3 is in an alternate universe. Bad content, strikes were a step back from challenging geoup content, drm is even further back. Bad character progression, outside of mount stealth, none of the masteries are any good. The rgb beams and emp nades probably made the playerbase dumber thinking cc skills only exist on the special action key. More vaporware: alliances, legendary armory, steam release, any news at all on any of these announcements? Edit more disappointment: Addressed a non problem from a streamer about accessing equipment of niche stats, but did not fix accessibility of volcanic storm caller set. Did not return the female idle animation as the stretch emote.
  2. There is a black market for the gift of mastery, usually it is around 500g. So players have defacto made the solution you are asking for. Also you can also just buy all legendary weapons that require gift of mastery outright, again it is usually 600 to 700g mark up from you getting it yourself. Current record for map completion is around 11 hours, which if you a ton of gift of battles because you wvw and ton of spirit shards and karma from normal gameplay, you make up to 90g a hour from the map completion. The solutions exist if you know where to look, and anet does not need to ruin a market of people who sell gifts of mastery or legendary weapons just because you are lazy.
  3. Compare the son of sanvir in bitterfrost to the same ones in bjora marches. Anet has given up on challenging their players to get better ever since PoF was released. Unfortunately, outside of t4 fractal, some strikes, and raids, everything can be completed by the 1 spamming unwashed masses.
  4. I have 82 unused HoT mastery points, would love to be able to spend some of them on something. Maybe make it cost 20 mastery points and 100 mil HoT xp.
  5. There is alot of information to get form the mastery level, if you know what to look for. If they lvl 80 with no mastery points, they are probably a free to play account. If they have around 340 mastery, they probably do all content but raids. If they are between 100 to 300 you can safely assume either a casual or an alt. This allow you to have a expectation that is pretty close to their actually play style and game skill. In my experience, alot of toxicity happens when players do not live up to expectations of other players.
  6. The problem with drms are the reward system. Something as small as adding account bound volcanic weapons to the vendor for 300 to 150 tokens each would add a reason to do them. Currently doing the cms are pointless because their rewards are awful, and you get the same amount of prismitite ore no matter now many cms there are. Compare dmrs reward system to strikes or raids. Even though getting enough prophet crystals to get the full runic set would takes about a month or two, every strike got you progressively closer to finishing the set. Same could be said about raid rewards, if you really wanted a dhumm chair, every successful raid clear got you a few tokens closer to completion. The lucky drops in both cases were time saver, not the intended way to earn the skins.
  7. Are we finally getting the lost female human animation back in the stretch emote?
  8. How many god entities has the PC killed solo? Mordimoth was killed while an army was battling his mouth. Balthazar only lost because another god entity intervened. Kraitatorik took two battles and another dragon to kill. Sounds like dhuum must have been a pansy to only go down to 10 mortals. Abaddon was even weaker, only taking 8 heroes and blind cheerleader.
  9. If you think the company can develope two games at once, then you have not been following the road of pink slips over the course of these two years. Mismanagement has leaded to a rumored mobile game, console game and gw3 prototype being canned. And at each cancelation, people lost there jobs. The only way gw2 was made was gw1 was abandoned for 4 years. I doubt there is a long enough back catalog of gemstore items to survive that long on gw2.
  10. > @"lokh.2695" said: > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said: > > > @"Infusion.7149" said: > > > edit: frankly they're being overly generous. _Mac players can request refunds for client or gem store purchases through the customer support portal. We will be able to refund purchases within a 30 day window of the refund request._ > > That is only eligible for people who bought the game in the past month. While i understand allowing refunds to mac users who have been playing a mmo for year would be ridiculous, imagine if you bought this game in November and just learned it is getting bricked after 3 months of play. > > > > Well, that's just bad luck then and the person would have to hope for the support team having some wiggle space for such situations. But the line needs to be drawn at some point, 30 days is reasonable. Find it strange that they will issue refunds for purchase up to 6 months for people banned for exploits, but only 1 month for those just having the wrong type of computer. That what I would call unreasonable. Note: I got the 6 months number from self reports on reddit, not personal experience. Seems like standard practice ever since the snowflake exploit back in 2012. My guess to avoid charge back fees.
  11. > @"Infusion.7149" said: > edit: frankly they're being overly generous. _Mac players can request refunds for client or gem store purchases through the customer support portal. We will be able to refund purchases within a 30 day window of the refund request._ That is only eligible for people who bought the game in the past month. While i understand allowing refunds to mac users who have been playing a mmo for year would be ridiculous, imagine if you bought this game in November and just learned it is getting bricked after 3 months of play.
  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said: > > Nothing can help PoF after the short term players left it. The maps were designed for the 1 spammer zombie masses. Once a better 1 spamming meta come out, the horde left it to never return. Compare these to octovine or chak garent, these events still get done because they are engaging well designed encounters, but at the same time it makes the zombies heads hurt because they have things like cc bars and mechanics, no class has a hard cc on 1, the zombies have no chance. > > Octovine and chak garent are done because they are much more rewarding, not because of the difference in mechanics. Lets compare rewards before making baseless claims: Octovine: amalgamated gemstone 5-6 rares requiring keys to open. Requires 100% participation to break even on the 5 keys. Near zero chance at a infusion JR or Maws of Torment: amalgamated gemstone 3 rares, 2 chest that do not required keys Chak gerent: amalgamated gemstone no rares, near zero chance at a infusion Forging fire or serpents ire: amalgamated gemstone, 3 rares Casino blitz: amalgamated gemstone, 3 rares, near zero chance at infusion. All rewards are very comparable, and all are better than the world boss chain, the hordes favorite farm.
  13. Nothing can help PoF after the short term players left it. The maps were designed for the 1 spammer zombie masses. Once a better 1 spamming meta come out, the horde left it to never return. Compare these to octovine or chak garent, these events still get done because they are engaging well designed encounters, but at the same time it makes the zombies heads hurt because they have things like cc bars and mechanics, no class has a hard cc on 1, the zombies have no chance.
  14. I feel like it wont be enough because there is no xpac selling feature. Gliding, especs and challenging group content were the selling points of hot. Pof was mounts. I have a scary feeling DRM were going to be the feature, replayable story missions. Ls2 had progressively more difficult encounters both in the solo story instances, but also in map wide DT and SW. Ls3 ditched mapwide metas for more explorable maps, similar to PoF.
  15. Because I have nothing else to spend my gold on. Getting a 100% complete home instance was a fun goal.
  16. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"tampss.2540" said: > > > @"yoni.7015" said: > > > > @"tampss.2540" said: > > > > Hello, > > > > > > > > So far I have bought 66 BLC Keys and used them. > > > > Drops are not so good as for 66 keys I have only 3 uncommon drops(no griffon fluff or cape dropped...) - is it kind of joke or the rates have been lowered somehow? > > > > Seems like a big scam for me. > > > > > > It’s a scam because you didn’t get what you wanted? It’s RNG, why do so many people have a hard time understanding it? > > > > > > > > > > Uncommon items have way too low drop rate - that's why I think it is a scam. > > It's well documented what these drop rates are and as a consumer, it's your responsibility to understand the goods and services you are purchasing. The question is: Why are you buying BLC's if you already think it's a scam to begin with? > To be honest the drop rates are NOT documented. There are attempts by individuals to determine what "uncommon", "rare" , "super rare" actually means, but again even those classification vary depending on the container. If you go to reddit there are containers with 100s of thousand of sample sizes that show items classified as rare actually having drop rates closer to uncommons and vica vera. Also items classified in the same category do not have the same drop rates. Again preditory practices, not an issue of sour grapes. And we are talking about the game where most players do not even know what break bars are or what skills cause cc damage. The honest truth is most players can not responsibly decode what the drop rates actually mean using only ingame resources. I would question how many even know how to use the preview function to get those drop rates. Now if proper droprates were documented somewhere by the only people who actually know them, Arenanet , then you would have an arguement that these suckers should have known better. But because it is purposefully obscured behind multiple layers of misinformation, the system is predatory, and targets probably the less knowledgeable members of the game.
  17. > @"Murdock.6547" said: > I used to think the gw2 meta would stagnate due to ignorance from certain groups, and a "if it ain't broke" mentality from others. But clearly, I'm wrong. And I'm definitely not mad about that! Blaming groups for min maxing and finding the best builds possible was not the issue. Its 100% the incompetence of Anets systems teams. Remember this is the same team that first iteration of reaper was not aoe power damage, but was one of the best single target condi damage during the HoT timeline. After gutting its condi output to push scourge, its power damage was awful. It took MULTIPLE updates to get it an acceptable dps level. It took adding 15% damage multipliers with spiteful talisman and soul eater, adding 600 ferocity with onslaught and deathly perception, and most recently added another power damage well. All of this lead to 31k dps, where condi reaper was hitting 34k dps before pof. This has nothing to do with the community, its poor balancing.
  18. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you would stop spending money on preditory monization, anet would stop using them. For the cost of 66 key, you could have bought 3 mounts.
  19. My suggestion: Give a node where you can trade x exotic essences of luck for a 24 hour mf boost that behaves like the peach in lake doric or the warm potion in bitterfrost. We need better luck sinks in the game once you hit 300 mf.
  20. Winterdays reward track is one of the best because it give gemstore exclusive permanent finishers. I wish Halloween, sab, and dragonbash gave those.
  21. My favorite part was when I noticed that everyone at the IBS announcement event is no longer with the company. Notice that we are now getting a proper xpac now. Coincidence? I think not. I like the new direction. Unfortunately the IBS has just been a series of one disappointment after another. I would say I enjoyed the cm 100, but that EoD teaser content, not IBS content. Cameron Rich, you made a good fractal my man!
  22. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > > For the cost involved in getting it now it should be an infusion ? > > I know right? It costs way too much to make. Would be nice if they could just release a festive skin that all players can make, not just barons. > Oh well... Alittle under 700g gold is not tp baron levels of cost. That about the cost of a premium mount skins with golds to gem.
  23. Glyphs are gemstore/lootbox exclusive. They are how anet makes money off this game. I doubt this will ever happen.
  24. Recommendation, which ever character you are using for Anomaly, use it as a character to do a wvw daily. One capture should reset your dr.
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