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Posts posted by paShadoWn.5723

  1. > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > > @Loop.8106 said:

    > > > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > > > > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

    > > > > > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > > > > > but you wont die in just 1-2 sec if you dont cleanse

    > > > > DPS maniac (cleanse does not do DAMAGES!!1!1) detected.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > lol? many skills with cleanse on utility can be instant without cast time but it have limited use.

    > > > I fought not only once with scourge and do you know what? once I used 1st cleanse then in next 1 sec got reapplied 20 stacks of 3 different condis, fast used 2nd cleanse and do you know what again? same, again ot in just 1 sec 20 stacks of few different condis, on most classes you have limited cleansing where you cant spam it like guardian while against spellbreaker just look on him and dont attack when he is in defensive mode (not attacking you also)

    > > >

    > > > to survive scourge you need literally a tons of cleasne which is maybe jsut on 2 classes with viable builds for this to not be useless in other aspects of pvp

    > >

    > > Condi cleanses are pointless vs Scourge. You need hard mitigation, in the form of either dodging / blocking the skills or having resistance up. Doesn't matter how many cleanses you have if you keep on face-tanking their shades.


    > HA and this is it!

    > you are mostly jsut kitten y scourge if you arnt guard or warrior (the only classes with viable access to resistance) and then its pointless to even go close to scourge while against spellbreaker you still can fight/kite him without dying while with scourge just 1-2 seconds and gg


    Let me guess you do not run a secondary ranged weapon?

  2. WvW slaughter cannot be used as argument for sPvP because skill gap between them is huge.

    In WvW people just run into each other and die almost instantly while in sPvP there are gritty fights for your life that can go for several minutes.


    Any class with stealth/gap closer/long range attack can deal with deadeye. I run my version of core condi mesmer and stopped dying to deadeye after a while, and now i just sneak on him sniping, pump him full of torment and confusion and wait a bit until he goes down.

  3. > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    > Taking damage is part of necro's design. Unlike many he can take few seconds of a beating before he ports (shroud, protection, weakness, fear them off, w/e).

    > That's why he gets the not so amazing switness but he gets a very big duration on it.

    Daredevil wants a word.

    > As for disengaging - you flew far off the course. We're talking **disengaging**, not ways to escape **and** hold a point **while** being half dead.

    Never said something like this.

    > If it's disengage, you win by putting your enemy in a no-win scenario:

    > 1. He chases you, you run some then port back to start point - distance built.

    > 2. He doesn't chase you, you just keep running and don't port back - distance built.


    More like

    1. He chases you, shanking/shooting you in the back, you run some

    1a. and get downed.

    1b. then port 1200 back towards the start point and he uses shadowstep/blink/w/e and you get downed.

    2. He doesn't chases you - you have just wasted a cooldown.


    Also often it is 'they' not 'he'.



  4. > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > The team that spams their area of effect skills first, wins. That's how courtyard was, a boring spam fest. RIP Courtyard never to be seen again (hopefully)


    If you have been bored then someone by the law of conservation of energy would have been having FUN!!! (500-0 slaughter without sneaky thieves stealing stupid points AHH the times...)

  5. > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:


    > * Spectral Walk is very good at disengage - pop it, run run run, then recast and you're miles behind them. 12s of swiftness (time you can recast it) is far better then 3-4s of superspeed for that role.

    Thing is, everyone haves some source of swiftness now so you would be taking damage all that running time and it can be enough to down you.

    Another thing, if you are disengaging from sPvP point there likely would be a someone left to cap and you would be teleported close to him.

  6. Some ppl mentioned it in chat and i started to count and yes indeed much more often than not it stands true.

    But cause of this lies not in thieves themselves but in builds; in current tank+aoe meta poor melee/rifle squishes can only decap empty and maaaybe down some worse failbuild.


    As i dare not to venture in ranked yet (need more practice) i wonder whether rule stands in there as well.

  7. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > One more thing, there is unofficial, fanmade GW2 card game for you to enjoy:

    As always the idea is taken already, but it only means not starting dev from nothing and integrating this game into GW2 in it's own window and trimming rules so a game takes few minutes on average would splendidly entertain all those world boss idlers and uber long sPvP queuers.

  8. > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > I'd rather not take development time away from GW2 in order to make a ccg that would need it's own constant developer team.


    > I also don't believe that just because other games have ccgs that gw2 needs to hop on the bandwagon. Considering the abandoned polymock, it's doubtful anything like this will happen.


    Anet already jumped on the f2p bandwagon and team for ccg would not take dev time from GW2 because as you said it would be it's own.

    And i presume Anet is rich enough now after PoF sales to afford it.


  9. > @Rezok.2709 said:

    > thief that is balanced around mobility with the trade-off of being squishy

    Nonsense. I run Paladin's Dolyak Daredevil and can tank anything i cannot dodge/cleanse while enjoying the same mobility as classic thief.

    > And that's not even talking about the fact that the maps are currently so small that it would completely break the gamemode.

    Another nonsense. As i said some maps like Legacy are big enough that running about takes some solid dozens of seconds.

    > @Vitali.5039 said:

    > Why players should depend on factor outside of maps mechanics and personal skill?

    And Definitely Not Pay2WIn elite specs?



  10. > @choovanski.5462 said:

    > grind pve

    No i meant mounts unlock in sPvP instantly on purchase of PoF same as HoT elite specs unlock without a PvE grind.

    > @choovanski.5462 said:

    > i’m rather happy not having to pay €30 to keep up with rotations

    Having to buy Revenant and HoT elite specs for sPvP is okay so buying mounts by the same logic is okay as well.

    > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

    > OP, some of the balance, such as it is, comes from classes being slightly more mobile than others. Mounts would destroy that and throw things out of whack.

    Yes it will destroy some drilled habits but whether this is a good thing or bad is up to discussion.

    > @SilentSam.1589 said:

    > pvp maps are not large enough to support the use of mounts

    Last time i played Legacy of Foefire and Colosseum i remember a lot of running from point to point. And your argument is formulated incorrectly because mount can be used no matter the distance thus "support" should be replaced with "require".



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