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Posts posted by paShadoWn.5723

  1. I want Stronghold reworked to fit the modern MOBA standards. Remove stupid supply (doing menial labour just to spawn some creeps? srsly?), make lanes push into each other like in standard MOBA and move Mist Essence into the place with supply for proper midmap teamfight.

  2. > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

    > The second reason is the removal of team-queue, which is just moronic in a team game.


    In Heroes of the Storm, there are solo ranked queue and team ranked queue but i guess GW2 haves too little players to fill both.



  3. > @Ceredon.2583 said:

    > But Renegade does have aoes now... they're just so bad.


    Revenant was never meant for anything but spamming aoe boons in dungeons and raids. But even so, if you cooperate and protect this boonbot it works in PvP.


    Also, props for a small enjoyable novel.

  4. > @Pifil.5193 said:

    > > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > > > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

    > > > Making it more fun for personally me and unknown number of other people who would enjoy visiting distant corners for better fight.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Unequip your armor and have fun all the time.


    > Yep, or just use White or Blue equipment. A Level 80 Basic (White) Berserker chest piece gives 81 Power and 58 Precision/Ferocity while an Ascended chest piece gives you 141 Power and 101 Precision/Ferocity. A full set of white armour and weapons with no trinkets (because there are no white trinkets) and you'll have better fights all the time.


    The problem is, with my build i have illusions tanking all the damage so it would change nothing.

  5. > @"Astra Lux.2846" said:

    > random fodder evolving into swarms of champions

    As i said, it would be not a swarm but rather adult pack with couple veterans and one elite at maximum growth level.

    Also i did not said it should be everywhere, some maps can have it and some may not.

    And lore consistency should be maintained, for example wurms can grow unlimited and bears are capped at veteran.

  6. > @Hooglese.4860 said:

    > > @Duzik.9137 said:

    > > > @Rufo.3716 said:

    > > > Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.

    > > Well , mesmer is not as deadly , cause it applys 2-3 condys , scourge applys like full list , and to clear right ones takes actually ages


    > This and mirages don't have good condi clear themselves.


    Lolwut? Instant aoe cleanse 3 and 3 conditions is not gud enuf?

  7. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > It's an interesting system, and I'm sure you could design a game's ecosystem around it, I just don't think it'd be a smooth bolt-on for GW2 at this point, too much effort for too little return, and not ideal synergy with the type of game GW2 is.


    Editing some XML's or in what they store spawn placement and timers is not too much effort imo.

  8. Is it fair that you get more xp from same weak creatures? The balance of effort and reward is upset here.


    > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > The trick with this is that it means that areas commonly passed through would feel lame and unrewarding, while areas where players didn't usually go would be like a suicide march for anyone who had reason to go there.


    The first concern can be addressed by growing from hatchlings to adults at speed, and second by limiting vets and elites number and spawning rest as adult retinue.

  9. > @Static.9841 said:

    > > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

    > > > @Rezok.2709 said:

    > > > thief that is balanced around mobility with the trade-off of being squishy

    > > Nonsense. I run Paladin's Dolyak Daredevil and can tank anything i cannot dodge/cleanse while enjoying the same mobility as classic thief.


    > You're bronze rank aren't you.....


    > > > And that's not even talking about the fact that the maps are currently so small that it would completely break the gamemode.

    > > Another nonsense. As i said some maps like Legacy are big enough that running about takes some** solid dozens of seconds.**


    > Had to laugh at this one. Honestly, if it takes you a long time to navigate around a map like Foefire, you need more help than a mount in PvP, especially as a thief. If it takes you more than 10 seconds to get from base to even far point on thief, let alone "solid dozens of seconds", you're a bad thief plain and simple and you also contradict your own claim that your bad tank build enjoys the same mobility as classic thief.


    > Mounts are 100% not required in PvP and would be a rather silly addition, **your flimsy reasons of using it to force people to buy PoF is pretty stupid and holds no water whatsoever**, neither does your viewpoint that it will equalize disengage or are you forgetting that you need to be out of combat to even use a mount? If you're trying to disengage an enemy or enemies from a point, chances are you're being chased at the same time, so no mount is going to help you here.


    > I don't think you've thought about any of this at all besides you wanting mounts in PvP for no good or valid reason.

    **Metahuman detected**

    **Abandoning thread advised**


    Anyway you are clearly ignorant of that i am a proud Silver from last season and have great experience with mounts in game called "Heroes of the Storm" of which you, clearly not often venturing outside of GW2, apparently don't know. Here, have a link [https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/Mount](https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/Mount "https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/Mount") if you are not afraid for a good reason.




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