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Posts posted by paShadoWn.5723

  1. I see that most of the negative comments are coming from endgame/PvP elitists.

    Well here's an opinion from PvE lowbie: I like Blood Bank because I dislike taking damage to health, it feels bad.

    With it now I am able to run into a pack, activate Signet of Locust and take no damage to health. Or Life Siphon a creature while I am running to it and again take no health damage while I shank it. Or use Signet of Vampirism for group support not saving it for self-heal. Or use Lesser Well of Blood to absorb a big boss hit while reviving. The applications are numerous and convenient.

  2. That's a lot of facts thrown into the thread without any meaning.

    Let me reiterate my point: said debuff would serve as a cautionary for players to make a break to not burn out irl.

    It would be especially effective if the drinks to remove the debuff would be expensive/hard to obtain.

    Essentially it would be similar to energy system of many games.

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