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Posts posted by paShadoWn.5723

  1. 1. If the brick is falling on your head while queued, leave queue FIRST, THEN [attempt to] dodge the brick.

    2. Try to remain conscious while match begins and fight off dragon's mind control just barely enough to press a "ready" button.

    3. If you are getting slaughtered, keep getting slaughtered, hiding in spawn is impolite towards the slaughterers.

    4. Regarding Chat: Yell in anger and frustration from being slaughtered/watching teammates being slaughtered POLITELY. And in constructive manner.

  2. I've found that the good way to make gold is to roam open world maps gathering everything and participating in the events you run into for rare resources awards.

    Use cloth and leather karma tools, save for the same glyphs, salvage white blue green items to level MF, sell in bulks of 250's to save time.

    I make about a dozen golds per day, and most importantly I play the game and have fun, not farm and get bored.

  3. If i guessed from your nickname correct that you will be playing necromancer it now is in a very good spot for beginners due to introduction of a Blood Bank trait in Blood Magic mastery which converts overheal to barrier. Just spam heals/drains before charging in and you shall be okay.


    Another advice is not to go out of beginner zones immediately on achieving minimal required level, overleveling does makes play more comfortable.


    And do not go into any PvP before reaching lvl 80 and having guildies to team with, there they will maul you and take your body parts as trophies.


  4. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > then the opposing team just hardfocusses

    That's what the Spectral Armor is for. They beat the shroud, they charge it again by beating health, they beat the second shroud - thats a lot of beating to do and meanwhile rest of my teammates beats 'them'.

    But surely someone as experienced as you had this figured out and are just trashtalking me down?


  5. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > it's deemed as a trash and useless

    By certain breed of extremely rude players who are molding the arena to their shape to not face something they can be beaten by.

    I tried hammer guard, it was hard countered by my teammates running away from me.

    While with wells I was able to follow them and place these on them wherever they were driven to.

  6. Yep it was ridiculous to equip three wells and spectral armor and spam protection plus life syphoning non-stop.

    Nobody was ever dying unless they strayed away from point.

    It wasn't exactly permanent but it lasted for the full duration of point fight, and when next wave was coming it was up again.

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