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Sir Alric.5078

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Posts posted by Sir Alric.5078

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Evil Seabass.5214" said:

    > > The logo for this expansion is a dragon in the waves...guess we'll end up killing Jormag and Primordus during the living world, then face of against the water dragon in the expansion. My guess is this trailer was Aurene talking with Kuunavang, discussing the end of the last dragon.


    > It implies that, but we've barely touched on Primordus and only just got started with Jormag. I hope the end of the dragons - title aside - is nowhere near in sight. We are still 3 to go and that's a lot of potential for them to avoid rushing through


    Well, "Long live the Lich", despite the name, was actually about Joko kicking the bucket for good, so i suppose there is a chance that the story in the new expansion also doesn't lives up to its name. At least i hope so. I would be very disappointed if they have us defeat all three remaining evil (?) Elder Dragons in one go. Zhaitan had almost the whole personal story centered around him. Mordremoth had Living World Season 2 and Heart of Thorns. Kralkatorrik appears in Path of Fire and was the main enemy of living World Season 4..... Jormag is the main villain of the current Icebrood Saga. Primordus and the Deep Sea Dragon also deserve their own sagas, imo.

  2. > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

    > The skyscales engage skill needs some sort of ground target AOE so we know exactly where the attack will hit because its not always where you think its going to be and if its supposed to be where you are directly facing it doesn't always seem to land there. Sometimes its off to the left.

    > I don't want to have to keep guessing every single time- kinda sorta to the left and kinda someway in front of me? Take the guesswork out and add that AOE ground target. ;)


    Agreed 10.000% That skill never hits where i want it to. :/ Making it dependent on which direction my character is facing is too unreliable.

    Either give it a ground target circle so we can aim it, or make it so that it automatically targets the enemy you have currently selected.

  3. > @"Daroul.4659" said:

    > Hi, I have just returned since quitting when the game had just released. I managed to get a character to level 50. I got a level 60 boost birthday present which I used on a new character. So, here I am now with a level 60 elementalist standing in Rata sum **with no idea what I should do**. Anyone that could point me in a direction? I do not really remember much of the game. I guess a start would be to find out where to level at 60. Also how do I get there? :D


    I think reaching max level (level 80) should be your first goal. You can worry about what to do next after that.

  4. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > My issue with Jormag is he/she/it/they/dragonhelicopter/whatever _shrunk._


    > Seriously, look at the tooth in Hoelbrak, then think about how big Jormag's head _wasn't_ when it was basically in your face. There is NO WAY that tooth came from that head.


    I also noticed that. But they probably scaled down Jormag's model so it wouldn't be too big to fit the screen, just like they did with Kralkatorrik.

  5. > @"Sarie.1630" said:

    **I wonder if it's all gearing up to Efram being appointed as Khan-Ur. Whenever there's leading to be done, it's invariably Efram up-front**.


    Bangar is a puppet on display, Ryland is now a Champion of Jormag, Smodur is dead, Efram seems like a good guy but he leads the Flame legion which was the enemy until not too long ago, so i don't think they will choose him. Plus he's now the only dude among an all female leadership. I get the feeling that they are going to pick Crecia for the job, but we shall see.



  6. > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > Once again not surprisingly the story is the weakest element in the episode and quite frankly spoils the entire episode. So well done. After you retconned and antagonized Smodur, you’ve killed him off in a similar manner. Also after building up Bangar, this bad kitten of a Charr who has always been ahead of you, who has rallied troops to his side, who convinced Ryland to attack Almorra, you’ve collared him and put him in a cage. Just why? Please just go ahead and kill Bangar off because he clearly doesn’t not belong in this sad excuse for a story. Let him and Smodur be erased from memory and have a peaceful afterlife far away from this dreadful story. To Smodur and Bangar, two bad kitten Charr who have been badly written. May you both Rest In Peace.


    I see nothing wrong with what happened to Bangar. The fool actually thought he could turn the Ice Elder Dragon into his personal pet. As if a being that has been around for at least 20.000 years (if not more) and has contributed to the genocide of countless races would all of a sudden submit itself to an egomaniac cat. Turning him into a mouthpiece after blatantly discarding him for Ryland was Jormag's way to remind everyone about who's boss. Bangar got what he deserved and he can only blame himself for that.

  7. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > In this update, we got a new mastery line which is object-specific. Usually, these types of masteries are bad because they're very, very limited in where they can be used. However, unlike past such masteries, this mastery line has the third tier allowing players to buy consumables to use these masteries in any open world map of the game.


    > This is a **godsend** for these types of masteries, and I for one would love if this kind of mastery can be added to older Heart of Thorns mastery lines:


    > * Itzel Lore - Portable Mushrooms: Add purchasable consumables to Itzel merchants to temporarily spawn Speedboost or Adrenaline Mushrooms in any open world map.

    > * Exalted Lore - Portable Assistance: Add purchasable consumables to Exalted merchants to temporarily spawn Exalted Assistance Beacons in any open world map.

    > * Ancient Magics - Portable Flame and Siren: Add purchasable consumables to Season 3 vendors to temporarily spawn Koda's Flame or Chancel of Echoes in any open world map.


    > Except for the mushrooms due to their huge usefulness where they appear, these masteries are forgettable and easily considered the worst masteries in the game. Adding these three new tiers would help fix this issue with great ease.


    I don't really care about the other three you mentioned, but i would love to be able to use Siren of Orr outside of Siren's Landing. It's a cool mastery where mutliple players can combine multiple songs in a strategic way to obtain very powerful effects. It's sad that it's only usable in one map.

  8. > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > There are 2 things that annoy me about the new living world. The first is the portrayal of Smodur and Crecia. The story tries so very hard to make Smodur look like an arrogant fool while Crecia is made to look like the wise mother, who can do no wrong. Trying her very best to save the Char. In doing so the Char are made to look like fools who have no idea what they are doing, a race that cannot be self deterministic and only Crecia the savior knows whats best for them. The Charr have fought the Norn, the humans, the ghosts of Ascalon and somehow a civil war will destroy them? Give me a break!


    > The second is the opinion of the commander in the story. Why is the commander given lines to disagree with Smodur? Aren't we the commander? Don't we get to choose if we agree or disagree with Smodur? The way in which Smodur was made the antagonist, the game has made me do something no other game before has; taking the side of the antagonist. When exploring themes of morality, there should be grey areas, it should not be as simple as black or white. The witcher does this beautifully. In the witcher. there are consequences to every action (Actions we perceive as good/bad), but when there are only consequences to decisions one side takes, it begins to feel like the writers are not telling a story but rather injecting their opinions of morality in the game. I just don't enjoy that.


    > Anyway whose side are you on? Team Smodur, team Crecia or team Bangar? If I could pick, I would choose Bangar. A Charr trying to control an Elder Dragon? sign me up!


    I'm on team Crecia, but only because they suddendly decided to make Smodur into a bloodthirsty ass on a killing spree who also thinks he can boss the PC around like we are one of his minions and not an ally. I hope there is a good reason to explain why he is acting so different from before. Maybe they want to push someone else for the position of Khan-Ur when the civil war is over, so they are trying to make Smodur unlikeable in order to explain why he doesn't get the title?

  9. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > Dear A-Net.


    > I demand to be released as Comander of this or any fighting force.

    > When i bought the game i intended to be an adventurer hunting treasures and exploring dark forests and magical places.

    > I didn't ask or would ever accept to be a leader of an army of any kind.


    > Especially when i have no deciding power at all. Today i had to witness members of my fighting force executing people openly.

    > My character was not able to voice my opinion or order it to stop. This is a game has a teen rating for kitten sakes.


    > Logan came by and i think he would be the perfect person for this kind of atrocities.


    > I wish this guild i never wanted to be in and the army i don't like best of luck and will be on my way into the next magical forest

    > to do what i really want to do. Maybe i will build a little cabin right at a lake or a creek.

    > But i will always look out for a damsel in distress like the little cute Asura in GW1 who was sad that his ears where to short to find a mate,

    > going to find some special leafs as prosthetics.


    > THIS is what i signed for.


    > Sincerely,

    > a defector (people who played the new map will understand)


    Don't play story then. Problem solved.

  10. I liked him. He was a good guy and a good friend who tried his best to do the right thing after the PC pushed him to assume the role of the Pact Marshal (if it was up to him, he would have been more than fine to become just an advisor). To this day, i still think he was killed off more to appease all the haters than because he actually needed to die.

  11. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > hey,

    > i'm quite a fan of the JPs in this game, the effort that went into them and i want to do them the way they were intended. actually i want to be forced to do them the way they're intended, i'm not that much a fan of playing intentionally bad and i'm kind of a pioneer in searching routes around the map.


    You can do that already. You can force yourself not to use the glider or the mounts and enjoy the jumping puzzles the way they are intended. You can have your fun without taking alternative options away from other people. This "_I don't like X so i want to make it so nobody else can use it_" mentality needs to stop. Do your thing and let other players do theirs. I also enjoy JPs and have completed all of them (except for three that i only finished thanks to kind mesmers) several times the legit way, but sometimes i just want to quickly get my daily done and move on to other things.


  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Volcaniic.6783" said:

    > > Is this a regular thing? I have lost 20+ hours progress here D:


    > No it's not a regular thing. I've been playing this game since launch and I can't remember anything like this ever happening before. Even when there's problems with the game they usually don't roll severs back to fix them, just fix it and carry on from there.


    It happened once before years ago when after an update there was a bug with soulbound items that gave the error "This item is soulbound to a different character" even though it was the same character you had always used it on. The bug was so bad that they had to do a forced rollback. But that was the only other time a rollback has happened as far as i can remember, and unlike this time there was a clear reason for that one.


    Thank the six i didn't do anything important in the past three days. Only changed the skin on one of my characters armor. Something fixable in a minute. I do feel bad for you guys though. :(



  13. I remember walking carelessly into Verdant Brink on day one with my full berserker staff elementalist and being absolutely slaughtered by everything that moved. Hahahaha.

    Any delusion i had about being a somewhat decent player at the time was shattered mercilessly in mere minutes. It was so frustrating that i had to take a three days pause from the game to cool off. The thing is, i never once blamed the game for being too difficult. I was simply shocked to realize just how much **i** sucked at it.

    Then i came back, changed my build, started to learn the mobs and their mechanics, and then eventually i got used to fighting in the jungle and was able to appreciate the work Anet had done with Heart of Thorns.


    So the moral of the story is: don't give up at the first hurdle. Persevere. Learn. Get better. I believe you will like it too with time.

  14. > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > Too big, too much verticality, too many gotchas (a lot less now though). I'd rather have 3 alpines back any day. No idea why the community voted to keep desert BL at all. When we had all 3 desert BLs my guild didn't even WvW for 6 months.


    Aren't you bored of running in circles in the same map after seven years? I am (although it's six years for me), and i don't think i'm the only one. I believe that's why the community voted to keep desert. At least there is one map that is different. Anet should remove one of the two alpine borderlands left and replace it with a completely new map, imo. At least then we would have four different maps to play in.

  15. > @"Roche.7491" said:

    > Just got a few ascended trinkets. It seems like they have an infusion instead of an upgrade slot which makes my character weaker.


    > Question. Do ascended rings and accessories have any practical use in pve aside from fractals?


    Weaker? Take a good look at the numbers of your ascended trinket. Then look at those of your upgraded exotic trinket. The ascended one has stats equivalent of those of the exotic trinket + exotic jewel with a little extra added on top of that. So no, it does not make your character weaker. It doesn't make you that much stronger either. It's just a little bit more than what you had before, but it is an upgrade.

  16. You can do high end PvE with every class if you know what you are doing and have the right build, but the concept of fun is highly subjective. I don't know what is "fun" to you, so my advice is to create a level 1 character of each class and then enter the PvP lobby (or use level 80 booster in trial mode if you have it in your inventory) and play around a bit against the golems and the NPCs (or do the events in the Silverwastes if you are using the booster). Then choose the class you feel like was the most enjoyable to play.

  17. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > OK, I sort of understand why soulbeast needed to be differentiated from ranger and druid. But, goodness, not by nerfing soulbeast! Ranger and druid are worthless in open world. Why bring soulbeast down to match, when you could have improved ranger and druid instead?


    'cuz it's easier to nerf one spec than buff two.

  18. > @"BlackyWarsX.5384" said:

    > An idea I had floating around was (not only to boss fights, but to zones as well) is to completely change the environment you're in.


    > Drakkar could be a good example for this: we are fighting under/in a frozen lake, so **why not flood the area and have to fight him underwater after a certain % of its HP**?


    I would love that, but sadly i can already hear the complains of the "We hate UW combat!" crowd even at the mere suggestion.


    Anyway, i stumbled on Drakkar boss fight while i was exploring the new map (or rather, the new portion of the old map) and i have to say it was a pretty cool boss fight visually, although i agree that it was a bit long and repetitive (it was pretty much the same fight over and over). It would be awesome if they changed it to have diffent mechanics after each phase (or at least the final phase). As for the difficulty, i don't know. I didn't go down even once during the fight (maybe because my P/P thief heals herself every time she inflicts damage) but i saw plenty of downed people around me.

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