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Sir Alric.5078

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Posts posted by Sir Alric.5078

  1. > @"Danger Dave.9046" said:

    > Queen Jennah,

    > On behalf of the people of Kryta, I demand that you sack Minister Caudecus! He is not doing his job serving the citizens of Kryta, but spending our tax payer gold at Mina's Target Shooting! We the people of Kryta have had enough of this! Minister Caudecus must be removed from office at once!

    > Signed,

    > Danger Dave



    Someone has not played living world season 3, episode IV - "The Head of the Snake". XD That should satisfy you.

  2. > @"Zunki.3916" said:

    > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > > Guys, what kind of stats would you recommend for a condi weaver?

    > >

    > > Viper in pve, marshall+celestial in wvw.


    > With elementalist runes you usually have some items that are not vipers, as you overcap condi duration by some %.

    > For these items I would NOT recommend going the condi/power/prec route but the condi/vita/x. Also, in the first weaver line take vitality, not critchance.

    > You will lose some single digit dmg, but you get to 15k+hp, which helps a lot.


    > You can also take 20% burning isntead of 10% condiduration on your sigil. Then you have another some thousand hp and lose on some % bleed.


    > If you are a speedclearer and go minmax dps you don't need this thread anyways.


    Right now i'm using a full carrion set (I'm afraid i'm not good enough to play with more offensive stats like Viper on my ele. Not with melee weapons at least) with elementalist runes and sigil of bursting (+5% condition damage) + sigil of smoldering (+20% buring duration) on a sword/dagger set. So i have almost 25k HP (thanks to master's fortitude) and decent damage. I play open world PvE (mostly) so i don't need some super efficient build. Still, being a solo player, i have trouble when i get swarmed by multiple mobs at once (expecially the ranged ones. Thanks a lot for that increased aggro range Anet >.<), so i was wondering if there was some way to make my character even tankier. But maybe i should just get good, since i admittedly suck at playing Weaver (i've always ever played power staff tempest with my ele) XDD

  3. > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > Since we have 3 Dragons out there,, it is far from closed. Its just the awful Aurene plotlne hopefully put to bed.

    > > S5 is next, prob tying off the million loose threads. Thatll prob be Sept as all the other whats next threads are speculating


    > > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

    > > > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > > > I've just completed the entire story and am wondering if there is any info or speculation on what is planned for ahead?

    > > >

    > > > The story seems pretty rounded up, the elder dragons chapter is pretty much closed now ... we can move one to other stories. Will there be any? What's the future for GW2?

    > >

    > > It's not closed. Jormag and Primordus are still alive (they were just knocked out at the end of LWS3 episode 5 so they stopped doing things, but they are not dead), and so is the DSD.

    > > LWS5 will not be focused on them though, or so i've heard. I expect a series of "filler" episodes so that our heroes can rest while they wait for the next big battle.


    > Why do the other elder dragons need to be killed at this point? Isn’t putting them into a quiescent state — as done with Jormag and Primordus — ideal as it doesn’t risk unbalancing magic and destroying the world?


    Magic was already unbalanced ever since we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth. That's why we couldn't afford to let Balthazar kill Kralkatorrik in PoF and we couldn't afford to kill Kralkatorrik ourselves without replacing him with Aurene in LWS4. The situation was bad enough that the death of just one more Elder Dragon would have meant the end of the world. Aurene ascension to elder dragon status has stopped the destruction caused by Kralkattorik's rampage, but has not resolved the bigger problem of the balance of magic in Thyria. Magic is still unbalanced because there are the voids left by Zhaitan and Mordremoth to fill (unless Anet decide to retcon the whole thing and make it so replacing just one elder dragon suddenly means you don't have to replace all six for some reason). Also, there is no guarantee that Primordus and Jormag will sleep for 10.000 years and wont cause any more troubles in this era. Because the world is still overflowing with magic (unlike how it is when the Elder Dragons usually go to sleep) they might just wake up again soon. And there is still the mysterious DSD lurking somewhere in the unending ocean.

    So i don't think the dragon storyline is over.

  4. The hero of the previous game becoming the villain of the next game sounds a lot like the plot of every single Diablo game.

    I hope something like that does not happen. It would leave a bad taste in my mouth if the last thing i do in GW2 is killing myself while also killing the same creature i spent ages empowering.

  5. > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > I've just completed the entire story and am wondering if there is any info or speculation on what is planned for ahead?


    > The story seems pretty rounded up, the elder dragons chapter is pretty much closed now ... we can move one to other stories. Will there be any? What's the future for GW2?


    It's not closed. Jormag and Primordus are still alive (they were just knocked out at the end of LWS3 episode 5 so they stopped doing things, but they are not dead), and so is the DSD.

    LWS5 will not be focused on them though, or so i've heard. I expect a series of "filler" episodes so that our heroes can rest while they wait for the next big battle.

  6. > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

    > To game?Whole morning i have been trying to find any dungeon groups without any success.


    > No groups at all besides 1 champion run.


    > Where is everyone?I get it,its still early in the morning,but my serves has medium population,which means there's solid amount of players,and i strongly doubt everyone single player is asleep.


    Did you just log in for the first time after years or something? Core Dungeons nowdays are pretty much dead content, and it has been that way ever since HoT came out in 2015. End game PvE nowdays means playing meta events in level 80 maps, or fractals of the mists, or raids.

  7. > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

    > Does the first paragraph of OP's post not make any sense to anybody else, or is it just me?


    No, it's not just you. OP post makes no sense. All i understood is the he/she is unsatisfied about something, but i don't know what. I think it has something to do with wanting a new expansion, but i'm not sure.

  8. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > >but on the other hand OP's question didn't even mention the shadows. Based solely on it the content of the question it doesn't even seem like they got to that section ...


    > Based on the OP saying "Thank you" back to me for the reminder of this mechanic, it doesn't matter if the question didn't mention the shadows, it was the most obvious over-sight people miss on this story step.


    Gods, i remember that fight. The first time i spent an entire afternoon trying in vain to beat the Shadow of the Dragon, and then i quit the game thinking the instance was bugged or something. I did notice the little shadow things moving around, but i ignored them because they weren't attacking me. So i missed the fact that they were the ones extinguishing the fires (i thought it was because i wasn't fast enough in lighting them or something). :s

  9. It was built by the Forgotten, like the rest of Tarir. As for the purpose, if it had one we would know by now. XD Maybe it was just for aesthetic purpose, although it was impossible to reach it (or even just notice it) when HoT came out. Maybe the devs planned to do another Jumping Puzzle but then scrapped the idea. Who knows. Cool video though. In all these years, i never knew about this.


    Btw, with the Skyscale you can also reach the very top of the Egg chamber and exit outside the hole where the light comes from. Although you can't go anywhere from there since it's still considered an instance of sorts and there are invisible walls blocking you from gliding to other areas of the map. There is also a lack of texture that indicates how obviously the devs never expected someone to go there (and indeed you couldn't before).

  10. It's not so easy because it requires some precise jumps with your Springer, but it's not too terrible either. I remember i only had to try a few times before i managed to reach the top. Now i sometimes go there with my Skyscale to watch the struggles of the skyscaleless people and cheer on them.

  11. If you enjoyed the personal story, you should make sure to play Living World Season 2 (the first season of the living world is sadly unavailable, you only get a small recap from an NPC about what happened, but you can't play the content) before starting the Hearth of Thorns campaign, otherwise you will be very confused about what's going on.


    That said, when you reach level 80 it's up to you to decide what you want to do. Map completion, leveling alts, playing dungeons, playing fractals of the mists, playing raids (this one might be difficult without proper knowledge and equipment), playing meta events on level 80 maps, doing World Boss trains, PvP, WvW, crafting legendaries..... the options are many, and it really is all about what kind of activity you find enjoyable.

  12. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > i want an underwater mount...


    > but any other underwater content--they can keep it


    So you want a mount that you are not gonna use? O_o


    > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"kratan.4619" said:

    > > Hopefully a new zone that is all underwater.


    > Considering how challenging it is to get a decent rebreather, and that many profession mechanics or utility skills perform poorly under water, or can't be used under water AT ALL, I doubt that is something they could do, not at least with the game in its present state.


    A while ago they gave us a little revamp of underwater combat that was a step in the right direction. They might do more if only people weren't so adamant in hating underwater content.


    > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > I think people forget how terrible and limiting underwater content is. What we got 3 total weapons? And i doubt any of my alts have decent underwater gear so no I do not want an entire underwater content zone like ever.


    They can make a Gungan style underwater city like in Star Wars episode 1, so you would still technically be underwater, but with all yours above water skills. Of course, the rest of the map should be legit underwater content, otherwise it would feel like a middle finger shown to all of us who do enjoy underwater content/combat.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Aurene's (and Vlast's) mother is Glint. Glint's father is Kralkatorrik. Glint was not created as a champion.


    > We do not know if dragons need a mate to reproduce or if they reproduce asexually. If they do need a mate, we do not know Aurene's father, or Glint's mother.


    > Personally I've long theorized that Primordus might be Glint's mother, due to the similarity with [Primordus' GW1 head](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Ogden%27s_Benediction_cinematic_still2.jpg) and [Glint's](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Glint_side.jpg). The color of Primordus' model is also, curiously, gray (it looks red due to the lighting but if you took out the model with its textures, it's a gray coloring; just as Glint's model [looks gray](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:The_Dragon%27s_Lair_3_cinematic_still.jpg) in her lair) which is close to Glint's own blue-gray.


    We haven't met the DSD yet, but i was under the impression the all the other elder dragons were male. At least, as far as i can remember, none of them has been referred to as a she in the dialogues between Npc's. Also, theorising that Primordus could be female and Glint's mother based on the fact the the old model for the fire elder dragon looks somewhat similar to Glint's model, even though they have completely changed Primordus appearence in GW2 compared to how he looked like in GW1, seems a little far-fetched to me, to be honest.

    Considering that GW2 dragons are immensely powerful beings that literally eat magic (as opposed to dragons in other fantasy settings that eat normal food like animals and stuff), i wouldn't be surprised if they could just magically create their offsprings themselves without having to mate with other dragons.

  14. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > I don't think the skyscales are the "first native dragons". Unless such is said in the collection to get a skyscale, they only said the skyscales were a new species.


    > We still have all those Bone Dragons and other gargantuan draconian bones scattered across Tyria/Elona of no real origin, as well as Canthan dragons (Saltspray Dragons (similar to wyverns) and Rockhide Dragons (similar to drakes). Not only that, but the dialogue calls wyverns and drakes as "lesser dragons" iirc.


    You know, i think those giant skeletons in Elona (like at the entrance of Desert Highlands) are just the remains of some really oversized Sand Sharks, rather than being the remains of dragons. They don't seem to have any paws or wings after all. But i could be wrong.

  15. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Throughout Season 4 Aurene and the Commander have been referred to as the Scion & Champion - Aurene is the Scion of Glint and the player is her Champion. By the end of War Eternal Aurene is a new Elder Dragon, and the player is still her Champion. So does that mean the player is now a dragon champion? =)


    > And if so, what are our unique drops?


    The Commander drops nothing. Why? Because we are even more immortal than Joko, so nobody can kill us and loot our corpses. :p

    And no, that thing with Balthazar didn't count, since we were not truly dead. At least not completely.

  16. > @"GordonFreeman.6392" said:

    > > @"Yargesh.4965" said:

    > > You still have not clarified how it is possible for a lvl 80 character to die from mobs in queensdale. Most champs could be solo'd before the expansions, now with new skills and builds it can't be harder. If you are dying on low level maps due to downscaling I have to guess you are also dying on lvl 80 maps.


    > Why can't i one shot them though? if don't do anything they still shouldn't be able to damage me, I can die if i have 5 moa's agrroed on me and don't do anything. Should be invulnerable in that situation if I am 80. I don't want to have tp try to fight lvl 20 bandits in kessex they should just die from my auto attack.


    Because it's BORING. Being invincible is fun..... **for the first five minutes**, then you realize how utterly boring it is to have no challenge at all, to end all fights at the same moment they begin. That's when you leave the low level map and never ever come back again. Which is exactly the type of scenario Anet wanted to avoid. Level scaling ensures you can go back playing in a low level map (like when there is the daily achievement up, for example) as a full level 80 and still have some degree of challenge so you don't die of boredoom. Why is that so difficult to understand?

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