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Sir Alric.5078

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Posts posted by Sir Alric.5078

  1. > @"senki.1046" said:

    > those weapon skins look very beautiful. is there any other way to get the weapon skin besides spending 2000 gems for the whole bundle? I actually just want to buy the weapon skin, and not the whole bundle with the frostfire outfit.


    Same here. I don't really dislike the new outift, but it's the weapons skins that i'm really interested in.

  2. > @"StormyFae.2761" said:

    > I'm supposed to go to Verdant Bank but I don't know how to get there. I'm in Dry Top and I tried to do the jumping puzzle there but I'm hopeless at it. Is there another way I can get through Dry Top or is that a necessity to continuing the story? I'm just after map completion and going through the storyline. I'm OK with missing some achievements etc. for now. I'm just not sure if the jumping puzzle is just an optional achievement or if I have to do it to continue Heart of Thorns. Thanks!!


    You are in the wrong map. Verdant Brink can be entered only from the Silverwastes, not Dry Top. Go to the Silvewastes, and then reach the bottom left corner of the map where the Amber Fort is. Immediately west from Amber there is a door with a passage to Verdant Brink. You might have to do the first story mission of the HoT campaign to get access to it the first time.

  3. > @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

    > Will Anet ever raise the level cap from 80 to a higher level number?


    > I think it'd be neat to be 10 levels higher in a level 80 zone with and be able to buy armor sets with a higher defense number on them.


    > Who feels the same way? or is it a bad idea?


    Raising the level cap so that everyone's equipment becomes obsolete and we are all forced to replace it? No, thank you. Let's leave that kind of crap to the other MMO's.

  4. > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > As the title says... a stunning, beautiful map - when clean. Here is where Tyrians trash ends up, when the (mapresetting) storm hits the island. The south side becomes heavily polluted with trash, dirty water, animals tangeled in trash and the north side has wildlife that is very hostile due to fleeing from the pollution on the south side.

    > The meta would be about cleaning the Island.

    > Other events could be about planting trees, Free animals that are tangeled in trash, clean water, plant corals,...etc


    > What do u think?


    So after the Icebrood Saga we get the NGO Saga? Where a group of Dredge activists bring us to the aforementioned map in order to lecture us about the inherent evil of our way of life, and tell us that we must join communi.... Coff....., i mean, the Moletariate, in order to save the planet? And then, in the next episode, we have to attend a rally in Divinity's Reach where a young lady minister tells us that Tyria will be gone in ten years because of Dolyak farts and Airships? Nah, thank you. I think i will pass. I already know that polluting the environment is bad without Anet lecturing me about it.

    Besides, i think there are already several events/heart quests in the game that require you to clean some sort of pollution/contamination that occurred in certain places, so i don't think we need an entire map dedicated to this kind of iussue.


    > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > Oh .. and I suppose the commander would be called Greta..


    Hey, you stole my comment! I wanted to say that! XD

  5. > @"Blacknight.7205" said:

    > So I was in the swamp and there were lots of players with mounts and things so I stood around and looked at the outfits and such and then there was this dragon thing that everyone fought. My question is how did they know it was going to be there or how was it triggered?


    A dragon in a swamp with lot of players fighting it. Are you talking about Tequatl the Sunless in Sparkfly Fen? Anyway, that is a world boss, one of the many. World bosses spawn on a timer. Either check the Wiki to know when a boss is going to spawn and where, or (if you have crystals) buy the world boss device from the trading post. That will allow you to always know when a world boss is about to spawn and it will also allow you to teleport to the nearest waypoint.

  6. I am a mainly PvE player, but i do also play WvW a little. It has its great moments (i remember once spending more than an hour defending alpine garrison against two servers with a 50 man squad each. The lag was epic, but so was the battle. XD), but Anet should really give it another try at adding new maps (even though Desert Borderland was welcomed with a lot of hate). I cannot fathom how could people run in circles in the same two maps (Alpine Borderland and Eternal Battleground) for SEVEN YEARS and not get bored of them.

  7. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > The new domains are rather disappointing to me, tbh. I mean, what even _is_ "Fury magic"? And how is Persuasion any different than Mordremoth's Mind which he used to persuade sylvari to join him. Meanwhile, "Fire and Conflagration" are pretty much synonyms.


    > It feels like the only Elder Dragon who's second domain was given any significant thought for showcasing was Mordremoth's Mind (and that, itself, was unnecessary given the way it was used), and the rest are just there because they backed themselves into a corner, and rather than exploring the potential of additional domains that they don't predominantly use, they just made something that reflects their personality instead of their powers.


    Agreed. It seems to me that they picked "Fury" as Kraalkatorrik's second domain just because he was angry all the time thanks to the Torment's influence, but that, as you said, just reflect his personality and not really his powers. They could have chosen "Chaos" and it would have been much more fitting , imo.

    Same with Jormag's "Persuasion" and Primordus "Conflagration". It doesn't seem like they put much thought into it, which is sad.

  8. It's indeed a shame that Vlast was killed so fast, but i don't think he would have been a better candidate than Aurene. Power wise, probably yes, but the problem was with his personality. Because he never had a Champion to form a bond with, Valst grew up without really caring about the lesser races. The only reason he helps against the forged and the branded is out of respect for his mother wishes. But he himself said that "these days, all i feel is anger" so i fear that he was en route to eventually become another Kraalkatorrik. Which would have made replacing old Kralk kinda pointless.

  9. > @"Jaceena.9463" said:

    > I bought PoF and applied my Lvl 80 boost to my lvl 45 character 5 days ago. Since then I've been playing non-stop. Only thing is, my now lvl 80 character hasn't been leveling, nor does she show any xps gained at all on the progress bar, it's just blank. Only thing she's been getting is points for the Raptor's skills.

    > Is this normal? If so it's getting boring pretty fast. This never happened before till I used that lvl booster.

    > Any helpful explanation please?


    As others have said, you already reached the level cap. In this game vertical progression stops at level 80, and from there you can only progress horizontally by leveling masteries (and unlocking elite specializations). You need do the first story instance of Heart of Thorns in order to unlock the Maguuma masteries (gliding, mushroom jumping, ecc.), and the first story instance of Path of Fire in order to unlock the Crystal Desert masteries (the mount ones). Then all the experience you gain is used to level up said masteries. Once you have completed all the masteries, your experience goes to collect a type of currency (don't remember the name) that you can use to buy stuff from the Mystic Forge vendor.

  10. > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

    > Where's the middle ground between PvE and PvP/WvW ? The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.


    This is NOT World of Warcraft. The people who enjoy Guild Wars 2 PvE do so precisely for its cooperative nature. The lack of open world PvP in this game is not a bug or an oversight. It's a feature. One that made many people choose Guild Wars 2 instead of World of Warcraft.

    Also, many people advocating for open world PvP try to make their proposal more appealing by saying that it would of course be only optional, and so it would not hurt those who just want to PvE. However, i feel like you are forgetting something: many level 80 maps have map wide meta events that require coordination in order to be successful. If half the map player population is busy ganking each other instead of helping take down the boss, the metas are going to fail, and that would surely hurt the PvE experience.

  11. > @"Mistress Owls.5691" said:

    > I recently got Yggdrasil from specialization collection which is from HOT but it did not have Harrier stats as an stat option but not long ago I crafted Mawdrey which is from living season 2 but it does have Harrier stats as an option both are ascended quality. I know Harrier stats was introduced when POF came out or not long after and the items I just mentioned came out few years before. It seems when the some of the items that came out before POF got patched with Harrier stats option but some did not. I decided not send a ticket because this is not bug or anything similar just more of an over site that occurred. Which can happen with game like this with so many items some are bound to slip through the cracks when patches for equipment occur. So I am simply letting people know that some of the equipment have not gotten the patch to include Harrier stats an option. ?


    You can just toss Yggdrasil in the mystic forge with 5 globs of ectoplasm, 1 anthology of heroes, and an orichalcum harrier insigna to get your harrier ascended staff to which you can then re-apply the Yggdrasil skin.

  12. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > Is it possible to complete all HoT mastery without Raids and Adventure Gold?


    Yes you can. I have never played Raids and i think i only managed to get to gold level on like 3-4 Adventures. I also miss some mastery points from story achievements and open world, and yet i was still able to max every single HoT mastery (except the Raid exclusive ones of course) without a problem. Hell, i even have 14 unspent mastery points that i can't use since i've already mastered everything and i'm not interested in raiding.

    So no worries, you will not have a problem.

  13. I'm not so sure about characters model limits/quality. I tried setting both of them at lowest and at highest, and yet i noticed no real difference in FPS. It's always 30-40 on average (up to 60-70 in empty areas and down to 10-20 in crowded areas). :/

    Shadows was always on "Low" from the beginning so that can't be the problem either. I lowered Shaders from high to medium and i gained 10 FPS, but it's still 30-40 on average overall.

    I could get up to 90-100 FPS with everything on the lowest possible setting, but i don't want the game to look like crap so i just got used to play at 30 FPS. XDD

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