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Posts posted by sneakytails.5629

  1. Too many skills doing too much, I agree with that. CC should be the setup for damage and not do great damage, have evade frames, be a gap closer, and have a bunch of other stuff all piled on top of it. It creates cheesy game-play and promotes stacking, rather than actually making decisions and allowing counter play by your opponent.


    Rampage and Bulls Charge are over used crutches, and they do far too much and have hardly any downsides. Its time for them to be toned down along with other classes skills. Everything is too spammy and players are getting too much reward for doing it.

  2. I hate fighting Necros when I am dual melee Warrior, especially when I am on Dagger/Dagger-Sw/Sh Spellbreaker, and not playing meta Warrior Gs-X/Sh. I still prefer a rifle or even better a Ranger :p. With dual melee Warrior you are constantly forced to close with the Necro making it much more painful.


    After that it can come down to build and even weapon choices. Normally I dont like fighting thieves but my Dagger/Dagger-Sw/Sh Spellbreaker can literally 2 shot certain types. Then again, if they change to DE it becomes much harder.


    Plus I find I end up fighting certain classes/builds alot, and then all of a sudden something I never fight comes along and I say what was that as I scrape myself off the ground and head back to spawn.


    I like the variety in this game, but too many still cling to meta only making it stale.


    Its reduced the slot machine nature of roaming which is how the game was pitched to me by friends to get me to join.


    We need more variety in this game and i hope they start to look more at balancing overused weapons, traits, and skills.

  3. > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

    > > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > I don't even want to face warrior in a 5v1. They've been untouched by almost every spvp nerf that happened in the last 2 years but got all the buffs. Their healing is broken, immunities are broken, endurance regen is broken, damage is broken, and mobility is broken. They are tanky as hell and can twoshot anything.


    > +1

    > nothing more to say


    Things change drastically when you take away the Warriors Greatsword, and Shield, it actually becomes work for the Warrior. The class has been orbiting around the same weapons and skills for YEARS. The strength of meta Warrior is some sort of twisted compensation for how little we have in actual build choices that can be competitive.


  4. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > There have been many periods of warrior core builds outperforming their respective elite spec counterparts over the years. This didn't happen near as often with any other class from what I remember. The greatsword in particular is such a strong and well designed weapon in combination with stances and specific secondary weapons that you can easily throw it on any of the elites and do fine.

    > That and the fact that old issues such as the need to run said stances, specific traits and even entire trait lines persist to this day due to weapons skills which provide you with little to no boons in comparison to other classes and lackluster elite spec utilities which pretty much force you to go back to core utilities outside of a few good ones, not sure I even need to mention Healing Signet and all of that.


    > In short, you are often stuck on the same old weapons, same old utilities and same old traits. Your role doesn't really change either. We have certainly yet to see an elite that completely transforms the class or opens it up to different roles. All we have had so far are elites which are pretty much the core warrior with a special feature. Special features and new weapons which are being nerfed into oblivion until the entire line is no longer worth taking and you go back to the trusty greatsword/stances core combo.




  5. In WvW almost every Warrior runs Bulls Charge. You are at a great disadvantage without it, just like Greatsword. The hard CC, and gap closing ability along with the valuable evade is just too good to pass up.


    Yeah, its so common it makes fighting other Warriors very boring, but it also makes fighting certain classes actually possible, this is perhaps its greatest strength, and what also makes it mandatory on your bar.


    That's my biggest problem with the skill, it feels mandatory and if you do not take BS, it feels bad to be playing in slow motion when you cant even land Evis on a regular basis. So the skill is not so OP as much as the class needs it just to compete with our highly telegraphed mechanics in the current state of the game.



  6. I hate flurry.


    I have been killed multiple times by the self-root, its almost too dangerous to even use in some fights like against Holosmiths.


    My last super long fight was lost while on my Spellbreaker because I accidentally hit F1 and got nuked instantly before I could break the animation in time. Totally useless skill.


    I was so pissed I started playing Ranger again.





  7. It's a decent weapon, I like it much better than Longbow on a power build. I run it as part of my main weapon set in WvW, along with dual Axe. A mixed melee\ranged weapon set is not the strongest, but it does offer a bit more flexibility at times. It absolutely destroys necros, which can be problematic in a dual melee setup.


    The weapon offers reasonable pierce on rifle 3 and the F1, a strong knockback on rifle 5, and a evade\immobilize with rifle 4. If you are using these skills effectively rifle can be a good weapon. Rifle 5 alone has won me numerous small scale battles where I was able to knock an enemy off a downed ally at a clutch moment to deny an important stomp or vice versa, an important rez. I was able to win two 2v3's in a row recently simply by landing clutch rifle 5's.


    A lot of Warriors miss their rifle 5's, never bother with effective pierce attacks, and don't concentrate on landing good Rifle4/F1 combo's. These are all key to good Rifle play.


    The only thing bad thing is the self-root on the core F1, remove that and it would be much more effective to play.

  8. I would go further with the control over b-mode. but also the trade offs while in it.


    Maybe I am wrong for thinking this, but I have always seen Berserker as the "Glass Cannon" of Warrior specs. I think it would be fair to give Berserker much more control of when they can enter and exit the mode but give an even steeper penalty to survival when B mode is activated. Maybe move the access to AH stacks to non b-mode and then remove them for b-mode, this would be fair since the Berserker would have much more control over the activation and de-activation of the mode.


    I dont feel Berserker should have any business being tanky, or have any real sustain while in B-mode, but the damage really needs to be there along with much better control over their own destiny in fights.





  9. There is nothing you can do except block the goofballs, and follow the non-goofballs. It doesn't matter how good, or what clan they are from, if they throw siege or send nasty pm's they stay on my block list. Thankfully, its not very large yet.


    Things tend to get a little too toxic if this game mode is taken too seriously, you have to laugh at yourself a lot, and have a thick skin. Play how you want as long as you are not there to just BM peeps. You also have to realize others will be doing the same, and if you cannot handle players running certain specs or classes then this game mode is not for you.


    Too many people cant move on from a encounter, and they just stay triggered making everything around them worse.


  10. I think there should be some drawbacks to Berserker, (no core f1's) and chance for counterplay (no perma b-mode). I dont really think Berserk mode should be this really long lasting thing that seems to go on forever, with really high spike damage. Some of the suggestions seem to go towards that direction.


    The biggest problem to me is the control in entering and exiting the mode. Bring back the control but keep the counterplay.

  11. I simply took my main core build and grabbed Bersker Traitline, and a different heal. I was able to spam 6 Axe F1'S in quick succession in one berserk mode. That's twice what I can do in core. Its still early, but I am seeing a lot more Mace usage along with RR. I also caught a guy running sigil of draining as well (with mace). So it seems there are plenty of ways to offset the toughness loss. I prefer Scrapper Runes and damage reduction food.

  12. Its to early to tell, only had a few fights in WvW and they were all teefs mostly. The superspeed and quickness are nice to have though, it makes it easier to land a compact burst, and stay on target to do it. I am using virtually the same core build I main but with Berserker traitline and a different heal. I am seeing a lot more Mace use along with Rousing Resilience. I use Scrapper Runes.

  13. Yeah traitlines are important, but so are other things. I would even argue more important.


    1. What about weapons? You dont think they are important to a build, or how they react with certain traits might matter?

    2. Did we really get build diversity after baseline fast hands if everyone just grabs a Greatsword and X/Shield anyways? (I am guessing in the competitive game modes most will do exactly that)


    You would have to get real weapon changes (never mentioned), serious skill re-balancing (that includes nerfs to popular skills which most would reject) and meaningful changes to Berserker (when?) to even HOPE to see build diversity. Do you really see all that happening along with base-line fast hands?


    The final factor are the players themselves. They will always gravitate towards the most powerful weapons, skills, and trait combinations. I dont see many competitive players dropping GS even if they had a 2 second weapon swap on a non-disc build.


    I dont believe that baseline Fast-Hands by itself leads to as much build diversity as you are claiming. Too much has to change first.

  14. > also, this.


    > > @"sneakytails.5629" said:

    > > 5 seconds is too fast for a 8 second burst recharge (non-disc) Warrior anyways.

    > yeah better make burst recharge base line as well eh? big lol.


    That's not what I meant (making everything good baseline....). What I was trying to say is that the Burst mechanic is the main element that Warrior plays around. Warriors can literally live or die by bursts landing or not landing. With that said I think from a balance perspective that having weapon swaps align with burst recharge rates is GOOD GAME DESIGN. If you dont take the Discipline traitline then you should have a longer burst recharge and longer weapon swap.


    From a personal perspective I prefer a faster weapon swap and I want my burst to align with that better so I choose the Discipline traitline. I do not run Rampage, Greatsword, Shield, or Bulls Charge. Because I do not spend time on Shield or Rampage I tend to have more time to burst so I want a faster burst recharge so I can do it more often. This is how a Shield-less Warrior stays alive in my opinion, especially on the Axe/Axe-Rifle weapon set that I run.


    I have already said leave Discipline alone, and consider a 7 second base weapon swap as a small buff to non-Discipline builds.

  15. Yeah, Dagger/Dagger does feel good to use. That's why I have ran it on my Spellbreaker since launch.


    I tend to use the Dagger 3/4 or FC/dagger4 combo with Sigil of Severance in the MH Dagger for even more extra punch. I use Sigil of Draining in the offhand for a bit of extra sustain.


    There are problems with 130 range weapons though, they can be frustrating to use in certain matchups. Also the Dagger 3/4 is heavily negated by passive stunbreaks and evade heavy builds. I have dueled some good thiefs that never let me land the full combo a single time, very frustrating in those type of situations.


    I was not happy with the Dagger nerfs either, I felt like Dagger/Dagger was hurt a lot by it.


    Its still fun, but frustrating to use at times.

  16. I dont think its just one thing but overall Berserker needs the Scrapper treatment.


    If i kill another new player on a Power Bersker with Sw/Axe-LB I am gonna cry. Its like squishing kittens with clown shoes on. Its one of the top memes in WvW right now, and has been for a while now, not like when I started.


    After that weapon tweaks, traits, and some updated skill animations are in order.



  17. > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > @"sneakytails.5629" said:

    > > We live or die by our Bursts (or lack thereof when they are denied) not Weapon Swap ,or Movement Speed. Those are secondary factors not the main one. Stop saying otherwise. Burst is our main mechanic not weapon swap.

    > >

    > > You want your weapon swap to be close to your burst recharge. You have a 5 second weapon swap if Fast Hands is Baseline and a 8 second Burst recharge when not running Discipline. That's actually clunky.

    > >

    > > I loose my Warriors Sprint whenever I swap to my Rifle all the time, you get used to it. I dont even run Bulls Charge or GreatSword, you should be using those to close the gaps and using those to start a burst.

    > >

    > > I would be okay with the Baseline Weapon Swap recharge at 7 seconds (2 seconds faster than non Warriors), close to non disc-burst recharge of 8 seconds. Then 5 second Weapon Swap Fast Hands could still stay in the Discipline tree where it belongs.

    > >

    > >


    > Stow weapon/faking out with weapon swap says hi? It won't ALWAYS be at an 8 second cd if you had half a brain on what "high skill cap" Warriors looks like. I will GLADLY get rid of discipline for an STR ARMS DEF eviscerate build. **Fake out potential IS VERY discipline exclusive atm** (You get to fake out Eviscerate more often WITH fast hands, hence it is PIDGEON HOLED into discipline). That is boring and it pidgeonholes Warrior into discipline because a non-discipline build does not have 5 second weapon swap. Do you not understand how Stow weapon, F1, and weapon swaps work? Sometimes you can even use weapon swap to fake people out with Evsiecerate. THAT is what we are trying to make for non-discipline builds as well. But someone who lacks mechanical knowledge is more credible than somebody who actually uses game mechanics as evidence. That would be a GREAT QoL fix to eviscerate builds where people don't want to run discipline all the time.


    > Btw, you still "didn't" provide a legitimate argument against baseline fast hands. Basically your fail argument is "I'm having trouble with the rotations if we were to have baseline fast hands with an 8 second burst because I don't know what Stow weapon is or I don't know what to do within that time period"


    > THAT my friend is a fail argument AGAINST fast hands baseline.


    > You're the only one who has this problem. Good Warriors won't have it, you're probably not a real Warrior main anyways.


    > But say ANET stops listening to fail arguments and we had baseline fast hands. We could be having builds such as (From a PVP perspective):




    > STR DEF SB (Which is kinda already a thing to some people)

    > While still having KEEPING the current builds we already have strong and untouched.


    > All the baseline fast hands people are asking for is build variety. 5 Second weapon swap will ALLOW that because Warrior's skill cap SHOULD be the faking outs with stow and weapon swaps. And your argument that says "your rotation will be messed up if YOU take baseline fast hands without discipline" only works for you, not for other people. **One thing becoming clunky for you does not become CLUNKY for other people, hence why your argument is legitimately FAIL and VERY selfish. And if you think that will be clunky for me, you are DEAD wrong because I will find a way. I'm not some random low theorycrafting Warrior main like someone I know**


    > Next.


    No. I just think Fast Hands belongs in the Discipline Tree and that a baseline Weapon Swap of 7 seconds is still a decent buff. It's clear you want 5 seconds no matter what and that 7 seconds is not good enough. You cant even meet halfway. Now you are shouting about stow weapon when that is only used in the most competitive levels of this game by only a few, that's your argument?


    I am a Warrior main, and I take pride in running non-meta weapons and if that pisses you off then so be it. I am not the "elite" Warrior main who stacks Rampage, Bulls Charge, a Shield, Greatsword, double Endure Pains, and specific Weapon Sigils. While those things might be a requirement in like the top percent of play, they are not anywhere else so do the Warrior community a big favor and stop acting like they are, you are doing more harm then good.


    Nothing wrong with being reasonable, but if you want to resort to personal attacks instead of the former then so be it.


    Next time just say 7 seconds is not good enough and we want 5 seconds, skip the personal attacks.









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