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Posts posted by sneakytails.5629

  1. I agree with your assessment on the cool-down increase for Aura Slicer, I always tried to use it for setting up a nice burst on a higher mobility opponent, I would also use it for kiting like when I was against a GS warrior. Its really important to have this skill when you need it, the cooldown change feels too harsh.


    Everyone always complained about SB all the time and it seems it worked. SB got lots of nerfs.


    The usual i guess for Warrior.


    Kind of bummed honestly, I am almost ready to craft my first legendary armor piece for WvW (chest armor) and now I am not even sure I want it to be heavy armor.


    How Mesmer got the least amount of changes is beyond me..........................



  2. > @"Miko.4158" said:

    > I like rifle. extra dodge , decent swat thats perfect for stopping stomps, add air and force sigils and its still weak but alot of fun, with all the stand off and ebb and flow you need to take some ranged so you have something to do on cooldown.


    Yeah, rifle can hit pretty hard. You would be surprised how many players in WvW will let you killshot them for 12k. I like to throw in some quickness and signet of might as well. The target tracking on killshot even against stealthed targets is also a huge plus, more than one teef has cursed that ability after I down them with killshot.


    I think a lot of Warriors also do not use the pierce potential enough either, plus you can stack some decent vulnerability on top of everything else.


    It's pretty cool to dab rifle 2, rifle 4 (18 stacks of vulnerability), and then swap into a nice burst. A lot of enemies will just rush the Warrior when they see the rifle, this only opens them up more for this kind of set up.


    I run it on my core main A/A-Rifle, and on a more specialized rifle centric S/SH-Rifle core build thats heavy in quickness and unblockable attacks.







  3. Another thing also is a pure hand to hand combat focused elite spec since it needs no weapons would not worry about weapon swap because you wont have one, just 11 physical skills to use. This would allow more flexibility in skill specialization choices.

  4. Actually the more I think about it, perhaps taking the new elite spec would mean you carry NO WEAPONS, but your physical skills are much more powerfull and the skill choices increase with new physical skills added and allowing you to pick physical skills for your weapon skill slots. Basically one giant skill bar of Physical skills (11 skills counting f1!).

  5. That actually sounds kind of fun, if the weapon skills were heavily physical in nature you could then stack more physical skills on the skill bar, that would make for a pretty brutal CQB brawler.


    Uppercut punches, roundhouse kicks, and a wwf style body slam for the f1. Throw in kick, bulls charge, bolas/stomp, and Peak Performance from the strength line. Imagine beating a Thief or Necro to a pulp!


    There are two problems though:


    1. In any kind of PvP format this type of play-style would be an exercise in frustration. I mean, what are you going to do to well played Mesmers, Thiefs or Druids? Sounds like a nightmare really.

    2. The Warrior Community was not exactly excited about daggers even though they were used extensively by actual warriors for hundreds of years. Selling a Elite spec of this type is going to be an even harder job.


    The idea does sound cool though.

  6. Sorry but the mobility, reasonable damage, and cleave of GS has made it meta from Core Warrior, Beserker, and finally to Spellbreaker over a period of years.

    Other weapons have came and gone but GS has remained and will remain meta for Power Warriors.


    I am not even sure how that can even be disputed.







  7. Gs should not have a strong auto attack because its the strongest weapon for mobility, there has to be some weakness. If you give the weapon strong AA, great mobility, cleave, and damage then every single weapon pales by comparison. Things are already bad enough with virtually every meta build using GS, you see nothing but GS everywhere, it sucks and its getting old.


    Its strong enough, there has to be some weakness somewhere in the kit otherwise just delete all the other weapons in the warrior toolbox.





  8. Savage Leap and Final Thrust are fine, the auto,F1, and off hand skills really need some work.


    I also use the sword as both Condi and a Power weapon. Not really sure how making it Condi or Power only would help the Warrior out more. Leaving it as a Hybrid and tweaking the skills to better suit each style would be a smarter choice.



  9. Sword 3 can hit hard, its a great finisher for up to 3 lower health targets.


    The animation is very pronounced and slow but when you connect its great, 10k hits are common. I like to run quickness with it to really help with connecting the hit.

    There is also great synergy with Shield 4 and Sword 3, again quickness really makes this a decent 2 skill combo.


    On my SB I run S/SH with D/D, I get a great combo going with Dagger 3/4 and Sword 3/Shield 4. I love having the strong burst potential with with regular attacks.


    Because of the highly telegraphed nature of sword 3, I feel its high risk but high reward and that does feel balanced.


    Now the rest of the sword skills do need work I agree completely. Sword F1 is a big disappointment for me at least. I would like to see a powerful but quick sword chop that comes straight down onto a enemies skull. Something devastating but worthy of a F1 burst. The current F1 sucks.



  10. I really like some of the ideas here, giving more depth to some of the skills to offer more situational use is a big plus.


    I would have to respectfully disagree with daggers as something that does not fit the class, daggers were used for centuries by warriors of various nations. There were distinct fighting forms using daggers from both the eastern and western martial arts. The bottom line is that a dagger fits the Warrior ethos (if used in a skill-full way), and I think the class we play as well.


    Right now my Favorite combo in the game is Dagger 3 and Dagger 4, its a very quick and brutal burst, its takes people by surprise even though the dagger was in plain sight. that's what differentiates it from the Thief version, its more power than cloak and dagger.


    I would like to see some smaller tweaks here and there but I am happy with the weapon set. Great regular skill burst potential, good close range mobility, and a decent reflect.


    Something that has always bothered me is how the Greatsword is just too much of a ingrained thing, I feel its in-game dominance stagnates the class and our discussions.


    In the future I would like to see the spear or crossbow make it to the Warrior stable of weapons.

  11. Resistance is a huge liability, it just gets corrupted and turned against you, its basically worthless against them. The counter to condition damage is now countered like hell right back, lame.


    I am pretty much done with resistance vs Scrouges, its so situational that its just not reliable anymore, Condition clears are way stronger, they cannot be corrupted, they are actually reliable, and you can fight around them.


    The problem for Spellbreaker is the lack of 3 bar bursts makes Cleansing Ire so much weaker at only one bar, and with Condition Clears you have to stack lots of them or it does not work. Core Warrior is much stronger for clears (and AH regen) and as a result I feel a much better match up.


    Revenge Counter also sucks because the resistance you get from a successful full counter just gets corrupted, I was really looking forward to this trait when Spellbreaker first came out but the reality is that the trait actually hurts you in that match-up. Finally, the condition transfer which I felt was the main selling point to the trait was also nerfed thanks to the crybaby condi patrol. FML.


    So on my SB I take Signet of Stamina, and Natural Healing, along with some other clears like Brawlers Recovery, and Cleansing Ire. But since I lack enough clears like a Core Warrior would have I have to limit my engagement time to really one burst.


    These 900-1200 range shades with zero cast time and no animation are also a really big problem as well. I dont know how you really counter that when counter-play requires both sides to have information about whats going on and time to react. That is clearly not happening with Scrouge. Plus they have access to a Teleport so any ranged pressure you try to apply just gets canceled out before your first rotation is even half done.


    It all adds up to one of the worst feeling match-ups in the game.






  12. Adrenal Health/Healing Signet have always been weak to timely burst attacks. You bait out the Endure Pain ,and Stability if you can, and then burst.


    I dont even understand these complaints, the Warrior is so dang linear and telegraphed, you follow the order of operations and kill the Warrior, or find another target.


    So many classes have real advantages over Warriors but fail or refuse to use them (unblockable attacks, mobility etc), instead they just dive in, and end up flat on their back, and start complaining.


    Warriors have cooldowns and weaknesses like everyone else.


    Anti-Warrior strategy in a nutshell:


    **_Bait it out, Kite it out, Burst it out, or GTFO._**

  13. Its fun to run Sword and Dagger, I agree. I build a bit differently though,


    I run Dagger/Dagger and Sword Shield for the setup that the Dagger 3 and Shield 4 give. To capitalize the most on damage the setup interrupt is really important, esp on the dagger. I also run Sun and Moon style to make the Dagger 4 land more reliably (after landing the Dagger 3) and round everything out with Sigil of Severance for a nice little damage spike on the tail end.


    The Dagger 3/4 combo can be brutal when you are built for it and many are not prepared for it. 10k hits easy, nothing like downing a teef in two hits.


    Its so satisfying.


    With Sword on the second weapon set I have another nice burst with Sword 3 and being able to go through both bursts on the same target can be really effective.


    So I skip Greatsword, and build for the Dagger 3/4 combo specifically.





  14. OP you are not the only one feeling that way in WvW, so do not feel bad. The fact of the matter is that there is almost zero room for counter-play with some of these specs we are seeing now.


    Condi Mirage to me is the worst offender followed by Scourge and Deadeye.


    I see small groups now of Scourges, Firebrands, and Mirages all the time now, sometimes a Deadeye is thrown in for just that extra bit of salty taste.


    At this point coming across a Daredevil, Necro, or Mesmer feels like hitting the lotto.


    I just dont see much of anything else besides this OP cheese comp BS all the time. It really sucks and it takes the fun out of the game real quick. I miss my fights with Scrappers, Core Warriors, Guardians and even the fuzzy cuddly teefs.


    Where are you guys?


    The other night it was so bad all five skills on my bar were anti-condi and it still was not enough with these cheese groups rolling around all over the place.


    So dont worry, others are suffering and getting frustrated as well.

  15. Just the other night I was playing my Core Quickness Rifle build on TC in WvW. So I can say that yes, you can play ranged Warrior in WvW. It was actually a pretty damn good night for the build, but there is a certain play-style that goes with it along with certain conditions that make the build more fun to play.


    We had great coverage on our HBL and there were always skirmishes that I could plus one, or distracted enemies to ambush, things like that.


    Once you take a ranged weapon on the Warrior you become much more susceptible to melee pressure and heavy CC, This makes 1v1's quite difficult and certain match-ups can be a no-go. On the flip side other match-ups can be pretty good and you can still wreck some peeps if you can play the role decent.


    Its a mixed bag, but I do enjoy the play-style and as long as I can make adjustments to gear and skills then ranged Warrior can work in WvW.


    I will say though that I do rely on my second weapon set a bit more than in the past and seem to be doing better then just focusing on pure ranged play. The more ranged focus you become the more you will be restricted to groups for extra protection. But even that sort of style can have its moments.

  16. I was running a build with similar armor stats at first, it was very tanky. The problem is the damage was so low that it became a liability in WvW roaming. The longer a fight drags on the more likely enemies are to +1 (or more) your fight. I was still getting kills with the tank stats, but I also lost fights because I just could not seal the deal fast enough.


    I ended up going with Maruader armor, and zerker everything else. I offset the offensive stats with defensive food, runes, and a few trait choices. This had worked so much better for me. I still feel way more durable than my old core main, but the offensive potential with full counter and the higher damage is just so much better.

  17. Right now I am running Axe/Sh - D/D Spellbreaker with Disc, Def, and SB but I need to try Str, Disc, and SB. I am just wondering if the extra damage would be better than the defense considering the Spellbreaker mechanics. I guess the idea by taking Strength over Defense is to finish off the threat first, how viable that is I am not sure.


    I wonder if Might makes Right could replace the AH.


    What troubles me most is the threat from condi builds on some of these elite specs just kiting out the Full-Counter and denying me the defense I would desperately need while I am ticking away towards death. AH at least puts some brakes on the that whole process.





  18. I think we can have a discussion on Dagger 4 without restricting it to just PVE, the mechanics are pretty much the same when using the skill in any mode.


    For D/D builds, getting used to using Dagger 4 will be key. Its a little hard to use at times but when you get it right it can hit pretty hard. I like it a lot, and I think its a better version of final thrust. The synergy between Dagger 3 and Dagger 4 is also pretty strong.


    Essentially, its a non F1 high burst when set up right. I really like this, and it allows me to save my F1's on both weapon sets more often for even more burst potential. I found myself chaining together some nice damage bursts through combos.


    Right now its my favorite skill in the game, it actually eclipsed Eviscerate.


    I really like the look and the play-style of Spellbreaker, the only thing that can break it for me are nerfs.


    P.S. - I also found using Sigil of Severance to really be a nice addition to the Dagger 3 and Dagger 4 combo. It adds a nice little kick to the damage and and carries over into hopefully your burst you are rotating through. ( example Dagger 3, Dagger 4, F1, Full Counter, another F1 off swap, etc.)









  19. Long cool downs and very telegraphed skills and abilities. RIP.


    When you start to consider that more than a few of the classes you will be fighting have shorter cool-downs and powerful abilities with little to no telegraph then the picture becomes a lot clearer. Even Spellbreakers Full Counter will have a very obvious visual tell.


    Warrior still seems okay for small group work, but for zergs it seems like I have better success as a back-line smasher than anything front-line.



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