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Posts posted by sneakytails.5629

  1. After trying DH for the first time this week I was really disappointed in this spec, it was a huge letdown. As a Warrior main I remember fighting the more powerful version of this spec in the past, the current version is nowhere near what it once was.


    It used to feel like a close match-up, now its not even close. I just steamroll DH's now. When I played it that is exactly what happened to me.


    I could slap a Longbow on my Core Warrior and grab a random 2nd weapon(s), and do much better. DH needs a buff.





  2. I have been putting a P/P Deadeye thief into my rotation of usual Warriors for something different.


    The average meta Core Warrior I come across is a huge counter to it for various reasons. There are other classes as well that are very heavy on projectile hate and invulnerability mechanics.


    It's a terrible 1v1 spec, it performs best +1ing fights. I dont really see a problem with that, I run Warrior builds like that in WvW. It will always feel bad no matter what spec comes in from the side and plus ones you into another walk back from spawn.


    It has crap mobility and very little staying power otherwise.


    One last thing:


    The reason why teefs have such a low hit-point pool is that their whole class is built around the stealth mechanic, stealth is the most powerful mechanic in the game.

    So that's the balancing factor. I think that's fair.





  3. I always wondered why I dont see more specialized groups of rangers doing that in WvW, if there were enough groups of rangers doing that perhaps perceptions would change about the class.



  4. I really like this concept and the video was informative, mesmers right now are my worst matchup. That's common for Bronze level players i think.


    The only other class that is bothering me right now is Revenant (some kind of sword build, I keep coming across roaming), I just have not fought enough of them.


    Please make more.



  5. So far so good on core Ranger. The class is fun to play and effective.


    Had a really good fight against a teef at a camp he was trying to take, I hit my GS block perfectly twice to win the fight. The tracking on LB Rapid Fire is also very nice against teefs.


    I just keep getting wrecked by Druids for some reason. It just seems like they have more of everything. They have long enough stealth for skills to come off cooldown.

    Then I just get nuked.


    So i guess I have to avoid Druids for now when I am on my Core Ranger.


  6. I am assuming you would be running Sword/Shield-Gs by your comments. I personally did not want to loose the boonrip/mobility that dagger provides, So I kept dagger.


    If you are intent on keeping GS, then no I would not use sword over dagger. Its too valuable bursting out of a dagger f1 when you strip stab or swiftness.


    Coming across another good Warrior while roaming and him having dagger and you not having dagger could be a really tough fight. You would have to play perfectly and he would have a free burst when he chooses and more leeway via dagger 3.


    That's why I dropped GS, so I could keep sword and dagger.





  7. I run Sword/Shield - Dagger/Dagger on my Spellbreaker for roaming.


    Sword is good, but with the clunky F1 (it still is) it can feel a bit frustrating at times. The buffs have been welcome though, I tend to use Savage Leap the most with some AA, and well timed Final Thrusts.


    I like having my biggest burst skills as non-f1 abilities. Sword 3 and Dagger 4 are great to have. I find I can put those abilities at different points in my rotation and its harder for enemies to avoid this way. Eviscerate by comparison is like a big neon sign that says "dodge me you goof!"


    I like Sword and I use it on multiple Warrior builds I run.




  8. So I am a Warrior main who is slowly going through all of the classes and getting some playtime on them to have some fun, learn, and hopefully improve my odds against the better players while on my Warriors.


    I used a level 80 boost on a shiny new Ranger, mostly to save my tome's for extra Spirit Shards. I should be crafting heavy legendary armor soon.


    So I ended up with this default build from the boost:




    So I played this build for the first night, I managed to actually score some kills, but it was mostly in small group play skirmishing around the edges of fights. At one point I teamed up with another core ranger and we attacked a group of enemies hitting our Garrison, we were doing well against the teefs in the group but then some Scourges showed up and we melted.


    I dont think I won a single 1v1 though, I had a teef and revenant super close to down state but could not seal the deal, otherwise I just got melted.


    Now I know for a fact I have melted new players on this same build while on one of my Warriors, so now I kind of understand the situation.


    I checked this forum for the first few pages, and metabattle, there was one post on this subject a few months ago with no replies. I am looking for some advice on a reasonable core Ranger build for smaller scale/roaming.


    I want to keep the LB/GS for now, but other than that I am willing to change pretty much everything.

  9. Yeah, maybe I will try GS. Old-school GS-Axe/Shield or even throw some mace all up in there. Warrior #6 incoming! Maybe run some Durability runes for once in my life.


    I still want to keep Warrior #5 for something pure tank, even though its mostly power creeped, and other classes can do the tank thing much, much better. Maybe a shout warrior or something idk.



  10. Kind of a mixed bag post patch for me: (cant speak to other modes but I WvW almost 100% of the time and small scale)


    1. I can really feel the difference in dagger post nerf, it hits very weak now, with the exception of the dagger 3/4 combo if you dual wield . Even then the reduction in stun time on dagger 3 is noticeable with so many other things going on, the bigger issue though is the overall reduction in damage on MH dagger. Perhaps that's the price we pay for boonrip on our MH weapon, but I would take the damage back, and increased range on our dagger leaps if the boon rip was removed. We would still have our Bubble, FC, Traits, and Break Enchantments.


    2. Sword buffs feel good especially Primal Sword F1 on Berserker. That thing is hitting like a truck, landing a full volley on someone is a huge damage spike just from that one skill. Since it pierces you can also tag small groups with it. LOL!



  11. I am pretty bored right now in WvW with my warriors. Right now I have the following active Warriors on a semi-rotation.


    1. Axe/Axe - Rifle (Core) Full zerker gear with scrapper runes, focus on might generation with weapon runes and damage reduction on food. (to offset the lack of a shield)

    2. Rifle-Sword/Shield (Core) Full zerker gear with eagle runes, focus on quickness with skills, traits and weapon runes.

    3. Dagger/Dagger-Sword/Shield (Spellbreaker) Full Marauder gear with eagle runes, focus on burst with dagger 3/4 and sustain through food and traits.

    4. Sword/Torch-Longbow (Berserker) Mix of Trailblazer and Dire gear, focus on condi damage and duration.

    5. Warrior #5 no set build.....


    So right now I have no real set build for my 5th Warrior and I do not really run anything tanky but I would like to. I am just wondering what kind of build I could go for this character. I just want something different. I dont really use Mace all that often, or Hammer for that matter. I kind of feel those weapons are power creeped.


    For the most part I run solo or in very small groups of less than 10.

  12. Two weapons I would like to see:


    1. Crossbow - A heavy hitting ranged weapon with pierce built into its attacks, it would be a slower attacking weapon but hit like a truck.

    2. Spear- I really think spears are unique as they can be offensive and defensive weapons at the same time, would love to see this idea brought into this game.

  13. In WvW I have been playing other classes and taking a break from Warrior for a bit, its been an eye opening experience to say the least. Right now I am playing Deadeye Thief and will be setting up some sort of Mesmer this week.


    Unfortunately, its has only hardened my opinions on this game.


    Warrior is still my main, I have 4+ of them with specific builds, but I still have not crafted any Legendary Armor yet, this test sessions should help me make up my mind.



  14. I ran my Spellbreaker as D/D-SW/SH, so this dagger nerf was really painful for me, I depended on my dagger damage because I tend to dual wield my main damage source. My big combo was dagger 3 and dagger 4 which was nerfed as well. (dagger 3)


    Too many nerfs to dagger have destroyed this play-style that I was really enjoying and doing well with, it felt good to not be a cookie cutter warrior clone.


    The meta for Spellbreaker was D/SH-GS and I think that was actually one of the reasons FOR the nerf. Anet must want to cement a secondary role for dagger for setting up GS attacks, the only thing that does is hurt Dagger/Dagger though.


    So all of these nerfs are just keeping GS at the top like usual and making other weapons support it because they are weak.


    I'm really disappointed, you should be able to take any weapon and make it the main weapon of your build, it should not be decided for you by being kept in a secondary role by the devs.



  15. > @"Eval.2371" said:

    > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > Will we ever see an update on warrior rifle? Its the worst ranged weapon in game. Warrior's ranged condition damage weapon even does more damage, I threw it in just as a comparison. Just compairing auto attacks on 2 handed power weapons that are at least 1,200 range, some classes I had to go to their elite spec to get it:


    > Just as a front, I run sw/sh + rifle core warrior every day in wvw and have absolutely no issues against the majority of builds(with the exception of minstrels weaver and firebrand). My perspective as someone who has over 2k hours logged on ranger and 500+ h on rev that rifle on warrior is superior to lb ranger and hammer rev in a roaming and small scale context.


    > While I can totally get behind a small damage increase on the auto attack or what rifle auto really needs (piecing trait). I do not agree with a full rework. Rifle works exactly as it is intended a single target burst weapon that has some decent control elements. The weapon isnt intended to be dps. It's spike and control oriented. It can't be both of those and sustained dps as well.


    > If you are struggling to do damage against people with rifle you need to rethink your game play and pay more attention to what your opponents are doing.




    I agree.


    I also run SW/SH-Rifle core in WvW, and I do okay with it, it has its tougher matchups, but so does any weapon set at certain times. It has some pretty good strengths though too, some decent pierce, vulnerability that you can stack going into a melee burst, target tracking against stealthed targets on the f1 burst, a knock-back, and a immobilize.


    The auto attack is the easily the least important thing on it. I use it while skills are on cooldown or when I am kiting.


    Quickness really makes the weapon that much better, and I stack as much as I can.



  16. I dont understand why dagger is even being targeted for nerfs period. I mean Greatsword is used by so many SB's right now, why would you push dagger even further down the list of weaker weapons? Dagger feels good right now. Lets not turn it into another mace or rifle.


    Spellbreaker was also nerfed last patch to make it easier to counterplay and now they want more nerfs.


    We need to make a fuss I agree, Holosmith and Druid are getting passes as a result.


    For me if any of these bigger nerfs go through I will be back on Core Warrior, SB is useless if too much is taken away.



  17. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"sneakytails.5629" said:

    > > Yeah, rifle can hit pretty hard. You would be surprised how many players in WvW will let you killshot them for 12k. I like to throw in some quickness and signet of might as well. The target tracking on killshot even against stealthed targets is also a huge plus, more than one teef has cursed that ability after I down them with killshot.

    > >

    > > I think a lot of Warriors also do not use the pierce potential enough either, plus you can stack some decent vulnerability on top of everything else.

    > >

    > > It's pretty cool to dab rifle 2, rifle 4 (18 stacks of vulnerability), and then swap into a nice burst. A lot of enemies will just rush the Warrior when they see the rifle, this only opens them up more for this kind of set up.

    > >

    > > I run it on my core main A/A-Rifle, and on a more specialized rifle centric S/SH-Rifle core build thats heavy in quickness and unblockable signet.

    > >

    > > The main problem for me is the choice between Crack Shot and Warriors Sprint. The cool-down reduction helps so much and makes rifle smoother.


    > how can you even think about axe axe rifle, no way of kiting rly, ive used greatsword with rifle against necros in duells, because its a pain to full melee scourges but without gs to gain distance it wouldnt be very useful


    I like a more balanced kit, so having ranged pressure along with good melee damage works pretty well. I really dont like fighting necros as full melee, they have too much say in the fight. The ranged pressure forces them to do something that I can capitalize on.


    The recent change with swiftness on landing a burst has made kiting a little easier with the kit. I am not the biggest GS fan, so I run other weapon sets, but it is the strongest weapon we have.


    I also do a lot of point defense in WvW on camps, sentries and keeps, so the mobility is less of an issue.


    If I was constantly getting spanked I wouldn't run the kit, I win more than enough fights to justify running it. There are always good match-ups and bad match-ups no matter what kit you are running, so I run what works for me while still enjoying the play-style.

  18. Yeah, rifle can hit pretty hard. You would be surprised how many players in WvW will let you killshot them for 12k. I like to throw in some quickness and signet of might as well. The target tracking on killshot even against stealthed targets is also a huge plus, more than one teef has cursed that ability after I down them with killshot.


    I think a lot of Warriors also do not use the pierce potential enough either, plus you can stack some decent vulnerability on top of everything else.


    It's pretty cool to dab rifle 2, rifle 4 (18 stacks of vulnerability), and then swap into a nice burst. A lot of enemies will just rush the Warrior when they see the rifle, this only opens them up more for this kind of set up.


    I run it on my core main A/A-Rifle, and on a more specialized rifle centric S/SH-Rifle core build thats heavy in quickness and unblockable signet.


    The main problem for me is the choice between Crack Shot and Warriors Sprint. The cool-down reduction helps so much and makes rifle smoother.

  19. And one more thing, by nerfing dagger you just push peeps even more towards Greatsword, I was one of the few that even ran Dagger/Dagger in WvW. I cant even remember the last time I even seen another peep running it, let alone fighting one.


    Its like they want this game to be clone wars or something.

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