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Posts posted by sneakytails.5629

  1. It’s hard not to get mad when you are clearly outplaying enemies but they end up winning anyways because your teammates yolo’d.


    Way too many bad experiences due to that happening all the time.


    The game is more enjoyable when people try.

  2. The only problem I had is when some random commander came into our home BL and gave away t3 bay when they were told how many hours it took a small group to get it there over a full day and we did not want to loose it. They just wanted to flip it "to get the mount", well I am sorry, but people worked for that keep and you just kicked them in the teeth over a cosmetic item for your trash pve life. What you PVE'rs fail to realize is how much work that actually goes into defending camps and fighting wave after wave of overwhelming numbers and still keeping the important camps.


    So yeah, just a bit salty.

  3. Its still going to make killing reinforcements more work( now you have to chew through 12k more hp and stun immunity), when your side is outnumbered. You can call that ganking, but its a valid strategy during prolonged fights for the heavily outnumbered side. Now all the scrub scourges and revs can get back to the zerg with far less risk, its too much of a gimmie to the side that already has a advantage in numbers.



  4. Every class has builds/specs that are annoying to fight, period. Some are more annoying then others though, especially when they are grouped up on purpose. I mean who wouldn't want to fight 2 condi mesmers, 1 vault DD thief, 1 DE thief, a DH, and Soulbeast thrown in for giggles. Its heaven.

  5. If you are a Thief main consider scouting, they make excellent scouts. I have seen some really good Thief scouts that can follow enemies all day and not die, always where they need to be and they can kill stragglers. Its an underappreciated role for sure.


    I have seen some Thief hate but nowhere near what you are describing. Then again I play at lower tiers where its more relaxed. You should be able to play what you want and not get dumped on by teammates, if it keeps happening just transfer. I would not want to back people like that up anyways no matter what class I am playing.



  6. The broken gap closers/movement abilities on Warrior is one of the reasons I started running Axe/Axe-Rifle long ago, I just said screw it. Now I am used to it and it easier to punish kiting enemies on rifle. If I down another Warrior I usually dont stomp if they were downed because of a failed movement ability.

  7. BlackTruth is 100% correct. Every competent player has figured out how to beat Warrior. Kite stances and deny burst = easy win.


    Warrior is not even top 3 anymore in 1v1, you are on crack dawdler.


    Mirage can easily deny Warrior AH stacks by never getting hit in the first place. Once your crap is on cooldown you die.


    Even in Warrior vs Warrior fights, you deny an important burst you generally win.




  8. I liked the name "full tickle" myself.


    I went back to Core Warrior after the first major Spellbreaker nerf, for me the writing was on the wall. On core I run full berserker gear with Axe/Axe-Rifle, the same gear as when I started years ago and I had no idea what I was doing. I play what I enjoy, and I dont really worry about the meta as the Warrior will always be held back by design, and players who keep eating FC's, evis, and kill shots coming to the forums to complain.

  9. 1. Evis animation and cast time still needs to be updated.

    2. Kill shot should also get a qol update. (cast time improvement and no more kneel)

    3. Restore dagger damage back to where it was.

    4. Sword 3 cast time reduction.

    5. Un-root sword f1 and increase attack speed.

    6. Improve mace cast times and add some defensive bonuses on skill use. (active defense weapon with some damage on burst and cc.)



  10. It does not matter what sigils a Warrior is running, you deny the bursts and you win the fight, you eat the burst and you loose. Pretty simple. I can have 35 seconds straight of quickness and 100% crit and still loose, because I missed a critical burst and was denied Adrenal Health, Might, Endurance and other stuff. Even denying a Warrior one burst can be a turning point in a fight. Its really not that big of a deal. These new sigils will make my life easier, but I will still be facing the same core issues Warrior has with burst denial and having so much tied up into having to land them.


    Its going to be the Soulbeasts and Holosmiths of the world that are going to be benefiting from these new sigils the most. Their bursts are not tied directly to their survival.

  11. I am a average player at best who tends to run off-meta wonky builds so this reduction in roamer skill is good for me, I can actually get kills. :p


    Even if all of the skilled players came back the damage is so high that fights would be over in even less number of seconds. I wonder if that is why they left in the first place?

  12. **Rifle Deadeye has evolved beyond the Metabattle version.** While the Metabattle version is annoying to fight it is still possible to counter it and kill it. The problem is that experienced players have been theory-crafting on DE since the changes, and it has become almost impossible to counter on these new builds outside of sheer numbers or just dumb luck.


    So you come up against builds like this, Perma stealth with the boon rip/ CC/one shot. So now you have a strong Boon rip/CC that pretty much takes away any hope of actually dodging the oneshot.


    the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAUVnsMB1FjlPBOOBUGjFiCbLLNaCA8fyS5rkrCkAmAA-jVSBQBG7CAYGlgA4BEkQ1fwjuk8ph4K7PK/0whUYBHJgAAJA/yvkv8LB+lf5X+lf5X668lf5X+lf5X+lf5X+lSBUlkN-w


    In action: :Watch Wvw FA Roaming On DE Last day of Easy Week from SW4G4TR0N on www.twitch.tv


    This build is proof that the old tired argument about DJ being "easy to dodge" and having "the biggest tell in the game" is total BS. There is absolutely zero counterplay to this DE build, and its not the only one out there. You hit the target with CC and then plaster them, there is no mofo dodging because you are freaking locked down.


    Boon rip/CC./ with an unblockable attack coming out of stealth. I did not see a single enemy actually kill this guy 1v1 and he was dropping enemies like flies for hours.


    DE is broken ASF.



  13. I didn't think it would work either, until I actually saw the person killing packs of enemies with it. It was either a Maguma or Jade Quarry thief as that was the blue matchup for TC at the time. (last week)


    The ranger build I was running at the time only had one Immobilize break on it, and obviously no Shield or reflect. I know most of the enemies this thief killed were the same as well.


    Usually a Rapid Fire will down a DE, but the guy ate the whole thing and I barely scratched him.


    I dont see any reason this would not work really good in groups.


    I was playing around in the build editor and you can trait for yet another immobile with Panic Strike so that would be 5. Even my Warriors only have 3 immobilize breaks at most.



  14. I saw a DE just spamming spotters shot (the one the immobilizes you) the other day, he was built tanky. I was Ranger at the time and my Rapid Fire was not even scratching this guy. Since it only costs 3 initiative he was able to do it 4 times, kite a bit (stealth) and then do it some more. I watched this guy kill groups of people multiple times.


    Its pretty hard to recover from 4+ immobilizes is quick succession, especially without a Shield.


    That was easily the most annoying DE i have come across. I cant even imagine 2 of them doing that, perm immobilize.

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