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Posts posted by Embered.5089

  1. > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

    > > @"Embered.5089" said:

    > > Actually I was wondering why the Marriner's Horn forces you to hold the notes. There should be an option to push or push and hold so we aren't forced to hold it for the full duration of the sound.


    > If the Mariner's Horn's notes were not made that way, then what would happen is the duration of each note would be held automatically, and that limits 'control' over the instrument.

    I don't get why they need to be long notes at all? If someone gave you a horn in real life, you have the option of blowing once loudly into it vs. only being able to take in deep breaths and breathe slowly into it.



  2. First off, this is a lot of work for one year =P Now to break down your post...

    Nice post, btw ~.^


    > @"Maryth.9372" said:

    > 2.Advanced Mail:

    > b. Allow me to mail groups of members with a checkbox selection by guild rank, friends, etc. like the gifting check boxes work in the TP

    This probably wouldn't be used by guild leaders. They usually update the Message of the Day. As for the others who would use it--there's always the problem of spam. Definitely an easy loophole for botters.

    > 3. Guild slot expansion - Adds 1 - 5 - or 10 guild slots to an account. (I would like to keep my main big build, but join more than one specialty guild like raid, pvp, or other.

    More guilds can always be fun. More options. More chats xD

    > 4. I am choking on exotic luck. I need an exotic luck converter and I need the choices in it to be T5 and T6 mats or other things to make end game stuff.

    Why are you hoarding it? Just use it. Or delete it. I've tried to hoard auric dust, spinal blades and etc. but since I resigned to never craft legendaries (i would buy if anything) or even ascendeds (lazy, wait for drops or chests), I now just delete them daily when I get them from my home nodes.

    > 5. Permanent Guild Hall instance expander - Allows me to apply the change to a guild I lead and will permanently expand the instance of my guild hall to 50/100/150. This would reduce my guild mission time by an hour easily because of all of the time we spend moving guildies to instances to get them all on the same instance to use the portal.

    I dunno about the technical side of this, but I just crashed trying to get into a guild hall. That's before any instance expanders >_>

    > 6.Build template slots - This should be located on the hero panel in a new left nav icon. It should be sorted by game mode so I can easily select a build that I configured for a raid for a toon and a different build if I'm in a fractal or wvw.

    Oh, yeah. Lotsa people asking for dis. Dunno why ANet decided to degrade some things that were popular in GW1.

    > 7.Closet and expandable tabs - When purchase this adds a button, like the wallet button in the inventory, only this button is on your bank at the bottom. You can toggle to your closet where you can keep all of your armor and trinkets you are saving. Expanders for the closet would be available like expanders for your bank.

    I believe that this is technically impossible. And even if it is possible, they have no reason to offer this. It's the same thing as asking for more bank tabs. ... they should add more bank tabs. Bottomless bank, anyone?

    > 9.Daily Achievement Cap Remover - I am an achievement hunter and the cap on getting achievements from the daily was a downer for me. I don't even bother getting them all anymore. That used to get me out to parts of the game I wouldn't have otherwise gone to.

    Not sure why there is a cap. I think the only reason is to preserve the status of any older players. And possibly to keep the sanity of newer players who would be willing to grind 24/7 until they end up on the top of the AP list.

    > 10. Put Tonics in the Hero Panel to select like you have mini's in the hero panel to select. There are so many tonics in the game now I can no longer continue to collect them all. They are taking up too much space and I need to keep the ones I will use all the time vs having all of them for special times. There should be a collection for these like there is for the mini's.

    Oh, yes. This. Even for the temporary tonics--most of them don't drop often anyway so it shouldn't affect permanent tonic purchasing much. We already get to keep all one-use finishers in our Finishers tab, so anet can't say no =P

    > 11. Map completion achievement for multiple completions- Title and SP for 5 map completions (Frequent Flyer) and reward is 2 extra gifts of exploration. On 10 map completions on an account you get AP and a title (World Traveler) and permanent core heart completion on your account. If you did 10 map completions you should never have to suffer all of the hearts again. Any new toon on the account automatically has them done.

    I dunno about the extra titles and achievements. And as much as I hate map completing all over again, others love it for the rewards. What would be nice though is if we had a completion indicator for non-core tyria maps. Core tyria right now will state 100% completion if you've completed all of core tyria--but there's no large indicators for finishing all of HoT maps or PoF maps. It's a little confusing to see World Map 100% Completion when you haven't even set foot into PoF.

    > 12.Guild Rank Expander: Person with the rank Guild Leader can add 10 more customizable player ranks in guild pane. With the additions of Decorator and Arena Decorator and a couple of other permissions there are expanding roles within the guild, but there were no additions of Rank Slots to support those additional Roles. I would like the ability to add 10 more ranks at a time. Not to mention, creative ranks are just plain fun.

    Sure, why not.

    > 13.Interactive Scribe Deco License so that 400 Level Scribe Creations in my guild hall are interactive and functional for any repping guild member. Some examples: Winter’s Day Trees should each be gatherable for a gift during the time the festival is active….or all year for that matter if we want to keep them out somewhere. The globe (of disappointment) should list differing waypoints weekly, one per each world map. Guildies can go to that waypoint on interacting with the globe. The cornstalks should have candy corn gatherable. The snowmakers should allow gathering of snowflakes. If the guild is willing to produce the mats to make these very expensive items I’d like to see the items give back…slowly. To control the farm, allow only the first of interactive creations placed to function (hate this actually, I'd like to have as many as I want, but I get it. I liken this to buying the ability for making and placing our own nodes.

    As much as I like this, ANet has no reason to comply. You can gather all of these from your own personal home instances, which is incentive for paying ANet. Having one place with all of them accessible to 300 people--most of whom didn't have to pay a cent--isn't profitable for anet.

    > 14.Favor Convertor. Another big one!!!! I LOVE that guildies can choose their buffs at the tavern based on what they are doing. I'd like to buy a favor convertor that can be permanently applied to the guild panel that will allow me to spend our favor earned from missions to increase the number of buffs they can carry at a time instead of just using it for banners. If I toggle this feature that I have bought to "ON" (checked) in the guild pane, the favor would come out of our favor stash for the week at mission reset. If there is not enough favor to support the license purchased (3 buffs =500 favor, 5 buffs=1000 favor, 9 buffs= 1500 favor), then you will revert to just being able to take the default 1 buff and your favor will accumulate until you reach the amount needed to support the buff. During times when you know you want to stack your favor up for anticipated guild hall additions you can uncheck it to turn it off and allow your favor to build up.

    Mm.... mixed feelings. For one, banners would become moot. However, if these buffs could stack with the guild banner buffs, then everyone would want even more to only join fully upgraded, nearly-full guilds because the norm would be to already have at least one of every buff on.

    > 16.A house, that I can put in my home instance and decorate.


    As a charr, i would appreciate a cleaner, more homey area as a home, yes.

    > 3. I want access to view my bank/collection remotely much like the TP. Even if I can’t interact with it, I can at least see what I have so I can place a remote order at the TP with the knowledge of how much of something I already have.

    Consumable/permanent bank access does this. But I'm not sure if that should stop anet from doing this. Someone else suggested that we should be able to see how much of an item we have from the tp directly. When we open up a menu for one item to buy/sell, a number indicating how much we already have of it appears on that screen. I think that's best.

    > 4. Guild Hall Arena: The Arena gives the impression it is pvp based considering all of the pvp mats required to advance it, but, it’s not….it’s PvE. Considering all of those pvp items needed consider a toggle to allow players to use the arena in pvp mode using their pvp build.

    Oh, yes. interesting. i never thought of that.

    > 5. Scribe Reward Track: Scribe is by far the largest expense where there is little to no personal gain. It’s super fun to make the decorations. I’d like to see a Scribe reward track that would drop scribe crafting items with a larger reward at the end of the track to include a list of choices of partially made elements of deco.

    Not sure how i feel about that. Actually, i'd prefer if it didn't happen. Only people who are dedicated to bettering a large guild should take up scribing. I say this as someone who has a distance dream of making my own personal home guild (but only because personal, homey-feeling homes don't exist). Scribing is fine as it is--it's not meant for personal gain.

    > 7. Permanent Bank, TP, Merchant need to be made account bound. If I have these items on my account I should have an icon on the bottom of my inventory to launch them. They shouldn't take up my shared slots.

    Saying "account bound" is confusing because they are account-bound. Just not in the manner that you meant to convey. Anyway, anet already said that this is technically impossible (at least i think they did?). Also no incentive for anet--they want people buying shared slots. The permanent accesses are only for the rich, anyway, and the rich should be able to afford shared slots.

    > 8. Library - On the hero tab there should be a line called Lore. I have about a billion books that I've collected in story or events and they take up a large amount of room. I need those books to be collection based like the minis so I can click in the panel and select the ones I have to read back on so I can have my space back.


  3. I never, EVER (super rarely) crash. And keeping all specs on bare minimum usually keeps the game running at an acceptable pace. However, these past few days, even on min specs my game is lagging, throttling, etc. all the technical things that can happen when a game is "slow". And just now, I crashed. I never crash. But these past few days have just been horrible--and it isn't just me.


    Edit: This is new. I just tried logging back in again and after an extraordinarily long loading time, this happened

    [https://imgur.com/a/sEk5v](https://imgur.com/a/sEk5v "https://imgur.com/a/sEk5v")

    I actually waited a bit before taking a screenshot, so this has more things loaded in than what I was a few seconds ago looking at. There were no green names for awhile (only teal), and I could see people moving around but not any moving animations. Like, people were statues that hovered around.

  4. Maybe you should take a break from doing dailies and do other, more fun achievements. Clear your head a bit while still getting AP.


    Or just don't try to get AP at all. Instead, you could:

    1) Level a new character

    2) Do new story paths

    3) Re-skin all of your characters for Fashion Wars

    4) Roleplay in the taverns

    5) Be entertained by the impressively long animation cycles of the insignificant animals in the world

    6) Splash around in a quaggan hatchling pond

    7) Be that annoying person that flies on griffon at superspeed and crash-lands in every event

    8) Attempt to jump up to the highest tower in Divinity's Reach

    9) Try to have fun in the game :3 Games are for fun, not for making yourself do hours of boring things

    10) and etc, etc...

  5. > @"ChaseG.4160" said:

    > thanks, chase


    Welcome back :3


    The level cap is 80 right now, yes. If you buy the PoF-only package, you'll also get one level-80 booster. However, I suggest that you do not use it after such a long break. It will gear you up with standardized exotic gear and re-trait you, and re-build you. And if you go into the new map trusting only what they gave you, you will be even more lost. It's best to play one character up to level 80 yourself first, so that you'll understand which builds and traits you personally like.


    Once a character is at level 80, they can start the PoF story. It's a good story on its own, but I recommend that you do all of your available stories in order for more flavor. As for upgrading your weapons and armors, you don't really need to. So many exotics drop on their own throughout the world. You can just equip those after figuring out which stats you like the best (For power-based damage, Power-Precision-Ferocity is best. For condi, Power-Precision-Conditional is what I'd recommend. Power is the main ingredient for doing any sort of damage. There's a list of every stat and an explanation of what they do on the wiki).


    There is better gear than exotics, i.e. Ascended and Legendary. However, you do not need those to do casual PvE. They are both 5% better than exotics, but that 5% is really only needed in high-end group instances (like raids). They have infusion slots that you'll need for higher-tier fractals for Agony Resistance (not having a sufficient amount will cause you to die in a few seconds). You can get free AR by just running Tier 1 fractals over and over again (run dailies and recommended fractals) and slotting them into your gear's infusion slots. There is also a Wikipedia page for more details. Legendaries are only better than Ascendeds for 1) pretty skins and 2) stat-swappable. They are luxury items for the rich =P


    As for classes, play what you want. For casual PvE, you can get away with anything. The most inefficient builds will still work. However, for hardcore PvE and PvP, there are preferred classes. I don't do hardcore PvE or PvP, so you'll have to consult someone else about that (I hear that chrono-mesmers, bannerslave (BS) warriors, and druid-rangers are highly sought in hardcore PvE).


    What I'd personally recommend is to make a test dummy character of every class (and possibly race), buy one of every weapon that your class can use from a cheap city weaponseller NPC, open up your PvP tab and enter the PvP lobby, and practice on the golems. See what feels right to you. Don't forget to try the elite specs, too!


    And just a final note--if you'll only have Core and PoF, you won't have any HoT features. The most frustrating thing that I can tell from the forums is that people without HoT can't access a lot of guild functions. If you don't mind losing those HoT features or just don't want to spend the money to buy HoT (I hear that keys are super cheap on CDkeys... am I allowed to say that?), then by all means just get PoF.


    I hope that this was useful. Don't forget to enjoy the game :3

  6. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Embered.5089" said:

    > > A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

    > > But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen ::disappointed:


    > wait until revenant or warrior gain traps as utilities xD, where they probably will do both lol.. every class will have everything soon or later.


    Ehhh but i don't like revenant or warrior. Their color schemes bother me (revenant = red; warrior = orangeish)

  7. A new class that combines thief and guardian, so I can swap my modes between stealth-killing and tanky protection on one character.

    But that might be asking for too much, or both modes will end up being too weak such that you'd have to characterize your build finely so that one mode dominates anyway. And then there's also the issue where 9 classes looks great right now. A perfect square in the class selection screen :D


    Edit: So apparently editing deletes my poll choice >_> (above my comment only)

    Edit 2: Until I refresh the page, anyway...

  8. You specifically mentioned quests, by which I'm guessing you mean hearts. Those are entirely soloable. As is the story. I do everything solo except guild missions, fractals, dungeons and raids. If you're having trouble keeping up with mobs of your own level, try looking at your trait build, or changing which armor you use (the stats). Also just for comfort, buy the cheapest weapons available (i.e. in the city) from NPC vendors and try all of the weapons that your class can use to see which one you like best.

  9. Mm... well. Definitely not for my main or my main-alt for at least until she repays the “sin” out of her name (Sinmiri) =P

    But hey if you’re willing to pay 10,000g + name contract change for Tasted of Brew, then sure! I may even be willing to sell Wisped of Willow!

    And of course if you had your eye on a name of someone that I’d already deleted, before I deleted them, and offered me any sum of money to free it up before I could explain that they were goners anyway, then I’d happily accept your money! Lol.


    But really though, i find that buying names is reserved only for the toxic communities. Wrote about it somewhere in the old forums.

  10. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > @"Embered.5089" said:

    > > Well, no matter what it is that people say is too expensive, we have to remember that it is, as stated already, a "premium item". It's not something to be handed out freely. Most "high-end" fashion items are like that. Fashion Wars needs to make their money (literally or figuratively).

    > > And if everyone could get it so easily, no one want it so badly or see it as anything special.


    > Just because you label it a premium item doesn't make it so.


    > In fact, those are exclusive to the Gem Store.


    I’m not the one who labelled it a premium item ._.

    But yeah, good luck.

  11. Well, no matter what it is that people say is too expensive, we have to remember that it is, as stated already, a "premium item". It's not something to be handed out freely. Most "high-end" fashion items are like that. Fashion Wars needs to make their money (literally or figuratively).

    And if everyone could get it so easily, no one want it so badly or see it as anything special.

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