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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. If i remembet correctly, they were created as fully grown adults.


    This also effected their ageing.

    They age alot faster then you would expect.


    New born skyscales are not effected.



  2. The timegate is not my biggest problem.


    The map was designed around the skyscale.


    You now play the map without it and get the mount when the map is already dying.



    Its like getting the most powerfull weapon in an rpg AFTER you beaten the secret strongest boss.


    Why getting more power when there is nothing to kill anymore?

  3. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > I saw thread like this comming so I just popped in Rev forums and you didn't not disappoint;

    > How the hell could **anyone** and I mean **absolutely anyone** think that Rev did not deserve dmg nerf? Heck I even saw one guy here claiming Rev already had low burst dmg?!? You people sure we play the same game?

    > You seem to be desperately stuck in pre-2017 November mindset.


    If i remember correctly, power shiro/glint had/has the highest winrate in PvP (if the only one).


    And isnt it one of the most played build in ATs because its so strong?


  4. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > I don't think the skyscales are the "first native dragons". Unless such is said in the collection to get a skyscale, they only said the skyscales were a new species.


    > We still have all those Bone Dragons and other gargantuan draconian bones scattered across Tyria/Elona of no real origin, as well as Canthan dragons (Saltspray Dragons (similar to wyverns) and Rockhide Dragons (similar to drakes). Not only that, but the dialogue calls wyverns and drakes as "lesser dragons" iirc.


    > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > I don't think the skyscales are the "first native dragons". Unless such is said in the collection to get a skyscale, they only said the skyscales were a new species.


    > We still have all those Bone Dragons and other gargantuan draconian bones scattered across Tyria/Elona of no real origin, as well as Canthan dragons (Saltspray Dragons (similar to wyverns) and Rockhide Dragons (similar to drakes). Not only that, but the dialogue calls wyverns and drakes as "lesser dragons" iirc.


    Gorrik says that the SkyScales are ageing rapidly fast because they were created as adults but new hatched Skyscales do not.


    I remember him or aurene saying that they needed to be battle ready from the get go.

    And this effected thier ageing.


    They are 100% new creations.


    Created to fight kralk.

  5. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > They literally tell us in the story that Aurene is the first kind of dragon that can absorb multiable kinds of magic without negativ effects.

    > >

    > >


    > I must've missed that.

    > Remember where/when that was said?


    If i remember correctly, it was kralk that said something like;


    She is the first to not feel torment from mixing different kinds of magic.


    I will replay it today. Then i will tell when it wad said.


  6. I think season 5 will be more feature focused and shorter (real time).


    We wont get a new map each episode, so i think a new story every 2 months isnt farfetched.


    I also think that this season wont focus on an Elder Dragon Plot but is more finishing older stories.


    At the end, we see aurene again with the next ex pack.


    The discription of the Gen 2 GS also talks about a new technolegy, probably hinting at new features to come.




  7. > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > Also, I don't think we'll be helping Zaeim at all. It might have just been the male charr voice actor, but there was a certain stress on the Commander's response. "Yes, Zaiem. You... will do that." There was a stress on you, as in implying "I am not helping there."


    > Something tells me the delivery of the response is different for each of the races. As a human, my character's response delivery was more along the lines of "I already see the obvious person for the job". I dunno bout Asura, Norn or Sylvari yet but that's the vibe I got from my character when she responded to Zaiem.


    Male Sylvari sounded like:


    Yeah.... YOU gonna do that....



    Very uninterested.


  8. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Scarlett is melandru!

    > >

    > > Shes wasnt crazy.

    > > It was all planned!

    > >

    > > All she wanted was to awaken her viney boyfriend.

    > >

    > >

    > Scarlet is Melandru.

    > Jenna is Lyssa.

    > Someones is new god of war, or Aurene is Balthazar.

    > Desmina take place of Grenth.

    > Kormir is already Abbadon.

    > whos can replace Dwayna?


    The only true light of Gw2.



  9. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Thats why i have to equip a flamethrower on my medi scrapper if i want any chance of loot.

    > >

    > >


    > I couldn't give up a valuable utility slot for FT.


    > Hammer 2 + 4 + 5

    > Chemical Field (toolbelt from purge gyro)

    > Acid Bomb (Elixir Gun 4 - also great to use as a blast finisher inside your poison field for AoE weakness)

    > Fumigate (Elixir Gun 3)


    > Those seem to do the trick very nicely, and all but Chemical Field work well while pushing. Only a problem when you're under heavy pressure and can't afford to swap to another kit, but at the point, you shouldn't be worrying about tagging and should focusing on keeping your squad alive.


    > Out of curiosity, does anyone know if other players whirl/projective combo off the Lightning Field from Bulwark, does the damage done count for you as well?



    Problem is i dont play Hammer.

    Pistol/Shield is my choice.


    And like i said above, FT only if the enemy zerg is faceroll anyway.


    Sure, you get lootbacks from tagging people but the difference between a dmg dealer and support is day and night.


    Answer to your question: Nope.


  10. Maybe add „How good is the rest of the class/build?“


    Lets look at berserker.


    It has one skill thats to strong [Arc Divider].

    The rest can be barely considered playable.


    And even with the overtuned arc divider, berserker is maybe a B tier build.



    In theory. If you could „just dodge“ arc divider, then you would fight a easy matchup after dodging it.


    Ofc that doesnt work in practice (often).



    Good Design would be when Berserker had not the most downsides in Gw2 history , while not carried by one broken skill.




  11. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > wet dream of a boredom pack:

    > -return of scarlat.

    > -underwater content.

    > -going back do Cantha.

    > -Jennah is Anise, Jennah is Lyssa.

    > -The Six are related to the Elder Dragons.

    > -perpetual nostalgia for LWS-1.


    Scarlett is melandru!


    Shes wasnt crazy.

    It was all planned!


    All she wanted was to awaken her viney boyfriend.



  12. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > you really gotta choose between fun or effectiveness


    > The rifle I think it's worse than double axe in every aspect, btw for core warrior gs double axe is the only viable build, unless you can pull out something with hammer which is still worse than double axe, or axe/shield for a more deffensive option. GS is mandatory tho.


    > Overall I think the only playable core classes right now are ranger, thief and guard, the rest are far behing their expansion counterparts




    Have you ever fought a well played Core Warrior?


    He will rip you a new one.


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