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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. Im sitting here , scratching my head, what goal you trying to reach.


    I would asume its supposed to be a WvW build for zerging.

    Why else someone would play Warhorn.


    Now, why the GS when Hammer is far superior here.

    And you have movement covert with sword.


    What the reason for rampage and on my mark?


    The stats are all over the place.

    Same as the sigils.


    You want to support but you use offensive sigils because ???


    And why Rousing Resilience when you have only ONE reliable stunbreak on a 40 second cd?


    Also: Why in lyssas name would a warrior enter wvw without spellbreaker is beyond me.



    The build is the embodyment of pure ?chaos?

  2. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Warrior has to give up alot for tactics.

    > >

    > > Yes there will be tears about it and no they wont understand that the warrior that killed them is missing some very important build parts.

    > >

    > >


    > But will some of the new things in Tactics become as important?


    Whats good enough in new tactics that makes it better then str/def/disc?


    I can see core warriors with it but that means no elite.



  3. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Looks good.

    > >

    > > Burning arrows in Discipline <3

    > >

    > > Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

    > >

    > > But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

    > > Maybe some but not meta.

    > >

    > > Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

    > > Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.

    > > Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

    > >

    > >


    > Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.


    The problem with Shrug it off in wvw is that it will always trigger on 1200 range away from an enemies autohit.

    Now all its effects are wasted and on a 25s cd.

    And most fight will be over before it gets off cd.



  4. Looks good.


    Burning arrows in Discipline <3


    Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.


    But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

    Maybe some but not meta.


    Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

    Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.

    Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.



  5. Even with your rework.


    I would still not play tactic.


    The first minor is worthless because it only triggers ones and in most wvw fights, it will trigger on 1200+ range.


    Its on the same level as brave stride, the worst warrior trait.



    Shrug it off is on the same level.


    It triggers on 1200 range because of an autohit, wasting the healing/condi cleanse/stunbreak.


    Now its on 25s cd and by that time the fight is already over.



    Vigorous Shouts still has no synergy with the shouts it is used with.


    The heal shout already gives you full adrenalin.


    Shake it off is on a 50(40)s cd.


    Getting adrenalin every 40s is worthless and a minor heal every 40s is not worth taking a GM trait for.

  6. The Problem with the Tactic trait line:


    At the Master slot, you only have 2 options.


    a) Empowered Allies.

    Which simply does nothing in a zerg fight. The dmg increase is not worth taking Tactic for.


    b) Shrug it off.


    The problem here is that is goes on cooldown the second a fight starts.

    That means all potentiel healing/condicleanse/stunbreak is wasted because you got hit by an auto attack on 1200 range.


    Now you have to wait for 25 seconds for a medicore effect.


    By that time, the fight will most likely be long over.



    Cooldown to 20s from 25.

    Condi Cleanse to a minimum of 2.

    Trigger: 3-4 Condis. (Depending of the number of conditions it cleanses)



    In the Grandmasterslot, again 2 options:


    a) Powerful Synergy.

    That trait only matterss in Guild Vs Guild fight with Smoke Fields (Stealth).


    b) Vigorous Shouts.

    Warrior has only 2 good Shouts.


    To the limit and Shake it off.

    Taking a grandmaster just for 2 skills, while one has an crazy long cd, is questionable.

    Especially for the medicore effect of Vigorous Shouts.


    The trait also has bad synergy with the shouts.


    To the Limit already gives you full adrenalin.


    And a heal that small on a 40s (traited) cd is not worth it.



    Vigorous Shouts would need a serious buff before i would even start to think about tactics.






  7. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > When are they bringing our rifles in line with other classes' ranged dps options? 2049?

    > I'd really like being able to deal with Deadeyes and Scourges in pvp.



    Rifle being good outside of Gunflame spam?


    Bahahahaha good one!


    That will never happen

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