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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Your standard reward track is around 3 - 4g an hour.

    > >

    > > Skirmish chests are worthless.

    > >

    > > Loot bags add maybe 1g an hour or so. Lets be generous and say 2g.

    > >

    > > One set of legendary runes/sigil is more then 5000g.

    > >

    > > 6 runes 500g each

    > > 4 sigils 550g each.

    > >

    > > In conclusion:

    > >

    > > One set = 1000+ hours of WvW


    > Oh my...

    > I probably average 10 hrs a week. 50 hrs a month.


    > So 20 months for me...


    > More reason for me to continue playing then. Long term WvW goal ?


    WvW has always been the least rewarded gamemode.


    Btw. The 3-4g per hour from reward tracks is with perma 60% boost.


    Without that....


  2. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > Mesmer as a whole is in a pitiful state today with countless deletions and smiters boons to its abilities. The result of nerfing/over-nerfing the wrong things for a year and a half, while not un-nerfing things that should never have been nerfed to begin with once problems were actually addressed.


    > Going by what they did to Chrono and the statements in this hot fix, Mirage as we know it is in its final months until the next major balance update. Surely a positive to many on this forum. But also a precedent for what can be done to other classes and their elites.


    If Mesmer would be deleted from the game,

    the majority of the playerbase would dance on its grave.


    Sounds harsh but its true.


    This class should have never made the jump from gw1 to gw2.


    A class thats by design antifun + MASSIV powercreep.


    No wonder people want to see it gone.


  3. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > Not sure where you are getting more damage from? the only skill that got a damage buff was Headbutt,

    > King of fires has damage attached at an unknown value, my money is on a value around 400 damage. However, when and where are you going to take those skills?


    > Change to rampage was a long time coming, nice to see its a 50% damage reduction.. however.. kitten condi damage munches right through this.


    > Sight Beyond Sight is a total waste of time in its current state, that change will not save the skill, its still in trash teir of skills as it has no real role to play that is usable. Has the very same issues with Fear me. Wasted skill sthat need a total work over.


    > Headbutt: this to me feels more like a babification of another warrior skill, justifying the spamming of the skill and not tactically using it.


    > Personally, what I would have liked to have seen, would have been a total rework on the old warrior weapons that have very little play or use. Maybe even a touch up on attack animations to keep the game feeling new and refreshing.



    > Overall impression of the pre patch changes, this isnt going to effect the current build setup of PvP play. Aye sure you may have the odd condi warrior in PvP but the meta isnt going to change as a result of this patch. Shame really, i look forward to balance patches but this ones going to be stupidly dissapointing.


    "The Bloody Roar trait changing its stacking method will result in a net increase in damage."

    "Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW."

  4. Warrior


    We like how the gameplay changes in the last balance update have turned out for berserker, but we've also heard your feedback and recognize that the damage has been lower than expected for the amount of investment involved. In this update, we're tuning up some berserker skills and traits to give these builds a little more power and longer windows to stay in berserk mode. The Bloody Roar trait changing its stacking method will result in a net increase in damage, so we are also lowering its values in competitive modes, since berserker burst in those modes is already difficult to deal with. Similarly we are also making adjustments to Rampage to rein in some of its excess power in PvP.


    Wild Blow: Increased berserk extension from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.

    Shattering Blow: Increase berserk extension from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Mariner's Shot: This skill now scales damage dynamically based on distance rather than using distance thresholds.

    Headbutt: This skill now removes all stacks of stability when casting and does 50% more damage if stability was removed.

    Fear Me: The duration of fear applied by this skill now scales dynamically based on distance.

    Rampage: Changed recharge to 120 seconds in all game modes. This skill no longer grants bonus toughness. Damage reduction has been increased from 25% to 50%. Damage reduction is now calculated multiplicatively instead of additively.

    Last Blaze: Burning duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.

    Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

    Bloody Roar: This trait now stacks damage multiplicatively instead of additively. Reduced damage bonus from 20% to 15% in PvP and WvW.

    King of Fires: Detonating a fire aura now deals damage in addition to burning.





    My reaction: More dmg? Nice.

  5. > @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

    > The host server was medium-high. And now we have a linker server which is likely to be FULL quite soon.


    > I heard that ~300 germans trasnferred at once yesterday. And now we have like 60 queue's in every borderland. This is crazy. Wouldn't this kind of mass transfer totally trash the purpose of re-link? I think it makes sense to put some restriction in transferring for the first few weeks right after the re-link.


    Our server got killed by Anet by not giving it a link and marking it full, despite the fact that the server was long dead before that.


    The only hope for the players of this server was to transfer if they ever want to play decent WvW again.


    This Chaos is 100% Anet fault.


    After 12177 Hours on the same server i was forced to transfer. Im not happy.

  6. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > this gave me new ideas for suggestsions for LS5 to submit to the @Anet_Board_of_Writing_Committee


    > S5:

    > - a stupid asura who aims to graduate the academy but struggles

    > - a shy timid soft-spoken charr

    > - a short norn

    > - a sylvari who doesn't care about his wyld hunt


    > - the commander finally gets a girlfriend


    After what the commander did last episode, i doubt he will be only smashing dragons.

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