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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. The entire WvW Reward System needs a overhaul.


    How about we add this to the Skirmish Vendor:




    Only change the Magnetite Shards to Skirmish Tickets.

    Of cource not 1 to 1.


    Why on earth do i have to pay 60 gold + 350 tickets for an ascended Heavy Marauder chestpiece,

    when i can craft one for 47g,


    Thats 13g + 350 Tickets for the skin alone.


    "Its a pre for legendary armor"


    "is has a special skin"




    I want cheaper then crafting Ascended Gear that i can buy with "gamemode exclusive currency" and the non existing gold i get from wvw.



    WHY ON EARTH!? Do the Synthesizer in WvW not drop the Varietal Seeds?


    In the gamemode Ascended Food is needed the most?



    Why do support classes STILL need to hit a target for loot?


    Its funny when i , a support scrapper, get 6 lootbags when my fellow Mister Faceroll Scourge gets 80. (Counts for WxP too)



    WHY!? Has the last PvP League Chest 20 Gold in it + Mini + alot more when the last Skirmish Chest has


    * 2 Skirmish Chests (worthless)

    * 8 Memories of battle ( 50 silver)

    * 8 Instant Reward Track Potions (Worthless)

    * 2 Mist Warped Packets ( Gamble)

    * 4 Mystic Coins (5 Gold)

    * 20 Skirmish Tickets (Worthless)


    And dont let me talk about the repeat version.



    HOLY MOLY ANET. Atleast throw us a bone here after 2654 Days of being the least rewarding activity you can do in the game.







  2. > @"gannondorf.7628" said:

    > I saw the balances notes and jumped on my chair reading the first part of the weapon swap sentence. But it's just an "out of combat" weapon swap… What's the point on this?! When are we gonna have the weapon swap we're asking for years?!


    > Engineer was a bad designed class since the release. If at least we got a weapon swap maybe the class would come to be more fun but anyway… My error was to play this class coz of originality...


    > Turrets are just oblivion, we Don't get new core weapons and we Don't have weapon swap… Well seems like I'm just going to continue to log on just for doing LV world episodes and Nothing more...


    OOC Weapon swap means you can use a stack sigil in wvw without having it on the "main" weapon. Just an example.

  3. In WvW, Stealth will be a bigger problem now.


    Outside of GvGs, most scrapper wont play goggles.


    And what exactly is the poisenfield good for? Tagging players for 1-2 more lootbags?


    „You can blast it for weakness“


    I seriously would like to blast light and waterfield instead.


    Cant wait to blast some crappy weakness that will be cleansed instantly.



    The only good part is the fact that you can now use a stack sigil on the second weapon slot.


    And i wont complain about free 250 healpower.




    **Auto Attack**

    * Make it useable without a target.

    * Increase Healing Pulses from 3 to 4.

    * Let it target allied players.


    **Astral Wsip**

    * Add Groundtargeting.

    * Increase Radius to 240.

    * Reduce Cooldown to 6 seconds.

    * Now removes 1 Condition per second.


    **Ancentral Grace**

    * Disconnect selfheal from allied heal.

    * Selfheal stays the same.

    * Increase allied healing by 25%.

    * Reduce Cooldown to 12 seconds

    * Remove protection.

    * Remove recharge time reducing.


    **Vine Surge**

    * Reduced Cooldown to 12 seconds.

    * Increase Travelspeed by 20%.

    * Add a 5 seconds cripple.

    * Add 5 Seconds of Regeneration.


    **Sublime Conversion**

    * Reduce Cooldown to 18 seconds.

    * Increase duration to 7 seconds.

    * Increase overall size by 50%.

    * Increase Healing by 150%.



    With all that, it would still be a medicore weapon for WvW Zerging but atleast useable.


  5. **WvW Heal Rev Balance Wishlist.**


    **1. Ventari's Will.**

    * Let it spawn a Heal Orb for every 300 Units moved.


    **2. Project Tranquility**

    * Let the Tablet pulse a short Regen. Like 1.5s of Regen


    **3. Purifying Essence**

    * Reduce the energy cost by 5 to 20.


    **4. Natural Harmony**

    * Remove the Delay


    **5. Protective Solace**

    * Very medicore effect for -6 Energy.

    * Make it at max -3 Energy or let it pulse healing/Regen.


    **6. Facet of Nature**

    * Reduce to -1 Energy from -2 Energy.


    **7. Healer's Gift**

    * The heal on dodge is very low compared to the basicaly same trait Selfless Daring.

    * Increase Radius of the Heal Orb to 240.

    * Increase Healing to 197(0.50) from 197(0.15).



    Thank you.



  6. Weaver in zerg fights are one trick ponies with meteorshower.


    They are far from dps classes.



    Hammer rev is a boon bot with 3 good aoe ranged skills tacked on. (Hammer)


    None of them have anything todo with dps.



    And NOBODY says soulbeast is bad.


    It takes alot more skill to play.


    And 99% of rangers in wvw are absolute trash and would more usefull on easymode scourge.




    But gratz on out dps ing 2 builds who main focus is short bursts.




  7. > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > How exactly was warrior buffed?

    > >

    > > Warrior has to drop essencial traitlines to get tactic.

    > >

    > > And what does tactic offer for it to be worth it?


    > the insane ramp up in might and heals via shouts and might

    > ---

    > mind you, the #1 on the leaderboard is playing it, so if you have doubts about the viability go check his stream how he stomps everybody


    Eu or Na?

  8. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > the sustain is out of control while doing heavy dmg

    > >

    > > Yeah, you're going to have to go into more detail here. There is nothing to go on besides "I don't like x".


    > **Strenght line + tactics line**....well played warrior was already unkillable with godly dmg...now same is worst


    idk man.. dropping defense or discipline is maybe not the best idea.



  9. Feels better now.


    You actually can go melee against scourge.


    Bait the bomb and they are free food.


    Also the radius isnt that big.


    Dont stack in one tiny spot and its not so bad.


    Add the fact that this is the first time scourges have to play with a mechanic instead of facerolling.


    Most of them are not good enough to use it effectivly.

  10. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > "Looks at new build"

    > >

    > > Why this?

    > >

    > > Why that?

    > >

    > > Why? Why?


    > Looks to me like a mobile shout zerker. Took every shout, with On My Mark instead of Fear Me which would be due to the ammo count producing more heals. His gear choices seem to be in order to hit certain breakpoints. I would recommend that he swap the Minstrels for Zealots, and the Marauder and Berserker gear for Magi. Take Boon duration food and healing power oil.


    > Take a look at this @"rextren.3874"

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PK1EwEWosAmGDjdxQxxays9D-zxQYwoD50DXcp0XCkYBEZIUREo60AgPLA-e


    > I swapped a few sigils out since my stat changes brought to 50% crit without them, which seemed to be what you were going for.


    You do realize that his build is the equivalent of a car crash with a Truck, a family Van and Bmw.


    Nobody survived and he is trying to rebuild a car by using the parts that are still useable.



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