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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. FB is still must have.


    Rev still gives boons to 10 targets.


    Support warrior with bubble still very good.


    Scourge still does its job.


    Scrapper still has stealth gyro.



    I could see tempest seeing more play because it still has 10 target auras.


    Staff Thief still has insane 5 target dmg on vault.



    What will change the most are the stats people run.


    FBs will likely use more condition dmg for example.

  2. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > > Why does this need to be fast paced? GW2 is marketed for casuals. Not everyone finds it easy to be so familiar with a build where you can react to enemies in less than a second and know exactly what to do. People like me can't stick with a single build for a long time and in turn I always am working on improvement and accustoming. But the fast paced nature of Conquest really does limit how much you learn off a build. It's unnecessary and something I've pitched before: slow down the gameplay!

    > >

    > > One more thing I'd like to add: if patches keep going down this road, PVP will be slower paced but skill usage will be much more methodical. Usually combat, for me, is a test of reaction and some others, but I would appreciate a more tactical approach.


    > The thing in Gw2 pvp right now is, it is fast and tactical, if you play against good people, silly spam doesn't deliver you anything, you need to think which skill you are using, in a margin of seconds while you are reacting to your opponent.

    > Gw2 Pve is casual, I agree, but pvp is showing what's possible with the whole combat system, including tactics, map awerness, reaction time and knowledge about your skills, the opponent skills and all of both cd's.



    The problem i have with gw2 pvp is that one single mistake = death.


    For me, a fight needs to be long enough to have back and forths.


    The ability to recover from a mistake and still win.


    If i dont dodge one single ability, dont use my CD to counter my opponents CD. Im 100% dead the next second.


    Yes, if both players play flawless a fight can take some time but thats rare.



    Fights should last a min or two.

    Not be over in 10 seconds.

  3. Huh. I actually switched (or will switch) from Medi Scrapper to support tempest with the patch.


    Tempest has still 10man Auras.


    Tempest has still amazing condi cleanse.


    It even got blind spam support last patch.



    What not good anymore is hyper focused support ala 2k healpower.


    But thats true on all support


    Also staff was never good on support tempest in the first place.



  4. Im scared of daredevil after the patch.


    Vault already hits so hard that it alone makes thief in zerg viable.


    12k+ AoE against 3k armor.


    It only got a small dmg nerf and thief even got a dmg boost over traits.


    You could nerf its current dmg by 50% and it would still be a strong skill.



    I dont want to see a world were the best option for aoe dmg is stacking staff thiefs.

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