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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Nightcore.5621" said:

    > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > The warning not coming up when you use the pass seems like a bug (or at least an oversight). Did you put up a bugreport for that?

    > >

    > > You can also try contacting support and asking them for help since you didn't realize that using the pass would wipe your boosters. It's no guarantee they'll help (or reimburse) you, but they do have a track record of trying to help with honest mistakes/oversights if you ask nicely.


    > There No warrnin when u use the pass


    Like Rasimir said.

    Contact the support. If you are nice to them, they are nice to you.


    If you explain what happend, they will most likely be able to help you.



  2. > @"Mokk.2397" said:

    > It's misconception that soulbeast/ranger is over powered . Glass builds are only over powered against other glass builds and its anets policy to except the complains from the lowest common denominator. The ranger class and specializations has NEVER ,in any part, EVER been over powered compared to the other classes . ALL the videos and complaints have been completely debunked in previous threads . Yet the nerfs keep coming to an already extremely weak an non competitive class. The amount of evades, healing , stealth ,speed ,power have been way over exaggerated since the release of HoT based on speculation , circumstantial evidence and band wagoning to fabrications. In many ways the complaints come from mediocre players that either refuse to adjust to the mechanics or simply have NO clue about the mechanics of the game or the ranger class. They grab the first build handed to them expecting that build to do everything in all circumstances and then complain that its must be the rangers/SB fault when that build fails . Anet keeps going on about competitive play yet we still see the same classes dominating the field after over a year. I have yet to see just one Anet Ranger or Mesmer in the play field of WvW . I've seen all other classes over the years but not one single Mesmer or Ranger. That says something all on it's own.


    I dont know man.


    Getting deleted from a single rapid fire on full minstrel guard + mount health was not really balanced.


    And having effectiv 1800 range +high mobility + stealth + massiv burst is maaaaaybe a bit overtuned.



  3. The problem is how a pve player thinks.


    His goal is not pvp itself but the legendary amulet.


    Because only a win is progress for the AP, a lose is basically a waste of time.


    It makes more sense for them to loose as quickly as possible so they can toss the coin again.


    Its not about getting better at the game but maximizing the number of coin tosses per hour.



  4. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > Balancing around the top percentage would result in removing balance for people around the average, which are a significantly bigger number.

    > > > > Just because something works for a top percentage player with 1/10 of the average human reaction time, doesn't mean it works for everyone or even the majority.

    > > > > It should be a no-brainer to design a game for as much people as possible, not for a very small minority.

    > > >

    > > > So you think it's fair to directly unbalance things because the majority of the game is unable to play their chars correctly?

    > >

    > > Whats more important?

    > >

    > > 95% of the playerbase having fun who are also the pleople who keep the game alive?

    > > OR

    > > The 5% of "Top players".

    > >

    > > Answer? Both.

    > >

    > > But the 95% having fun MUST come first.


    > "Player vs. Player in Guild Wars 2 is an exciting game mode that pits you against other players from around the world in the ultimate test of skill." - the first sentence of "new in pvp? Start here"



    > Is there anywhere standing for 95% of the unabled playerbase? No?


    And what had this todo with anything?


    My point stands that a game needs to be fun for the majority of the playerbase first before you go the route of hyper balance for the top tier.


    The people that are below top level are more important then high level players, because without them, the gamemode is dead.


    Just like a CEO of a big corpuration cant make millions without the 1000 small people doing the work.


    These "pvp noobs" are what keeps the gamemode running.



  5. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > Balancing around the top percentage would result in removing balance for people around the average, which are a significantly bigger number.

    > > Just because something works for a top percentage player with 1/10 of the average human reaction time, doesn't mean it works for everyone or even the majority.

    > > It should be a no-brainer to design a game for as much people as possible, not for a very small minority.


    > So you think it's fair to directly unbalance things because the majority of the game is unable to play their chars correctly?


    Whats more important?


    95% of the playerbase having fun who are also the pleople who keep the game alive?


    The 5% of "Top players".


    Answer? Both.


    But the 95% having fun MUST come first.

  6. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > The fact that ranger is even on the list brought tears to my eye.

    > >

    > > Good one.

    > >

    > >


    > I see you have a long way to go to learn the way of the ranger.

    > Melee Soulbeast is absolutely brutal in zergs.


    Video and build?


    Im willing to change my mind. Im always for more diversity but nobody could proof me wrong so far.

  7. > @"Woop S.7851" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > The commander can choose a range/radius.

    > > Every player outside the that radius get grayed out to only the commander.

    > > This helps the commander to see how many people are near him without having to open the map.


    > Did you mean something like this below? :)

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/nxyJNRa.jpg "")




    Yes that.

  8. There is one feature that i still want that was actually meant to ship with the squad system.




    The commander can choose a range/radius.


    Every player outside the that radius get grayed out to only the commander.


    This helps the commander to see how many people are near him without having to open the map.


    For WvW a huge boon.



    You could select a smaller number in raids to see who is sticky to the commander and who gets out of support range to often.



    Sad that this never happend.

  9. > @"Iroh.9016" said:

    > Hi there

    > Im pretty new to WvW aswell and i have already read some posts about the latest changes in WvW. So this i another question and maybe offtopic... Would you guys in generel still suggest hammer backline herald for zerging? i have read that it is not that usefull anymore but cant judged it because i dont have enough experience..

    > Thanks already!


    Its still good. Having permanent 10 target fury / might is always good.


    Especially because all dmg dealer builds always asume they have fury , even if the build doesnt have 100% fury uptime itself.


    (You never go over 80% crit chance because fury gives 20%)


    Hammer is the problem.


    Hammer auto attack is bad because its an projectile, which means you will never hit someone on a competend zerg ( lots of anti projectile skills around)


    CoR (skill 2) is your bread and butter but its also bugged as hell. It will take some time to learn to work around the bugs.


    Just to name a few problem that weapon has.



    All in all a good addition to every zerg but lets hope arenanet fixes the bugs soon.

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