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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. Sometimes i think people believe we have some magic connection to the anet servers.


    There is alot of cable between your pc and the anet server. Which means alot of points where things can get wrong.


    There are tools outthere you can use to see where the paketloss is caused.


    You would be surprised how often its because there is a flaw somewhere between you and the server.


  2. > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > Thanks for all the replies. I am approaching WvW with a different mindset and I'm enjoying it a bit better. There was also a "primetime" earlier which wasn't organized and it was a zerg vs zerg but people were not balling up and there was a line of attrition, where you could try diving to kill someone then blink back out (was using my mirage this time). Was really fun.


    There are always slacker in big zergs that you can just snack up.


    Some people watch youtube/twitch while blindly following a tag. Sometimes they stay behind enough to kill them without the zerg turning around.





  3. > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > I think I got it. It's the mindset everyone has. everyone thinks dying is too much of a hassle that they'd rather stand around inside a tower and wait for a zerg rather than engaging in fights.


    Most people you see in WvW are using Zerg Builds.


    These builds cannot win against roaming builds.


    They are not designed for it.


    Why should a zergling on a zergbuild fight against a roamer with a 1v1 build?



  4. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Found 3 PvE farm bots today, first one's i've seen in a long time.


    > They were all Scourge Minion Masters running around Echoslab Arches in Iron Marches farming Flame Legion Charr.

    > Combat bots mimicing human like behaviour, even mounting, their akward movement and farming loop give them away.


    > First bot's i've seen in GW2 for a while, going to keep my eyes open for more of them and reporting their a**es as soon as I find them.


    > *Edit, Make that 4 bots, same location.

    > *Edit 2 make that 5 bots, same location.



    Never had a problem with PvE bots.


    When they farm t3/t4 dust and sell it on the TP then the price goes done.


    As long as they sell the farmed loot on the TP its ok in my eyes.


    Love cheap crafting mats.

  5. > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

    > Are any of these people claiming COVID19 delays working in software? I have been in and out of working from home for years now, this is the one industry completely equipped to do this lmao. We're supposed to give Anet a break because they can't change some numbers in 2 months because of a global pandemic? Un kitten real.


    > BTW I haven't gotten to use the pandemic excuse at my job. Next time I'm late on something I'll just cry "we're in a global pandemic!"


    You sound like someone who never worked a single day in his life.


    Also, do you have family?


    I know many people who lost their jobs because of all this chaos.


    Just be happy that this pandamic doenst effect you at all. Many MANY others are not this lucky.



  6. My problem with raid are these 2.


    1. Li tresholds.


    Everything under 100 Li is basically like having 0 Li.

    Meaning that you have to join 100 low Li/ training runs before you even can get a decent group.


    The next treshold is 250 Li.


    Thats 250 Boss Kills before it feels like you actually start raiding.


    Its like a gear requirement but worse.


    2. There isnt even a reason to raid.


    Skins and AP are the only rewards thats are maybe interesting. Legendary Armor and Ring are easier to get from WvW.



    Now you must ask yourself. Are 250 boss kills worth the time investment only to get a single skin you like or maybe the few AP from some boss kills you need 250 Li for?



    TLDR: It takes way to long to get into "real" raiding for little to no reward worth the time effort.

  7. The first tipp i can give you is not to expect to be able to give everyone everytime auras.


    With a groupsize of 5, fights can get very chaotic and spreat out.


    Having high mobility , even as a support , is very important. You will get into scenarios were someone on your team need help because he just ate a burst and need heal ASAP.


    In small scale, everyone needs some form of aggressive pressure. Be it dmg or conditions like imob, cc etc.


    Your main Goal should be to support the other in getting kills and not be the failsafe/walking oh shit button.


    Gear wise, im cant say to much because i havent played Small Scale under the current patch but running arcane for massiv imob spam or burn spam with atleast some condition dmg on the gear seems like a good idea.


    I have seen very successfull players using cele stats or apothecary/magi mix.

    I hope that someone more experienced with the current meta can give you a good build for small scale.



  8. > @"Akronox.8251" said:

    > First, both skills are 1200 range (you can use either of them to do the jump skip in Twisted Castle), Ride the lightning does damage and the CD is halved when damaging enemies. I would not say that ancestral grace is way better but that they fit different purposes (although they could add a blast finisher on RTL).

    > We could also compare them to blink (instant 1200 range break stun with 30 sec CD in PVE), shadowstep (double instant 1200 range + break stun + removes 3 conditions for higher CD), necrotic traversal (instant 1200 range + break stun + lifeforce + blast + poison for similar CD) or lightning flash (900 instant, can be cast while CC'ed).

    > I think that RTL was nerfed to align to the 1200 range (1550 before) of all the other shadowstep/dash skills but the change was done in 2013 before Ancestral Grace even existed.

    > To get from A to B, you will never be faster than a thief with SB so I don't think that point is really relevant.

    > I agree that some characteristics should be aligned (CD, finishers, range) but each skill should have specificity (break stuns, instant, evade, damage, condition cleanse, ...), otherwise you are just designing the same skill over and over again.

    > If mobility was the issue, I don't see how the removal of evade frames fixed that. Changing the range to 900 and keeping the evasion would make more sense considering the description of the skill.



    It got changed in all gamemodes because you cant skill split how the skill functions, only numbers.


    There is also the philosophy that a skill should work the same in all gamemodes because it makes it easier for new players to switch gamemodes.


    Its true that druid and especially staff needs a rework for it to work in PvP/WvW.


    But there is also the danger of creating an unkillable bunker again.



  9. > @"beastudyr.4691" said:

    > I thought we were promised frequent balance adjustments, but so far that seems to have been a lie. There's some very clear outliers and outright broken skills out there that should've been fixed 3 weeks ago. The most notable one being that bombkit auto.


    I know as a gamer we dont go outside but maybe you heard about this thing called Corona Virus?


    You know? That things that make people not able to work?



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