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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. The last item i need for being full legendary is the Amulet.


    And if i think about what class i would play after years of not playing pvp, i would go base Necro.


    Just tank everything and let the people who have PvP knowledge do the kills.

  2. > @"Vova.2640" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Anet: lowers squads to 25 people.

    > >

    > > WvW players: open a second squad and still run around with 50 people.

    > >

    > > Vova: Suprised pikachu face.

    > >

    > >


    > Did you even read what I wrote?

    > I am perfectly well aware that people will make 2nd and 3rd squads to continue blobbing down. The idea is that it will make stuff like heals and boons share more difficult, and worse coordination between squads... thus making it easier for 25 and less man groups to fight blobs.


    Yes i did and no, it would change nothing.


    We could remove squads and we would just form groups normaly again.


    All you do is make it more annoying for the biggest group of the WvW community while changing nothing else.


    As long as it is effectiv to run around with 50+ ( and easier for most players), it WILL be done.


    Literally all you do here ist make the Gamemode worse for the majority of the Players and dont help the 15-20 man guilds at all.

  3. Years ago , i was playing a venomshare thief.


    Back in the days when you could mightstack your team with it.


    Got flamed by the enemy commander like 1 or 2 times while my own server screamed at me to stop using a cancer/unfair build.


    Honor was something important and playing venomshare was considered cheesing a fight.


    Yes really.


    Flame got so bad, had to change class after 4 days.


  4. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > > > Arcane power is used to spam immobilize by combining it with the arcane grandmaster trait.

    > > > >

    > > > > A low cd on that utility would be too strong.

    > > >

    > > > It's a 1s immobilize on a skill that is never used. Druid gets a better version just by dazing. I'm more advocating anet needs to look at these skills

    > >

    > > Its a 1 second immobilize 4 times AND shares 2 times AND an aoe ferocity buff AND an aoe intel sigil.


    > This is derailing from the point of my post. I dont think it's that good. If it was any good it would see some use in some sort of content, but I dont recall anyone using it ever. Its impractical, the CD is huge and other options are far better


    Thats why its heavly used in WvW.


    Imob spam with arcane blast and power is called OP in WvW and want it removed.


    But ok. Arcane blast hits like a truck there while being on a short cf.

  5. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > One clarification: The Forgotten's ritual wasn't related to the torment at all. It was used to give Glint free will, breaking her from Kralkatorrik's thrall. It was used on Kralkatorrik in hopes of purifying him, but his hunger and greed for magic was too strong that he resisted the ritual.


    > Gender can't play a role in it because the Elder Dragons and their scions don't actually have biological male-female genders. This was established back in 2009 and is why Jormag is now called "non-binary". Technically, so was Mordremoth, Zhaitan, Primordus, and even Kralkatorrik. Glint, Aurene, and Vlast assumed genders because of their relations to mortals - but there's no reason for the Elder Dragons to do so, since they don't care about relating to them. Glint and Aurene do call Kralkatorrik male, pronouns but he never calls himself such. From a narrative perspective, this was likely done for the sake of drama and writing - after all, having lines like "Grandfather, look at me!" or "I am not him." sounds better than "Grandparent, look at me!" and "I am not them." (well, okay, the latter still works).


    > You keep referring to Jormag as female, likely because Jormag's voice actor is female - same happens with Mordremoth even - but they're both genderless. Jormag doesn't care whether they're called he, she, or they (and undoubtedly doesn't mind being called it) so long as how they're called can further their goals.


    > The "high dragons", as I dub them, have only shown signs of being asexual. This is why we hear nothing about Glint's mother, or Aurene's and Vlast's father. By all indication, there doesn't seem to be one.


    I always thought Mordremoth as the Father of Aurene.


    Thats why she had some similar features.



  6. Just dont stack thoughness endlessly.

    More then 3k is a waste of stats.


    We survived in a meta with way higher bursts then now.


    Your stats alone should not let you survive, your stats + skill should.

  7. > @"Lambent.6375" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > And? Are you gonna explain what wrong?


    > There is nothing wrong. When Mystic weapons were released some were upset it cost so much to obtain them, and how limited they are. I was just saying these new Black Lion Ticket weapons look just as good, they just have a dark light theme, instead of the Mystic white/blue theme.


    Ahhh. Okay.

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