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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > I actually think the mesmer changes are a good idea.

    > >

    > >


    > I think you're right, I let mesmer get by to easy. Mirage cloak should inflict a self stun for the duration of the evade.


    One step closer to deleting Mesmer.


    We are getting there .

  2. > @"acidic.4356" said:

    > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


    > > I think this is a good answer when talking team play, which is what WvW is specifically about, but on the small scale I still think Engineer is the worst core spec.

    > >

    > > Even if core Engi can offer a few things in groups that Ranger can't, a well played Ranger can still be a good picker for pestering squishy targets and taking out harder to reach siege when attacking objectives. Reflects and the overall increase in support potency give core Ranger a harder time at doing it's job in a group than it does as Soulbeast, but it can still be done assuming the player knows what they're doing. The real issue here is that 99% of Rangers in zergs don't know how to be useful even though they can actually be a pretty decent asset if they work alongside the zerg rather than in it. Much like Thieves, they can "cut away the fat" so to speak, by eliminating players on the outer rim and ones that fall behind or try to regroup.

    > >

    > > Core Ranger is also quite effective in small scale or as a roamer, and IMO one of the few that currently has a well balanced core spec. It isn't heavily over performing or under performing and is perfectly viable, even having matches that favor it. The "boonbeast" variant of Soulbeast can actually be used on core as well, and if you can believe it, it's even tankier. It's damage isn't quite as good, but it's still more than enough to kill people.

    > >

    > > Looking at WvW as a whole, I think core Ranger and core Engineer are pretty close in terms of "worthlessness." But specifically because there are stronger builds for Ranger than Engi, and even if it offers less in a zerg than Engi, I think it's competitive potential is enough to save it from being the most useless.




    > smart answer. totally agree.





    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Whats worse then a ranger in WvW? A ranger without powercreep.



    > see above, core ranger is actually pretty nuts if ur talkin solo roaming... the problem is too many ppl cant play it or wont spec right.

    > but as mr @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said things change when u start to run with more ppl in a group. (in terms of being useful to your group)





    Thats actually the problem.


    Ranger is waaaaaaay to op in roaming but waaaaaaay to useless in zerging.



  3. > @"VoidNard.7206" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Come to WvW. Way more chill.


    > Is it really? I want to play this game for the pvp, which it was intended for, but structured pvp is poorly balanced and the devs arent doing anything about it.


    If you play zerg vs zerg its pretty ok.


    The only annoying part of WvW are ranger with 1 billion range and mesmer 100 - 0 you in 0,1 seconds from stealth


    Ohh and dont look for any kind of rewards. That will only end in suffering.

  4. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > It didnt change much.

    > > > >

    > > > > Scrapper and Ele got basicly free 250 stats with the new ooc weaponswap.

    > > > >

    > > > > No more Detection Pulse on Scrapper is realy realy bad.

    > > > > Revs have to actually use their Reveal Oo. Poor souls often dont even know they have that.

    > > > >

    > > > > And like always when something gets nerfed quite hard (scourge) people jump ship and try to find the next most broken thing.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > scrapper has reveal, just not on purge gyro. =) so it makes it hard to use because you have to give up one utlity for reveal.

    > >

    > > Imagine having to use Utility Goggles. "puke"


    > it's a trade off - warriors can do it better the reveal or you can rely on scrapper or your rev.


    Its not a trade off. Its simply a buff to stealth.


    Something nobody needed.

  5. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > It didnt change much.

    > >

    > > Scrapper and Ele got basicly free 250 stats with the new ooc weaponswap.

    > >

    > > No more Detection Pulse on Scrapper is realy realy bad.

    > > Revs have to actually use their Reveal Oo. Poor souls often dont even know they have that.

    > >

    > > And like always when something gets nerfed quite hard (scourge) people jump ship and try to find the next most broken thing.

    > >

    > >


    > scrapper has reveal, just not on purge gyro. =) so it makes it hard to use because you have to give up one utlity for reveal.


    Imagine having to use Utility Goggles. "puke"

  6. It didnt change much.


    Scrapper and Ele got basicly free 250 stats with the new ooc weaponswap.


    No more Detection Pulse on Scrapper is realy realy bad.

    Revs have to actually use their Reveal Oo. Poor souls often dont even know they have that.


    And like always when something gets nerfed quite hard (scourge) people jump ship and try to find the next most broken thing.



  7. Of all the remaining elder dragons, Primordus and Bubbles have one thing over Jormag.


    The location.


    Both are in near impossible to access areas.


    Below the ocean and in the Magma of the Planet.


    The Ice Magic of Jormag counters the Fire Magic of Primordus and having Ice Magic against a Water Dragon seems like a good idea.


    ( It would also make it easier for Anet to create map in the ocean for the potential bubbles fight)


    If i would be in the commanders shoes, i would seroiusly think about an alliance.



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