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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"shortcake.8659" said:

    > 2x longbow marks/skirm/sb and rain barrages down everywhere. you'll be everyone's hero.


    „Dies to retaliation instantly“


    > @"vinc.6047" said:

    > As much as I love this game I am shocked that Anet has let the Ranger become such a horrible pvp class. Everyone should just run with Necro, Ele, etc and then they would have to fix this bs. The ranger is a crucial fighter in a large scale fight except for in this game. All cloth classes should be cowering in fear when they see rangers. Pvp in this game is too kitten out of balance.



    Ranger are amazing everywhere.

    Except for Zerging.


    If ranger had a non projectile AoE weapon, they would even be amazing in zerging.


  2. > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > > > > > All the other examples they gave wither got a re-work or a buff to core spec mechanic. Druid was the only spec getting a direct mechanical nerf. And ya, I also don't agree with the philosophy of making the druid support only spec. Non of the other support oriented specs was designed like that . Firebrand and scourge for example can be very dangerous offensively if they are build toward that goal.

    > > > >

    > > > > „Druid was the only spec getting a direct mechanical nerf.“

    > > > >

    > > > > Berserker and Daredevil want to talk to you.

    > > >

    > > > Both got a rework to their mechanic, not a direct mechanic nerf without any compensation.

    > >

    > > a nerf with a name change isn't a rework

    > > -every daredevil player


    > A direct nerf like rangers got would have been ONLY reduce range to 600. Reducing to 600 range while making it an unblockable attack, is a rework. You may not like this change, but it is what it is. The difference is clear.


    Thats a discusion without end.

    Both E-Specs took a hit from the nerf bat.


    That both sides are not happy is understandable.


    And the berserker rework turned out to be not good.

    PvE and PvP.



    I think we all can agree that Warriors, Ranger and Thiefs are not happy with what they got.

  3. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Heal Rev has not changed enough for it to see more play in WvW.

    > >

    > > You still play the same traits as before.

    > >

    > > You even loose a tiny bit of healpower on the high end.

    > >

    > > 120 Thoughness and 7% into Healpower gave slightly more HP then 120 HP and 7% into concentration.

    > >

    > > To sum it up:

    > > * Staff is slightly better at healing.

    > > * You loose a bit of Healpower for extra Boonduration.

    > >

    > > Thats it.


    > I agree. Staff is slightly better. But must admit Generous Abundance is a charm compared to before. honestly believe this should been the stock healing mechanics for Ventari and traits modify it from there.


    For an example.

    On the really high end, Regen heals for 8 less per second but you gain around 10 % more Boon Duration.


  4. Heal Rev has not changed enough for it to see more play in WvW.


    You still play the same traits as before.


    You even loose a tiny bit of healpower on the high end.


    120 Thoughness and 7% into Healpower gave slightly more HP then 120 HP and 7% into concentration.


    To sum it up:

    * Staff is slightly better at healing.

    * You loose a bit of Healpower for extra Boonduration.


    Thats it.

  5. > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > All the other examples they gave wither got a re-work or a buff to core spec mechanic. Druid was the only spec getting a direct mechanical nerf. And ya, I also don't agree with the philosophy of making the druid support only spec. Non of the other support oriented specs was designed like that . Firebrand and scourge for example can be very dangerous offensively if they are build toward that goal.


    „Druid was the only spec getting a direct mechanical nerf.“


    Berserker and Daredevil want to talk to you.

  6. > @"Mesket.5728" said:

    > Terrible TERRIBLE changes for warrior. This game is trying to force players to quit. I was having fun these last couple of months with my Power Berseker and now its just garbage. And I'm a PVE player! Please PLEASE! give me back always angry and F1 skill. It is BORING to play 12 seconds... wait 12 seconds... play 12 seconds. Who designed this? why do you pay him!?


    The " play 12 seconds... wait 12 seconds... play 12 seconds" part was one of the biggest reasons we wanted a Rework.

    You can easely be in 80+ seconds of Berserker without alacrity now.

    And (i think) perma Berserker with alacrity.


    Only problem is you have to play 4 rage skills....... yeah.....

  7. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"rdigeri.7935" said:

    > > > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

    > > > As for the patch tomorrow, it's cool that we get 3 stacks of adrenal health/berserker's power upon entering berserk. That's a great change imo.

    > >

    > > I think you only get the stacks if you hit something with the cast..

    > >


    > that would be hilarious, any player with good reaction times/animation knowlegde can totally prevent the warrior from


    > 1) or entering berserker at all (headshot, power lock, name random cc)

    > 2) prevent the damage portion off berserker by side stepping, blind, teleport, name random gtfo skill


    > then you are left with zero adrenaline, zero stacks of berserkers power/adrenal health at best


    > at worst,

    > berserker on 15 sec cd, and no burst skills at all


    > yet here people are praising the change, that while needed sounds "strange" on paper so far


    From a PvE perspectiv its awesome.


    For any typ of pvp however....

    It can be interupted.....


    And im pretty sure you need to hit with the B-Form dmg to get trait benefits.


    Lets hope im wrong!!!

  8. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.

    > 90% of players just pass through your hitbox and run away because they don't wanna fight.

    > As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.

    > Why those coward players can choose to skip a fight and instead I can't force them to have the fight?

    > Remove completely the hp from mounts and as soon you get even 1 damage hit, you get dismounted.

    > Leave the mount as a travelling utility only.

    > Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.

    > I always watch 1vs1s and leave them alone and ready to join if a trash ganker comes to outnumber my server mate.


    Well.... when im on a zergling build, i know i have 0% chance of winning a 1on1.


    Why should i give out free lootbags?



  9. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"ewenness.6482" said:

    > > Somewhat related to this question: did Arenanet ever say anything about the third garden plot? Will we be able to buy it eventually? Seems odd to design three plots but only sell two. It also makes your garden look uneven and disorganized as instead of unlocking the two plots on the sides and leaving the middle/top one empty, it left one side empty.


    > I am guessing there is some technical limitation or just that they wanted to see how many sales of the 2nd they would get (we might get something else for the 3rd plot if they were bad).


    I would buy a third one instantly.


    The mini primers are just awesome.



  10. Yolo Gunflame maybe.

    Or melee in small scale (3-5 people)


    But as long B-Form has a cast time i dont see it as a duelist.


    In zerging? No Way. Winds to strong.

  11. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > dark aura might become a good defensive aura to keep up, stack it with frost aura and you have basically a free food effect on you (-20% condi duration -10% physical

    > damage)


    > chaos armor got renamed to chaos aura


    > 1 question: does a support tempest only share auras it can provide themself (fire, frost, shock and magnetic) or can it also share light, chaos and dark?


    > a blast finnisher in gravity well for chaos aura or a leap in a necro well for dark aura to the tempest, would be useful if they could share it to 5-10 peeps


    Tempest or better the water GM could always share all types of Auras.



  12. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > "Berserk mode is no longer instant and has a casting time."

    > making warrior more slow to play! jesus Christ! Anet please stop with this madness. Why don't you make steal with cast time? Why don't you make engineer with cast time, why is necro not on cast time? why are elementalist F1,2,3,4 not on cast time?


    > Why is revenant F2 not on cast time? Every single warrior patch they make it worse and worse!

    > Does this mean that berserker can now be interrupted? if so you need to go to hell!


    > This is what we get for asking a rework on berserker. They rework it allright, but in the wrong way!

    > From now on, if you are a warrior just shut your mouth and don't ask for anything good for the warrior or else they EFF things up more.


    I think the reason for the casttime is that B-Form is now a regular Burst Skill.


    This means that all Traits that work with Bursts also have to work with B-Form.

    That could be the reason why entering B-Form is an attack now. ( You do aoe dmg around you)

    Because hitting an opponent is required to trigger the effects of Burst Traits.


    But this would (or could) be the reason for the cast time.


  13. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Vrita.7846" said:

    > > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

    > > > > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

    > > > > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

    > > > >

    > > > > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.

    > > >

    > > > how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

    > > > unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)

    > > >

    > > > can't allways rely on stability from teammates

    > > >

    > > > 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)

    > > >

    > > > also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now

    > > >

    > > > mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast

    > >

    > > Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

    > > Something i would say is quite good.

    > >

    > > If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.

    > >

    > >


    > long story short; this will be good for while in berserk (+7 seconds) but you don't get to chose when a breakbar pops up. some are % based and some are visually recovering so you can anticipate

    > but over the ratio on how fast your group depleyes target health by x% untill evetually the breakbar pops up you have little saying in that


    > that, could drastically alter a rotation/berserk upkeep


    > hope i'm clear enough


    To be perfectly honest.

    To this Point Berserker feels like a Alpha Version of a Elite Spec.

    With the comming Changes, it gets into Beta.


    Atleast we have something playable know and Anet can go from there.

    Maybe we see a Final release version in 2-3 balance patches.

  14. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"Vrita.7846" said:

    > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

    > > > > NO change to mace f1 ?! lvl 3 mace is 4 sec stun while zerker f1 is 1 sec daze with confuse and bleed..... oh come on...............

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > 3 seconds you mean which becomes 3.9 seconds if you take superior sigil of paralyzation (+30%)

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > but everyon eis forgetting one thing: no more normal burst skills, so you can kiss mace/mace goodbye..rip warrior breakbar damage.

    > > >

    > > > and will be trash in pvp, people will just handle it like it's rampage. kite out the duration thenw arrior is kitten with no burst skills.

    > > > most portion comes from burst skills and gs 3, which now dissapears

    > >

    > > You seem to forget that we'll now have access to headbutt for that 3 second stun. So sure, we won't have the mace burst anymore, but you'll have headbutt. I don't see mace/mace going anywhere, you'll still have mace 5 and 3, and you'll likely still be running severance + paralyzation sigil which will work with headbutt, cc isn't going anywhere.


    > how do you plan on dealing with the headbutt selfcc?

    > unless you take outrage you will be suffering from 1 second selfstun (inbefore selfstun is also affected by paralyzation sigil just for the fun, anet knowing)


    > can't allways rely on stability from teammates


    > 1 second not attacking, is, and can be, a huge dps loss esp the moment after the breakbar is broken, and you have severance proc for the ferocity, you want to switch to axe/axe and land axe 5 under severance and under peak performance. which is now delayed if you use headbut last, or waste mace skills if you use headbirst first (bar can be broken by others, as you the warrior were to slow)


    > also, say the breakbar pops up while you are out of berserker, you use headbutt and that wil lreduce your overall dps long-term because you coud not extend berserker duration now


    > mace burst is too important, just compare cc from core war to cc of spellbreaker boonstripper, it becomes clear fast


    Well... headbutt into outrage is a 7 second extention to berserker form.

    Something i would say is quite good.


    If thats playable in PvE... time will tell but in PvP/WvW it should be usefull.



  15. > @"Crusader.7460" said:

    > Ok so quick qestion.How the hell will you be able to get adrenaline on staight condi berserker setup? All rage skills wont give adrenaline.Longbow and sword is super slow to make adrenaline.So basicly you force ppl now to play power berserker?(If it will be even playable .Also GS+ 2 axe build .Yay we dont have enough of those meele boring wepons). Lets imagine start of fight . You use shater blow+ headbutt or Blood Reckoning and you good to go berserk mode and burst.When you in berserk mode you still can get nice flow of adrenline from rage skills and you burst more hence the "nice" dps(good enough dps to be able to feel like you do something). But after those changes you will be forced to get signet of fury to even start fight.Coz of that you drop 1 banner . You propably have to drop other banner just to get rage skill to make berserk last longer.When you do that you loose lot of personal damage and team loose dmg. (People will now consider well warrior is not giving buffs and not dpsing so we dont need him in party).But still in berserker mode you wont be able to burts that much at all with straight condi build.Now you lost basicly all fast adrenaline buildup skills and also " Smash Brawler: This trait no longer reduces recharge of berserk mode and primal bursts. Instead, it extends the duration of berserk mode by 5 seconds." and condi damage for this "Always Angry: Grants quickness and superspeed for 3 seconds when berserk mode is first activated." Did you guys actually think about this or you guys have bunch on monekys that do those balance patches? Basicly straight condi warrior wont be able to get adrenaline , wont be able to do enough bursts in berserk mode and his dps will be fluff .Why dont you delete warrior altogether if you guys hate him so much and why you change things that were kinda working.Rest of the classes must have lot of lolz and rofls etc.



  16. What classes got actually better in WvW with the balance patch?


    Heal rev got better (maybe).


    Heal Tempests who run daggers got buffed a bit, but who plays daggers?


    Maybe we see Mass Invis Chronos now in guild groups?


    A slight Mace Buff for Firebrand?



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