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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > now that Blast Finisher are worth even more.

    > I must have missed something. ^^

    > Why are blast finishers worth more now?

    > I don't see any reason to dismiss the 3 AoE-stuns, evasions, leaps, block, and reflect from hammer for a single blast finisher on a 24s CD.

    > Soothing detonation doesn't heal much and shocking speed will probably loose its lightning-blast-equals-superspeed property.


    I play only in zergs these days.

    When i played Medi Scrapper i had never a reason to be on Hammer, other then Skill 5.

    You know. Pirate Ship Meta.


    With the new Scrapper i would play 4 kits, so i would be on Hammer even less time.


    So yes. I would trade everything the Hammer has for one single Blast Finisher on 24 sec CD.


  2. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Going the Condi Cleanse niche is the goal.

    > > WIthout perma Quickness, our raw heal per second is simply not good enough to focus on it.


    > Thanks for the input!

    > I would like to comment on your suggestions.


    > Perma quickness is nerved, but heal using superspeed using kinetic stabilizer & rapid regeneration & slickshoes wasn't really decreased by that patch.

    > I did some statistics over a couple of guild raids and it's still double the heal of a support-guard.


    > Boon duration is still important in my opinion for purity of purpose (must-have in any support scrapper build) and comeback cure.

    > After the zerg mesmer nerv healscrappers are one of the best boon sources in the zerg.

    > Usually I run something like minstrel & cleric for higher heal.

    > The exact effect is difficult to measure, though, since arcDPS boontable seems to crash in WvW fights.


    > Antitoxin doubles your cleanses during the bursts.

    > altruism gives roughly the same cleanse increase while it's a sustain-cleanse that gives heal power and boon duration.

    > Monk gives +10% heal, but I'm not sure how much more regeneration the additional cleanse gives.

    > So, personally, I prefer altruism.


    > Your idea about going towards condition damage is also interesting.

    > Marshall or apothecary stats may be useful there.

    > However, even though the rune gives condi-damage, you are missing skills and traits to do effective condi damage.

    > Going to a bunker build appears to be easier from the base scrapper build, than trying to become a damage dealer.


    I think 20-30% Boon Duration should be ok and easy to do, but i would not go crazy with it.


    I never tried altruism in Zerging, i should check it out.


    For the stat idea, its just a thought that came to mind.



    All in all i would probably play a Mintrel/Magi/Cleric mix with Anti Toxin rune.


    I dont see a reason to play Rifle or Hammer, now that Blast Finisher are worth even more.

    The Blast Finisher on Shield and the fact we get the Shield Trait for free, makes Shield the best choice in my oppinion.


    Some people think about the new Elite Gyro but i think Mortar is still better. Also extra Blast Finisher on F5.





    Here: Almost 2k Healpower infight and over 40% Boon Duration with nearly no Mintrel Gear.


    Flamethrower for the buffed 2. Blast finisher with 6 sec cd.




  3. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Clean ALL the conditions!!!


    > if you do things right on a healscrapper (+althruism rune), you get up to 4 cleanses per second constantly.

    > With conversion holo (+antitoxin) you got up to 9 cleanses per second on average.

    > The original purge gyro was really bad at cleansing, though. if now it's something like 1-2 group cleanse per 1-3 seconds it would be awesome. ^^


    > How do you think will healscrapper develop?

    > * Bulwark-gyro is a bit of a problem with you taking the damage for its full duration, probably not evadable and blockable (and also scales with their toughness instead of yours). On the other side, the barrier might mitigate the damage somewhat and the lightning-field is interesting for hammer-3 and when having a daredevil in your party... all his dodges will stun, while you take damage inflicted on him.

    > * I don't see much use for shredder, but blast might be interesting for zerg support if might generation is comparable to herold output.

    > * purge seems to be a nice addition to make the healscrapper more into a boon-well

    > * medic-F1 gives protection + moving water, medic-gyro heal + moving water... I still don't think its better than medikit, unless they double the healing output...

    > * sneak is interesting. I'm fine with an invisible 10s smoke field moving with you... 30s of moving smoke field seems to be too strong to me... visible smoke-field that attacks and reveals seem to be pretty useless to me.

    > * for shocking speed to be used effectively, I would use two gyros, maybe purge & bulwark


    > Do you think with blast & shredder there will be offensive zerg scrappers again?


    Im not sure how i would build a Medi Scrapper after the patch.


    Medi Pack or New Gyro Heal.

    Hammer or Pistol/Shield ( For protection and blast finisher)


    Medi Pack would give me extra condi cleanse.

    And you need every blast finisher you can.


    Maybe i would play it like this.



    Stat wise....


    We lost perma quickness so the only reason to take Boon Duration would be to get perma Regen for [Energy Amplifier].

    Which should not be much.


    Then as much Healpower as possible.

    MAYBE! You could play Apothecary stats.


    Would go with Anti Toxin rune and pistol.

    Maybe flamethrower for an dmg option + even more blast finisher?


    Maybe the blast gyro field has burning.



    But one thing is for sure.


    Going the Condi Cleanse niche is the goal.

    WIthout perma Quickness, our raw heal per second is simply not good enough to focus on it.


  4. I would not underestimate 10 Target Magnet Aura and Frostaura.


    For Zerging, both will see play but scrapper is 100% melee (mortar doesn’t count) while Tempest can play staff.


    Most zergs will probably have 3-5 Tempest and/or Scrapper at most.

    Which is also enough.

  5. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > I don't understand what is so complicated about alliances that it takes years to finish :(


    > A very basic hack of an alliance system could probably(maybe?) be done manually by one person every few months with no added interfaces or backend coding work needed.


    > 1. WvW guild leaders send in-game mail to Anet person requesting an alliance with other guilds.


    > 2. Anet person puts list of alliance requests in a spreadsheet or text file or whatever and checks that they are valid:

    > * alliances requests must be reciprocal . If A requests B, then B must request A or the request is void

    > * alliances requests must be under the player limit. If they are not, the entire alliance request is void

    > The responsibility is on the guild leaders to make sure their alliance requests are valid


    > 3. Anet person shuffles valid alliances + other remaining guilds into servers with equal populations


    > .. done? That'd probably take less than a day each time. Steps 2 + 3 could probably be scripted


    > This could be balanced a bit by taking into account average WvW play hours for each guild, but I assume Anet could get this information from their metrics.


    > Obviously, I don't have the slightest clue what other complications could be involved, since I don't work there. I am in no way saying this would definitely work.. just that I think it could work, and it might be easy, and I'd prefer it to the status quo.


    > Perfect is the enemy of good + all that...


    A plan, so amazingly kitten, it could actually work.


    Ok. Simple question.


    Would YOU want to do this job?

    Not the „programming“ but sitting there each day and changing things per hand?



    But seriously, good lord that would be painful.


  6. > @"huluobo.7036" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > here's an idea: don't fight multiple ppl at once if you don't have the skills to pull it off rather then ask anet to add systems that reward ppl for playing poorly


    > You don't understand the meaning of the battle, stick to it, and fight for other opportunities for your teammates. Don't play pvp if you are afraid of death.


    Or play smarter and tactically retreat when the situation calls for it.


    Bravery doesn’t win battles.

    Knowledge does.

  7. Fow WvW:


    Potentially 2 new Meta Support Builds in Tempest and Scrapper.



    Also Ele would be the only class with both E Specs being Meta.




    The new Scourge Timebomb trait looks scary in competent hands but i doubt the Pug Scourge will use it.


    They will probably switch to Barrier or extra burning.


    For warrior, i don’t know.



    All in all:

    More support specs in the average Zerg.


    Less Boon Rip because of Pug scourges not using Timebomb Trait.


    Sounds ok for me.

  8. > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > A 4 second downtime with alacrity doesn’t sound to bad.

    > >

    > > And if i read the new trait effect correctly, everybody gets the double effect.

    > > So + 30 stats for everyone and - 55 stats for the warrior.

    > >

    > > IF it works like this i would be happy.

    > >

    > > If only the warrior gets the double stats, THEN i am not happy.


    > ONLY the warrior gets double stats, everyone else gets baseline 100


    RIP then indeed.

  9. A 4 second downtime with alacrity doesn’t sound to bad.


    And if i read the new trait effect correctly, everybody gets the double effect.

    So + 30 stats for everyone and - 55 stats for the warrior.


    IF it works like this i would be happy.


    If only the warrior gets the double stats, THEN i am not happy.

  10. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > Powerful Aura: 5 allies gain auras as well. 6 in total including Tempest.

    > Tempestuous Aria: Shouts will now affect 10 targets.


    > It depends on how the prioritization is going to work. It can be 10-14/15 allies. Since auras of same kind can be refreshed but the duration can't be stacked, it would depend if they make it that those who got it once can't get it again, but this will affect PvE. Would most likely be the nearest to Tempest with respect to the sub-squad first.


    The ability to give 15 people an Aura with one shout would be amazing in WvW.

  11. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > And you post this here because?

    > > > >

    > > > > I get it, we are all happy Mirage got nerfed but this Topic should be posted in the Mesmer forum.

    > > >

    > > > I post this because it's the latest batch of nerfs to what has been the most complained about class for the eight months since Disenchanter Chrono was nerfed and deserves to be discussed.

    > >

    > > What do you want to discuss about it though?

    > > You posted the patch notes, that doesn't help start much of a conversation.


    > Are you kidding me?


    > People always. Always have a million words on every little patch note.


    The problem is that you posted the Mesmer Patch Notes WITHOUT any starting point of discussion.


    We already have a discussion on the balance patch in the PvP Forum and one on Mesmer in the Mesmer Forum.



  12. > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > And you post this here because?

    > > >

    > > > I get it, we are all happy Mirage got nerfed but this Topic should be posted in the Mesmer forum.

    > >

    > > I post this because it's the latest batch of nerfs to what has been the most complained about class for the eight months since Disenchanter Chrono was nerfed and deserves to be discussed.


    > What do you want to discuss about it though?

    > You posted the patch notes, that doesn't help start much of a conversation.





  13. > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > Y’know, the community has been surprisingly level-headed about reading the patch notes (I’m guessing because of the good communication here and the other recent events). Your knee-jerk reply would just be another normal response to a balance patch, but comes across as particularly harsh with so many other people taking the notes on a more reasonable level.

    > >

    > > As for your argument, banner warriors are going nowhere. A nerf to the overall stat benefit of banners doesn’t negate that they are still such a net positive, particularly since warriors have much better personal DPS than they have had in the past.


    > I'm annoyed more at how tedious this sounds, hitting F and ` every 60 seconds does not sound like engaging dynamic fun.


    > Also what community response, this is the only thread on the warrior portion of the forums about this atm.


    Im not sure but should Banners not have perma uptime with alacrity now?


    Also i don’t understand the new banner trait.


    Does only the warrior get 200 or everyone?



  14. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > He has 17 kill and not even the most kills on his team.

    > >

    > > Looks like Red farmed Blue but they didn’t cap points.

    > >

    > > Or something.


    > I make another post for this, because it is interesting, but a completely different topic.


    > Yeah, since you pointed it out: He has 23.9% of his team's kills **and 17.1% of the game's kills**. Does this mean, the enemy team won while killing much much less enemies (the deaths statistic shows something similarish)? Were they bunkered to death, hardcore decapped and outrotated or... I don't know. Why doesn't he explain? :weary:


    This post is like one of these "you cant unsee it, IF you can see it" pictures.


    I look at it for minutes but cant figure out wtf is so special about it.

  15. The timing is crazy bad.


    It will already be chaos in WvW with all the PvE ler swarming in.


    But a Balance Patch ontop?


    How are you supposed to teach new Players WvW when you yourself don’t even know what’s the new Meta?


    The Balance Patch should have dropped last week so WvW Players could figure out the new Meta and then teach it to the new playes.





  16. If we learned something from the no downstate week; It didn’t changed much in Zerging, other then the fact that Soulbeast became Meta in Zergfights.


    Now that you could burst out of place players without worrying about insta rezzes.


    Also Rezz traits/skills became useless, so you could choose better traits/skills.



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