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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > And lets be honest.

    > > What chance is there Anet will give us better stat types then Marauder and Minstrel in the future.


    > Idk man... I use a lot of stats combinations when trying to refine numbers or trying different builds... But then again, I don't just copy paste a build off Metabattle, so I can see it's not being very useful for someone who just play the same profession/build over and over.


    I did Min/Maxing alot in the first 5 years of WvW but nowadays i can’t be bothered.


    Weaver or Rev? Just slap full marauder on.


    Guardian? Just slap full Mintrel on.


    It works fine enough these days.

  2. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > > What most thieves/deadeye do is roam anywhere from 1-5 people disrupting and ticking off other players a good one does quite a bit of damage and are feared by many. Grouping up with a squad is not what they do. If you want to do that use another profession of course do some research


    > There are no rules on how anyone should or shouldn't, must or mustn't.. it is simply just the squad leaders silliness. I would hazard a guess that same squad leader was crying out for people to join squad when no one was bothered.

    > Every class has the ability to be good or bad because much of it comes down to the person behind the pixels.

    > OP if out it continues to happen, simply don't join the squad, do your own thing or just follow the zerg train, and when it wipes just go stealth, get out of the way of the train wreck and /laugh in chat... or swap servers and go pick them off for fun and karma.


    The „ silliness“ is called common sense.

    The Squad Leaders job is not only to command the fight but also to create a zerg that had the highest possible win chance.


    A Deadeye inside the squad is simply not worth much.


    Outside he is gold worth ( the good ones atleast).


    And no.

    Not every class has the potential to be usefull in Zerging.


    At this point, even Weaver can be seen are borderline usefull.

    As it is just a second choice Scourge.


    People need to except that not every class is good at everything.


    Thief/Rangers make unbelievable good roamers.



  3. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > Skirmish Tickets are now usefull.

    > > > >

    > > > > *The Dream*

    > > >

    > > > LOL skirmish tickets are the most useful out of wvw - leg backpack, leg armor, trinkets etc

    > >

    > > What?

    > > If you already have the Leg Backpack and armor, what are you buying thats not crazy overpriced?

    > >

    > > A full set of trinkets are over 100g in Memories and 1310 Tickets.

    > > Who would ever buy this!?

    > >

    > > And NO! I would not pay 20g ( memories) for a stat swap.

    > >

    > > Im currently at nearly 21k Tickets and there is nothing on the vendor im crazy enough to buy.

    > >


    > Dan, believe it or not, we get it. It’s useful for us **despite** the cost.


    > We play the game and the tickets come. I’ve made two legendary sets because of **convenience**.




    I actally regret making a legendary armor.

    Its sitting in my bank.


    Way easier to make 2-3 amor sets and swaping them if needed.

    > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > Skirmish Tickets are now usefull.

    > > > >

    > > > > *The Dream*

    > > >

    > > > LOL skirmish tickets are the most useful out of wvw - leg backpack, leg armor, trinkets etc

    > >

    > > What?

    > > If you already have the Leg Backpack and armor, what are you buying thats not crazy overpriced?

    > >

    > > A full set of trinkets are over 100g in Memories and 1310 Tickets.

    > > Who would ever buy this!?

    > >

    > > And NO! I would not pay 20g ( memories) for a stat swap.

    > >

    > > Im currently at nearly 21k Tickets and there is nothing on the vendor im crazy enough to buy.

    > >


    > considering that you can statswap them for less than 2g (shards of glory) and they will likely have all future stats, i think its worth the investment of buying them. (if you do not play spvp/fracs that is)


    Yeah, i know about that the shards of glory.


    Getting Trinket sets from living world maps is and always was way easier and cheaper.


    And lets be honest.

    What chance is there Anet will give us better stat types then Marauder and Minstrel in the future.

  4. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Skirmish Tickets are now usefull.

    > >

    > > *The Dream*


    > LOL skirmish tickets are the most useful out of wvw - leg backpack, leg armor, trinkets etc



    If you already have the Leg Backpack and armor, what are you buying thats not crazy overpriced?


    A full set of trinkets are over 100g in Memories and 1310 Tickets.

    Who would ever buy this!?


    And NO! I would not pay 20g ( memories) for a stat swap.


    Im currently at nearly 21k Tickets and there is nothing on the vendor im crazy enough to buy.


  5. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"Luna.6203" said:

    > > **honest question** I know that i'm not important enough to get some official answer. But i'm going to try it anyway. Please can any community manager ansfer me:

    > > **Are you going to nerf mirage-mesmer or not ? ** or are you planning to ?


    > Actually when we spend hours doing balance suggestions with nerfs and up who answer literraly every main things peoples are crying about mesmer while not letting mesmers be useless then when you see only 3 mesmer participate in this post while 90% of players prefering create new : "nerf mersmer, nerf mesmer, ..." posts...

    > Same for other balance suggestion posts other than "nerf all" because "I don't play mesmer so I don't care as long as I just one shot them."

    > What to say... 90% of people are just no productive sentimental who will never have an overall vision of what they ask for.




    The truth is that, if Mirage would be smiters booned next patch, the 90% would throw a giant dance party on mirages grave.




  6. Mace/shield is used in WvW.

    But not because its strong.


    Mace just „works“ as a bit extra healing and you use the mace trait anyway so why not.



    Just let mace auto heal on every strike and (Edit) _decrease_ the casttime of the symbol.


    Should be ok.

  7. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > > > > I haven’t looked at all of them but did you also post the mirage topics that got posted in the WvW and General Forum?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Oh Coni Mirage is 10x more busted marginally in comparison to other classes in wvw than it is in spvp.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > * Food that grants +40% passive endurance regeneration

    > > > > > > * Energy Sigils that still grant +50% endurance on swap

    > > > > > > * Adventure Rune granting full +50% endurance on heal use

    > > > > > > * Trailblazer stats

    > > > > > > * PvE sigil options

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Usually resulting in a sheer 60+ seconds of literally complete immunity to all forms of damage, due to this endless pit of endurance regen and mirage cloaks, along with clone ambush skill usage that is far too frequent even begin to consider is anywhere in the realm in the balance. You can't 1v1 this spec in wvw. Most people can't even kill it 3v1, and it isn't because they are bad, it's because the endless well of endurance & mirage cloaks and trailblazer stats, buys plenty of time to teleport around and disengage into a keep.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This isn't entirely true and certainly not 10x let alone 10x compared to other classes. All classes can (and do) run these sigils and food giving them more dodges too.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What is truly busted in WvW small scale are rangers.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You know how druids were extremely obnoxious with CA on 10s CD and ancient seeds on 10s CD? They're still like that in WvW so you can never kill a tanky one and it will lock you down eventually with the pet killing you.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Soulbeast actually got buffed, moa stance is still 25s CD and Dolyak stance is still 30s CD and saw the buffs PvP received too. It's at a point where if a soulbeast is using the above sigils, food and runes they can be in an evade frame almost as much as mesmer while enjoying -54% damage taken every 30s.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also trailblazer stats? LUL that's like paper with the amount of damage going around atm or have you missed the people complaining about being hit for 7k+ on minstrels guardians that have 3.4k armour.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moa_Stance

    > > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dolyak_Stance

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I will agree condition mirage is stronger in WvW, I'll agree it's a strong 1v1 spec (loses value in fights of 3+) but it is by far not alone in how strong it is where soulbeasts, warriors and holosmiths actually dominate the roaming scene in T1-T2 EU with revs coming in with duos and above. Remember revs might stacking isn't nerfed, photon forge damage is significantly higher and likewise stance nerfs weren't brought to WvW.

    > > > >

    > > > > Warriors dominate? Lol, you might see a few of them, but they are not effective solo roamers. Thief, mesmer, holo and ranger are far superior.

    > > >

    > > > Warriors can outrun anything that isn't soulbeast, thief, shiro rev, sword mirage and rocket boots holo, even then thief, mirage and rev will be wary of using up resources to chase a warrior as 1 stunlock and they're dead. You tend to see them in small numbers duo to 5 a lot too because of the sustain with MMR, Adrenal healing, mobility and sheer amount of CC.

    > > >

    > > > As I say this is my experience in T1-T2 EU, your mileage may vary.

    > >

    > > Ok.

    > > „One stunlock = dead“

    > > And how can a warrior archive this stunlock without help from someone else?

    > >

    > > Sure a Warrior could do that to a zergling but that doesn’t really count because zergling builds are not made for small scall fights.

    > >

    > > You should only compare roaming build against roaming build.

    > >

    > > Tell me.

    > > On equal skill level, who would win:

    > > Mirage Vs Warrior

    > > Soulbeast Vs Warrior

    > > Deadeye Vs Warrior

    > > Holo Vs Warrior

    > >

    > > Also: How on earth can a Spellbreaker do this much dmg without discipline and berserker power?

    > >

    > >


    > I'll let apharma answer that but I like a lot where this is going and since you're one who wants the hardest mirage nerfed

    > Tell me.

    > On equal skill level, who would win:

    > Boonbeast vs Mirage

    > Conv Holo vs Mirage

    > S/D Thief vs Mirage

    > S/D Weaver vs Mirage

    > Firebrand vs Mirage


    The fact that im already known for wanting to nerf mirage makes me actually proud.


    Lets apply some rules first so we all are on the same mindset.


    1. Its WvW Roaming and not PvP. Therefor no "Fair fights"/1 on1´s.

    2. The fight in won when a Player get a kill.

    3. The fight is not lost by disengaging if the Player gets the Kill on a later try.

    4. The fight is lost when the player that initiate the fight can not get the kill ( Enemy can run).

    5. There is no time limit.

    6. There will never come help.

    7. We look at the fight from both sides. Who initiates the fight.

    8. If a Player has access to stealth he will always start the fight from stealth.

    9. Each Players goal is to get the kill as fast and easy as possible.

    10. All players are aware of their surroundings.

    11. A Player without Stealth, Extreme Range or some sort of Teleport can not initiate the fight. ( No surprise factor)

    12. If a Player has the Initiative then his Win Chance is drasticly increased.



    **Firebrand vs Mirage**

    Initiative Mirage: Mirage wins.

    Firebrand is a sitting duck.

    If his reaction is good he can survive some time but he also will never kill the Mirage.

    Mirage will either Burst him down or kill him over time.


    Initiative Firebrand: Mirage Wins

    What Firebrand would start a fight with a Mirage anyway?


    **S/D Weaver vs Mirage**

    Initiative Mirage: Mirage wins.

    Depends heavly on the reaction time of the Weaver.

    If the Weaver reacts in time, it becomes a Kit vs Kit fight. Mirage wins that fight over time.


    Initiative Weaver: Mirage wins

    Weaver can only get the Initiative with Lightning Flash.

    Depends heavly on the reaction time of the Mirage and if the Weaver can Burst the Mirage from 100 - 0 in 1 second or less.

    If the Mirage reacts in time, it becomes a Kit vs Kit fight. Mirage wins that fight over time.


    **S/D Thief vs Mirage**

    Initiative Mirage: Mirage wins.


    Initiative Thief: Depends

    Depends heavly on the reaction time of the Mirage and if the Thief can Burst the Mirage from 100 - 0 in 1 second or less.

    ( Im currently not sure if S/D Thief has enough burst)



    **Conv Holo vs Mirage**

    Initiative Mirage: Not to sure here.

    Depends heavly on the reaction time of the Holo.

    The Holo can not disengage the fight.

    The Mesmer can.

    Which means the Mesmer has unlimited tries.


    Initiative Holo: Mirage

    Holo can not initiate the fight. ( I mean he could run Elixer S?)



    **Boonbeast vs Mirage**

    Initiative Mirage: Not sure.

    Im not sure if a Mirage could burst a Boon beast from stealth fast enough.

    If the Boonbeast has enough time to react this could be a clown fiesta.


    Initiative Boonbeast: Mirage.

    Boonbeast can not initiate the fight.


























  8. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > > I haven’t looked at all of them but did you also post the mirage topics that got posted in the WvW and General Forum?

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Oh Coni Mirage is 10x more busted marginally in comparison to other classes in wvw than it is in spvp.

    > > > >

    > > > > * Food that grants +40% passive endurance regeneration

    > > > > * Energy Sigils that still grant +50% endurance on swap

    > > > > * Adventure Rune granting full +50% endurance on heal use

    > > > > * Trailblazer stats

    > > > > * PvE sigil options

    > > > >

    > > > > Usually resulting in a sheer 60+ seconds of literally complete immunity to all forms of damage, due to this endless pit of endurance regen and mirage cloaks, along with clone ambush skill usage that is far too frequent even begin to consider is anywhere in the realm in the balance. You can't 1v1 this spec in wvw. Most people can't even kill it 3v1, and it isn't because they are bad, it's because the endless well of endurance & mirage cloaks and trailblazer stats, buys plenty of time to teleport around and disengage into a keep.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > This isn't entirely true and certainly not 10x let alone 10x compared to other classes. All classes can (and do) run these sigils and food giving them more dodges too.

    > > >

    > > > What is truly busted in WvW small scale are rangers.

    > > >

    > > > You know how druids were extremely obnoxious with CA on 10s CD and ancient seeds on 10s CD? They're still like that in WvW so you can never kill a tanky one and it will lock you down eventually with the pet killing you.

    > > >

    > > > Soulbeast actually got buffed, moa stance is still 25s CD and Dolyak stance is still 30s CD and saw the buffs PvP received too. It's at a point where if a soulbeast is using the above sigils, food and runes they can be in an evade frame almost as much as mesmer while enjoying -54% damage taken every 30s.

    > > >

    > > > Also trailblazer stats? LUL that's like paper with the amount of damage going around atm or have you missed the people complaining about being hit for 7k+ on minstrels guardians that have 3.4k armour.

    > > >

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moa_Stance

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dolyak_Stance

    > > >

    > > > I will agree condition mirage is stronger in WvW, I'll agree it's a strong 1v1 spec (loses value in fights of 3+) but it is by far not alone in how strong it is where soulbeasts, warriors and holosmiths actually dominate the roaming scene in T1-T2 EU with revs coming in with duos and above. Remember revs might stacking isn't nerfed, photon forge damage is significantly higher and likewise stance nerfs weren't brought to WvW.

    > >

    > > Warriors dominate? Lol, you might see a few of them, but they are not effective solo roamers. Thief, mesmer, holo and ranger are far superior.


    > Warriors can outrun anything that isn't soulbeast, thief, shiro rev, sword mirage and rocket boots holo, even then thief, mirage and rev will be wary of using up resources to chase a warrior as 1 stunlock and they're dead. You tend to see them in small numbers duo to 5 a lot too because of the sustain with MMR, Adrenal healing, mobility and sheer amount of CC.


    > As I say this is my experience in T1-T2 EU, your mileage may vary.



    „One stunlock = dead“

    And how can a warrior archive this stunlock without help from someone else?


    Sure a Warrior could do that to a zergling but that doesn’t really count because zergling builds are not made for small scall fights.


    You should only compare roaming build against roaming build.


    Tell me.

    On equal skill level, who would win:

    Mirage Vs Warrior

    Soulbeast Vs Warrior

    Deadeye Vs Warrior

    Holo Vs Warrior


    Also: How on earth can a Spellbreaker do this much dmg without discipline and berserker power?



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