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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

    > Not an original proposition I know but really it's the only thing holding SB back from becoming generally accepted in WVW zergs.


    > Pets in zergs are wildly ineffective and are usually a straight-up liability in that they absorb boons/heals and buff enemy skills whose benefits are based on #targets hit.


    > Not to mention the whole reason I like SB in the first place is that the nature theme is there but I don't have to deal with the ineptitude/frustration of the pet.


    > Not being able to swap pets in beastmode invalidates all the "on-pet-swap" traits.


    > Please make it possible to swap while beastmode, and please fix the loss of beastmode on entering the water and putting beastmode on CD. It's super annoying.


    If you thing that this change would make a ranger accepted in WvW Zerg....



  2. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > Farming home instance & guild halls. I want to be done with those as quickly as possible. If I could afford 3x industry glyphs I'd definitely get them for the time savings (I just swap one now). Plus extra-strike doesn't even work there (probably not on WvW synthesizers either).


    Bounty Glyphs work on WvW Synthesizers.


    On things that are single strike you can get your usuall 2 -3 extra items.


    Ore/Wood (Multistrike) you only get

    1 Ore/Wood extra.

    Never seen 2 extra strikes on it.



    In the home instance bounty work on the gardenplots, which is very usefull if you are crafting the mini primers.

  3. > @"Slick.7164" said:

    > If anet was smart and they not. Make peeps grab their memaws credit card and play. Make free to play pay to play.


    You very smart.


    > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Klypto.1703" said:

    > > Every one assumes there will be players to even play wvw or even pve for much longer for there even to be any speculation of this game being still in development in a year.

    > Well everyone also assumed that WvW would be dead by 2015 due to Camelot Unchained being released so yeah...



    „Camelot what again?“


    > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Sure the same team working on the glider can work on PvP balance.


    > - Mirage can now fly


    > No other changes.


    Anet: You all complained that the real Mesmer is hard to see, so Mesmer is now allowed to glide in PvP.


    This way everyone can see the Mesmer if he/she is moving from point to point.


    (Dodge traits work on Glider dodge)

  5. > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

    > why would anyone look forward to a balance patch when the balance team has repeatedly proven that they cannot balance anything for kitten


    Like we germans say:


    „The Hope dies last“


  6. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Mahou.3924" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > Last week was a Gem Store update.

    > > > >

    > > > > What’s your guess for today’s patch?

    > > > >

    > > > > Mine is:

    > > > > Bug Fixes

    > > > > Something totally random.

    > > > > Tiny bit of class changes.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Story- Joko’s spirit takes over Aurene and kills all members of Dragon Watch, except for our character. “Jokorene” then assembled the leaders of each nation and kills them too... Later, ”Jokorene” claims Divinty Reach as the main HQ, corrupts our character and we become “Jokorene’s” mind controlled slave. Our role is to further oppress the races of Tyria and gather treasures across the land...

    > > >

    > > > The ending of this story will be a cutscene of “Jokorene” resurrecting Trehearne to become main champion, and we become his lieutenant champion. Trehearne is also gifted a special weapon that can become any legendary weapon at will, and can shoots nuke beams of celestial energy from the heavens to wipe out 100s of enemies at a time.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > There, there. No matter what unpleasant things happened to you today, everything will be alright. Days like this come and go.


    > Yes, praise Jokorene! :)


    Joko ... Choco....


    Now i want a Chocorene... NOM!

  7. > @"Chay.7852" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > Nothing, we’re still another week in the festival


    > I think the same ^^ - How do you guys know there will be a patch today?



    It’s always been Patch -> Gemstore-> Patch-> Gemstore-> Patch.....


    We got the Festival Patch then Gemstore last week and today should be a patch again.


  8. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > Well, the general pattern has been to alternate between silly and serious. So, I guess this one should be silly?


    > Maybe some kind of gigantic, oversized buster sword, with little asuran rocket thrusters on it to help you swing it?


    We already got 3 silly Greatswords.

    Time for a serious one.



    To the Topic:

    A Aurene theme/crystal sword probably.

    Not what i want but my guess.

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > After that post, i got so much hate from Mirage Mains...

    > > How we all should just "get gud" and Mirage is 100% Balanced bla bla.


    > I went through all 311 comments of the reddit post including posts normally hidden by low ratings and saw literally 1 guy make 1 post like this until you responded to him.


    Private message exists.

    Ingame also :/

  10. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" , I'm living in that lucky part of the world, where 50$ is 1/3 - 1/4 of monthly salary for a lot of people :) I can assure you, very few people living in such regions will buy story chapters for that money, when they even consider 10-15$ for a game on Steam at 66% discount "a lot". Anet won't finance anything with those people's money, they will just lock them from the story, that's all.


    > The said Eve Online offers special regional prices on their ingame goodies in such regions, which 2 times lower than for the rest of the world, at least, thus making it affordable - as an example. To pay 50$ (a money for which you can buy 2 AAA games at Steam, as Steam also offers regional discounts around there) **for a story** is something that will sound ridiculous for 90% of people around there. Thus Anet won't ever see their money. Yet, if they would be selling the older chapters at huge discounts, allowing people to get all older seasons for, say, 10$ - most of them would buy it, in the end.


    If the monthly salary is 150 -200 euro, how the kitten are you even able to make a comment here?


    Pc + Internet costs etc.


    Im actually curious.



  11. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > Players wishes rotation since release of the game:

    > - 1 step: Other people deal to much damage! Nerf and increase survivability!

    > - 2 step: Bunker are awful to fight! Nerf and increase damage!

    > - Return to step 1


    > Possible variations (to spice things up over the years):

    > - Conditions damage are cancer! nerf! <-> Condition damage are useless! buff!

    > - CC are irrelevant! buff please! <-> CC are to strong! nerf!

    > - Range damage are to weak! <-> range damage are to strong!

    > - ... etc.


    > Let's be honest, it was possible to 1 shot players at launch and it's still possible, there is nothing new to that. It was also possible to perma stealth, have an awful lot of active defense, perma CC... etc. The only thing that objectively really changed is how easy it is now to gain boons, and ANet said that they were looking into balancing boons.


    Players cry that the gamemode is not fun to play and complete cancer for new players. —> Lone Wolf pvp players defend it like a hungry wolf a dead rabbit. —> PvP gets no more players. —> The lone wolf pvp player cries that PvP is dead and how Anet is to blame.

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