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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. All they have to do is to nerf Mesmer enough for it to loose its

    „easy mode/flavor of the month“ status.


    People want to reduce the number of Mirages they see in PvP Games because it’s annoying to fight.


    If you would only see a Mesmer every other Match, people would still complain but not as much as they do currently.



    Its the number of Mirages, not its powerlvl, that is the problem.

  2. Hi!


    My Wishlist for Gemstore Items i would like to buy:


    * 2+ Shared Inventory Slots more

    * A Third Gardenplot

    * Outfits in similar style to the Bandit Sniper Outfit ( Medium Armor. Lean Design. )

    * Name Switch Contract ( Switches the name of 2 characters in your Account)

    * A hammock chair where our character sleeps in.

    * Kingfisher (Bird) Mini Pet and Mail Carrier.


    Let me throw money!

  3. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Skirmish Tickets are now usefull.

    > >

    > > *The Dream*


    > Im in dire need of them to get my first ascended weapons/armor.


    D O N T!!!!!!!!


    Even if you remove the Skirmish Tickets from the vendor, ascended armor pieces are around 20g more expensive then their crafting counterparts.


    Sell your memories of battle and craft your gear.


    Even if you have to lvl your crafting profession first.



  4. > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > DPS meters do help anyone to optimize. unless your running with 5x full support minstrel builds in fracs, you will invest something into offense. no matter how little that something is you can optimize it and DPS meter helps there.


    > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > The dps meter mostly used in gw2 also shows boon uptime etc so it will be usefull for everyone wo wants to optimize their playstyle


    > I am sorry, but both of you still see it from a min/max point of view. It does not work for those of us who optimise their playstyles for our physical limitations. For example, I play what my son calls 'afk ranged tank summoner' builds. My priorities are exactly in this order:


    > 1. minimal stress on my hands (mice and keyboards are not very friendly to carpal tunnel), aka 2 buttons combat mode (preferably, no more than one key/button for each hand)

    > 2. minimal movement during combat

    > 3. stay alive


    > I will do my best to notify you of my limitations. But I am not going to change the way I play for you. Your frustration, no matter how understandable, is no reason for me to suffer pain or aggravate my condition.


    > DPS meters are not only useless in this situation, but they can make things worse for everyone. The numbers show that someone is 'underperforming' despite the fact that they are doing their best to last through a physically painful and exhaustive fight.


    This is the equivalent of a man with a disability joining the Olympics and then QQing that he lost because his speed was masured.


    What you want to join are the Paralympics but with only participatin trophys.



  5. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > Some of these are solid Changes u suggested tbh and hits on all the points on why Condi mirage is insane right now.

    > Not even 1 suggestion is solid and hard to tell if he was serious (since obviously its a troll thread)

    > > Phase retreat definitely needs to be nerfed and made so it can't be used when stunned . Right now it basically allows you to dodge out of the way after you got stunned for free. Combined with skill 5 you also get protection.

    > If same treatment get any skill that can be used while CC'd like steal , thief signets etc what is labeled as non stun break ,lets do this !

    > Your complaint about combo field is...wow tbh (and w/o trait it does not give protection)

    > Anyway time for my changes:

    > Reflect mirror on dodge gain 30seconds icd.

    > Mental anguish have only cosmetic effect. Now instead of mind wrack animation its cause animation of a nuclear explosion where it was shattered .

    > Powerblock does no damage but increase skill cd to 30 seconds . Work on thieves now as well . (Can block auto attacks too)

    > Imagined burden now apply real burden on everyone who got hit by a greatsword skill (even auto attack) .Destroy enemy endurance - 5 endurance being destroyed per hit.

    > Furious interruption now apply 10 might 5s,10s fury and 5s quickness on interrupt 10s icd.

    > CS now reworked again : stuns and dazes mesmer apply cant be removed aka breakstunned.

    > GS2 now bounce 5 times damage reduced by 50%.

    > GS4 summon now always 3 phantasms . Damage increased by 50%.

    > Staff autoattack damage reduced by 50%. Condition duration on staff always equal to 1s.

    > Staff 2 clone generation removed.

    > Staff3 summon only 1 phantasm and to add counterplay to insane damage it produce now its a projectile so it can be reflected.

    > Staff4 now apply 1s of chaos armor.

    > Staff5 now lasts 1 and apply all effect at once at creation.

    > Axe autoattacks nerfed by 50%. Does no condition anymore (too many silvers fallen victims to those monstrous conditions)

    > Axe2 have 20s cd.No ammo. Torment removed. Damage nerfed by 50%.

    > Axe3 damage nerfed by another 50%. Confusions applied by players raised to 9. Lasts 5 seconds now.

    > Pistol4 damage nerfed by 50%. Duelist descipline now apply torment instead of bleeds to compensate .

    > Pistol 5 - we decided to fix bug when projectile is not fired and goes on full cd (its actually true,this bug exist)

    > Scepter autoattacks damage nerfed by 50%.

    > Scepter 2 damage reduced by 50%. Apply 10 torments for 10 seconds

    > Scepter 3 damage reduced by 50% . Confusion stacks are now doubled on every attack

    > Mirage cloak duration is reduced by 50%.

    > And list goes on ;)


    But you have to agree that my changes look like Anet Balance.




  6. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > i play guard and stopped joining squads in wvw no need for that anyway to many wanna be commanders try to force ur build to what they "read" somewhere is right.

    > > >

    > > > than the WVWer wondering why nobody want join the wvw mode and with less ppl doin so anet has less motivation to improve wvw...

    > > >

    > > > win win i guess

    > >

    > > Wait, what I write now may break your heart, but.. that's how it works. Builds are optimized for group play. It's the same as in PvE raids. You try to maximize the support/damage/healing your class can bring. It's a numbers game and numbers the important factor here.

    > > It's not something "someone writes somewhere" but a mathematical calculation. Your build may be fine, but it's not best at what will be expected from you.

    > >

    > > In the end the rule is very easy: Only the commander decides who joins his squad. If you have problem with this just make your own squad and do your stuff.


    > bla bla we all know wvw is the bigger number win u can fantazise as much as u want how ur build carried the full zerg but in the end its 90% spam 1111111111 speedbuff


    > we all know that


    > ps thanks for ur advice shows u didnt even read what i wrote so GG


    You know how bad the auto attacks of the meta builds are?


    Weaver staff: Projectile = useless

    Rev Hammer: Projectile = useless

    Firebrand Staff: Joke dmg

    Scourge Staff: Super slow Projectile


    You literally do everything but 111.



  7. > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > I'd like to get rid of the greedy boring quaggan and bring back x-o-Tron as our comic relief character for festivals.


    > New holiday event which has both Ho-ho-tron and Drooburt which ask for the same item. ANet tracks which of the two gets more donations.


    > No reward based on who wins, not like the election in season 1. Just a competition.


    > Go team Drooburt


    Why not both?





  8. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"Chorazin.4107" said:

    > > Squad spots are reserved for the core zerg classes. You might get in on a DD vault thief, but mostly the squad is for the sustain/DPS ball. So FB's, Scourges, Heralds make up the core, an occasional SB, Scrapper or Tempest.

    > >

    > > The DE whilst doing great single target damage doesnt do AoE, say you down someone at 1500 rng in the enemy zerg, ok great. Now hes down in the middle of their zerg and will get auto revived. It's why AoE dmg is king, you need to be able to drop targets and then drop mass AoE cleave on top of them. You might even snag an additional couple of rezzers.

    > >

    > > DE's, one shot SB's, etc etc usually all lurk around the main zerg just waiting for sniping opportunities. Or roam, these squad classes, Scourges, FB's, Hammer Heralds etc, they do not roam well. Well not like a condi Mirage or DE can.


    > depends how your trying to play your opposite zerg.. most decent tags will want to splinter their oppositions zerg and pressure them to dump their support/utility skills.. once this is achieved then backline classes like thief will mop them up pretty fast.

    > Like I've said it's about knowing how to play your class/build effectively in each situation.

    > A zerg has both a frontline and a backline... whilst you may have preference on what you want, and that is any squad leaders prerogative it does not mean any specific class has no part to play or is of no use so must go roam.

    > Wvw is already a struggle in terms of numbers and coverage, for many servers so for open tags to start discriminating against classes only serves to exacerbate the issue. Not everyone seeks to be a solo roamer, especially when there is already disparity in the matchup making roaming that much harder. With alliances incoming if that same discrimination is allowed to carry over it's likely only going to to hurt the mode more imo.


    Zergs having a frontline and backline isn’t true since god knows how long.


    If you are a skilled roamer, then you should know how wvw and Squad setup works.


    And no. Its extremely rare for a thief to „ mop them up“.


    Because two things need to be true:

    A.) The thief must be REALLY good

    B.) The enemy must be kitten brain dead.



    Alliances wont discriminate people for their class choice but for skill and knowledge.


    If you are an amazing thief then surely Alliances will want you as roamer.


    But knowledge is to know that there are better choices for general zerging.



    Thief/Rangers QQing all day about not getting in a squad usually lack both.

  9. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Let me try!

    > >

    > > Note: This is not what i personaly want but my guess what could happen.

    > >

    > > **Sword**

    > > * Mindslash/ Mind Gash: Vulnerability Duration reduced to 3 seconds.

    > > * Mind Spike: Boon Rip removed.

    > > * Illusionary Leap: Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.

    > >

    > > **Pistol**

    > > * Phantasmal Duelist: Power Dmg reduced by 15%.

    > > * Magic Bullet: Now bounces only 2 times.

    > >

    > > **Torch**

    > > * The Prestige: Stealth duration decreased to 2 seconds. Blast Finisher removed.

    > > * Phantasmal Mage: Daze removed.

    > >

    > > **Axe**

    > > * Auto Chain: Power dmg reduced by 15%.

    > > * Axes of Symmetry: Power dmg reduced by 20%.

    > >

    > > **Staff**

    > > * Phase Retreat: Cooldown increased to 12 seconds.

    > > * Phantasmal Warlock: Now only spawns one Warlock.

    > > * Chaos Storm: Duration reduced to 3 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.

    > >

    > > **Utility**

    > > * Mirage Mirror: Weakness removed.

    > > * Arcane Thievery: Is now blockable.

    > > * Illusionary Ambush: Range reduced to 500.

    > >

    > > **Traits**

    > > * The Pledge: Burning removed. Now grants 15% Burning Duration.

    > > * Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration decreased to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.

    > > * Master of Manipulation: Reduced Mirror duration to 1 second from 2 seconds.

    > > * Bountiful Disillusionment: Stability Removed.

    > > * Descent into Madness: Lesser Chaos Storm now only last 2 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.

    > > * Master of Fragmentation:

    > > 1. Mind Wrack: Decreased the Increased Crit Chance to 15% from 25%.

    > > 2. Distortion: No longer reflects but destroys Projectiles.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Some of these are solid Changes u suggested tbh and hits on all the points on why Condi mirage is insane right now.


    > But I don't think it needs to be nerfed to this extent. I think axe 2-3 needs to be toned down as you suggested or have it's Condi tones down.


    > Phase retreat definitely needs to be nerfed and made so it can't be used when stunned . Right now it basically allows you to dodge out of the way after you got stunned for free. Combined with skill 5 you also get protection.


    > I then agree with pistol 4 and 5 as well as projectile destruction as oppose to reflect. Every thing else can still be kept.


    Problem is....


    While these are realistic changes (Anet style), only 3 changes are to Mirage.


    Everything else is a Base Mesmer Nerf.


    People wont like that.

  10. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > **Openworld/story**

    > > Like always. An update every 3 month for (at max) 2 weeks of content.

    > >

    > >

    > > Alot of players ( me included) are just not Motivated to play right now.

    > >

    > > The Balance Patch is a decision point for me.

    > >


    > LS maps last closer to 1 month.


    > Maybe the balance team went to join the dungeons team ....


    Most Lw updates are less then a week ok content for me, while doing everything the patch has to offer.


    It only lasts longer if there are heavy timegates.

    Like this episodes Branded Mass grind and the Dwarven Chest AP.

  11. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Medi Kits biggest strength is that its main heal has no downtime.

    > >


    > [What](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandage_Self "What")? That's 17 seconds.


    > Unless you're talking about ally heals, in which case, the #1 skill isn't the "main heal." You have to use a bunch of different skills and traits for big heals.


    For WvW, the auto attack is the main heal (for healing others).

    This is also what makes Medi Scrapper a unique healer.

    Burst healing is nothing special because all healers can do that, but no other healer has a focused Heal without a CD.


    What other healer option can run around freely like Medi Scrapper and Heal a spezific target without worrying about cds?





  12. The game in general is in a wierd state.



    The Last Balance Patch was a disaster.

    We had a Meta 7/9 Classes for maybe the first time ever.

    Anet deleted 3.



    Mirage Fun Time.



    Anet added Instabilities nobody likes.



    Waiting Mode



    Like always. An update every 3 month for (at max) 2 weeks of content.



    Alot of players ( me included) are just not Motivated to play right now.


    The Balance Patch is a decision point for me.


  13. Let me try!


    Note: This is not what i personaly want but my guess what could happen.



    * Mindslash/ Mind Gash: Vulnerability Duration reduced to 3 seconds.

    * Mind Spike: Boon Rip removed.

    * Illusionary Leap: Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.



    * Phantasmal Duelist: Power Dmg reduced by 15%.

    * Magic Bullet: Now bounces only 2 times.



    * The Prestige: Stealth duration decreased to 2 seconds. Blast Finisher removed.

    * Phantasmal Mage: Daze removed.



    * Auto Chain: Power dmg reduced by 15%.

    * Axes of Symmetry: Power dmg reduced by 20%.



    * Phase Retreat: Cooldown increased to 12 seconds.

    * Phantasmal Warlock: Now only spawns one Warlock.

    * Chaos Storm: Duration reduced to 3 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.



    * Mirage Mirror: Weakness removed.

    * Arcane Thievery: Is now blockable.

    * Illusionary Ambush: Range reduced to 500.



    * The Pledge: Burning removed. Now grants 15% Burning Duration.

    * Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration decreased to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.

    * Master of Manipulation: Reduced Mirror duration to 1 second from 2 seconds.

    * Bountiful Disillusionment: Stability Removed.

    * Descent into Madness: Lesser Chaos Storm now only last 2 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.

    * Master of Fragmentation:

    1. Mind Wrack: Decreased the Increased Crit Chance to 15% from 25%.

    2. Distortion: No longer reflects but destroys Projectiles.




  14. Warrior:

    Combustive Shot : Increase Number of Targets to 10. Now pulses every 1.5 Seconds instead of every 3 Seconds. Dmg and Burning are decreased appropriately.



    Buff Medi Kit Auto and fix the Animation.



    Remove Stealth from Torch.



    Decrease casttime of Mace Symbol.



    Let the Tablet follow you around like a pet.



    Remove the Shade effect around the scourge himself.



    Make Aura Share from Water 10 Targets.



    Thief: Don’t care.


    Ranger: Don’t care.




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