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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Serenity.6304" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Warrior counters Mirage?

    > >

    > > Hard Warrior nerfs next Balance Patch then.



    > No, it‘s the other way round,

    > Class played —> counters to this class

    > But if it‘s wrong that Mirage can be seen as a counter to warrior, let me know


    > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

    > > The thing with this that you probably are going off of standard "meta" copy paste builds. In reality the only class I have a issue with as a reaper is the uncontrollable conditions of mirage and chrono.


    > Yes, you are correct

    > That‘s interesting, yeah maybe a list doesn‘t make sense. As I have already said individual skill is what matters most. Still fun though :D


    OHHHHH! Sorry then.

  2. We had a WvW Meta were 7/9 classes had meta builds for Zerg Fight.

    Even kitten Scrapper was highly welcome (which took us scrapper player month to convince people we are awesome)


    Last Balance Patch Anet deleted 3 classes.


    Mesmer is back to being a Portal/Veil slave.


    Scrapper is useless.


    Warrior got another hit.

    I rarely see enemy Spellbreaker and i never had a situation were i thought the bubble was dangerous.


    A warrior is just one less enemy i have to care about.




  3. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > It doesn't matter, nothings gonna change. They will nerf sb, mby mirage and mby holo, but for so small values, that ur not gonna see a diffrence


    Dev 1: What classes are we nerfing today?

    Dev 2: There is a note on the table.

    Note:SB Mirage Holo

    Dev1: SB? Mhhh Soulbeast or Spellbreaker? Ehhh.... Probably the later.



    Warrior nerfed again for no reason.

  4. Base Warrior is a noob stomper.

    „Looks at the 100. nerf base warrior topics lately“


    Berzerker is a dead Elite Spec outside of raids (condi)


    Spellbreaker is again a noob stomper but worthless in high lvl play.



  5. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > We have enough rewards(currencies).

    > >

    > > Problem is that they are worthless.

    > > Like the kitten Skirmish Tickets.


    > Skirmish Tickets would have more value if the things that you could purchase with them were worth getting ("Obsidian" Weapons). I guess you can get the stats you want maybe yeah?


    > D:


    The gold price alone at the vendor is higher then crafting.

    And you have to spend tickets ontop.


    20k tickets currently and i hope there will come a time where i can use them without knowing i get scammed.

  6. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > > > >

    > > > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...

    > > >

    > > > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.

    > >

    > > If your opponent is competent, you should never kill a enemy scourge.

    > >

    > > If your opponent is competent but had some slacker , you still should never kill a enemy scourge.

    > > Because he will be insta rezt.

    > >

    > > Yes, you can bring enemy players in downstate but as long there are people around him, he will be insta rezt.

    > >

    > > Thats why Soulbeasts were crazy op in the No Downstate week.

    > > (And actually Meta in WvW for that week)


    > odd.. I've lost count of the scourges I've killed that do not insta rez...


    Having bad opponents doesn’t make you good.



  7. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > But it's PvE. It doesn't really matter what you use etc because you're only fighting AI. So we should focus on WvW and PvP imo.


    Well its my Wishlist.

    Nothing stopping you from posting your Wishlist.


  8. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > WvW and PvP

    > Utility skills:

    > * Throw bolas is completely useless. Reducing the cooldown to 15 sec is not going to fix it. Even on a 1 sec cooldown, throw bolas will be useless due to the amount of [condi removal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition) and resistance in the game.

    > * Kick, the animation is so clunky that it reminds me of the sword kick animation on ranger. Anet fixed the animation on ranger because people complained about it, but with warrior they do not change it because people do not complain and do not play warrior.



    The CD reduction on Throw Bolas was more of a PvE thing.

    Lower CD on Throw Bolas = More Uptime on Peak Performance.


    ## **Warrior Balance Wishlist 2019.**


    # **Weapons**




    * _Auto Attack_ : Dmg Increased ( PvE Only)

    * _Hundred Blades_ : Dmg massivly Increased (PvE Only)

    * _Arc Divider_ : Increase Range and Dmg (PvE Only)




    * _Arcing Arrow_ : Reduce dmg slightly, Add Burning to it.

    * _Combustive Shot_ : Increase Number of Targets to 10. Now pulses every 1.5 Seconds instead of every 3 Seconds. Dmg and Burning are decreased appropriately.




    * _Auto Attack_ : Dmg incraesed (PvE Only)

    * _Volly_ : Casttime reduced to 1.75 seconds.




    * _Decapitate_ : Increase dmg and dmg scaling to match a Lvl 2 Eviscerate.




    * _Tremor_ : Is no more an Projectile.




    * _Flurry_ : Increased Dmg and rooted effect removed.



    # **Traits**




    * _Peak Performance_ : Death from Above [skill] now counts as a Physical Skill.




    * _Leg Specialist_ : Switched with _Burning Arrows_ .

    * _Vigorous Shouts_ : Increased Healpower Scaling from 1.2 to 2.0. Allies now gain 2 Endurance per 100 Healing Power.

    * _Phalanx Strength_ : Increase Might Duration to 8 Seconds.




    * _Crack Shot_ : Now increases your Dmg by 10% in you are 600 Range away from the Target. (You dont have to wield a Rifle for this effect)




    * _Berserk_ : Counts now as a Tier 3 Burst. Attack Speed Increased to 20%. Cooldown decreased from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

    * _Always Angry_ : Dmg Increased now my 10%.


    # **Utility Skills**

    * _Mending_ : Cast Time reduced to 0.75 Seconds.

    * _Throw Bolas_ : Recharge Time reduced to 15 Seconds.

    * _Kick_ : Recharge Time reduced to 20 Seconds.

    * _Stomp_ : Dmg increased.



  10. > @"KittyRiv.5291" said:

    > It's not a bad rune for warrior but I would choose rune of the pack over it.


    > If there was a good trait competing with "Warrior's Sprint" it could be pretty good. As it stands "Crack Shot" and "Vengeful Return" are garbage. Even with this rune I would still take "Warrior's Sprint" to be able to break immobilization with movement skills.


    Also the swiftness from Pack increases your dmg (warrior sprint).



  11. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > PVE (raids, fractals):

    > support chrono

    > support druid

    > banner warrior

    > almost all elite DPS specs (scrapper is unwanted, herald is kinda unwanted)


    > PVP:

    > (no particular order)

    > holo

    > mirage

    > scourge

    > firebrand

    > core guardian

    > reaper

    > core thief or deadeye

    > soulbeast

    > herald

    > spellbreaker


    > WvW:

    > not an expert, but from what I hear:

    > scourge

    > firebrand support

    > hammer herald

    > staff weaver


    Can confirm the WvW meta.







    Maybe Spellbreaker, but are seen alot less these days.


  12. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > >

    > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...


    > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.


    If your opponent is competent, you should never kill a enemy scourge.


    If your opponent is competent but had some slacker , you still should never kill a enemy scourge.

    Because he will be insta rezt.


    Yes, you can bring enemy players in downstate but as long there are people around him, he will be insta rezt.


    Thats why Soulbeasts were crazy op in the No Downstate week.

    (And actually Meta in WvW for that week)

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