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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > But are you happy with core warrior in WvW or PvP?

    > I can play any class in PvE and be happy, but in WvW and PvP that is another thing.

    > Currently most warriors are unhappy about how things have been for warriors in WvW and PvP.


    As if Warriors were ever happy in WvW. Ok Maybe before HoT.


    > @"SkyFurY.6057" said:

    > warrior ahve no placein wvw anymore other then drop a bubble.... u can step back until your cd is up again and watch the fight and cheer for your team.


    That was always the case.


    > @"daw.4923" said:

    > so you are happy,that after 6 years and 2 new elite specs,you can play CORE warrior,which you was able to play whole time. ok


    I dislike both elite specs ( condi berzerker is "ok") but i love core warrior.

    So yes, after 6 years FINALY core warrior is like i always wanted it to be.



  2. > @"Forgotten by Jana.7819" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > I wonder how much more counterplay DJ needs to be considered balance.

    > >

    > > Lets count them!

    > > 1. Laser

    > > 2. Sound effect

    > > 3. Thief get revealed

    > > 4. Slow travel time of the bullet

    > > 5. Blockable

    > > 6. Giant effect around you from Marked

    > >


    > No hitting me with 17k from 1200 while im fighting someone thats the thing for you ? thats the gameplay.

    > Not all the classes have reflect what are you talking about , block


    Maybe we should add a Ingame Mail that warns you that the bullet is comming.


    Or a giant „DODGE NOW!“ on the screan.


    People would still complain tho.


  3. > @"NeoHirotatsu.9057" said:

    > He doesn't have the boons that facets gave him. You can see he activated Facet of Light and Elements, but he doesn't grant Regeneration at all.

    > I faced near the same problem when I activated facets on the ground then dive into water or vise versa, facets are all activated both ground and water, but I can't grant boons continually as usual, boons will be gone when duration is end. Btw I've reported this bug two day ago, nothing fixed.


    They only can fix a bug when they can successfully recreate the bug.


    This is in most cases the reason for why they don’t fix a bug (in a short time window)


    We had multiple cases where people reported a bug but the dev just could not recreate that bug.


    OR, they don’t know about it yet.

  4. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > Not to be that person but,

    > > > Have been salvaging pretty much all my gear drops for years and I'm at ~250% mf. Anyone who is capped and has bank tabs full of exotic luck did it to themselves.

    > > >

    > > > I suppose they could always remove the cap and add severe diminishing returns past 300% but there is the issue with how magic find was setup. I think it's said that 1000% mf causes all junk drops to bump up. Since there are people who seem to farm lots of extra luck, even severe diminishing returns might not be enough.

    > > >

    > > > Of course there is always this decoration,

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Red_Lantern_(decoration)

    > >

    > > You can find this exact comment under every thread like this since over 3 years now.

    > >

    > > Somehow people stay at 250% for quite some time now huh?

    > >

    > >


    > Don't think I have been saying 250% for the past 3 years.

    > And realize that the first 200% mf is 1/3 the required luck that 300% requires. So yeah I can imagine quite a few people are between 200-300% mf. The only people I can imagine that have been at 300% mf for years are the ones who spam salvaged ectos and/or did every bag train farm since silverwastes.


    Its always wierd when people tell me „ohh you must have farmed like crazy or salvaged ectos for having max mf“.


    The last time i farmed was Pre Hot silverwaste and i play almost exclusively the least rewarding Gamemode WvW.


    Still got Max Mf like 7-8 month after HoT launch.


    I simply don’t understand how people like you can not have max yet.


    Anet spams us with luck.


  5. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Not to be that person but,

    > Have been salvaging pretty much all my gear drops for years and I'm at ~250% mf. Anyone who is capped and has bank tabs full of exotic luck did it to themselves.


    > I suppose they could always remove the cap and add severe diminishing returns past 300% but there is the issue with how magic find was setup. I think it's said that 1000% mf causes all junk drops to bump up. Since there are people who seem to farm lots of extra luck, even severe diminishing returns might not be enough.


    > Of course there is always this decoration,

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Red_Lantern_(decoration)


    You can find this exact comment under every thread like this since over 3 years now.


    Somehow people stay at 250% for quite some time now huh?


    And sure, everyone who has 300% since HoT is some kind of masochist.


  6. Hi!


    I am pretty happy with the new Power Core Warrior.



    No more "useless" Traits.

    More Dmg then before.

    And we can now mighstack again WITH AXE/AXE!


    To be honest, this is exactly how i wanted it to be.


    I dont know the current Golem Dps but i can asume we do solid dps.

    Banners + EA + Phalanx strenght is solid support.

    Good CC dmg with Mace/Mace.


    I realy cant complain right now.


    I hope this Build stays this way for a long time.





  7. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"miriforst.1290" said:

    > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > Mesmer and Engi got removed from the WvW Meta.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nice patch indeed.

    > > > >

    > > > > Its even more scourge + Firebrand only.

    > > > >

    > > > > Awesome

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Did Scrapper get nerfed that bad? Apologize for ignorance, I don't play Scrapper, but their superspeed is oh so nice.

    > >

    > > Super speed fields got removed. We got a nice 10% extra damage while we are under stability though which I'm sure the 0.5 scrappers in raids love.


    > So ANET basically pulled a "Hey Scrappers you are now actually wanted in WVW, annnnddddd it's gone"



  8. A 10 Target Water Overload doesnt make tempest suddenly viable.


    Minstrel is bad because boon duration is a wasted stat on Tempest.


    What boons do you spread that justify going for less healing?


    You dont have enough healpower/modifier to make regen better then other classes regen, so your regen will be useless.


    If you go for Aura share instead of Soothing Power , your heal output is a joke compared to other classes.



    But i currently dont see any healer/support (other then Firebrand) viable.


    Tempest was trash before and still is.

    Scrapper got deleted.

    Heal Rev is still to clunky to use and having Regen as your main heal is just not good.


    Druid is still a joke.




  9. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > > > Final salvo got removed. Support scrapper is pretty terrible now as it cant provide enough superspeed.

    > > > >

    > > > > Guardians will be the top support. Ventari herald seems pretty strong atm if you want purely support, basically pulsing 3k heal every 3 sec to 10 people and other funky stuff.

    > > >

    > > > superspeed isn't what made scrapper good. it was a bonus.

    > >

    > > But they also nerfed Medi scrappers healing.

    > >

    > > The healing output wad only good because of perma quickness.

    > >

    > > Thats gone.

    > >

    > > Without Quickness the medi kit healing is a joke.

    > >

    > > Smh


    > its till 60% uptime which isn't bad. you just cant spam medkit1 all day and gotta use other skills lol. its still doable.


    But „doable“ is not good enough.


    I see support the same as raiders look at dps benchmarks.


    I dont play ok, i play what has the „best numbers“.





  10. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > I think all the useless stuff should be buffed instead of focusing solely on nerfs. I want more great working builds.

    > >

    > > Do you want powercreep?

    > > Because thats the definition of powercreep.


    > wrong. powercreep is when you buff something so that it outshines the rest. buffing stuff into usefulness is different.



    Because buffing stuff into usefulness means new stuff becomes useless.


    Now we have to buff the new useless stuff .


    Repeat forever.


    The scenario you are thinking of is not realistic.


  11. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > > > But what would be a nice choice to replace blast gyro?

    > >

    > > Tool kit with the power wrench trait. I know that this will result in losing some healing output from inventions, but personally I prefer using tools over inventions whenever I play support scrapper. With tool kit, you have a 13 seconds unblockable CC skill, thunderclap and rocket charge used in thunderclap's lightning field.


    > "loosing some healing" means halfing it. In my arc-dps medical-dispersion-field is the top outgoing heal output and together with regeneration takes around 80% of total heal output.

    > Please remember I talk about heal-scrappers: you want super speed to trigger rapid regeneration in order to heal allies with medical dispersion field. If you replace medical dispersion field by a source of superspeed, you are losing your primary objective.

    > You can replace alchemy by tools, but loos all your boon-output and also halfing your heal output due to comeback-cure loss.


    > So, toolkit is probably the best match for rapid regeneration, but not compatible with a good heal-scrapper build.


    > > @"AphoticEssance.7592" said:

    > > Until Superspeed Support Scrapper became a thing, I was unwelcome for the most part in large group play in WvW. I was happy to finally be wanted in groups while on Engy with Scrapper. This patch runed that.


    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > I changed to Heal Rev.

    > > (But had no time to test it.

    > > Main reason is that they removed perma quickness.

    > > Without it the heal output from the medi kit is to low.

    > > I heard that the new Ventari aura heals for 3 to 3,5k on 10 targets.


    > Superspeed was just one aspect of the scrapper, though.

    > The cleanse and boon-output as well as the sustain-heal is still better than heal-revs.

    > It is painful for the zerg to loose that mechanic, which effectively sped up pushes or saved slackers, but I still think healscrappers are a good addition to zergs.


    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > did final salvo have a target cap?

    > 5 people got superspeed inside the lightning field every... 1s tick for 2s duration if I remember correctly.

    > Meaning, if the zerg run though, you can easily distribute the 2s over 2-4 groups than ran through the field.


    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > Just move to Zephyr holo like real men. DPS AND SUPERSPEED!

    > > It took people over 2 years to realise how op final salvo is. Lets see how long it will take to realise how op Zephyr is. No target cap. 50 people, 1 holo.

    > > Granted holo is way harder to play and survive on that scrapper. Its like completely different class with different skills everywhere except on heal...

    > > Condi conversion build is the best one for holo.


    > Condi conversion with antitoxin runes is the strongest anti-condi build in the game right now, with something like 9 cleanses per second on average.

    > Maybe with grieving stats and solar focusing lense... Or you go pack rune maroudeur for less cleanses and more damage.


    > The sad thing is a passive nerf to conversion holo and heal-scrapper.

    > Both have the advantage of exceling in condition cleanses.

    > But now the meta still shifts more to power builds.

    > There are still plenty of conditions, but you won't need the cleanse so much anymore.

    > Especially since with 3s Superspeed on demand Holo can just overwrite movement impeding conditions.


    > That sad, The final-salvo lightning fields were much broader than the holo-launchpad.

    > As a scrapper, most people got the superspeed.

    > As a holo everyone needs to know your mechanic in order to aim for running through your field...




    Im actually sad about all this.

    Was nice to be able to play Engi in WvW and be appreciated.


    But im to much of a min maxer to play something „meh“.



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