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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > What legendaries exactly?

    > > Weapons? Armor?

    > >

    > > And how is Playing PvP/WvW a grind?

    > >

    > >


    > I would Go for the weapons First... otherwise the claimparty starts... all contents have There own leg. Armor bla bla.


    > I just meam with grind the time investment.

    > I meam why Im nedeed to invest time into pve when Im a pure pvp but wants to have a leg.


    > In pve it is a xy time investment. Why not come up with a extended reward track, or a series of tracks with a compareable xy time investment.


    Or... we could increase the gold per hour for WvW instead?


    Even with boosts the normal lw reward track is something like 3-4g per hour.

  2. Hi!


    * Berzerker has not seen any typ of rework or changes.

    * Dragonhunter had some changes.

    * Herald had a rework.

    * Chrono had a rework.

    * Reaper got buffed alot.

    * Tempest got buffed alot.

    * Daredevil had some changes.

    * Druid had some changes.

    * Scrapper had a rework.


    Sooooo.... if im correct here.

    Berzerker should be the next HoT Elite Spec that gets a rework.


    Dragonhunter is fine but could need some attention.

    I dont think Daredevil needs to many changes.


    Lets pray to the Balance Gods that the Berzerker is next.


    Make it playable in PvP.

    Make the power variant playable in PvE.




  3. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > bulwark barrier looks cool, the damage absorb from allies does not (in wvw). purge gyro is _a lot_ weaker. purge carried scrapper hard.

    > >

    > > Purge gyro used to remove 1 condition from 1 player, not aoe as you would think, every 2s.

    > >

    > > New purge gyro removes 1 condition per second on 5 players for 5s. That is better in literally every way


    > hmm didn't know that about the aoe. find it hard to believe actually. used it plenty in pvp and always noticed it cleansing condis on multiple people. still its way worse for solo play, especially trying to bunker a point in pvp. the old version removed twice as many condis, but more importantly, it did it over time so it acted as this extremely strong counter to condi. maybe too strong, but either way its definitely weaker.


    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Step 1) Build a Mediscrapper like normal.

    > >

    > > Step 2) Slap the purge gyro on it + maybe flamethrower for a 6 sec cd blast.

    > >

    > >

    > > Good job! You now play the new buffed medi scrapper.


    > lol. good job you've never played engi.


    Medi Scrapper was my favorite build to run in WvW before they deleted it last balance patch.


    But i seriously don’t know what wrong with what i said.


    With this balance patch, you don’t have to change gear.

    Only one trait change from before.


    And at max 2 utility changes.


    (And why did your post not show up for me?)

  4. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > You do realize that Firebrand is garbage at ACTUAL healing people.

    > >

    > > If you think the numbers Firebrand can push out are high..... then you never played a proper healing build.

    > >

    > > Tempest outhealed Firebrand before the patch by a huge margin.

    > >

    > > L2P issue.


    > Hmm..that must explain why my server is 1.9+ K/D every week..others servers run full tempest zergs...it seems WSR runs the wrong meta, thx for the info I'll them know...so...heals on firebrand are garbage....


    > Hey bro..this is what a FB heal may look like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAW5OWaIsrh1CIAgVAiAjg985/sgC-jVhXABBr8Dalgxq+To6GAY/BSB43ML-w

    > Feel free to post your tempest build that heals for more with more efficiency...hope it doesn't take 1 week worth of reading all ele traitlines though.


    That is not even a good firebrand build and why no utilities?


    I will post a build later (im at work sorry) but soothing mist alone is like 10-11k healing per second permanent.


    Firebrands job is not healing alone.

    Also the only good healing on Firebrand is his heal tome.


    Outside of it, the healing he does is simply not worth talking about.


    But hey, its you who gets outhealed by not even a good Firebrand build.

  5. You do realize that Firebrand is garbage at ACTUAL healing people.


    If you think the numbers Firebrand can push out are high..... then you never played a proper healing build.


    Tempest outhealed Firebrand before the patch by a huge margin.


    L2P issue.

  6. > @"CosmicKittenTora.6015" said:

    > I decide to go into WvW to try and get the newest mount for myself, and I am having a surprisingly good time. However, the WvW community is extremely toxic, there are so many new players either actually trying out WvW or having PvE players come in for the mount, and when they ask for help, the WvW community is so rude towards them and it's disgusting.


    > To me, Anet introduced the mount so that people would have a reason to try out WvW, and that is what I am doing, I am actually going to be in WvW more often.

    > These WvW players are chasing potential new players to either hate WvW or hate the entire game.


    > I am always afraid to ask for help in any mode now because I am afraid of getting attacked for not knowing something, these people don't realize that they also at one point knew nothing about these things, and now verbally attacking new players and calling them idiots.


    > I know there is no way to change these things about the people, I just wanted to express my major concern about one of the games biggest communities.


    > WvW is really fun and I do not want people to get chased away, I am going to be doing WvW more often but going to just avoid talking to the people in there.


    Do you play Base Ranger?


    That would explain alot.

  7. Roamer Scrapper.


    Roamer like Mirage or Deadeye have the decensy to kill you in under 1 second.


    Scrapper has enough cc to keep you in place for ages but not enough dmg to kill you in a timely manner.


    /sit JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!!!

  8. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > I agree with DanAlcedo here, that's why there are only 3 builds accepted in zergs:

    > Hybrid scourge

    > Support firebrand

    > Dps herald.


    > First and foremost: Anet has to remove the ability to revive downed players with the action button. While F to ress is in game there will not be any reason to change the meta as those builds are a blunt hammer which works very well with blunt mechanics.


    > Then Anet needs to nerf those builds i they are still overperfoming.


    > But without the first step here is no change in the classes it will move the toxic meta.


    > Anything other than that: Ranger doesn't need too much changed.

    > * Spirits to follow you and ranged aoe. Increase and balance the actives effects in exchange to be released.

    > * Stances to last full duration to allies.

    > * Druid to transform conditions to regeneration and protection (inversed role to the scourge) .




    You know.... i thought about Soulbeast.


    Technically it is almost identical to Hammer Rev.


    Both have Utility Skills with the main purpose of buffing your allies.


    (And Stances are amazing)


    Both only use minimal traits for support and the rest for dmg increase.


    Both have an offensive Aura.

    Spotter/Assasins Presence


    Both would run a mix of Marauder/Berzerker/Valkyrie gear.


    The ONLY difference between Soulbeast and Hammer Herold are the weapons.


    Rev Hammer is Amazing in zergfights.


    Ranget has no usefull weapon for zerging.


    Believe me. If Soulbeast had Revs Hammer.... ohhh boy would he be meta!


    The only way for Ranger to become Meta would be to give Ranger an Ranged AoE Weapon thats not based on Projectiles.



  9. There are two main problems with making Ranger Viable in Zerg Fights.


    1. You would have to change sooooo much with Ranger.


    2. Ranger has to compete against other classes for Squad space.



    If you would go the Support role, you would make druide compete with:



    Heal Rev

    Medi Scrapper

    Heal Tempest


    Good luck on this front.


    For the dmg role:



    Hammer Rev


    Good luck with the only one „good“ Zerg Weapon being Warhorn.







  10. Buff Rifle Dmg.

    Its only used in openworld fun builds

    and it sucks even there.


    Make Longbow F1 10 Tragets and tick faster.

    Maybe after over 6 years Warrior gets a good Aoe for Openworld farming.


    Buff GS in PvE only.

    Same reason as Rifle.


    Buff Power Berzerker.


    Redesign useless traits like Brave Stride.

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