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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Noir.8561" said:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74076/balance-changes-upcoming


    > For the love of the god , just equip the Gun and use the Flamethrower knockback to decap some bases....

    > just like when Skyhammer was released

    > (flame 2 , not a fan ... but ok)


    > Can Shortbow revenant have reduced energy to shiro spells or a dash dodge like thiefs ?


    I have read this 3 times now and still dont know what you want.

    Its reads like random stuff put together.

  2. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > hot dam that burst of aggression trait.

    > Warriors already have a load of in-your-face skills.

    > Now they can do it at hyper speed levels.

    > I already feel intimidated just looking at that trait :s


    Going from "Lawl a berserker?" to "OMFG A BERSERKER!?" is quite a jump.

  3. Confusing Images: The physical damage of this skill has been split and reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.

    Master of Manipulation: Instead of granting the mirror effect, this trait now grants superspeed for 3 seconds. This superspeed is also applied to allies affected by your manipulation skills.




  4. > @"Rettan.9603" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Aka: **You can NOT use normal burst skill while you have Berserker slotted**


    > Yes, thats the trade-off they mentioned at the beginning. But thats okay, i think.


    > I am more in fear of the cooldown of berserker mode.

    > And, more importend, do you lose your adrenaline when you got interrupted in the activation of berserker mode?


    Most likely.


    It wont be overpowered ( i think) but atleast is should be "usable" now.

  5. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > Nike mentioned this on Twitter and I must agree. Still dumb that we can't get the most out of the Berserker update because we are forced to take Physical Skills for Peak Performance and obviously the CC anyway.


    > Yes, making rage skills to be counted as physical skills would be nice. On the other hand, you can always take Mending and use that one for PP bonus, but cast time and PP uptime would be probably still quite low.

    > Slotting up all rage skills is kinda overkill. Maybe if you can stay in berserk mode permanently with alacrity and damage output will be higher than with PP buff, then it will be just better :) It requires testing, finding out rotations that will work the best. I am sure there will be something really good!


    The biggest problem i see is this:



    This skill has been moved to slot 1 of the profession mechanic bar. Slot 2 of the profession mechanic bar has been removed when warriors use the berserker specialization.


    Aka: **You can NOT use normal burst skill while you have Berserker slotted**

  6. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Aka a 3% dmg buff + 300Power ontop.

    > >

    > > Thats a buff in my eyes


    > that is exactly what i wrote


    > "so the power variant got a 3% dmg buff and 300 extra power in exchange for 300 toughness."


    > and it really does not seem like much


    I should read before i write. "facepalm"


    Im just to existed to focus because is got excatly what i wanted.


    "dances like nobody is watching"

  7. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > hm... so instead of passive +7% dmg and condi dmg for 30 sec we get 300 power and 300 condition dmg in exchange for 300 toughness only while in berserk mode...


    > i mean the power variant got a (much needed) buff as it seems right now because bloody roar now gives you 20% bonus dmg.

    > so the power variant got a 3% dmg buff and 300 extra power in exchange for 300 toughness.


    > but the condi variant simply lost 300 thoughness, 7% condi dmg aswell as the ability to use normal burst skills in exchange for 300 flat condi dmg stats.


    > well we have to see what kinda rotation evolves out of these changes and if condi war will still be a thing after the patch or if this patch will even be a slight buff.




    Always Angry: 7% Dmg buff

    Bloody Roar: 10% Dmg buff

    Fatal Frenzy: Fury/Quickness/Swiftness



    Fatal Frenzy: 300 Power/Condi

    Bloody Roar: 20% Dmg Buff

    Always Angry: Grants quickness and superspeed for 3 seconds when berserk mode is first activated.Grants quickness and superspeed for 3 seconds when berserk mode is first activated.


    Aka a 3% dmg buff + 300Power ontop.


    Thats a buff in my eyes

  8. Warrior


    In this update, the warrior's berserker elite specialization is seeing a drastic overhaul. The goal of these changes is to give the specialization more compelling and thematic core gameplay that better distinguishes it from base warrior and spellbreaker gameplay.


    To this end, the first major change is that we're moving the berserk-mode activation to the F1 slot and removing the F2 slot entirely. In order to use primal bursts, a berserker must now activate berserk mode first. Removing access to normal warrior bursts and putting primal bursts behind berserk mode focuses the specialization around its unique mechanic.


    Additionally, berserk mode itself has been changed and will grant power and condition-damage bonuses in exchange for a toughness penalty. We're doing this in order to solidify the berserker's identity as a powerful but fragile combatant. Those willing to take the risks should find higher damage output than other, more durable, warrior options.


    Another major change is in how berserk mode is managed. Previously it was a limited-time mode with a set duration. This update changes the primary functionality of rage skills to extend berserk-mode duration rather than granting adrenaline. While they are still useful skills outside of berserk mode, proper use while in berserk mode can dramatically extend the damage window to use primal bursts.


    Finally, we're making some changes to several berserker traits and primal burst skills in order to allow power-berserker builds to exist alongside the more popular condition damage variant.


    Double Chop: Adjusted the attack timing so that the hits occur later in the animation. Adjusted the damage so that the second hit deals more damage than the first. Total damage and casting time are unchanged.

    Battle Standard: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to have a shorter casting time while underwater than on land. Adjusted the timing of the visual effects so that the attack lines up properly with the banner's arrival.

    Banners: Adjusted timing for skill warm-up visual effects.

    Magebane Tether: Fixed a bug that could cause this trait to fail when the warrior used an unblockable burst skill against a blocking foe. Fixed a bug that caused this trait to fail if the warrior was airborne.

    Rampage: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to show an incorrect duration in PvP and WvW.

    Berserker elite specialization changes include the following:


    This skill has been moved to slot 1 of the profession mechanic bar. Slot 2 of the profession mechanic bar has been removed when warriors use the berserker specialization.

    Berserk mode is no longer instant and has a casting time.

    Entering berserk mode now initiates an attack that damages nearby foes and inflicts burning for 3 seconds.

    Berserk mode is no longer a rage skill. Instead, it is considered a level-3 burst skill.

    Primal Bursts: Removed some visual warm-up effects from these skills that could obscure the character.

    Decapitate: This skill has been reworked. It is now a long-range melee attack that does not leap forward and only hits 1 target. This skill recharges instantly if it hits and can be affected by quickness and slow.

    Arc Divider: This skill has been reworked. It no longer deals bonus damage to low-health targets. Instead, it now spins and strikes 3 times. Each strike increases in radius.

    Rupturing Smash: Cleaned up animation, and reduced casting time by approximately 0.1 seconds.

    Flaming Flurry: Updated the description and tooltip of this skill to clarify that it blocks missiles.

    Rage Skills: These skills no longer restore adrenaline by default. Instead, rage skills extend the duration of berserk mode.

    Wild Blow: This skill no longer gives adrenaline or removes conditions. Instead, it extends the duration of berserk mode by 3 seconds if it hits. It also grants 8 seconds of fury if it hits.

    Sundering Leap: Cleaned up animation, and reduced casting time by approximately 0.1 seconds. This skill no longer grants adrenaline. Instead, it extends berserk by 5 seconds if it hits.

    Outrage: This skill no longer grants adrenaline. Instead, it extends berserk by 1 second. It extends berserk by 5 seconds if a stun is broken.

    Blood Reckoning: This skill now only recharges primal burst skills instead of all burst skills. It extends berserk mode duration by 2 seconds.

    Shattering Blow: This skill no longer grants adrenaline. It now extends berserk duration by 2 seconds on hit.

    Head Butt: This skill extends berserk duration by 2 seconds in addition to its previous effects.

    Dead or Alive: This trait now increases incoming healing by 10% in addition to its previous effects.

    Bloody Roar: Increased the damage bonus of this trait from 10% to 20%. It no longer causes berserk mode to taunt.

    Eternal Champion: This trait no longer grants stability when first entering berserk mode. Instead, it grants 300 toughness in berserk mode.

    Savage Instinct: This trait no longer removes conditions. Instead, it gives 100% damage resistance for 1 second when activating berserk mode, in addition to breaking stuns.

    Fatal Frenzy: This trait no longer gives boons. Instead, while in berserk mode, this trait reduces toughness by 300, increases power by 300, and increases condition damage by 300.

    Always Angry: This trait has been reworked and renamed Burst of Aggression.

    Burst of Aggression: Grants quickness and superspeed for 3 seconds when berserk mode is first activated.

    Smash Brawler: This trait no longer reduces recharge of berserk mode and primal bursts. Instead, it extends the duration of berserk mode by 5 seconds.


  9. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > For WvW.

    > >

    > > Decent would me Strenght Rune.

    > > It helps with Might Uptime for you and your allies.

    > >

    > > Force Sigil is a must have.

    > > Accurasy only is you need the critchance.

    > > If you dont then Impact Sigil.

    > >

    > > Your job is to give Boons and doing big boy dmg.

    > >

    > > If you have trouble surviving then you fellow firebrand/scrapper/tempest is doing his job wrong.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > I'll be roaming though so I won't always have a dependable support.


    Ohhhhh! Roaming.


    Then Firework should be a good choice.

  10. I have all classes 80 and for some multible ones.


    Warrior is my story/openworld/raid character.


    Because its simple but effectiv.


    In WvW i play each week a different class/build.


    WvW Classes:






    In get bored fast of playing 1 class all the time.


  11. For WvW.


    Decent would me Strenght Rune.

    It helps with Might Uptime for you and your allies.


    Force Sigil is a must have.

    Accurasy only is you need the critchance.

    If you dont then Impact Sigil.


    Your job is to give Boons and doing big boy dmg.


    If you have trouble surviving then you fellow firebrand/scrapper/tempest is doing his job wrong.




  12. Mandetory:

    *10 Firebrands

    * 5 Heralds (you can play 10 if you want)



    *1-2 Tempest

    * 1-2 Scrapper

    * 1-2 Blood Rez Necs

    * 1-2 Bubble War

    * Maybe 1-2. Sup Chronos




    *2-3 Weaver

    * Fill the rest with scourge.



    * Renegade (Dmg)

    * Daredavil (Dmg)

    * Heal Rev (Support)


  13. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > What about: to current bonuses, Vengeance also lasts 33% longer (20 seconds instead of 15)

    > But even then, the trait is just too weak to be competetive with Warrior's Sprint (or even Crack Shot for rifle builds).

    > Who even cares about 100 endurance gain? It is a bit arbitrary.


    > I would also suggest Hammer Toss (2nd downed skill) to be changed into frontal cone melee kick with launch/knockback effect and 3 targets cap. I find it currently a bit useless, long cast time, very easy to blind, dodge, reflect/destroy, etc... not that it is required as if the skill would be broken or anything, just a suggestion.



    You know a Trait is bad when a garbage trait like Crack Shot outclasses it.


  14. > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > So trying to take T3 garrison the other day, we breached the outer door then EWP popped and 70+ enemies descended on our 35 man squad. Guess the outcome. Then we tried a wall and was faced with 4+ arrowcarts not to mention trebs draining everyone of supply. Only got the wall to 50 before they wrecked all siege.

    > > p

    > > Same old same old.

    > >

    > > And then we had almost an hour of fighting with all 3 servers inside another T0 keep.

    > >

    > > Good times.

    > >

    > > If you think this patch broke the game, you clearly havent paid attention to WvW. Because its working exactly like before, except smaller squads can be more effective (not that they necessarily are) and the tiers are overall lower. If you think this makes objectives "not worth defending", how did you even get T3 before? Or did you just went into already existing T3 keeps that some nightcrew made, dumped down 5 AC and went "aaaaah... now this is WvW worthy of my presence!". Objectives by definition is **always** worth defending because guess what - they give you points no matter the tier.


    > I have not seen a single smaller squad. So in fact I have seen separate guild groups grouping up like crazy because they can ruin a structure in seconds.

    > not sure why someone would keep crying about AC fire, I have never ever died to that tickle fire, and I am a kitten player.


    What has surviving Ac fire to do with skill?


    Its all a question of outhealing the dmg.


    If you are a firebrand, then ofc you survive.


    If you are anything else, thank your healer next to you for it.

  15. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > This could all be settled so easily if Anet would release performance results by build. When everyone sees once and for all how few condi-mirage players make it very far in the rankings--and which builds actually do--I think they'd be in for an awakening.


    You are taking this poll to serious.


    Voting Condi Mirage is basicaly a Meme now.


    Also thanks to the fact that you dont see PvP rating here , everyone can vote.


    Even a pleb like me who hasnt played PvP for 2+ years and still voting for Condi Mirage.


    For the lulz, you could say.




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