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Posts posted by DanAlcedo.3281

  1. > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > This alone would make druide viable in WvW.


    > Still unwanted. Just like stance share soulbeast is viable, but not wanted.


    > Besides, other than nerfing Ancestral Grace, they're not gonna touch the staff. They're happy with how extremely boring it is.




    Its not wanted because both druid and soulbeast habe terrible weapon choices.


    If Soulbeast had Rev Hammer it would see alot of play.


    Stances are amazing but without a good weapon....

  2. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > With Antitoxin runes and Purity of Purpose, all a condi build does is buff the enemy zerg. Only corruption is legit since it can tempoarily remove boons and trap people for a bomb but straight up condi damage in a zerg has been a terrible idea for most of the game's existence (except that while in HoT) and now is probably doing negative damage. If you spam burn on an enemy, what you're really doing is letting the scrappers constantly convert for Aegis. Not to mention Scrappers can do like 200 cleanses in a short fight.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Purge_Gyro

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fumigate

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cleansing_Field


    > This is just scrapper too. 3 sources of pulsing condi clear, all with only a 15s cooldown. And there are much more smaller things you could do too.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Antitoxin

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Purity_of_Purpose


    > With Antitoxin runes, you clear 2 conditions instead of 1, nearly doubling the effect (sometimes you won't have that many condis to clear, but then again that's not really an issue) and with Purity of Purpose all this gets turned into boons.


    > In short, I'd take a GS soulbeast over a condi whatever. If you are getting run down by a zerg who you can't seem to hurt, then tell people to stop spamming condis and get some scrappers running a build like the above.


    Fun Idea:


    I started to shot my own Mortar fields into reflects, just so i can get condis to convert.


    The ice field gives 1s chill 5times.

    Each gets converted in 4+ seconds of alacrity.


    Im realy at the point of WANTING condis on me....

  3. > @"Thandaer.8105" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"Thandaer.8105" said:

    > > > Sound really nice, but again, what would you do with revenants. We already have 5 skills for every legend. So it's either giving us brand new skill per legend or nothing at all (and that would leave us saaaaad).

    > >

    > > 1 new utility for every legend.

    > >

    > >

    > > Also big YES from me to the general idea.

    > >


    > Time for Ventari utility revive skill :)


    I would be happy with aoe regen again.

  4. WoW.


    So many misinformations here.


    Retaliation does NOT give you loot.


    Healing/Boons alone do NOT give loot.

    You still must hit a target to get any loot.

    You only need todo alot less dmg.


    From personal exp. dmg under 500 does not give loot.


    If you do lets say 500 dmg but the target has only 300hp left in downstate, you magicaly dont get wxp/loot.


    Hitting very low life downstates with condis does not count as a hit very often. Even if the dmg is higher then 500.




    Next time in wvw, turn on wxp gain in chat in see how often you dont get the kill , even if you did dmg.


    Believe me, its crazy.





  5. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"shortcake.8659" said:

    > > > 2x longbow marks/skirm/sb and rain barrages down everywhere. you'll be everyone's hero.

    > >

    > > „Dies to retaliation instantly“


    > rofl --- Dies instantly? oh hey, I've been knocked back... even lost a bit of health from retaliation.. but NEVER have I even come close to dying. Possibly because I know how to build my ranger... or more likely because retaliation isn't as nasty as most people say it is.


    > >

    > > > @"vinc.6047" said:

    > > > As much as I love this game I am shocked that Anet has let the Ranger become such a horrible pvp class. Everyone should just run with Necro, Ele, etc and then they would have to fix this bs. The ranger is a crucial fighter in a large scale fight except for in this game. All cloth classes should be cowering in fear when they see rangers. Pvp in this game is too kitten out of balance.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Ranger are amazing everywhere.

    > > Except for Zerging.

    > >

    > > If ranger had a non projectile AoE weapon, they would even be amazing in zerging.

    > >


    > I run ranger exclusively in zergs. I run backline. Knowing when to drop the LB5 AOE damage is critical if you want to be useful. Running the big of boon boost etc that soulbeast has can be useful if you have a group running backline with you. Also people think Ranger is about hitting one person at a time... WRONG, spec it correctly and hit many, not just one.

    > Taking out wall siege is done by ele's and rangers. Most squads have very few ele's and rangers... the ones that throw rangers out are either fight only squads, or just don't care about wall siege.


    > As for zerg support. Not every class provides support in a zerg. Don't even talk to me about warrior/spellbreakers because pfft. I've run everything and I kill so many more enemy with my soulbeast build than I ever did with any other class. Anyone that thinks that a solid super DPS class isn't needed in a zerg simply hasn't seen someone that knows how to run on properly.


    > Now as to the OP's question.. You die because your build is wrong and haven't yet learned to play whatever flavour of ranger you're using. If you want a zerg to have a bit of warm and fuzzies about your ranger you need to prove that you're a beast. Can you solo a tower with it for example? Can you take down a T1 camp and get the ring up BEFORE the swords appear? Can you take down that simple little sentry in less than 3 seconds?


    > imo, the key to figuring out how to survive on a Ranger is to go out and roam with it. Find some friends and run a small roaming/havoc group. LEARN the class. People talk smack that it's just pewpew and anyone can play it. I can say the same about all classes. There is literally NO class that anyone can just "walk into" and be useful at. No not even Firebrand like some suggest.


    > I have all classes, fully upgraded, all ascended, blahblahblah.. know how to play each of them. I choose my Soulbeast simply because it's a lot more fun for me than the others and because I can support my zergs in ways they understand... and frankly all this talk about being kicked out of zergs... I've never seen it. Possibly that's because I've run with people here for years and they know me and what I can do? Not sure, but I have to say I've seen lots of people that run rangers that make me smh.


    > Get good, very very good... run along side a squad and get to know people. If you're committed to Ranger then it's going to take some time if you're new to it. It's only simple to those people that don't know it.


    The fact that you need a giant wall of text, just to even try to make Ranger look usefull, says alot.


    Same old problems.


    Sure, Ranger can be usefull if the player behind it is skilled enough.


    But 99% of rangers are kitten bad.


    On the other side, even a monkey is usefull if he plays scourge.


    Most Rangers would increase thier usefullnes by playing Meta ALOT.

  6. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > @"shortcake.8659" said:

    > > > 2x longbow marks/skirm/sb and rain barrages down everywhere. you'll be everyone's hero.

    > >

    > > „Dies to retaliation instantly“


    > rofl --- Dies instantly? oh hey, I've been knocked back... even lost a bit of health from retaliation.. but NEVER have I even come close to dying. Possibly because I know how to build my ranger... or more likely because retaliation isn't as nasty as most people say it is.


    > >

    > > > @"vinc.6047" said:

    > > > As much as I love this game I am shocked that Anet has let the Ranger become such a horrible pvp class. Everyone should just run with Necro, Ele, etc and then they would have to fix this bs. The ranger is a crucial fighter in a large scale fight except for in this game. All cloth classes should be cowering in fear when they see rangers. Pvp in this game is too kitten out of balance.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Ranger are amazing everywhere.

    > > Except for Zerging.

    > >

    > > If ranger had a non projectile AoE weapon, they would even be amazing in zerging.

    > >


    > I run ranger exclusively in zergs. I run backline. Knowing when to drop the LB5 AOE damage is critical if you want to be useful. Running the big of boon boost etc that soulbeast has can be useful if you have a group running backline with you. Also people think Ranger is about hitting one person at a time... WRONG, spec it correctly and hit many, not just one.

    > Taking out wall siege is done by ele's and rangers. Most squads have very few ele's and rangers... the ones that throw rangers out are either fight only squads, or just don't care about wall siege.


    > As for zerg support. Not every class provides support in a zerg. Don't even talk to me about warrior/spellbreakers because pfft. I've run everything and I kill so many more enemy with my soulbeast build than I ever did with any other class. Anyone that thinks that a solid super DPS class isn't needed in a zerg simply hasn't seen someone that knows how to run on properly.


    > Now as to the OP's question.. You die because your build is wrong and haven't yet learned to play whatever flavour of ranger you're using. If you want a zerg to have a bit of warm and fuzzies about your ranger you need to prove that you're a beast. Can you solo a tower with it for example? Can you take down a T1 camp and get the ring up BEFORE the swords appear? Can you take down that simple little sentry in less than 3 seconds?


    > imo, the key to figuring out how to survive on a Ranger is to go out and roam with it. Find some friends and run a small roaming/havoc group. LEARN the class. People talk smack that it's just pewpew and anyone can play it. I can say the same about all classes. There is literally NO class that anyone can just "walk into" and be useful at. No not even Firebrand like some suggest.


    > I have all classes, fully upgraded, all ascended, blahblahblah.. know how to play each of them. I choose my Soulbeast simply because it's a lot more fun for me than the others and because I can support my zergs in ways they understand... and frankly all this talk about being kicked out of zergs... I've never seen it. Possibly that's because I've run with people here for years and they know me and what I can do? Not sure, but I have to say I've seen lots of people that run rangers that make me smh.


    > Get good, very very good... run along side a squad and get to know people. If you're committed to Ranger then it's going to take some time if you're new to it. It's only simple to those people that don't know it.


    The fact that you need a giant wall of text, just to even try to make Ranger look usefull, says alot.


    Same old problems.


    Sure, Ranger can be usefull if the player behind it is skilled enough.


    But 99% of rangers are kitten bad.


    On the other side, even a monkey is usefull if he plays scourge.


    Most Rangers would increase thier usefullnes by playing Meta ALOT.

  7. > @"Takashiro.8701" said:

    > I cant really think of a way to give Chrono a tradeoff without destroying the synergy its supposed to have with core skills/traits.

    > So I'd say add an F5 to Core Mes too, just like how they added a new f-skill to Core Revenant.

    > Alternatively, give Core Mesmers shatters some additional effects, similar to how Master of Fragmentation works?


    Buffing Mesmer?


    I think someone wants to see the Forum burn down in raging flames.

  8. > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

    > > > Since Berserker is the hot topic, why is the red glow aura not more flame-like? Never understood why a burn oriented build aura isn’t more like the Ranger’s Strength of the Pack shout aura.

    > >

    > > the aura has nothing to do with fire and flames for your info

    > >

    > > red is the color of rage

    > >

    > > just look at bullfighting (spain) what color is the flag? exactly red

    > Fire is also part of the themed rage or did you miss the torch, the burning condition from F2 and traits, or even the fiery sword icon for Berserker?




    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > I just leave this here....

    > > https://imgur.com/3oNZKk1

    > > https://imgur.com/mrVZNCg

    > > https://imgur.com/6sExYr9

    > > https://imgur.com/JpLyAe1


    > That short little burst lasts 1 second. Im referring more to the aura after the B mode engage.


    > Nice pic capturing though. Well done.


    A man can dream... a man can dream...

  9. > @"jul.7602" said:

    > Go healing druid with full minstrel. If you're able to ping full ascended minstrel, monk runes, sigils of benevolence and healing food/oils then the commander will let you be int the squad. Any other build useless. Not trying to be mean, but you will not be welcomed to squad.


    Well... a 5th choice healer is still a healer i guess?



  10. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > I love living in the world where "Berserker is absolute trash" and "Berserker is absolutely broken pls fix" can exist at the same time


    Today i learned:


    I doesnt matter how many drawbacks a build has.

    If it just does one thing better then others, it needs to be nerfed ASAP.



    List of negativs:

    * No Burst while not in B-Form

    * Minus 300 Thoughness

    * Traits only work in B-Form

    * Needs 30 Adrenalin to become playable

    * You must waste a Adrenalin filling Skill to make it playable

    * B-Form can be interupted

    * 12 Seconds of downtime of 100% uselessnes.

    * Rage Skills are bad

    * If you cant kill someone in B-Form, you are basicaly dead.



    * It does dmg.

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