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Posts posted by Lottie.5370

  1. I never realised how many people hate the compact feature, but I can never close my inventory without pressing it out of habit. I really like the order it is - I deposit my stuff and then compact it to make it neat again. I think it makes perfect sense.


    I use invisible bags at the bottom of my inventory to keep everything I want in place, I couldn't imagine having things in random slots or moving everything manually.


    At the end of the day, it's just going to take everyone a little bit of time to get used to where the buttons they want to use are, and I don't think there's anything wrong with how it is.

  2. Professional Skritt is my favourite because I like shiny things :D


    Honestly I usually just have a random raid title or Dancing With Demons, kinda took most of the fun out of titles to me when having to change it to that every time I want to do 100CM (which is usually daily).


    Otherwise I really like Leader of the Yak, but mostly because I spent hours scouting home borderland Hills and escorting dollies there, fond WvW memories! Chicken Chaser, Slippery Slubling, Yakslapper and Silent Killer are good ones too though!

  3. > @"lonerince.2796" said:

    > Hi, Im also a returning player and wouldn't mind joining if your still recruiting


    > @"Szkeleton.7920" said:

    > I'm Also a returning PVE player. After 2 years of inactivity i finally have some time for my precious MMO game. I'm kind, friendly and respect others. Actually going with another character (havin Necro and Ele at 80) so i will be active few hours per day. I will be glad to join guild and talk with others.


    > @"koolkiller.4309" said:

    > Im returning PvE player and getting slowly back into the game so I am looking for an active, fun, social and PvE focused guild that we can do raids, strikes and fractals together. If you need people i would be happy to join


    > @"Tes.8426" said:

    > Hi! Im returning PvE player too :) looking for guild with friendly atmosphere and which wouild help me in game :)


    I need to check the forums more often it seems :D I'll throw you guys an invite when I get on later :)

  4. Had an experienced CM group doing this on T4 (normal) and found the Fractal to be quite underwhelming.


    I loved the visuals - it's beautiful and I could sure spend a lot of time there. I even especially enjoyed the letter achievement, it was fun to hunt for them and they were very cute to read.


    The fights however... they were just way too easy in my opinion, up until the final boss. There's nothing interesting about them, they're just gentle HP sponges. I understand that it's supposed to teach you the mechanics of the last boss, but they just feel really undertuned, especially the water part? I didn't really understand it, you just stack and kill a giant rock. The final boss was much better, easy to follow and understand what to do and there's a good level of difficulty there.


    Overall it's a great length for an extra daily fractal, I enjoy it enough, but I think some parts are too easy - the foes have a tiny HP pool and the breakbars are ridiculously small. I enjoy the style of leading up to this big end boss encounter.

  5. > @"Aeon.4583" said:

    > So, i've been waiting for 16 hours to get an answer and response. I did submit a ticket 16 hours ago. And i am unable to log in for today's. And since i am not able to log-in... Soon i will have no other choice but to go to sleep, and this is what arena net will owe me:

    > 1 Spirit Wood

    > 1 Deldrimor Steel

    > 1 Bolt of Damask

    > 1 Elonian Leather

    > 2 Mystic Clovers

    > 2 gold from daily completion


    > And thats a minimum. Maximum already include:

    > Daily Fractal Run Rewards

    > 250 WvW Pips i do Daily

    > Tier7 Materials Supply Run

    > Attempt at Pendant of Arah, Sam and Commisar Manifesto

    > 2 gold + loot from Tequatl


    > Thank you for swift response to critical trouble.


    Imagine believing they owe you this.


    Tickets usually take longer than that for a response, especially if they are receiving a lot of tickets about an issue that they are trying to resolve.


    On a side note, the 2FA emails have started coming through for me instantly again.

  6. I got this to work two ways - the first is to hold down C before the "reset" message comes up, as the guy explained above. The second, I just did it "on foot" with a Soulbeast - use your skimmer as normal at the beginning, then barrel roll into the first underwater one. Make sure you can give yourself permanent swiftness or superspeed, I also used the dash 3 times on ranger spear #3. There is a section in the middle where you can skimmer up again before going underwater a 2nd time. Towards the end, Skimmer as soon as the bubble is on the water's surface then quickly swap to jackal or raptor when on the dry land. I made it with several seconds to spare.


    Obviously a fix is needed, but that will work in the meantime. You could probably do it on any class.

  7. > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

    > 32 slot bags, mount skins, and maybe a random precursor for a legendary I think would be acceptable. Giving a legendary for a gift is too much I think, but a precursor would be a welcome gift. It’s one per account so it can’t be that big of a deal.


    Why? You can get those from anywhere? None of that is "acceptable" to be honest, you just want things for free even if it wouldn't make sense for the birthday gift.


    I'd rather have this enrichment over those, it feels way more special, even if the karma isn't that needed for me. Birthday gifts have never been giant rewards, they're just fun cosmetics and small boosts to help you out.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

    > > >

    > > > Except

    > > >

    > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.

    > > >

    > > > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill

    > >

    > > Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.


    > No, you do not. This is something so easily checked, please stop posting such nonsense. You get 2 mastery points, 1 at first completion, another at 10. You don't even get any achievement point for completing cold war 50 times. That stops far earlier too.


    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

    > > > >

    > > > > Except

    > > > >

    > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.

    > > > >

    > > > > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill

    > > >

    > > > Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.

    > >

    > > I have all mastery points in jormag rising, and I only have x10 for the cold war strike. And it shows no more mastery points in the achievement for there

    > >


    > Exactly, as do I, and I too never bother to complete Cold War 50 times.


    > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Except

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.

    > > >

    > > > I have all mastery points in jormag rising, and I only have x10 for the cold war strike. And it shows no more mastery points in the achievement for there

    > > >

    > >

    > > How many extra do you have. I need 2 more cold war and I'll have 8 extra but someone said they have 9 extra so I wonder where that one came from. The 50 cold war can look confusing to some as it has a mastery icon at the bottom but I don't think 50 gives you another


    > I have 9 spare and everything maxed, yes. I know the wiki leaves out 1 mastery point from Cold War. The second one missing from the wiki might be Stormcaller Armsmaster Collector, which too yields 2 mastery points: 1 at Rank 2, the other when completing it.


    > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

    > > >

    > > > Except

    > > >

    > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.

    > > >

    > > > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill

    > >

    > > Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.


    > I have all mastery points in jormag rising, and I only have x10 for the cold war strike. And it shows no more mastery points in the achievement for there




    You are both wrong. You can literally see it under Morale Breaker. It is for completing the final tier and does not show like the one at t1 and t3.


    ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/731539378316378199/745699459240820816/Hm.png "")



  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > >

    > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > >

    > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > >

    > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".


    > Except


    > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.


    > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill


    Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.

  10. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I’ll have to check but I don’t recall encounters that don’t have a boss as providing gold on completion.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Spirit Run in Spirit Vale does not have a boss, yet gives gold and an LI. Gate in W7 also gives gold, but not an LD.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ah. We always skip those two so I wasn’t sure.

    > > > >

    > > > > You skip Spirit Run? The event between VG and Gorseval, which also gives an LI, every week? :no_mouth:

    > > >

    > > > We all have no use for LI as there’s no sink for them once you have enough for all the armor weights and ring.

    > >

    > > Yeah I was confused more as to why you'd skip something that takes about 3 minutes and still gives gold, and also how you'd skip it? You do VG and get an opener for Gorse? It just doesn't seem that efficient.


    > There are players from various clear groups that group up and do the encounters beforehand so that they be an opener for their groups.


    I know that... I've just never seen anyone bother to skip that one.

  11. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I’ll have to check but I don’t recall encounters that don’t have a boss as providing gold on completion.

    > > > > >

    > > > > Spirit Run in Spirit Vale does not have a boss, yet gives gold and an LI. Gate in W7 also gives gold, but not an LD.

    > > >

    > > > Ah. We always skip those two so I wasn’t sure.

    > >

    > > You skip Spirit Run? The event between VG and Gorseval, which also gives an LI, every week? :no_mouth:


    > We all have no use for LI as there’s no sink for them once you have enough for all the armor weights and ring.


    Yeah I was confused more as to why you'd skip something that takes about 3 minutes and still gives gold, and also how you'd skip it? You do VG and get an opener for Gorse? It just doesn't seem that efficient.

  12. > @"blambidy.3216" said:

    > > @"jwhite.7012" said:

    > > > @"blambidy.3216" said:

    > > > Highly disagree. Only because even though you dont spend much time compared to pvp and wvw however not many people can even put in the effort in pve legendary armor compared to pvp and wvw. With all do respect to people who do have legendary pvp and wvw armor. All they truly have to do is participate vs in pve you actually have to kill 150 raid kills + get certain bosses and doing tasks. Even though it tech isn’t hard to do for legendary pve armor, it is harder to majority of the player base in gw2. Therefore the people who put more effort in get a less time gate.

    > >

    > > Except for the fact that you can literally just buy your way through the PvE gear. So no, hardly would consider the effort equal.


    > I wonder if you know how expensive a kill is. The price does go higher and lower depending on the boss however let’s say it’s 400 gold per boss. 400 x 150 = 60,000 gold. Depending on the fluctuations of gem to gold conversion that’s pretty steep for just the first set. However that’s a flat rate. And most likely carrying someone through the heart achievements would most likely cost more since it would cost more time since 2 of the heart achievements the player can not die even if the boss is killed. However that’s just the first set. The second and third set is 300 LI for 1 set. So it’s 120,000 gold for the second and third set. Total if the person bought all 3 sets 400 x 750 = 300,000 gold. That’s some massive cheddar for a video game.

    > However I don’t sell and I never bought. All I know is the gold does fluctuate higher or lower depending on the bosses. So it could be higher or lower then this assumption depending on the seller.


    Yeah... but buying a full wing, or even every full wing, will probably get you a hefty discount. The OP has to remember that the cost is being split among 6-9 people and has to be worth it for each of them cost wise, however.


    But you are way off for 400g/boss. A Samarog CM, for example, is around 275MC~ which is less than 450g~, and it's one of the harder CMs, regular bosses (especially W1-4) will go for *way* less than that. I'd say Dhuum is the highest value normal kill in the region of 150MC. (I am not a raid seller, but I do know some)


    It is still going to be thousands of gold, but nowhere near 120,000 :p

  13. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > >

    > > > I’ll have to check but I don’t recall encounters that don’t have a boss as providing gold on completion.

    > > >

    > > Spirit Run in Spirit Vale does not have a boss, yet gives gold and an LI. Gate in W7 also gives gold, but not an LD.


    > Ah. We always skip those two so I wasn’t sure.


    You skip Spirit Run? The event between VG and Gorseval, which also gives an LI, every week? :no_mouth:




    I actually take it back. Assuming 64g from liquid gold, 10-15g from exotics, AND you selling the Djinn Doubloon for 10-15g profit, it's pretty close to 90g. Obviously take a couple of gold off for food, and know that it could be less than 10g from exotics some weeks, and there is still TP fees, but aside from the 5g-10g/boss thing, what you said is not that far from the truth. I did not factor in the doubloon with the exotics correctly above.


    I still argue that raids are not good purely for gold, if you consider the time it takes for an average player with no static to make a full clear. But if you find them fun, then... it's a really nice bonus each week.

  14. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > >

    > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)


    > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.


    That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

  15. > @"jwhite.7012" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"jwhite.7012" said:

    > > > you can buy a full wing clear for 30-50g. Buying an entire clear x6 is still cheaper than buying some of the 1st gen legendaries. Cant pay your way through wvw, cant pay your way through pvp.

    > >

    > > You could not be more wrong. A kill of Dhuum or Qadim 1 is more than 50g just on their own. You do not NEED to pay your way through WvW or PvP to get the armour, if doesn't matter how much you lose or die because you always get progress as long as you're participating.

    > >

    > > The discounted set is still 25 li per piece and requires you to do the first 2 collections of Envoy Armour. Assuming you buy W1-7 every week, you're getting 25LI a week (15 LI and 10 LD), assume you can get W1-4 for 30g each and W5-7 for 100g each, you're still paying over 2000g and the armour is still 300-350g/piece to craft. You'd have to be pretty kitten dedicated to do that and it probably applies to less than 1% of players. It's a really invalid point to say the armour is "credit cardable".

    > >

    > > You also forget that the Ectoplasmic Residue that you need 10 of is RNG based and you may not have it all within 6 weeks. If this is the case, you cannot progress to the next set. There's so many things that you still have to do and cannot simply just buy. It is no way in hell 3-4 hours a week, you are only counting an incredibly fast raid buy with no wipes and no time spent searching for it.

    > >

    > > It's just a ridiculous post to be honest.


    > You act as though PvE is the only route that requires materials. All three routes require you to farm mats. So don't go tacking on mats, when I didn't tack on mats for any of the other routes. Quite frankly the raids are dull to me. Now I can honestly say I haven't even attempted w5-7, mainly because I cant stand the raiding community in GW2 to begin with. Second to that, PvE already gets the unique skin which arguably is probably one of the few reasons people even "attempt" to go the raid route.


    > WvW is still going to require a gross amount of time to farm the mats, tickets, and honor. WvW alone requires ~18 hours every week just to hit the weekly pip counter to get your cap of tickets. This is assuming you are maintaining participation, have not skipped a week (for the +1 pip for previous week), and that you're at least a somewhat decent rank. Being a full-time commander is the only suitable route for anyone who wants to acquire the legendary armor set in a reasonable time in WvW.

    > PvP requires at least several hundreds of matches just to hit the ascended shards.

    > PvE, lets "assume" it takes the average player 18 hours a week to full clear the raid. That is still significantly less time either of the other routes.


    They also have to do the collection, farm the materials SPECIFIC to the PvE set and collections. You also need map currencies and metas which take a long time, and that you cannot just buy. You also need specific masteries, this also takes time. Yes there is no weekly time gate on *those* things, but a person can only play so much per day, and if you're assuming they're already spending 18 hours a week raiding... where do they get their other time to do the rest?


    If you are a WvW player in general, then the WvW set is much faster to get, as you get a lot more pips and will have skirmish tickets from previous playtime. That's how it should be, no? Same if you're PvP player, you will already have some of the materials.


    Your argument is not "WvW and PvP takes longer to get and that's bad" it's "a PvE player with only a credit card can get their PvE legendary armour before a PvE player that has never played WvW or PvP before can get WvW or PvP legendary armour"


    You're trying to word everything to be in favour of YOUR opinion/argument and that's not really how it works.


    Also, I tacked on the cost of the armour because it makes the total gold cost in the several thousands. This is relevant if you're converting gems to gold for the whole thing.

  16. Personally I think it's awful that they don't just include it with the price of the game, or add it as an option on higher tiers of purchase (somewhat equal to the cost of an existing player having to buy them (or just make them free if you have the relevant expansion... but I guess they lose too much money there?). It's silly to spend so much money and getting the expansions, and then having to pay more to unlock the "middle" parts of the story between them both. I have had a lot of players in my guild that have been confused that they didn't get that when they bought the game.


    I say this as someone who unlocked every single episode for free also.

  17. > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > > > > I'm in the same spot as op. Legendary armor cost about 250 per piece. Daily fracs net about 30 gold per day. Raids only pay between 5 and 10 gold per kill , so a full clear runs about 90 gold after food. Mystic clovers are ridiculous to roll for as well. If I'm crafting then yes things are very tight.

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol what? A boss gives you 2g or 4g, plus magnetite shards and an exotic weapon, plus the chance for raid specific drop. That's kitten.

    > > >

    > > > What exactly is lol about the data. Liquid gold and tradable items across 7 wings net minimum 90ish gold.

    > >

    > > Because you get 2g or 4g per kill, not between 5g and 10g. The way you typed it is stupidly misleading. If you only kill W5-7 then sure, you may end up with that. But if you do a wing from W1-4 expecting 5-10g/boss you're gonna end up really disappointed. It's really RNG on what exotic you have drop, and whether it is armour or a weapon.

    > >

    > > You're capped at 150 magnetite and gaeting crystals a week, you can't make magnetite into gaeting crystals. The Djinn doubloon is 39g at sell price, and costs 150 crystals + 20g, so you're gaining about 15g from that after fees, assuming you can sell it at sell price and do not have other uses for the crystals. The Peerless Infusion is around 390g and costs 2000 crystals + 20g, it takes a while to get 2000 crystals and is less profit than the doubloon. I can't think of a single item for magnetites that gives any sort of profit. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    > >

    > >


    > At work but here the figures you presented. Gold /kill 2-4 so let's say 3 gold average. 25 reward boxes for full clears per week. Average result is 75 gold per week. If we include 25 drops I can see this number being reasonably close to my estimate. Let me know what you think.


    > Cheers


    No, the average is not 3g. Only one wing of W1-4 is doubled, and only one wing of W5-7 is doubled. That makes the average 2.57g assuming they all have the same number of encounters, which they do not - some have 3 some have 4. This makes it 64g not 75g. That is 15% less than what you're saying.


    Raiding still makes good gold, but it's probably something that you do not do ONLY for the gold. Wing 5 and 6 are especially difficult.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


    > I’ll have to check but I don’t recall encounters that don’t have a boss as providing gold on completion.


    Spirit Run in Spirit Vale does not have a boss, yet gives gold and an LI. Gate in W7 also gives gold, but not an LD.

  18. > @"jwhite.7012" said:

    > you can buy a full wing clear for 30-50g. Buying an entire clear x6 is still cheaper than buying some of the 1st gen legendaries. Cant pay your way through wvw, cant pay your way through pvp.


    You could not be more wrong. A kill of Dhuum or Qadim 1 is more than 50g just on their own. You do not NEED to pay your way through WvW or PvP to get the armour, if doesn't matter how much you lose or die because you always get progress as long as you're participating.


    The discounted set is still 25 li per piece and requires you to do the first 2 collections of Envoy Armour. Assuming you buy W1-7 every week, you're getting 25LI a week (15 LI and 10 LD), assume you can get W1-4 for 30g each and W5-7 for 100g each, you're still paying over 2000g and the armour is still 300-350g/piece to craft. You'd have to be pretty fucking dedicated to do that and it probably applies to less than 1% of players. It's a really invalid point to say the armour is "credit cardable".


    You also forget that the Ectoplasmic Residue that you need 10 of is RNG based and you may not have it all within 6 weeks. If this is the case, you cannot progress to the next set. There's so many things that you still have to do and cannot simply just buy. It is no way in hell 3-4 hours a week, you are only counting an incredibly fast raid buy with no wipes and no time spent searching for it.


    It's just a ridiculous post to be honest.

  19. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > > > I'm in the same spot as op. Legendary armor cost about 250 per piece. Daily fracs net about 30 gold per day. Raids only pay between 5 and 10 gold per kill , so a full clear runs about 90 gold after food. Mystic clovers are ridiculous to roll for as well. If I'm crafting then yes things are very tight.

    > > >

    > > > Lol what? A boss gives you 2g or 4g, plus magnetite shards and an exotic weapon, plus the chance for raid specific drop. That's kitten.

    > >

    > > What exactly is lol about the data. Liquid gold and tradable items across 7 wings net minimum 90ish gold.


    > Where’s your math behind this? Full clears have never yielded that much for me unless I get a lucky drop. I get about half of what you’re claiming.


    You can get 25 LI/LD a week, which essentially means you get 25 liquid gold rewards. Assuming the two double wings are W1 and W7, you're getting 28g from those and 36g from the remaining ones. I can't for the life of me remember how much gold you get from Gate and Bandits before Sabetha, but add those on too. It's a lot of gold, but it also takes a fair bit of time (the less time the more experienced you/your group are). This means 64g, add up the exotics you get drop, it goes up even more, but it's RNG at that point. It's still rarely going to be 90g after food, and 15g of that requires you to spend all the gaeting crystals you get that week.

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