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Posts posted by Lottie.5370

  1. > @"Grock.7396" said:

    > Ah, gotcha. Well that sucks! GRRRR! I was hoping to have a mount to use on a newly created character. I thought that it would unlock mounts on my account. I guess I was wrong.


    > No, I'm not level 80 yet. Is that a requirement?


    Yes. You must be level 80 and start the Path of Fire story. You will unlock the Raptor in the first mission. You then have to unlock the other mounts (Springer, Skimmer and Jackal) in the surrounding maps. Roller Beetle, Skyscale and Griffon are different as they need collections to unlock.


    Once they are unlocked any character on your account can use them regardless of level.

  2. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > I knew it. It has to be new player giving thanks again. Well, play for another year (if the game is still alive) and let the Nerf Team nerf your main professions to the ground and then come back here and be grateful again :D


    What is wrong with you that you have to be negative to a guy that's actually just enjoying the game?


    I've also been playing since before launch and still enjoy the game. What I really hate is the amount of kitten negativity on the forums and Reddit, but I guess the people that enjoy the game are playing it instead of complaining all day long. /shrug

  3. Hi. I'm a WvW veteran who likes the mount. I spend a lot of time either solo roaming or blobbing (with both closed and open tag). I started playing WvW in 2012 and I have a few thousand hours in it, before you tell me I don't understand how WvW works. Apologies for my English.


    Were there problems when the mount first released? yeah, roaming sucked - but once they added the Lance skill I started enjoying it again, even more-so when they made it unblockable. Lance makes it so you're both on even ground starting the fight and removed the getting oneshot from in stealth (of course this can still happen if you're in a fight and someone sneaks up on you, but that's no different to before the mount). I see a lot of complaining about having to chase people around, or people running away, but this also happened before the mount on classes that had the mobility to do so. Personally I don't find it fun killing people that are there for their daily from PvE, or that are new to WvW, or that die in a couple of hits etc. and if I see someone desperately trying to run away from me on their mount, I'll probably leave them to it and try and find someone that actually wants to fight. Now, I'll talk about what I think you're mad about - getting mount stomped whilst roaming. If you're roaming and go down (and no one stealths or resses you) you were probably going to die anyway if someone else came along.


    On mount stomping in blobs - I feel if it's used right, it can really turn the tide of a fight. I've never liked downstate much, the no-downstate events were some of the most fun times I had in WvW, and mount-stomping just helps kill people faster. It makes fights faster, or at least more fast-paced. You may die quicker, but you can at least run back much quicker with the mount.


    Even if it's annoying, I also like the marked mechanic. It would make sense for the enemy to know where you are after you have been scouted. However it probably shouldn't last as long as it does, or it should have a max range - e.g. if you're 2000 range from the sentry post then it drops off.


    Bloodlust causing the death of GvG? Bloodlust doesn't even exist in Obsidian Sanctum, so that only leaves the ones that fought beneath South Camp, which was a shitty place to fight (mostly because borders had queues back then). What killed GvG was all the good guilds stacking on the same server and having nothing to fight. I have never heard of anyone hating on this or calling it the reason for the death of GvG.

  4. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > The bjora marches is 1 time only with extra good rewards. The icebrood saga track is the repeatable one. This is kinda standard for instance all the HoT maps have a 1 time only track that give 7 clovers each in the end chests and then there is the repeatable Heart of Maguma track which gives 2 clovers per completion.


    As a side note, the Bjora marches one gives more than 7 clovers, it's a pretty great track.

  5. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > I'm not sure why you guys are saying dodge down - I just tried jumping off the same point (jump, dodge jump, run off and dodge off) and there was no difference in dmg between dodging and not dodging. You also have to land on a specific point on the arch, it is not possible to just dodge down, you'd miss it and die.


    > Dodge is for the speed boost so you can reach the high point of the arch. Superspeed should have the same effect, not sure if normal swiftness is adequate.


    Aaaah! Normal swiftness is adequate!

  6. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > what if objectives get the downed state. enemy caps but get points only, and for 5min the circle is active and the doors still let you in. slows down karma train and allows longer fights. defending is actually a thing. would be annoying tho cuz it would also give the bigger zerg a better chance of defending, so idk. might make captures impossible.


    This would be really terrible for roamers and would slow down the pace of WvW - it wouldn't make the actual zerg vs zerg fights any longer, it would just make objectives a pain in the ass to take. I'd be okay with the lord getting down-state but I'm not actually sure if that would achieve anything other than making it take a bit longer to cap.


    Personally I'm hoping they abandon the Alliances idea. I absolutely love my WvW server and to have to split everyone up would kill the game mode for me. People would still stack alliances the same way they do on servers now - it will not fix any problems at all.


    If you are in a guild, and you want to be able to jump into WvW with them and it's not happening right now - nothing is going to change in Alliances.

  7. > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

    > > Upcoming balance patch includes removing fall damage reduction from traits. I'm curious now — how do we pass through Twisted Castle? One mesmer always jumps down to create a portal. As we know, it's impossible to survive it without damage reduction.


    > It is possible to to survive (as far as Kitty knows), just gotta be close to full health before dropping.


    As Kitty says, anyone can make the drop as long as they hit the middle of the arch. I've seen people survive from 93% health, but they go to pretty much 1% after dropping.

  8. I haven't read the entire thread because there are too many posts... but the Murellow only gets retaliation if he hits you with his chomp. You can do the entire fight without him ever getting retaliation, just have the person with fixation dodge around.


    I'm aware that you'll get people afk DPSing and it will likely get it, but then you just have to not fast attack, use your heavy hitting one-hit skills for the most part. It's just another mechanic to play around, and it's not hard.

  9. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > Really big buff to ele in particular if this goes through. Ooc weapon swap to dagger dagger for rtl, burning speed, and steam surge map mobility then back to sword focus for the real fighting.

    > >

    > > Prot Holo would gain rifle leap for mobility but that isn't nearly as much as dd ele.


    > I get the argument. And adding more options can certainly be called a "buff".

    > Just not sure about calling it "huge for PvP".


    > At best its a mobility boost while traveling between nodes.

    > At worst it will screw you over by getting stuck on a sub-optimal weaponset for combat.


    > Maybe I'm just biased tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    I mean if it adds mobility when moving between points, or if it allows you to say... stack a bunch of boons (e.g. ele staff) before a fight, then it's somewhat of a buff. I can see a lot of players get caught out and be put in combat, but it's just risk/reward.


    I think it's better for WvW or open-world PvE. Use one weaponset for mobility or to stack something like bloodlust, swap back to your other set and you've got a free 250 power.


    Either way, it's great QoL change and saves me swapping between templates just to change my weapon.

  10. > @"toxic.3648" said:

    > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > @"toxic.3648" said:

    > > > well they shouldnt have. instead of giving QoL changes to a spec that could really need it they decide that tempest should be dps focused instead. even tho its whole theme is support oriented .. bulletproof logic right there ..

    > > > im just so tired of seeing these changes by a team that clearly dosnt play the class or have the slightest idea how other support classes stack to firebrand.

    > > > i love my tempest but its getting manhandled by idiots atm

    > >

    > > FB is both dps and support spec, just like tempest. They are both changing the way class F skills work so at the end it's not that the elite spes is X-focused, it's about core class and both of them are hybrid by design.


    > yet atm tempest dosnt excell in either in pvp context, but firebrand is. sure tempest got alot of healing but good luck getting overloads off without stab. then again supporting without giving regen and cleanse on auras isnt good either. all i want is even playing field for supports, throwing tempest a bone would solve that, yet anet went "lets give concentration to a class that dosnt have a good selection of support boons to begin with" apart from protection ofc, and now regen which u have to spec for and lose out on mobility and stab(which can help u alooot to get into position in teamfights) but lets firebrand have everything. i agree we should have theme'd elites but gimping 1 with stupid decissions and giving it all for free to another just wont cut it


    Not entirely sure what your post is... Tempest isn't quite as bad as you are making out.


    I play Tempest support/heal in PvP in platinum, around 70% winrate over 40 Tempest games. It's not as strong as Firebrand and you have no way to access aegis.


    I run Earth/Water/Tempest. Dagger/Focus, Soldier/Trooper rune with Mender Amulet, 4 shouts (Fire + Earth) and Lightning Flash, Mist Form or a 5th shout, depending on the game.


    You can get stability 2 ways - on attuning to Earth (Rock Solid, but usually you want Earthen Blessing), and Harmonious Conduit (this means you can use your overloads to break stun, imo it's situationally more useful than regen/vigor on auras, you can apply regen with Frost Aura + Soothing Ice + Overload Water (this is your most important overload and sometimes you just REALLY want that stability to try and guarantee it landing)).


    You gain mobility at the start of the game (in base) with Overload Air + Magnetic Wave + Frozen Burst and then attuning to Fire as you do not want to begin a fight on Water. You also have mobility from Fire #3 (also evade) and Earth #2. You have really bad access to Swiftness, except taking Harmonius Conduit, or Overload Air and blasting - "Eye of the Storm!" can be taken, but Lightning Flash is better in most situations.


    What do you do better than Firebrand? Not much.


    The incoming changes to reduce the cast time of the res glyph may bring that skill in line with Signet of Mercy, but I'm unsure if that will even be viable. However I still think it's a very adequate support and can easily win you games, you have insane healing and condi cleanse. I have also had a lot of success bunkering vs Condi Mirage, Condi Thief and Condi Weaver, when running Diamond Skin.


    What would make it better? I have a few suggestions but I'm not sure how it would work in practise.

    Improve the access to stability (self and to allies). Such as Rock Solid (trait) giving 3-5 stacks of stability to allies rather than just 1, 1 stack of stability is not very solid.

    Give a way to grant fury to allies - through Air Dagger #2 (which currently just applies to self) or when applying Shocking Aura.


    I think the way to buff Tempest specifically and not make Weaver stronger than it is, is to focus putting strength into Aura sharing or applying your boons onto allies and not just yourself, or by buffing the Tempest trait line. I'd like to see some buffs to core Ele weapons without buffing Focus. It could be interesting to see some main-hand Dagger buffs, but adding utility rather than damage.

  11. > @"toucan.6358" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Ground target is hard?


    > Its not like people stand stationary in pvp and the cast time is to slow for the skill to even hit the target


    Sounds like this is just a skill issue you are complaining about, the change actually made the skill better in PvP imo. Playing vs a melee character? now you can just drop it on yourself or kite into it, either the enemy gets hit or they aren't hitting you. You can also place it on the points with the same concept - if the enemy wants to fight on the point or cap the point, now they are forced to take damage.


    Try and think of it like this: you're not trying to hit the player exactly where they are right now, you're trying to place the skill where they are going to be/where they want to be, so either they have to play around it or they're getting hit.

  12. I use it on just one character - my ranger. I swap between druid, cSLB, and pSLB (though I have to change this template every time I go to WvW). I also have two separate rangers for PvP becuase it would just be too much of a nightmare to keep swapping things. When I'm raiding with my static, I absolutely love this feature - if we have to swap classes for a boss it takes 1 minute instead of 5, but when I'm swapping between game modes I kitten hate it.


    I don't mind not having a template for every druid or slb build that I'd run - just having the core stuff in one template and then it only taking a short time to swap a few pieces is great for me.


    On a side note, I never used Arc, and I also think build templates should not be monetised the way they are or limited as they are.


    Edit: I'd use it on my other characters but I already had several of each class already in full asc gear, so I just don't have the need for it on those.

  13. A reply about the bloodstone crystals - there are quite a few nodes, they are mostly on the right-hand side of the map, in the giant cavern place. They are all on different levels and there's even a couple at the bottom. You also get 5 (or 10?) rubies per character per map completion - if you have mounts or max gliding this can be done really easily in a few minutes.

  14. > @"Death.9268" said:

    > Story was short but great none the less. The map itself is beautiful, nice achievements, and a good meta event.

    > Strike missions the old and new one are great. I do hope they will make it even harder.


    > Can't wait what they have to offer for the next area of this map =)


    Just wanted to second this, all of this.


    Also, I love the Jormag voice!

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