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Posts posted by Lottie.5370

  1. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > The way I see it is, the core specialisation introduces you to the class and most of the mechanics of a class. The specialisations then add to this, once you have already learnt the "core/backbone" of a profession. Playing a core class in open world is sufficient enough to clear all content.

    > >

    > > The beauty of core classes is that you are not locked into any trait line, so you can build pretty much any way that you want. The specialisations are well.. specialised, and when you specialise in something, it means you are good at it, so it makes sense that the specialisations would be strong in what they specialise in.

    > >

    > > Of course this is different from a PvP or WvW standpoint, you are objectively at a disadvantage without the expansions (less so in PvP, some core classes are viable).


    > Except the elite specs commonly have nothing at all to do with the profession. Think ranger and druid. What on earth do they have in common besides pets? Soulbeast is closer, but daggers?



  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > 3149g is just 8.62g a day over a 1 year period, when people claim they can earn 20g+ **an hour** in GW2.


    > Or about the cost of 2 legendaries, when people build so many of them that common skins are rarer than legendary.


    > So is it a large cost?


    Are you suggesting someone to play for a year just to unlock all the gear/equipment slots they need for their current gear? lol...

  3. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > I wonder how you can get motion sick in this game. But I used to play games since 30 years, so maybe it's that. Also, NEVER try a VR goggle lol. You're head's gonna explode.


    It has nothing to do with how long you have been playing games, it's usually either something that will affect you always or caused by e.g. an inner ear problem. Like how some people get travel sickness very easily from being in a moving vehicle.


    For some people constant exposure can lessen symptoms, but for some people it won't - it'll just make them feel crappy every time.


    I'd recommend turning post-processing completely off, you can also limit player characters to the lowest, maybe turn player name plates off (so there are less things floating around on your screen, you can also turn off NPC and enemy nameplates, but I think you might want those :D), also lowest LoD distance...

  4. It uses the last build you used inside WvW on that character (just the traits/utilities, it does not factor in any gear), at least for me this has been the case.


    The max number of equipment templates you can have on a single character is 6, so actually you'd _only_ need to buy 11 (5500 gems). =)


    I don't know why they are limiting the number of templates you can have or why the unlocks aren't account wide... greed I guess.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > > > We’ve seen players who own legendary gear, in particular runes and sigils, confused about how they interact with the Equipment Templates so we’d like to clarify how this works. [...]

    > > >

    > > > My apologies, I might have figured it out now. So, you are saying that, if I use two different legendary one-handed weapons in two different equipment loadouts, I can use the same sigil on both, because the sigil is now shareable between them via the Equipment Storage?

    > >

    > > You are correct.


    > Oops! In that case I apologize for the mayhem. This whole equipment storage thing is majorly confusing in regard of legendary gear.


    To check I didn't misunderstand you -


    Say you have 12 legendary runes and 2 legendary sigils, and you have 2 gear templates.


    Template 1 you have your gear + 6 legendary runes + Legendary 1 with 1 legendary sigil

    Template 2 you have your gear + 6 legendary runes + Legendary 2 with 1 legendary sigil


    If you swap between them, you will find 6 legendary runes + 1 legendary sigil refunded to your inventory - because each set is only using 6 runes and 1 sigil and BOTH sets will use the same 6 runes and sigil.

  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > We’ve seen players who own legendary gear, in particular runes and sigils, confused about how they interact with the Equipment Templates so we’d like to clarify how this works. [...]


    > My apologies, I might have figured it out now. So, you are saying that, if I use two different legendary one-handed weapons in two different equipment loadouts, I can use the same sigil on both, because the sigil is now shareable between them via the Equipment Storage?


    You are correct.

  7. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > There are crashes/disconnects. Also between "Shadow of the Mad King" and "Extra Life" yellow star in the top right UI ... without any text. (Empty line.)


    They said they were working on a bug affecting the amount raised for the Extra Life (it was displaying as 0) so I'd guess that it's a problem caused by the fix.

  8. I think this is kinda unnecessary.


    If you know the class of the enemy you are fighting against, you should be aware of the amount of blocks/dodges they have, and you should be able to count them down as you see them. Someone serious about PvP should probably make themselves familiar with the common meta builds and classes - once you understand how your enemy works, it is much easier to beat them...


    If you're playing vs someone with a large amount of blocks/evades (say, a mirage) then you should be playing around that. At the end of the day, a good player can bait out the skills and will then burst when they know you don't have anything to counter it.


    I also don't think it would make the game particularly easier or even help players. Just because someone has no endurance, does not mean they can't block or otherwise evade your attack. People could even use it to "bait" our your burst, if they have a second weapon set with an energy sigil or any skills/traits that refund endurance. Also as noted above about the mesmer clone problem - unless you give your clones an exact copy of your own endurance bar this would be a huge nerf to mesmer.

  9. I actually like this idea, as long as it is executed similarly to how it is currently in Fractals.


    In Fractals, when you buy a clover, you are still paying almost the same as you would if you had forged the clover - it just removes the RNG. Assuming the cost would be "x" shards, 1 mystic coin, 3 ecto + 3 spirit shards, it's also not going to have any real effect on the market.


    Many people have a huge excess of magnetite shards, and this could give back some use for them.

  10. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > Once GW2 is "finished" or has stopped being updated with any "proper" new content, then it may be a good time for a sequel - but in my opinion it's not there yet.


    > But isnt that how it works in general? A sequel doesnt make sense until it does, in this case it would make sense for it when the devs decide they dont want to keep milking gw2 therefor putting it on maintenance.


    > For what is worth im on the same boat, imo this game has at least another expansion's worth of content to put out.


    Sure, but all I meant was that a sequel doesn't make sense right now with the current state of the game - I think the devs are still working hard to bring new experiences into the game and trying to keep things "fresh".

  11. Disclaimer: I did not watch the video, but I am assuming it is pro-GW3.




    Despite all the "ded game xd" comments everywhere, the game is still going fairly strong for an 8 year old game. There is plenty of new content coming in the future and most of the community is amazing. Anyone playing a game for 8 years (or even just a few years) is bound to have times where they find it stale or boring, and want to take a break, but this doesn't mean the game is dying - I still see a decent influx of both new players and old players returning to the game for the new Living Story.


    GW2 is probably past its peak and I do understand the reasons of those players who no longer enjoy the game, or are frustrated at the lack/rate of new content (esp Raids and Fractals), or the balancing in the game, but what would a GW3 achieve, especially now? It probably would just kill the game. People would start questioning whether promised content would actually be delivered, it would be unlikely Anet would keep investing lots of time in the game past that, and it would fuel the "game is dying" comments.


    Once GW2 is "finished" or has stopped being updated with any "proper" new content, then it may be a good time for a sequel - but in my opinion it's not there yet.

  12. Extending Legendary Collector would be okay in my opinion, but for something arbitrary such as 5ap, certainly not 50.


    When you add something worth 50ap to the game, you are encouraging players to go for it. In this case, you'd be encouraging people to craft every legendary weapon (37 total, probably around 60k gold, maybe more?). 50ap is substantial and there are plenty of completionists and achievement hunters in the game. This is adding an unrealistic goal, only benefiting the very casual player and the extremely rich player. It's encouraging insane grinding and the game would be better off without it.


    Anything promoting unhealthy game activity (I count extreme grinding as this) makes the game worse off.

  13. The way I see it is, the core specialisation introduces you to the class and most of the mechanics of a class. The specialisations then add to this, once you have already learnt the "core/backbone" of a profession. Playing a core class in open world is sufficient enough to clear all content.


    The beauty of core classes is that you are not locked into any trait line, so you can build pretty much any way that you want. The specialisations are well.. specialised, and when you specialise in something, it means you are good at it, so it makes sense that the specialisations would be strong in what they specialise in.


    Of course this is different from a PvP or WvW standpoint, you are objectively at a disadvantage without the expansions (less so in PvP, some core classes are viable).

  14. I agree completely, I hate being locked into Mallyx because of this instability.


    I have a slightly different idea, a bit similar to Boon Overload - instead of Protection apply Quickness or Alacrity (so it applies just offensive boons), and increase the might stacks to 25, but have your party deal 5% more damage for each boon on the enemy (or simply a flat 5% if the enemy has a boon). This makes the enemies deal more damage, which can either be stripped if the party is struggling with incoming damage, or be rewarding for players that are able to deal with it.

  15. Honestly I was torn between Mordrem, Forged and Awakened. Champion Awakened Spinny-Foes (Canids?) are probably my most hated mob - that kittening whirlpool attack! The spinning is awful and tiresome, it makes me feel almost dizzy to look at.


    These guys are just really annoying to fight and dismount me far more than any other mob does. Most of the Mordrem aren't so bad compared to the Forged and Awakened but they still deserve a special mention. Where Mordrem are just a bit too hard in places they are still somewhat fun to fight, however the Forged and Awakened are a pain in the kitten, every time I see a mob of them I just thing "sigh, not these guys again, I hate being in this area".

  16. No. That is quite honestly ridiculous. If a skill gives a unique buff (and I don't mean boons, something like Frost Spirit) then they shouldn't be able to stack, but this is already the case. I don't see what is wrong with being able to drop a support because your DPS can cover the boons, surely this just adds more comp diversity. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from NOT running this, and you can incredibly easily find pug groups running "normal" comps.

  17. Pretty much agree with what everyone else has posted up above, but just wanted to add that there are a LOT of dedicated guilds that exist to help and teach people. They are super easy to find either on the forums, or in game through map-chat, or even a place like Reddit.


    > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > Or at least there should be an option in LFG that you could tick various options in order to let people know what type of team you're running.


    Umm..? You are able to make a dialog when you post an LFG. So post "training run" or "anyone welcome" "I/we are new". If YOU are the one joining the group, then you need to realise that they have set their own standards and should not have to slow down for you - you can ask, sure, but if you're wanting a slow paced group then you should always start your own. Nobody owes you their time, even if it's "nice" to help others.

  18. > @"AdmiralSnackbar.4859" said:

    > If you're still looking for someone: AdmiralSnackbar.4859

    > Alacrity Ren - I've got this

    > Condi Quickbrand - I've got the gear to create this but none of my characters are designated as this. I could run it in theory.

    > Condi Scourge - Got it

    > Chrono - I have the old 'commander/zerker' stats and haven't run chrono in awhile.

    > Druid - got it






    Hey - that sounds great! I had been waiting to catch you in game rather than reply here but no luck!

  19. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > Who needs more than 6 gear templates for one character??

    > Anyone playing both pve and WvW

    > Pve has different gear for power, condi, heal and support (with most classes being able to have useful builds in at least 3 of those roles). WvW, besides the condi/power split, uses different gear/builds for roaming and zerging. Also, the wvw gear is in general different than for pve, because in WvW you would want at least a bit of defensive stats regardless of your roles. And all that is _without_ getting into minmaxing for different specific environments.

    > Getting capped on gear templates and still needing more is easy.



    Seems like you selectively left out the part at the end where I said it shouldn't be limited, nice one dude!


    And a general reminder: you are not limited to just 6 trait/utility builds, only to 6 gear setups, and it also functions as gear storage. I play WvW (roaming and blobbing), PvE (raids and open world) and PvP (which doesn't have gear, so won't take up a gear slot). I play multiple different classes and have several gear sets per character, however I still do not have more than 6 gear sets on more than ONE single character. It is not 6 gear templates per account, it is per character.


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