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Posts posted by Lottie.5370

  1. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > I’d rather see new armor than legendary weapons. It pains me to no end that if you want legendary armor that actually looks legendary, you HAVE to Raid a lot (as the PvP and wvw skins share their look with ascended versions). If the expansion has much to do with sayer, underwater weapon 2nd gen would be nice as well.



    > Otherwise I’m pretty open - new elites, as many maps as humanly possible because I love mapping the world more than anything else, some type of new feature I imagine. I desperately want housing but this may not be the expac for that


    A 4th legendary set wouldn't be a bad idea, and I'd love to see what kind of look they'd come up with that'd fit the expansion. As a raid trainer I can tell you that raiding really isn't for everyone - there's a lot of people where it's just too difficult or not at all fun. For the PvP and WvW sets you don't need to be good at either, you just have to play a lot of it, and there should be a PvE set where that is the case.


    > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > 1. no more raides contant please


    There are many players that would love new raid content (myself included) - you do not have to play it, but it should be an option. I'd love to see more wings like W6 - it's a stunningly beautiful wing, with a great story to it and unique and interesting bosses. The part leading up to Qadim and his platform are just... stunning, and so so fun to play. Whilst I enjoy strikes, they just don't offer the same kind of difficulty and satisfaction.


    Stick to what you enjoy playing and don't gatekeep others.

  2. The only problem with point 10, is that it encourages server bandwaggoning and wouldn't be healthy for the population of lower tier servers, especially with how the current WvW population is spread. The reward would have to be minor enough to not cause this.



    I'd love a new guild hall, or to be able to align your guild with a faction (thinking Kurzick/Luxon) which could give you access to new weekly guild missions for new cantha materials that you'd need for new guild upgrades or decorations (and obviously some sort of personal reward. Idk, my guild is my main reason to keep playing and I'd just love any kind of new guild content. The word is literally in the name of the game.

  3. I really, really hate this idea. I do not think you should be able to buy gear of any kind from the gem store that offers any kind of stats, it should be cosmetic only.


    There's a reason that the legendaries all have minimum requirements (completing certain content, having a certain WvW rank, having to play a certain amount of PvP) - they are not supposed to be able to be crafted by everyone - you are supposed to work for them. Letting people buy them for gems (or gold by proxy) diminishes the value of them for everyone that has crafted them. It would also have a shitty effect on the in-game economy - gold->gem price would go up, many materials would become abundant again and crash in price.


    Also, ascended gear is stupidly easy to get and very cheap, just create multiple sets if you can't/don't want to go to the effort of crafting legendary gear. No one is forced to play any content that they don't want to, you are not entitled to easy to get gear because you don't like something you have to do for it.


    If you dislike how they are acquired then it's better to suggest changes to that rather than just "let me use my credit card please" imo.

  4. Maybe I'm lucky but I've not experienced any of the lag problems that other people have been chatting about whilst on any of the maps - the one thing I do notice however is much longer loading screen times, especially to Eye of the North. They're almost instant to me for most maps, but EotN can take a good 10-20 seconds sometimes.


    I do play on medium settings with lowest character model limit though, I've just never seen any lag even compare to the lag I've seen in WvW 3-ways (though saying that, I really don't get any lag or fps drops at all in PvE, even at metas and bounties with a full map).


    Really hope they can address this and start trying fixes, it's sad to see so many people not enjoying the game because of it.

  5. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > Living world and story content is my favorite content in the whole game, and I'm know many others think the same, it's been shown on polls and their own metric for a long time.

    > I wish we had longer and more often story content, bit with the whole pandemic I can't say I'm surprised.


    Just wanted to +1 all of this. I really enjoy small story updates every couple of months and having time to play them and the maps fully before the next one. Sometimes it feels like I have too many things that I want to do in a game/week and not enough time for everything. (Please note that I would love an expansion, but between expansions I really like this model).


    That said, the LS releases aren't perfect and the "do X Y amount of times" theme with achievements is feeling a bit grindy and lazy.

  6. At least they tuned down the damage a little last patch - but I still think it has a way to go. The damage and the target cap are way too high, especially when you can put one in pretty much every objective you own on a 20 min cooldown. It's always fun going to a borderland for a fight, clicking on the objectives and seeing 7 dragon banners have been popped. That's you Deso and WSR.


    I really think you should lose use of your utility skills/f skills whilst holding the banner also, kitten revenant.

  7. For me it's always been ele - I used to love the core ele staff meta with how much damage and utility it had, and it was super fun to play in both blobs, GvGs and roaming (it was insanely satisfying killing thieves with it - mostly thanks to old Ice Bow). Now I usually play d/f or staff tempest, I really love the cleanses d/f tempest pumps out and it's really fun playing mid/frontline ele - also insanely satisfying to tag a crumbling blob with air overload. I usually swap to zerker staff if we're defending an objective and just stand on the walls (and make the commander rage), but it's just so fun!

  8. I'd like the option, however the more I thought about it, my answer changes to a no - it'd be kitten to implement and just not that necessary - there's so many different skins in the game that I can usually find another look that I enjoy. I'd rather they released armour sets instead of outfits, that'd fix the problem - you can pick and choose what pieces that you wear. Also for the reasons Danikat listed above.


    I would like to see more outfit helms become available as armour skins tho - like they did with the Shrine Guardian Ears - but I really think you should've had it unlocked for free if you bought the outfit (like they did when they made some of the wing backpacks also into gliders).

  9. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > Balance of classes in zergs ???

    > >

    > > Mesmer/Mirage/Chronomancer who? Dragonhunter who? Ranger/Soulbeast/Druid who? Warrior/Berserker who? Engineer/Holosmith who? Thief/Deadeye/Daredevil who? The list goes on.

    > >

    > > Even if I was going to be lenient and not list classes where at least one specialisation is used, you're still left with Mesmer, Thief and Ranger seeing no play in zergs, except those people who pretty much only play one class or do not play WvW often, and let's be real: no one wants them in the zerg.

    > >

    > > If you want a real balance of classes in zergs then you need each class to be able to bring something unique. Scourge having damage, condis, boon strip/conversion AND barrier was not helping *anything*.


    > I thumb you up because what you say is true, however, Scourge doing less things won't help with the reason why mesmer, thief and ranger don't see play in zerg. These 3 professions are held back by their design not by the efficiency of other professions in the gamemode. 2 of these professions have their mechanic shut down because it's reliant on pets while the 3rd profession is designed around bursting damage from stealth...


    You are completely correct. I wonder what changes there could be to those classes to help them see play in zerg. Since this is the Necro forum I'll not go into too much detail - however I think each class could have a place in the zerg. I do concede that the only class that doesn't really fit is Thief - it's more designed for picking targets off (so basically what they do now, and everyone will continue to hate them in their zerg. ':)

  10. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > This patch just shows so much ignorance.

    > > >

    > > > Before this patch, you actually had a good balance of classes in zergs:

    > > >

    > > > Eles were hard to play but did 2-3times more damage than a necro

    > > > Revs were kinda easy to play and did 1,3-1,5times more damage than necro.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Balance of classes in zergs ???

    > >

    > > Mesmer/Mirage/Chronomancer who? Dragonhunter who? Ranger/Soulbeast/Druid who? Warrior/Berserker who? Engineer/Holosmith who? Thief/Deadeye/Daredevil who? The list goes on.

    > >

    > > Even if I was going to be lenient and not list classes where at least one specialisation is used, you're still left with Mesmer, Thief and Ranger seeing no play in zergs, except those people who pretty much only play one class or do not play WvW often, and let's be real: no one wants them in the zerg.

    > >

    > > If you want a real balance of classes in zergs then you need each class to be able to bring something unique. Scourge having damage, condis, boon strip/conversion AND barrier was not helping *anything*.


    > You seem to forget, that there's not only zerging in wvw. And actually a well played soulbeast is not bad in zergs


    > But:

    > Mesmer in general: good at roaming

    > Dragonhunter: extremely good at roaming

    > Ranger in general: op at roaming

    > Warrior/berserker: good at roaming

    > Engineer in general: extremely good at roaming

    > Thief in general: absolutely busted at roaming


    > Necro in general: bad at roaming


    > Sure make every class good for zergs, but then also adjust every class to be good at roaming as well.




    *You* seem to have not realised the conversation was about zerging and not roaming, but thanks for your input.

  11. > @"nala.9072" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:


    > > Balance of classes in zergs ???

    > >

    > > Mesmer/Mirage/Chronomancer who? Dragonhunter who? Ranger/Soulbeast/Druid who? Warrior/Berserker who? Engineer/Holosmith who? Thief/Deadeye/Daredevil who? The list goes on.

    > >

    > > Even if I was going to be lenient and not list classes where at least one specialisation is used, you're still left with Mesmer, Thief and Ranger seeing no play in zergs, except those people who pretty much only play one class or do not play WvW often, and let's be real: no one wants them in the zerg.

    > >

    > > If you want a real balance of classes in zergs then you need each class to be able to bring something unique. Scourge having damage, condis, boon strip/conversion AND barrier was not helping *anything*.



    > So, instead of making more classes usefull lets make usefull classes useless! nice logic! lol


    > [imgflip.com/i/47uk13](http://imgflip.com/i/47uk13)





    Would you like to read my last sentence again, or are you just selectively reading what you want to hear? I mean... wow.


    If you want more classes to be useful, you have to give them either unique uses or make them as-viable-as another class with the same "use". You cannot balance the game so that every class is useful if you have one class doing the job of 4 classes.


    Right now there is:


    Firebrand - Support - main source of stability, cleansing and healing

    Ele - Tempest - very high amount of cleanse/auras OR damage

    - Weaver - damage

    Herald - backline damage, also some support with dwarf

    Scrapper - cleanses and stealth

    Spellbreaker - let's be honest, it's mostly used for the bubble - it otherwise provides some damage, healing and cleanses

    Scourge - we have power damage, condition damage, barriers, condition conversion, boonstrip, boon corruption, and I'm probably still forgetting something


    Right now, you could have a squad made of just Firebrands and Scourges and it would be fine, because both classes provide too many things. If you want more classes to be viable, start by removing some of the utility from those and spreading them out to other classes, because that is the only way you are going to start seeing some variety. Scourge should have to choose between support or offensive entirely, and not be a jack of all trades regardless of build.

  12. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > This patch just shows so much ignorance.


    > Before this patch, you actually had a good balance of classes in zergs:


    > Eles were hard to play but did 2-3times more damage than a necro

    > Revs were kinda easy to play and did 1,3-1,5times more damage than necro.



    Balance of classes in zergs ???


    Mesmer/Mirage/Chronomancer who? Dragonhunter who? Ranger/Soulbeast/Druid who? Warrior/Berserker who? Engineer/Holosmith who? Thief/Deadeye/Daredevil who? The list goes on.


    Even if I was going to be lenient and not list classes where at least one specialisation is used, you're still left with Mesmer, Thief and Ranger seeing no play in zergs, except those people who pretty much only play one class or do not play WvW often, and let's be real: no one wants them in the zerg.


    If you want a real balance of classes in zergs then you need each class to be able to bring something unique. Scourge having damage, condis, boon strip/conversion AND barrier was not helping *anything*.

  13. Congrats!!


    The first precursor I got was The Lover when I was crafting The Dreamer... it took me over 1600 rare bows in the mystic forge (I was like "well, I already spent so much gold, I'm bound to get it soon..." I did not, when I finally got it I cried more out of relief than happiness) XD


    That was back in 2013 I think, since then I've had Chaos Gun drop in WvW from a random player. Other than that I've only had precursors from Mystic Forging, they really do have a low drop rate and I'm glad they made them craftable. The feeling of getting it drop though... it's amazing :D

  14. > @"BoostedFC.6812" said:

    > I dont really see the point of this change. Speed of Synergy: This trait has been reworked. It will now grant superspeed for 5 seconds to allies in a radius of 240 around the engineer when using a healing skill. Using a healing tool-belt skill grants the engineer 7 seconds of superspeed.


    I think it's targeted at WvW where people are using it to escort dolyaks.

  15. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > I had some fun farming the Dragon Bash Arena with guildies. To me the bosses felt more annoying than difficult, if you don't have anyone with boonstrip you're basically just standing still at the Eye until the retal wares off so that you don't kill yourself, or ressing everyone that didn't stop attacking. There isn't any danger of failing any of them for sure.

    > Well I needed a rez there too. Didnt know that burning procced retal, now I do. :P kitten thing about that is that even when I am not attacking I am still getting 875 retal times X back...



    Conditions (burning) ticking do not deal retaliation damage, so it was likely a skill/trait/effect that was still active that was dealing the retaliation damage to you. Something like Rune of the Firebrand's effect for example, or if you had used Barrage and it keeps hitting for several seconds after the skill has been used.


    The damage of the retaliation is from the boss' stats, so it will always hit everyone for 875 retal damage.


    > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > It's so "engaging" that there is another thread about people AFKing, to no ones suprise, of course. "Team work" MMO style.




    That kind of person will find a way to AFK anywhere and has nothing to do with the event at all. It's the same type of person who just presses 1 a few times at world bosses then tabs out, or just leaves their turrets up whilst they go make breakfast.

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