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Posts posted by Lottie.5370

  1. > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > > > I'm in the same spot as op. Legendary armor cost about 250 per piece. Daily fracs net about 30 gold per day. Raids only pay between 5 and 10 gold per kill , so a full clear runs about 90 gold after food. Mystic clovers are ridiculous to roll for as well. If I'm crafting then yes things are very tight.

    > >

    > > Lol what? A boss gives you 2g or 4g, plus magnetite shards and an exotic weapon, plus the chance for raid specific drop. That's kitten.


    > What exactly is lol about the data. Liquid gold and tradable items across 7 wings net minimum 90ish gold.


    Because you get 2g or 4g per kill, not between 5g and 10g. The way you typed it is stupidly misleading. If you only kill W5-7 then sure, you may end up with that. But if you do a wing from W1-4 expecting 5-10g/boss you're gonna end up really disappointed. It's really RNG on what exotic you have drop, and whether it is armour or a weapon.


    You're capped at 150 magnetite and gaeting crystals a week, you can't make magnetite into gaeting crystals. The Djinn doubloon is 39g at sell price, and costs 150 crystals + 20g, so you're gaining about 15g from that after fees, assuming you can sell it at sell price and do not have other uses for the crystals. The Peerless Infusion is around 390g and costs 2000 crystals + 20g, it takes a while to get 2000 crystals and is less profit than the doubloon. I can't think of a single item for magnetites that gives any sort of profit. Correct me if I'm wrong.



  2. Core? Probably Wayfarer Foothills. It's a really nice mix of different area types and there's lots of different enemies. I also think it has some of the most fun events - for example I really love the Raven riddles.


    Otherwise... Grothmar Valley or Dragonfall. Grothmar gives me really great nostalgia vibes, really fun events (METAL LEGION!!!) and I love the overall ambience. Dragonfall is visually stunning, but not a fan of the events.


    Queensdale will always hold a special place as the first map I really explored, and I still enjoy to do completion there. I will also always love Diessa Plateau because of the hidden strawberry patch!

  3. I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)


    I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

  4. Yeah I'd really really love more stuff to do with guilds in the game - the game is literally named after guilds!


    I love that they still bother to add decorations, but they could do so much more. I'd also love to be able to upgrade the guild cape from "basic" to something more extravagant :)


    It could be fun to have more NPCs in the GH - bank/trading post at least.


    Obviously I'd really like GvGs to be a thing too... but people have been asking about that since launch and I've kinda lost hope on it :)


    Having new missions would be cool too! Could have a weekly guild strike, dungeon, raid, bounty, world boss, event... anything really.

  5. > @"panzerdragon.8791" said:

    > I'm in the same spot as op. Legendary armor cost about 250 per piece. Daily fracs net about 30 gold per day. Raids only pay between 5 and 10 gold per kill , so a full clear runs about 90 gold after food. Mystic clovers are ridiculous to roll for as well. If I'm crafting then yes things are very tight.


    Lol what? A boss gives you 2g or 4g, plus magnetite shards and an exotic weapon, plus the chance for raid specific drop. That's kitten.

  6. I really enjoy the size of the guild hall (in Lost Precipice) and I have had a ton of fun decorating it. It gives you loads of space to make jumping puzzles and races/mount races. I also love the hidden homes around the edge of the map, and all the different levels. I don't really see there being any problem with the size they are, especially when all the NPCs you need to use regularly are pretty compacted towards the centre (aside from the Arena in this map, but it's also very fast to glide to).

  7. I think new players need to manage their expectations better, and no player should feel entitled to be a part of someone's group. The commanders (and even the other squad members) are putting their time in to do those raids, and sometimes people are just not ready or are really holding their team back, and it should be okay to tell those people that they need to go and learn or practise more before they raid again. I find a lot of new players mostly get kicked because they join an LFG that they do not meet the requirements for, and so they perceive that as toxic and the raid community not welcoming them. There are enough training raids on LFG, and guilds dedicated to raids/trainings, and even just normal PvE guilds that also run training raids, that you should be able to find a group meant for your level of experience.


    There is also a problem that occurs nearly every single time I lead a raid training: the majority of people do not come prepared. Whilst I will always give a brief explanation, I really do expect that people should look up what they're doing first and should have geared a meta build (and exotic gear REALLY is fine, having the right stats/weapons/traits/skills is a really great start). Nearly any raid boss is still possible even with bad DPS, if you think back to when raids launched, the DPS is nothing like it is now, but to not do everything you can to try and contribute everything possible, I don't think it's fair to everyone else in the squad.


    More often than not, it's just people not knowing entirely what to do, even with an explanation, or people not playing their role correctly. Obviously this is to be expected in some degree, but you'd be amazed at some of the things you see. We even have memes in our guild stemming from the "666 dps rifle warrior at Cairn". If I had kicked that guy before we killed the boss, he would have thought I was toxic.


    I think a way to help new players into raiding would be to have in game "guides" of sort that give an overview of each boss and what the bosses do (I don't mean guides on how to kill it, I don't think it should have any strategy there, just something to emphasise that they are hard, and a list of the things that they do).


    I hope I didn't come across as too salty here. I really do enjoy leading training raids and trying to teach people things, but there's just specific type of pug out there that can make it a really miserable experience for everyone involved.

  8. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > I remember seeing quotes from the developers that they actually experimented with adding some form of open-world PvP but it's not possible because of the way the game identifies allies and enemies - either you're allied to everyone on the map or an enemy to everyone. PvP maps get around that by assigning you to a team when you enter the map, but there's no way to change it once you're already in one. Maybe someone will be able to find the actual quote?



    > Are we forgetting guild halls? You're able to pick a team you're part of and change on the fly without a load screen.


    > I think it would be a fun thing to implement into the game, a change of pace away from the PvE world being balanced around the 1 skill (which it is btw).


    I think it probably works a similar way as changing team in unranked PvP/custom arena autobalance.


    It could be fun to have a PvE map with some sort of area or arena you could go to and fight other players (willingly), but I think it would be an awful experience for quite a lot of PvE players to make a whole map PvP. There's too many people that would be toxic about it - teaming up and ganking newbies etc, for it to be an enjoyable experience for most.


    It would be fun to have a large scale PvP open world thing though. Like WvW but no objectives, just a large deathmatch.

  9. > @"Blueberry.8095" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > >And every other CC consumable also takes up 1 inventory space. It's literally just one space.

    > >The skills are really strong and they shouldn't be permanent.

    > > It's already kitten up enough by having other things that give you a special action key and you not being able to pick which one you want to use, let alone having it everywhere with no choice.


    > I would wish all consumables to work the same but to have their own skill bar & shareable account wide (according to some friends another game has this kind of QoL), but whether it's a reasonable request or not it's on a different topic & would be off- topic too, which is something I can only dream about but I know it won't happen anyway.


    > Waystation is different, it's a whole mastery skill that took effort & time to level up, it's not something you can just buy off skritt with no requirement but to be level 80. I'm just asking to make a mastery skill to get streamlined, but not making it more powerful. I later said in the few replies above that they can make the skill still consume the drizzlewood supply when used so people can't abuse it endlessly, so why is it bad when the skill still functioning the same in terms of power & cost, but more convenient to reach if streamlined? Perhaps you might just want Anet to just change it to not useable outside of drizzlewood map judging from your reaction?


    > I also talked about that 1 inventory slot since... drizzlewood also added few other things that takes up a few precious slots: 4 sieges that I just wanted to delete anyway (get disengaged too easily to use), Charr drop treasure hunting thing that I kinda want to delete too but feel like a waste if I did, oh yeah it only take up 1 slot too. The whole drizzlewood introduced things that used in total 6 inventory slots, so what if the next map giving you more "just another slot" item like that, eventually you'll have an inventory full of random things that is too messy to look at/find the item but you do use them a lot. I'm not asking for everything to make permanent, but the mastery skill so it won't get lost in the endless pile of other "useful" things.


    > At the end of the day if Anet thinks it should stay as a consummable form then fine, I'm just requesting it like how many other people requesting many other QoLs, if my request doesn't get approved, I'll move on.


    You're right, they added a lot of inventory clogging items and I'm not really a fan of that. I just think that the hassle of using the waystation is justified by how strong it is, especially as it IS usable outside of DWC. The thing is, I think it is fun that it works in most other PvE maps - especially when CC is so hard to come by with the average "zerg" player not really using or understanding it.


    I wouldn't mind if you could "recharge" them like you can with the Charzookas though?


    I think the mastery already IS useful just because you CAN use it in the other maps, unlike some that are used in one map only (like the Raven gates).

  10. > @"Blueberry.8095" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Imo just making the consumable reusable would work

    > The point wasn't only being I have run back to buy more of the waystation or not, it's mostly about that:

    > 1. It's taking up 1 inventory space.

    > 2. It's a "conjoured" weapon that you have to keep going back & forth in the middle of visual clutter or deadly aoe in order to buy your ammo or to switch skill.

    > 3. It's overlapping and interfering with the special action key skill.


    > My request was to make it a permanent skill like the other masteries that has a different keybind like the mount, so you can switch in between waystation skills on the fly. Charge supply for each usage if need be.


    And every other CC consumable also takes up 1 inventory space. It's literally just one space.


    The skills are really strong and they shouldn't be permanent.


    It's already fucked up enough by having other things that give you a special action key and you not being able to pick which one you want to use, let alone having it everywhere with no choice.

  11. > @"Gaalim Cauchemar de Dragon.1498" said:

    > I was looking around searching for a potential repeated behaviour. Couldn't find other cases on reddit or forum but here is what happened to some players including me. We (not premade) joined an LFG group for "Forging steel". Commander and an other person (lets call him X) stay alone in subgroup 2, all those who joined in sub1. No talks, rather fast clear for a random group, we're at the boss in 20 mins. Now, right before the boss fight, X kicks everybody out of the strike mission. No talk was done through the whole length of the mission, and the only person slacking was the commander who did not exit the tank once during the strike, i was just thinking it was maybe his first time doing it or that he was lazy; I didn't really care as we progressed anyway. So the 8 people who carried this mission got kicked without any reason, and wasted 20 minutes because of this premade toxic behaviour. It could be that they wanted to spend more time on the boss achievement, or just that it was fun for them to grief, maybe even to make room for possible friends/other accounts (the premades could just aswell have been a single player).


    > Now, i blocked the 2 accounts behind this deed, and so did the other players who got kicked and that i could reach. We all reported them, and I fancied writting a ticket with screens to A.Net support thinking i could prevent those people from ruining game experience for other people. Their answer was: "join a party you trust, squad leaders can kick if they want it's their decision". First, i wonder how I can join only a party I trust when the "lfg tool" is basically made to setup groups between people who don't know each others. And second, I was expecting a little bit more than "your loss, we support this kind of behaviour". I don't think it would take too much effort to track repeated toxic behaviour of this kind and prevent people who abuse from LFG to use the tool for a certain amount of time? I'm not asking for a ban, but how many people will he/they fool without any consequences because reports won't be taken into account and everybody seem to believe it is a normal way of behaving? I understand that commanders must be free to kick people who abuse/are unwanted in the group compo/etc without the fear of getting punished for it.. but this was none of the above, and because it is an exceptional event does not mean it shouldn't be monitored.


    > I hope this post wasn't too long/heated to read and that my broken english did not butcher it. I wanted to write this so that if other people got wronged in the same way there is a proof something is going on and that it's not just a "one timer", even though I would prefer for it to be this way.


    I think this is quite a different issue. That is clearly a person exploiting a group of people for their own gain, and is not okay at all. That should be punishable, and Anet's response to that is a bit of a joke.


    Imo it's different from the OP in this thread. If they were just giving superspeed to the tank, the commander likely thought they weren't helping (as it isn't necessary) and that they were leeching what was described as a speed run. The dick move is to not have said anything to the person instead of kicking them, however I don't think that warrants punishment.


    Making commanders scared to kick people that aren't contributing is not going to improve the LFG experience for anyone. Intentionally keeping bad players in your group because you're scared they'll report you is going to impact everyone in a squad and make it a worse experience overall.

  12. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > I lead a PvE guild and there's so many players that enjoy playing some WvW, and several that really love the WvW legendary armour but gave up any hope of getting it because it takes an insanely long time to get a rank that high. I played almost exclusively WvW for years myself and I'm only rank 3000. I think lowering the rank requirement to 500 is going to make it seem like an attainable goal, and is probably going to encourage them to play even more WvW.

    > >

    > > A shame that so many veteran WvW players are so toxic and full of salt, especially to PvE players.

    > >

    > > Also, grandmaster marks for buying the armours are craftable. Even leather is only 9g/mark. You do not need to wait for the ones from the pip track to get your asc gear, and it's still cheaper than crafting it normally.


    > Why did you mislead your guild? Is there somewhere in game that has a bug about requirements? Personally had to come to the wiki when first thinking about legendary armor to find the recipe. Am also only around rank 3.5, and yes recently finished my third set of armor. Had guildmates that thought they had to have second set as well but pointed out the wiki. The 'salt' of the post is this was solving an issue that already had a solution. That time might have been better spent sharing this information in a better way in game versus reducing goals to reach extra steps. I am a PvXer and if you are at 3K so are you, so let's not say this is a WvW vs PvE issue.


    > You only need to unlock the first set of the ascended to create Legendary armor. Note in the WvW section at the bottom that either the unranked or ranked versions can be used. Also take a look at the cost summary box that has been out there for a while.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero%27s_Masque

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero%27s_Masque


    I'm sorry what?


    World vs. World


    Equipment no longer takes damage in World vs. World maps when players are defeated.

    World vs. World ascended armor now requires rank 500 to purchase, down from rank 1,500–2,000.


    Maybe you want to read the patch notes buddy.

  13. I lead a PvE guild and there's so many players that enjoy playing some WvW, and several that really love the WvW legendary armour but gave up any hope of getting it because it takes an insanely long time to get a rank that high. I played almost exclusively WvW for years myself and I'm only rank 3000. I think lowering the rank requirement to 500 is going to make it seem like an attainable goal, and is probably going to encourage them to play even more WvW.


    A shame that so many veteran WvW players are so toxic and full of salt, especially to PvE players.


    Also, grandmaster marks for buying the armours are craftable. Even leather is only 9g/mark. You do not need to wait for the ones from the pip track to get your asc gear, and it's still cheaper than crafting it normally.

  14. > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:


    > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > My biggest problem with downstate is that some classes have a MUCH stronger one than others. If you're a mesmer, thief, engi, ele or rev and you're in a downstate 1v1 with a necro, ranger, warrior or guardian, you have literally no chance.

    > >

    > > Four of the classes can really only CC or damage, or go invisible/invulnerable for a few seconds. Ranger has CC and can res itself with its pet, necro lifesteals, and guard can heal itself too. The biggest problem is with ranger/necro though. I think they should both have a reduction to the healing they get from petres/lifesteal.

    > >

    > > I wouldn't mind either:

    > > - lower downed health pool (and lower ressing to match it)

    > > - less healing from ressing

    > > - rework downstate skills completely so they feel somewhat balanced


    > Ranger down is balanced, of course you're going to lose against it 1v1 downed fight, but that scenario is not that frequent to begin with. Ranger and Necro cannot displace themselves when downed, if someone has stability, stealth or blocking, they're pretty much the easiest classes to execute.




    Did you know ranger can also swap pets when downed? And activate their pet F2 skills? I can get 5 cc's when I'm downed and also res myself. Balanced.

  15. My biggest problem with downstate is that some classes have a MUCH stronger one than others. If you're a mesmer, thief, engi, ele or rev and you're in a downstate 1v1 with a necro, ranger, warrior or guardian, you have literally no chance.


    Four of the classes can really only CC or damage, or go invisible/invulnerable for a few seconds. Ranger has CC and can res itself with its pet, necro lifesteals, and guard can heal itself too. The biggest problem is with ranger/necro though. I think they should both have a reduction to the healing they get from petres/lifesteal.


    I wouldn't mind either:

    - lower downed health pool (and lower ressing to match it)

    - less healing from ressing

    - rework downstate skills completely so they feel somewhat balanced

  16. Personally it's reward enough for people to just join the squad and listen, and try and make it a smooth experience for everyone. It is of course nice to get a thank you, but I think most of us tag up not expecting anything - just because we want to.


    I think a system like that is too easy to exploit and will never work like you intent it to, which is a shame. In theory it's a really nice idea.

  17. We're still recruiting!


    Come join us for our upcoming events ~ precursor and infusion prizes :3


    We also have a few spots on our weekly trainings (one beginner, one advanced) so if you're looking for a guild to get into raiding, or you'd like to get practise on some of the harder bosses, then come try it out with us :)


    We still have one space in our static for a FB (cq + heal) that can off-role as a DPS. Most of us have now killed Dhuum and Qadim but we'll still be focussing on W567. You don't need to have killed the end bosses as long as you know the mechanics/have practised, but you will be expected to attend our trainings in this case.

  18. Some people just don't understand gambling/RNG it seems.


    If you really want those items just wait a few months for them to be tradeable for statuettes. You'll still have to open keys to get those, but considering it'll be months until they're available then weekly story and mapping should get you enough of them.


    You are NEVER guaranteed to get what you want from a chest and you should always see it as a gamble. If you would feel this way about not getting what you want, you really shouldn't do it in the first place.

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