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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @Offair.2563 said:

    > > @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

    > > > @Torolan.5816 said:

    > > > The first rushers who could not wait to throw money at Anet are through with PoF of course.

    > >

    > > Yep, the zerglings are the ones who are bored. I'm still chugging through and exploring.

    > >

    > >


    > Grab a guide, rush through all of it in a breeze and then complain "nothing to do".


    > I'll never understand that kind of logic. 3 weeks in and i still have plenty to go for and yeah perhaps no meta event but who gives a rat. Im glad i can reach nearly all points now without grinding masteries or waiting for a zerg to open a gate so i can grab a poi.


    > PoF >>>> HoT for me.


    Could you please stop with that gerneralisation?

    I didn´t rush, i just played the story.

    Yet i was finished with griffin on day 3 (with no guides available at this time)


    And without any "endgamegoals" left i see a problem here.....

    Not for you, but for others.

  2. > @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

    > Especially that casino blitz suddenly gotten a population boost purely because of one rare item drop, I don't see how anyone can say there's no content when you don't even know if other metas have them. Everyone is ignoring most events before even knowing if they provide anything.



    For me personaly it´s still a big difference if an event gives decent loot + the possibility of a super rare item (chack gerent) or there is ONLY the possibility of a super rare item. (Casino Blitz)

    And even if the other Metas provide such 1 in a Million drop, i won´t to them because they are lacking in basic rewards. time better spent on ektogambling.



  3. > @Makai.3429 said:

    > Currently working on funerary armor, which seems to be going at a snail's pace. I've harvested every flax node in Elon Riverlands five times and only have four collection lilies to show for it; and I'm worried access to some portions of the collection will be difficult to acquire once everyone finishes it.


    There is a "secret" cave in the east of the map, where you can harvest 1 100% lili with every charakter/day

    Same goes for the wine in vabbi, there is one that gives you one/char/day in the vinefields in the east.

  4. > @Shadowresli.3782 said:

    > > @Fryggenbart.3907 said:

    > > This meta has potential to be done regularly, it's challenging group content, but currently the rewards are not good enough to motivate people to do it multiple times.


    > What rewards make the metas in HoT so much more repeatable, than the ones in PoF? (never done this one, so just curious)


    1st: gold (in form on salvage/sellable items)

    2nd: currency you need to craft/buy legendary weapons/armour

    3rd: unique auras/skins

    4rthish: they are more fun,(for me) more mechanics, not only "kill this, kill that"

  5. > @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

    > I have seen this over and over in MMO's, no matter what reward is added in just a few it becomes trash as then everyone has it. I have played games since the old BBS days and this not a new thing, everyone wants something unique from doing something and the first few are happy and then whatever reward it is becomes less because more and more people get it over time and then it's just another piece of trash dropped and then they ask the devs for better rewards. Again this is nothing new from an MMO perspective, rewards are fine until more and more get it and then it's not fine.



    could´t you please give us an example?

    The rewards in gw2 are nothing but sell/salvagebale items + sometimes a special super rare (chak egg sac,..)

    these super rare items which exists for more than 2 years are far beyond trash tier if you look at the tp prizes. some may not like it because "i have seen at least 2 people wearing it" but they will be rewarded with a huge (!) amount of gold.

    The problem with the POF maps is, you don´t get any of it (standart rewards are too low compared to the time investment/lack of fun), except the following:


    the only event i will partizipate and only if i am currently in the convienece area and its in his latter stage is casino blitz.


    While the "collection token" stuff isn´t super fun or the boss isn´t super hard (more CC!) it can drop that unique aura.

    i am still not sure if i would wear it, or it can be sold on the tp, but again, the fact that it can only drop there is some extra motivation to do it.




  6. > @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

    > No matter what reward they add or introduce, in just a few days after it being put into the game it will become a 'trash reward'. Even if it's an Exotic or Legendary or Precursor. Because what people are really asking for is a unique reward that no one has (or very few people have). If everyone has it then it's no longer a unique reward.


    Let´s ignore the quality of the first part of your post.

    What ppl are asking for are a REASON to do this events more then once. (may it be gold, challenge, fun,....)

    At this point none of those fits any of the new events. (for me, and propably others aswell)


    Uniqe super rare reward as a bonus? YES Please, i know i won´t ever get it but hope is a big motivator.




  7. > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > > > @thrag.9740 said:

    > > > > > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > > > > > @NotOverlyCheesy.9427 said:

    > > > > > > > > Only KC and Xera depending on your strategy may not be good for scourge but others are more than doable.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > The reason why farms (I assume fractal 40) don't like necros in general is due to long ramp up time. What this means is that conditions that necros provide need time to pull off the big numbers. Power classes on the other hand have higher front loaded damage a.k.a burst. DH for example has a high burst but after the initial skills go to cooldown, their dps decreases rapidly. The bosses in fractal 40 are squishy enough that they die to one burst so the fastest way to get them down is to get classes with highest burst and necro definitely is not one of those classes.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Scourge is good at what it does but it's not viable for content where you want to burst squishy bosses down fast.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Whats the gab in time between having burst power damage or having condi burst damage!

    > > > > > > > Its not bad thing to delay a bit in killing the bosses from fractals 40 its really nonesence to being kicked just because maybe 30sec delay on killing

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > First off, I'm guessing your not a native english speaker, but the words your trying to use in this thread are:

    > > > > > > gap

    > > > > > > dps

    > > > > > > To the best of my knowledge, dbs and gab are not words.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Second, your trying to run a condi necro build in fractal 40 farm? Yeah of course your getting kicked. The effigy is immune to burning. Any burning build is terrible for f40 farm.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > you are completely true except for the part . Im trying to run condi build in fractal 40

    > > > > > Im not gonna tell you what i was running but i want you to try yourself. If you have lvl80 necro try to join any farm parties and tell me if you had a chance to say o/ ????

    > > > > > And thank you for telling me about the dps and the gap words

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > What farm are we talking here about?

    > > > > If its lvl 40 farm, it´s not a class thing, even DH´s and Ele´s get kicket here for doing low dps. (or there potato pc loading screens)

    > > > > Lvl 40 farm is only good if you clear it super fast, and the as you told above "30 seconds more to kill the boss" makes is a lot worse, and everyone would be better of doing other stuff (g/h wise)

    > > > > i doubt that anyone does this farm for it´s funfactor

    > > >

    > > > Can you explain why its too bad if its little bit slower i saw parties lfg for more than half an hour just to find thier "one chrono two ele

    > > > If its about the fastest way to finish it then why the waiting all that long..

    > > >

    > > > Its not about how fast it needed.

    > > > Its all about the more fun they got from being able to dominate that fractal with the dps burst

    > > > Imo

    > >

    > > Well, i rarly see parties in lfg for more then 5 minutes. in the waiting time one can do other stuff like managing inventory for example. you can easilily make up for the waiting time in a few fast runs.

    > > In an average 2 minute run, "a litte bit slower" means quite a lot. (=less gold)

    > > It´s not about the fun, it´s about efficiency which is the only meaninful variable in this kind of a a farm.


    > I probably understood and maybe i can accept that


    > So you believe the necro needs buff to being able to do what other classes does!


    > And on other hand people will refuse that buff because its will be stronger in pvp ?


    > Whats the solution in your opinion?


    Mhm, hard to say, necro/scourge ins´t bad for starters, yet other classes can perform various tasks better. In the end the communite/grp leader will deside whats best for the team.


    Don´t get startet on pve/pvp/wvw balance, thats a whole other topic :)


    In generall i have no solution for this.

    For you personally i would recommend to do other farms if your sole interest is making gold. There are quite some open world options where nobody cares what or how you are playing. Silverwastes gives good options for that. Or else, depends what you are farming for.


  8. > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > @thrag.9740 said:

    > > > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > > > @NotOverlyCheesy.9427 said:

    > > > > > > Only KC and Xera depending on your strategy may not be good for scourge but others are more than doable.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The reason why farms (I assume fractal 40) don't like necros in general is due to long ramp up time. What this means is that conditions that necros provide need time to pull off the big numbers. Power classes on the other hand have higher front loaded damage a.k.a burst. DH for example has a high burst but after the initial skills go to cooldown, their dps decreases rapidly. The bosses in fractal 40 are squishy enough that they die to one burst so the fastest way to get them down is to get classes with highest burst and necro definitely is not one of those classes.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Scourge is good at what it does but it's not viable for content where you want to burst squishy bosses down fast.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats the gab in time between having burst power damage or having condi burst damage!

    > > > > > Its not bad thing to delay a bit in killing the bosses from fractals 40 its really nonesence to being kicked just because maybe 30sec delay on killing

    > > > >

    > > > > First off, I'm guessing your not a native english speaker, but the words your trying to use in this thread are:

    > > > > gap

    > > > > dps

    > > > > To the best of my knowledge, dbs and gab are not words.

    > > > >

    > > > > Second, your trying to run a condi necro build in fractal 40 farm? Yeah of course your getting kicked. The effigy is immune to burning. Any burning build is terrible for f40 farm.

    > > >

    > > > you are completely true except for the part . Im trying to run condi build in fractal 40

    > > > Im not gonna tell you what i was running but i want you to try yourself. If you have lvl80 necro try to join any farm parties and tell me if you had a chance to say o/ ????

    > > > And thank you for telling me about the dps and the gap words

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > What farm are we talking here about?

    > > If its lvl 40 farm, it´s not a class thing, even DH´s and Ele´s get kicket here for doing low dps. (or there potato pc loading screens)

    > > Lvl 40 farm is only good if you clear it super fast, and the as you told above "30 seconds more to kill the boss" makes is a lot worse, and everyone would be better of doing other stuff (g/h wise)

    > > i doubt that anyone does this farm for it´s funfactor


    > Can you explain why its too bad if its little bit slower i saw parties lfg for more than half an hour just to find thier "one chrono two ele

    > If its about the fastest way to finish it then why the waiting all that long..


    > Its not about how fast it needed.

    > Its all about the more fun they got from being able to dominate that fractal with the dps burst

    > Imo


    Well, i rarly see parties in lfg for more then 5 minutes. in the waiting time one can do other stuff like managing inventory for example. you can easilily make up for the waiting time in a few fast runs.

    In an average 2 minute run, "a litte bit slower" means quite a lot. (=less gold)

    It´s not about the fun, it´s about efficiency which is the only meaninful variable in this kind of a a farm.

  9. > @Boysenberry.1869 said:

    > Has anyone actually run and completed the Mouth of Torment meta? Is the reward interesting at all? I've never seen any groups try to run it and any attempts are usually met with the sound of crickets.


    Rewards = Standart Event Reward

    Fun = Kind of

    Difficulty = not so much, you can solo a lane and kill the boss with 3-5 People

  10. > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > @thrag.9740 said:

    > > > @"silent killer.5732" said:

    > > > > @NotOverlyCheesy.9427 said:

    > > > > Only KC and Xera depending on your strategy may not be good for scourge but others are more than doable.

    > > > >

    > > > > The reason why farms (I assume fractal 40) don't like necros in general is due to long ramp up time. What this means is that conditions that necros provide need time to pull off the big numbers. Power classes on the other hand have higher front loaded damage a.k.a burst. DH for example has a high burst but after the initial skills go to cooldown, their dps decreases rapidly. The bosses in fractal 40 are squishy enough that they die to one burst so the fastest way to get them down is to get classes with highest burst and necro definitely is not one of those classes.

    > > > >

    > > > > Scourge is good at what it does but it's not viable for content where you want to burst squishy bosses down fast.

    > > >

    > > > Whats the gab in time between having burst power damage or having condi burst damage!

    > > > Its not bad thing to delay a bit in killing the bosses from fractals 40 its really nonesence to being kicked just because maybe 30sec delay on killing

    > >

    > > First off, I'm guessing your not a native english speaker, but the words your trying to use in this thread are:

    > > gap

    > > dps

    > > To the best of my knowledge, dbs and gab are not words.

    > >

    > > Second, your trying to run a condi necro build in fractal 40 farm? Yeah of course your getting kicked. The effigy is immune to burning. Any burning build is terrible for f40 farm.


    > you are completely true except for the part . Im trying to run condi build in fractal 40

    > Im not gonna tell you what i was running but i want you to try yourself. If you have lvl80 necro try to join any farm parties and tell me if you had a chance to say o/ ????

    > And thank you for telling me about the dps and the gap words




    What farm are we talking here about?

    If its lvl 40 farm, it´s not a class thing, even DH´s and Ele´s get kicket here for doing low dps. (or there potato pc loading screens)

    Lvl 40 farm is only good if you clear it super fast, and the as you told above "30 seconds more to kill the boss" makes is a lot worse, and everyone would be better of doing other stuff (g/h wise)

    i doubt that anyone does this farm for it´s funfactor

  11. > @Manijin.3428 said:

    > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    > > Every class can bring something to raids, but not every specialization.

    > > the WHOLE POINT of raiding is that you use an optimized set of skills to tackle a hard to overcome obstacle. It's not about the area being unwelcoming to your class,

    > > it's about you adapting to the area.

    > > The area isn't gonna pour you a cup of tea, and adjust it's skills to you, it's YOU who has to adapt their builds to SURVIVE in there.

    > >

    > > rough example:

    > > evolution > there are two snakes, one with a tough hide, the other with venemous fangs. Over time the prey in the woods become agile and nimble. The strong snake can more easily strangle his prey, while the venemous snake has trouble landing hits on agile targets. Now, is the nature at fault for creating an environment unfit for the venemous snake, or is the snake at fault for using a 'build' thats not sufficient?


    > If the best players of the game can beat raids with less than a full group in green gear, I'm pretty sure a maxed out character in a full raid group can complete the content. GW2 players are just windbags that get addicted to Meta builds without realizing that understanding fight mechanics is more important that top-tier DEEPS.


    > Also, the example makes no sense. I know what you were going for, but... oof. :P


    Still, those player in green gear do 4times more dps than other players in full asc.

  12. > @Korval.3751 said:

    > > @Thefarside.2178 said:

    > > > @Korval.3751 said:

    > > > > @Thefarside.2178 said:

    > > > > Amazing mounts and maps. THe story was pretty good.

    > > > >

    > > > > Concerns: Replayability. After a few bounty trains for achievements (bounties are not worth repeating because of the lackluster rewards), obtaining all mounts and griffon and completing speciality collections - what is the point in sticking around in POF maps? POF needs some sort of epic (world boss, meta event) or chain events with rewards intrinsic to a goal to encourage replayability. Unless I missing something - what else is there to do in POF besides bounties, map completion, specialty collection, and some achievements?

    > > >

    > > > There are metas in every map. You're just not paying attention to them, or leaving the map before they start. Stick around, and you'll see them.

    > >

    > > If you are talking about the event in Vabbi and the event at Maw - those aren't metas - they are just events. Unless you are talking about the find treasure "meta" in highlands? I appreciate the assumptions though.


    > No. I'm taking about the metas in The Desolation (Mouth of Torment) and Elon Riverlands (Augury Rock), and elsewhere.


    The Only "meta" that would deserve that name would be in vabbi (one time thing, fun but unrewarding), for the rest you need 3ppl and you are good to go, wouldn´t call that meta.

  13. > @Zaltys.7649 said:

    > Even harder, when hardly anyone's been doing those after day one?


    > It usually goes like this: someone says "legendary at my tag" in the chat, a few players head there (less every time), and then the bounty runs out of time because we can't kill it. ...I guess everyone on my server sucks. World Bosses have been failing too lately, so those aren't any better.




    Look in LFG there are many bounty zergs advertising

  14. > @Nury.3062 said:

    > > @xiraus.4716 said:

    > > Already got all the mounts, masteries and boring myself to death having to transverse the maps for getting hero points for my alts, ohh and I'm farming berries in bitterfrost frontier... in Hot I was MINDBLOW with the new bosses and events !! I rarely find people doing bountys and see like 2 or 3 people at random events. In HoT there was a mob everywhere, there was a fight in each corner, I had so much fun and I seriously don't understand how people say HoT was difficult, they never played video games in their life or something? Story in PoF is amazing, music is amazing, the maps are amazing, the mounts, but its missing action, bosses, war , invasions, that is the cool thing about GW2. Vanilla was so fun, Lion Arch invasions, Scarlet, etc etc.

    > >

    > > We should be getting our but kicked right now by the cousin of the Shatterer or something , some abomination created by Joko, a branded crazed forgotten one etc. etc. etc.


    > It's about exploration, it's about having fun while chilling. All mounts...masteries...etc...but you think that's all to it? I was getting some masteries with a guildie when we found a ruined place with researchers...we found a rune...and with that rune we started an adventure with puzzles ,found a recipe.. and 5 items with unique skins...didn't have so much fun since gw2 launch.Meta is not everything....and pof has a lot to offer if you take your time to look around.


    and how often wlll you repeat that puzzle? will you do it daylie? or with each of your charakters?

    don´t get me wrong, pof offers a lot of amazing one time things, but soner or later (or you already have) you have seen all things. I am still feeling i have spend my (litte) money on a 90% solo campaign.

  15. **Pro:**


    The maps are stunning! You could open a museum with them an offer a virtual reality experiance with them, i would pay loads of money for that.


    The mounts are on Point and the "enjoyment of movement" brings the whole game on another level. Even on the older maps i have tons of fun getting from Point A to Point B.




    I for my self are missing some _more_"Endgame" goals, which it totaly subjectiv i understand. And i am a bit scared that the first "whooooa, this is beautiful" won´t keep me in this maps for a long time. Before someone tries to argue, im not the achievemnt points kind of guy, which of course is my own fault.


    It saddens my that the whole expansion feels like a **singleplayer campain**. You can do the majority of the content completly solo, and there is no "constant fear" of running into a horde of mobs witch will kick you back to the nearest waypont (like hot was at the beginning, damn mushrooms!)




    **My personel short conclusion:**


    The overall ambient is amazing, yet i am missing some "harder" stuff to do. If i wanted solo content i would play dedicated solo rpgs, because they simply do this stuff better. But we are only 1 week in the expansion and i might be surprised whats else to come, and of course am looking forward to new raids/fractals.




  16. > @ohericoseo.4316 said:

    > There are meta.

    > Meta are not by nature required to be zone wide like in AB with the golden city.

    > The Hirathi Highland event that depending on the time chains into the legendary boss is a meta but does not pull the whole zone into it.

    > The meta should be a chained event that has a large inpact on a area in the zone.

    > The meta should have a trackable info window that apears on the right.


    > Pof examples of events...

    > The "rock" in the riverlands with flameseeker tablets

    > The forged foundry in vabbi with the 2 legendary mobs at the bottom.


    > These work the same as the Hirathi Highlands centaur meta.

    > Still meta just not like how HoT was with there meta that forced the whole zone to change and not just a section.


    Well you got a point here, put the fact that i don´t even know that there is a meta event with a legendary boss speaks for itself. (maby a one time thing? i will try it)

    We will see about the other metas and there replayability in terms of fun/loot ratio.


    Would have hoped for a SW Meta, player driven, without a fixed spawntime.

  17. > @Bratec.7136 said:

    > > @Rylen.2147 said:

    > > Wait people find this fight hard? I killed him in almost 30 seconds using burn Firebrand. Just stack 30+ burn stacks on him and he dies fast, not sure what is supposed to make it hard at all...


    > trolling?


    No, i haven´t realized that there could be any problems with this "boss". Played with Warrior, broke CC bar, thing was dead in 30sec.

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