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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @Daniel.5428 said:

    > So, first of all, I started doing my legendary ring collection. Unlocked it by doing an easy escort and then I jumped happy into W5 to kill the bosses. 1..2..3, did Desmina and nothing dropped. It was still early, I did not knew what happened, that's it. Tried river a bit and left. I then jumped on reddit and found out that you need to loot 3 chests (different than boss chests). Everything fine. Did Desmina again, took the item 1. Next day I completed River of Souls too, got my second item. Then trained for statues a bit, until a found out some Dhuum training and jumped for it. The boss itself is not that hard, but the orb control is a little bit broken. Anyway, I got used to it. Did not kill Dhuum yet, I still try, but somethign else happened that enraged me. Some random guy, joining a random clear instance and looting the 3 needed chests for items. I was like "Ok, I tought I have to actually kill them so I can loot". So I did the same and guess what.....of course I was not able to loot because I still believe chests were intended to spawn only for the ones who got credit.


    > So now I am asking, what's the deal with some players having the privilege of getting a free ring precursor while some of us have to spend hours learning and trying bosses so we can kill them and loot? And yes, I am doing W5 only for ring.


    it´s actually good, so the not so raid enjoying crowd can also get the ring with not to much dedication (at least the precursor, we don´t know what to do for it in the future)

    what they don´t get is the special feeling of "the firt down", which is far more rewarding than any loot in my opinion.

  2. > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > But that's the whole point - i did like t4s originally. It's the _content_ that changed, not me. The game that i liked is being changed, piece by piece, into one that i find far less fun.

    > > Yes, i did stop doing fractal dailies and now visit that part of the game only very occasionally. That is what i am complaining against - these late changes chased me away from the content i was completely fine with before. **That** is what hurts the most.


    > Again, if you find T4 too much trouble for you, then play T3. There are dailies in T3 too you don't have to play T4 for the dailies. Completely moving away of Fractals when there are so many tiers of difficulty to choose from is illogical. Many people argued, including you, that multiple difficulty tiers were good for a game, I guess it was all a lie.


    exactly my thought. same people who are demanding story mode for raids are complaining that t4 is to hard and they don´t want to "be forced" to do T3 fractals

  3. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > I'm disappointed with new fractal, current fractal team and dev competition to push raid-like content into fractals. Fractals were supposed to be our substitue for dungeon, medium-difficulty content. Currently, for some reason, fractal team tries to compete with raid team to provide even more elitist content, pushing vocal minority of elitist on pedestal, trying to alienate even more players.

    > > >

    > > > As mentioned above - don't like raids? Go play fractals. After the pollution ag tryhards is leaking to T4s and we are now being pushed away to lower tiers. Why? Because these players said so?

    > >

    > > If we're just tryhards you wouldn't have problems playing T4, right? Form your own group and have fun.


    > The bad design of encounters is not something that is fixed by making my own group :)


    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > I'm disappointed with new fractal, current fractal team and dev competition to push raid-like content into fractals. Fractals were supposed to be our substitue for dungeon, medium-difficulty content. Currently, for some reason, fractal team tries to compete with raid team to provide even more elitist content, pushing vocal minority of elitist on pedestal, trying to alienate even more players.

    > > >

    > > > As mentioned above - don't like raids? Go play fractals. After the pollution ag tryhards is leaking to T4s and we are now being pushed away to lower tiers. Why? Because these players said so?

    > > >

    > > > Your game won't survive on elitists. PvP proved this. If you keep pushing such ridiculous fractals like shattered observatory - which means random aoe spamfest, oversaturated visuals and messy mechanics - you will get a burst of hype for few months but lose more players in the process.

    > > >

    > > > When Anet said that for 5-man content we should go fractals after they stopped developing dungeons, they lied. Recent fractals proved it.

    > >

    > > what are you saying? you can still "outsubstain" every fractal. And besides CM all of them are pretty easy compared to raids.

    > > i don´t know where your problem is exactly. it IS medium diffuculty content.i don´t even see a differenc to dungeons at all. Except less mobs to skip and way quicker.


    > The encounter design of new fractals, shattered being the worst offender here, is basically raid 2.0. I have no problem with CMs being overtuned, both mechanically and visually, but making normal T4s same way is a big no for me. Fractals are not raids and I hope fractal team gets it before they alieneta even more people than they already did :)


    could you please explain further? what is raids 2.0? not every boss there has "aoe spamming red circles". Also, what would you prefer instead? What do you want. it´s easy to complain and generalize but thats not called contructiv feedback.

    "i don´t like the current state, it would be better to go back to ...................,because.............and i also find that ......... mechanics are more enjoyable"

  4. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > I'm disappointed with new fractal, current fractal team and dev competition to push raid-like content into fractals. Fractals were supposed to be our substitue for dungeon, medium-difficulty content. Currently, for some reason, fractal team tries to compete with raid team to provide even more elitist content, pushing vocal minority of elitist on pedestal, trying to alienate even more players.


    > As mentioned above - don't like raids? Go play fractals. After the pollution ag tryhards is leaking to T4s and we are now being pushed away to lower tiers. Why? Because these players said so?


    > Your game won't survive on elitists. PvP proved this. If you keep pushing such ridiculous fractals like shattered observatory - which means random aoe spamfest, oversaturated visuals and messy mechanics - you will get a burst of hype for few months but lose more players in the process.


    > When Anet said that for 5-man content we should go fractals after they stopped developing dungeons, they lied. Recent fractals proved it.


    what are you saying? you can still "outsubstain" every fractal. And besides CM all of them are pretty easy compared to raids.

    i don´t know where your problem is exactly. it IS medium diffuculty content.i don´t even see a differenc to dungeons at all. Except less mobs to skip and way quicker.

  5. > @LordOtto.2650 said:

    > And to make harder content they introduce energy kitten?! The boss is doable without them, they couldn't make harder content, and they introduced a content, were your skill doesn't count, at all! Getting orbs can't be called skill, can't be called get gut, I've learned all professions, I can play on mounts, I can't learn to float like a monkey on the air, without controlling it! I just won't do it! That is horrible idea!

    > Just look at Deimos for example, most of the people rely on BK and HK, I have to do BK every single time any pug team, 'cause nobody can, and we one shot him, then they tell how ez it is, when it's not! Every HK and BK worked hard to perfect that skill, while ppl are doing dps and getting carried! Look at Sabetha people even at 250 li need kiter, or cannons, 'cause most of them didn't do that, because we, the +700 li ppl go and pug with them and one shot it!

    > Look at Matthias, when I pugged and commanded ppl with auramancer for the first time, everyone was like how low dps, why, idiot, and we one shotted him, then became meta, and even now I one shot him with even 100-150 li ppl with support firebrand, because I carry them!

    > Dhuum can't be carried, there everyone has to be expert, and these +150-300 li ppl, 75% of them will just simply will try to only dps and hope for a kill!

    > Today even the commander at dhuum made a kitten cdps class on dhuum, and just did dps, and that's all, and they rely on skilled ppl! Well I won't be that idiot, anymore, to make effort on greens for example, and carry dps checkers, or lazy ppl!


    > And if you want you can all put me in block list, for saying what I believe, who played with me know, that I one shot bosses, and I'm not a monster PUG commander or PUG team player! I just got enough, energy ball is not skill! The end! Never do such a mechanic ever!



    Well its a gerneal problem that most raid bosses only rely on a few chossen people (mostly chrono + druids) and the other classes are "only there to do golem rotation".

    I think its refreshing that EVERYONE has to do mechanics.

    Regarding the "energy ball is not skill" part. What other mechanics are hyper skill based in this game except doing sick dps or distort on special occasions? throwing bombs with a simple click? Not standing in shiny fields? Use a block skill if needed? They are all quite trivial to be honest.

  6. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > > So if you are a games developer, do you think it makes more sense to make content exclusively for the <10% of the population, or 70% of the population?

    > > > >

    > > > > Guild Wars 2 Raids are NOT at the same level as WoW mythic Raids.

    > > >

    > > > I'm aware of that, but the principle still applies. If you try and cater too much to a minority of your playerbase and exclude the majority, your game will most likely fail.

    > >

    > > We got 5 Raid wings in 2 years. We got 16 new open world maps in 2 years. Do they cater too much to a "minority"?


    > ok so.. a lot was made for 100% of the community.. how does that justify making stuff for the minority? Why not just keep making stuff or the 100% so we all can enjoy the game?


    100% of the game are playable by 100% of the community (exept of course expac content...you get the point)

  7. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > If you can’t handle T4, run T3, if you can’t handle T3, run T2 and so on.

    > >

    > > It’s like complaining about a hard mode being too uhm „hard”?


    > T4s are not hardmode, CMs are. Fractals were promised to be our substitue of dungeon level difficulty :)


    you have that on T1-2. but you could also ignore that i guess.

  8. > @Zenli.3684 said:

    > I'm not complaining that content is too hard, just that content is changing rules too frequently for most casual players.

    > Fractal used to be a relaxed casual player thing requiring only ascended jewelry.

    > Then they moved to 100 scales, people invested in backpieces, weapons, a few ascended armor piece to be able to do the same thing as before (T3 is quite the dame difficulties as old 30 levels fractales).

    > Now with new fractals meta their expensive gear is not ok anymore and they have to invest again to support the new required builds or be a super hero that never fell an aoe in a room full of aoe that 1-2 shot/bump....

    > Dedicated players or raiders won't have a problem as they have load of ascended boxes, token to use when most casual player will give up as they don't have the resssource to craft, won't be able to finish T4 and therefore won't have a chance to nice T4 ascended boxes.

    > They will go back to open world pve to farm mat that maybe they will be wasting for their next ascended armor piece....



    fractals still are relaxed T1,2 even 3.hell, you can still grind t4 with blood magic necros if you have the time to do it.

    your group, your rules.


    other then that the are monstly 4 month beetween meta changes. time enough to equip and farm those shiny t4 boxes.

  9. > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > > > > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > > > > > As i have said before - for many players "getting better" is not something that holds any value to them. What's worse, for quite a number of them, the actual process of getting better is not enjoyable. If you'll try to train them, not only often you won't succeed, but even if you do there will be no gain here. They won't like the game more - quite the opposite, they may end up liking it less.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > So, why exactly should the game train people to be better at it?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The problem with Heart of Thorns is it came after the really easy core game. There was no in-between content for some of the players. On the other hand, those who did play Season 2 when it was released shouldn't have any issues with Heart of Thorns, if anything a lot of the mobs were significantly nerfed with the release of Heart of Thorns. But I guess even the hardest mobs become easy if you hide behind huge blobs of players. But there is also the story of Season 2, how did they get over that and then had issues with Heart of Thorns. More likely the content drought before the expansion caused the players to become terrible at playing the game, no instanced story parts, just follow the tag in huge blobs and auto attack mobs to death for months makes players soft, and dumb.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ever since their first release they upped the challenge level, adding harder mobs, adding harder story instances and so on. They've been increasing the challenge level of the game for 5 years, so I wonder what are these players who don't want to "get good" still doing here. And you can't say that a Molten Brawler, a Twisted Horror, a Mordrem Thrasher (of Season 2, not the nerfed HoT version) are easier than the new Heart of Thorns mobs. Many probably forgot how they were and then called Heart of Thorns hard. Temporary content had this effect on difficulty and challenge, people forgot about it, it's another of the sad drawbacks of temporary content.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The game has a wonderful combat system, yet many don't want to use it. If all some players want is a multi-loot farm to get their rewards without even playing the game, then what can I say, they should leave the game as soon as possible. Although Arenanet still creates brain dead farms (some unintentional), they are also creating some exciting encounters too.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Easiest way to train people: take away brain dead farms so they have to play the game to get anything.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It seems that the focus of the game is changing from how it was before HoT, from a very casual focused game to a more hardcore focused. Unfortunately at the same time Anet are trying to please both the casuals and the hardcore players. Blizzard had a similar problem although in the reverse, where WoW started as a pretty hardcore experience (similar to games like EQ2, etc) and then switched its focus to more casual gameplay. The problem is that in trying to please both parties, you inevitably end up pleasing nobody. And unfortunately despite your wishes for harder content, when it comes down to player populations, there will always be more casuals than hardcore players, meaning if you want to keep a game running you have to cater to the casuals first. If you try and cater only to hardcore players, you will most likely fail, which is exactly what happened to WildStar. Wildstar was designed to be an upgraded version of vanilla WoW when it came to the difficulty of its content, and focused all its effort on catering to hardcore raiders. Their problem? There weren't enough hardcore players to make it work and the game flopped.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So whether you like it or not, an mmorpg's success relies on the casuals, as they form the majority of the playerbase.

    > > > >

    > > > > How is this game hardcore focused? 1 raid in 10 month, 2 fractals with OPTIONAL CM? In the meantime 8+ openworld maps , story instances,....and so on.

    > > > > are you kidding?

    > > >

    > > > That's just the start. From what you guys are saying the core game was a lot easier, and with each expansion Anet are slowly making the content more challenging. There won't be an instant change of course, but it will gradually happen over time.

    > >

    > > Open world =/= challenging content. (Zerg everything) Im sorry you feel that way.


    > I'm just going by what you guys are saying. I've only been playing this game for a couple of months, so I don't know if it used to be harder or not.


    Raids and Fractal CM ´s are hard(er), the rest...not so much, mobs are annoying at best (since release)

  10. > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > > > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > > > > As i have said before - for many players "getting better" is not something that holds any value to them. What's worse, for quite a number of them, the actual process of getting better is not enjoyable. If you'll try to train them, not only often you won't succeed, but even if you do there will be no gain here. They won't like the game more - quite the opposite, they may end up liking it less.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So, why exactly should the game train people to be better at it?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The problem with Heart of Thorns is it came after the really easy core game. There was no in-between content for some of the players. On the other hand, those who did play Season 2 when it was released shouldn't have any issues with Heart of Thorns, if anything a lot of the mobs were significantly nerfed with the release of Heart of Thorns. But I guess even the hardest mobs become easy if you hide behind huge blobs of players. But there is also the story of Season 2, how did they get over that and then had issues with Heart of Thorns. More likely the content drought before the expansion caused the players to become terrible at playing the game, no instanced story parts, just follow the tag in huge blobs and auto attack mobs to death for months makes players soft, and dumb.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ever since their first release they upped the challenge level, adding harder mobs, adding harder story instances and so on. They've been increasing the challenge level of the game for 5 years, so I wonder what are these players who don't want to "get good" still doing here. And you can't say that a Molten Brawler, a Twisted Horror, a Mordrem Thrasher (of Season 2, not the nerfed HoT version) are easier than the new Heart of Thorns mobs. Many probably forgot how they were and then called Heart of Thorns hard. Temporary content had this effect on difficulty and challenge, people forgot about it, it's another of the sad drawbacks of temporary content.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The game has a wonderful combat system, yet many don't want to use it. If all some players want is a multi-loot farm to get their rewards without even playing the game, then what can I say, they should leave the game as soon as possible. Although Arenanet still creates brain dead farms (some unintentional), they are also creating some exciting encounters too.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Easiest way to train people: take away brain dead farms so they have to play the game to get anything.

    > > > >

    > > > > It seems that the focus of the game is changing from how it was before HoT, from a very casual focused game to a more hardcore focused. Unfortunately at the same time Anet are trying to please both the casuals and the hardcore players. Blizzard had a similar problem although in the reverse, where WoW started as a pretty hardcore experience (similar to games like EQ2, etc) and then switched its focus to more casual gameplay. The problem is that in trying to please both parties, you inevitably end up pleasing nobody. And unfortunately despite your wishes for harder content, when it comes down to player populations, there will always be more casuals than hardcore players, meaning if you want to keep a game running you have to cater to the casuals first. If you try and cater only to hardcore players, you will most likely fail, which is exactly what happened to WildStar. Wildstar was designed to be an upgraded version of vanilla WoW when it came to the difficulty of its content, and focused all its effort on catering to hardcore raiders. Their problem? There weren't enough hardcore players to make it work and the game flopped.

    > > > >

    > > > > So whether you like it or not, an mmorpg's success relies on the casuals, as they form the majority of the playerbase.

    > > >

    > > > How is this game hardcore focused? 1 raid in 10 month, 2 fractals with OPTIONAL CM? In the meantime 8+ openworld maps , story instances,....and so on.

    > > > are you kidding?

    > >

    > > That's just the start. From what you guys are saying the core game was a lot easier, and with each expansion Anet are slowly making the content more challenging. There won't be an instant change of course, but it will gradually happen over time.


    > Open world =/= challenging content. (Zerg everything) Im sorry you feel that way.

    You could even argue that Hot was "harder" then Pof, but that wouldt apply to your theory.


    Edit: apperently Forum IS challenging for me, sry for doublepost.

  11. > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > > > As i have said before - for many players "getting better" is not something that holds any value to them. What's worse, for quite a number of them, the actual process of getting better is not enjoyable. If you'll try to train them, not only often you won't succeed, but even if you do there will be no gain here. They won't like the game more - quite the opposite, they may end up liking it less.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So, why exactly should the game train people to be better at it?

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > The problem with Heart of Thorns is it came after the really easy core game. There was no in-between content for some of the players. On the other hand, those who did play Season 2 when it was released shouldn't have any issues with Heart of Thorns, if anything a lot of the mobs were significantly nerfed with the release of Heart of Thorns. But I guess even the hardest mobs become easy if you hide behind huge blobs of players. But there is also the story of Season 2, how did they get over that and then had issues with Heart of Thorns. More likely the content drought before the expansion caused the players to become terrible at playing the game, no instanced story parts, just follow the tag in huge blobs and auto attack mobs to death for months makes players soft, and dumb.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ever since their first release they upped the challenge level, adding harder mobs, adding harder story instances and so on. They've been increasing the challenge level of the game for 5 years, so I wonder what are these players who don't want to "get good" still doing here. And you can't say that a Molten Brawler, a Twisted Horror, a Mordrem Thrasher (of Season 2, not the nerfed HoT version) are easier than the new Heart of Thorns mobs. Many probably forgot how they were and then called Heart of Thorns hard. Temporary content had this effect on difficulty and challenge, people forgot about it, it's another of the sad drawbacks of temporary content.

    > > > >

    > > > > The game has a wonderful combat system, yet many don't want to use it. If all some players want is a multi-loot farm to get their rewards without even playing the game, then what can I say, they should leave the game as soon as possible. Although Arenanet still creates brain dead farms (some unintentional), they are also creating some exciting encounters too.

    > > > >

    > > > > Easiest way to train people: take away brain dead farms so they have to play the game to get anything.

    > > >

    > > > It seems that the focus of the game is changing from how it was before HoT, from a very casual focused game to a more hardcore focused. Unfortunately at the same time Anet are trying to please both the casuals and the hardcore players. Blizzard had a similar problem although in the reverse, where WoW started as a pretty hardcore experience (similar to games like EQ2, etc) and then switched its focus to more casual gameplay. The problem is that in trying to please both parties, you inevitably end up pleasing nobody. And unfortunately despite your wishes for harder content, when it comes down to player populations, there will always be more casuals than hardcore players, meaning if you want to keep a game running you have to cater to the casuals first. If you try and cater only to hardcore players, you will most likely fail, which is exactly what happened to WildStar. Wildstar was designed to be an upgraded version of vanilla WoW when it came to the difficulty of its content, and focused all its effort on catering to hardcore raiders. Their problem? There weren't enough hardcore players to make it work and the game flopped.

    > > >

    > > > So whether you like it or not, an mmorpg's success relies on the casuals, as they form the majority of the playerbase.

    > >

    > > How is this game hardcore focused? 1 raid in 10 month, 2 fractals with OPTIONAL CM? In the meantime 8+ openworld maps , story instances,....and so on.

    > > are you kidding?


    > That's just the start. From what you guys are saying the core game was a lot easier, and with each expansion Anet are slowly making the content more challenging. There won't be an instant change of course, but it will gradually happen over time.


    Open world =/= challenging content. (Zerg everything) Im sorry you feel that way.

  12. > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > As i have said before - for many players "getting better" is not something that holds any value to them. What's worse, for quite a number of them, the actual process of getting better is not enjoyable. If you'll try to train them, not only often you won't succeed, but even if you do there will be no gain here. They won't like the game more - quite the opposite, they may end up liking it less.

    > > >

    > > > So, why exactly should the game train people to be better at it?

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > The problem with Heart of Thorns is it came after the really easy core game. There was no in-between content for some of the players. On the other hand, those who did play Season 2 when it was released shouldn't have any issues with Heart of Thorns, if anything a lot of the mobs were significantly nerfed with the release of Heart of Thorns. But I guess even the hardest mobs become easy if you hide behind huge blobs of players. But there is also the story of Season 2, how did they get over that and then had issues with Heart of Thorns. More likely the content drought before the expansion caused the players to become terrible at playing the game, no instanced story parts, just follow the tag in huge blobs and auto attack mobs to death for months makes players soft, and dumb.

    > >

    > > Ever since their first release they upped the challenge level, adding harder mobs, adding harder story instances and so on. They've been increasing the challenge level of the game for 5 years, so I wonder what are these players who don't want to "get good" still doing here. And you can't say that a Molten Brawler, a Twisted Horror, a Mordrem Thrasher (of Season 2, not the nerfed HoT version) are easier than the new Heart of Thorns mobs. Many probably forgot how they were and then called Heart of Thorns hard. Temporary content had this effect on difficulty and challenge, people forgot about it, it's another of the sad drawbacks of temporary content.

    > >

    > > The game has a wonderful combat system, yet many don't want to use it. If all some players want is a multi-loot farm to get their rewards without even playing the game, then what can I say, they should leave the game as soon as possible. Although Arenanet still creates brain dead farms (some unintentional), they are also creating some exciting encounters too.

    > >

    > > Easiest way to train people: take away brain dead farms so they have to play the game to get anything.


    > It seems that the focus of the game is changing from how it was before HoT, from a very casual focused game to a more hardcore focused. Unfortunately at the same time Anet are trying to please both the casuals and the hardcore players. Blizzard had a similar problem although in the reverse, where WoW started as a pretty hardcore experience (similar to games like EQ2, etc) and then switched its focus to more casual gameplay. The problem is that in trying to please both parties, you inevitably end up pleasing nobody. And unfortunately despite your wishes for harder content, when it comes down to player populations, there will always be more casuals than hardcore players, meaning if you want to keep a game running you have to cater to the casuals first. If you try and cater only to hardcore players, you will most likely fail, which is exactly what happened to WildStar. Wildstar was designed to be an upgraded version of vanilla WoW when it came to the difficulty of its content, and focused all its effort on catering to hardcore raiders. Their problem? There weren't enough hardcore players to make it work and the game flopped.


    > So whether you like it or not, an mmorpg's success relies on the casuals, as they form the majority of the playerbase.


    How is this game hardcore focused? 1 raid in 10 month, 2 fractals with OPTIONAL CM? In the meantime 8+ openworld maps , story instances,....and so on.

    are you kidding?

  13. > @Zenli.3684 said:

    > I've no problem with investing thousand on gold for a stat swapable armor sets, but I've a problem when I've to invest on not swapable armor just to play fractales because my already geared toons are not ok anymore.

    > Most people invest in zerk/viperin/sinister/assassin sets because fractales were mostly dps check and have only one or 2 toons with enough ar for T4.

    > With raid they add the needed for support/heal classes like druid, druid is now needed in fractale too, rip dps builds for ranger and let's craft a new healer set for fractales to support that 12k zerk ele who is now 1-2 shot instead of 3-4...

    > That guard slave might now want a boon duration bonus...

    > Oh and they nerf ps power war, let's move to condi war in fractal too...

    > Oh and marauder is nice for thief or Engineer to have a bit more vitality...

    > kitten I really need that nice swap stat armor now, let's go farm pvp and forget fractales...


    Do you throw your old sets away? You can stat swap them quite cheep? You are also getting spammed with asc gear when you are already running fracs and raids. i made the armour(s) because i set them as my goal, i would be out way cheaper staying on asc.

    But honestly i have no idea what you are trying to say.

  14. > @tekfan.3179 said:

    > I'd love a solo-mode. All mechanics that are parallel changed into successive sequences. I want a harsh training ground so I know what I'm doing when I finally start raiding with groups. Not a passive golem I can train rotations on, but an environment where I need to stay alive, do mechanics and deal damage. Heck, for all I care make it harder for a single person to complete than a normal raid for a group. As long as the mechanics don't make it impossible for a single person.

    > No rewards, except for maybe some rares you can feed to the provisioners.

    > And when someone manages to beat every solo wing multiple times on their own, give them a title to show it.


    > Let's face it: Beating the crap out of a passive golem to learn rotations from a guide and watching youtube-video to get a hang of events, bosses and mechanics is several tries away from actually succeeding at it. I want a chance to train myself without nine other people having the option to kick me out because they just want the rewards as fast as possible.


    i would actually like challenging solo content. But rather a complety new thing. Reworking all Raid mechanics would probaply be harder then start something new from scatch.

    If you don´t want to be kicked, make an own squad. Sorry to repeat that, but that will fix that problem 100%. As far as i understand you are already watching videos and training you rotaton, you are almost there! keep it up!

  15. > @Zenli.3684 said:

    > The new fractal in t4 : low health => slower => more aoe taken => lower health => slower =>.... => down, nice add spawn, get rez to have an aoe on you and fall again....

    > People are saying "Take a healer, an egide slave guard, extra dodge build, pet to allow damage whem spaming that extra new jump to avoid that aoe fest, no aoe build you have to place on that teleport boss but easy target damage skills..."

    > Dungeon were only longer with rainbow builds fractales are becoming mostly impossible and most people won't invest thousand of gold to have ar on all their toons and all builds (remember swap stat armor is raid locked, fractale was supposed to be before raid)


    You know, legendary armour costs gold too. Way more den asc. ones, but raidbashing is trendy nowadays, keep going.

  16. i haven´t played gw1 for long so i don´t know how cantha is like and the following won´t directly apply to me.


    i get it, people "bath" in there nostalgia, but why no completly new area?

    There should be a lot more ground to cover, and would give the devs some more creative freedom. (new cultures/races/location/lore/...)

    The current (not even full explorable) world map reminds me of a "world map" in ancient greece..why we are not discovering further? Is tyria flat?

  17. > @Zlater.6789 said:

    > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > Druid is a solid choice, but the equipment to get is sadly not so simply "starting from scratch".

    > Idk what you're talking about, druid is literally the easiest class to gear. You can just straight up buy magi armor with monk runes already installed in them from the dungeon vendor lol.


    > If you mean harrier, that's not really what I mean, gearing harrier is useless until you run a solo druid comp, even in fractals it's better to just stack might the old way. If you can get harrier though then I think it's fine, but I would almost never recommend harriers in a dual druid comp.


    i was of course talking about harrier. As OP asked about "meta". Last time i did fractals duid had to ping his harrier gear to make sure.

  18. https://snowcrows.com/builds/ also a nice site for build + boss examples, but it is not very different to those you have posted.

    Druid is a solid choice, but the equipment to get is sadly not so simply "starting from scratch".


    Would also recommend a Dragonhunter/Firebrand, berserker gear is far easier to get than everything else and a good dps class for fractals and decent for raids. (not saying it is ideal for raids but you can at least "side equip" for a firebrand)


    Warrior (Bannerslave) is also mandtory for every meta grp, so you could go with that, but viper gear is a bit harder to get and there are not a lot of free spots for "us".

  19. > @JakeMagnus.4035 said:

    > I know this is a hot button topic, but why not make a raid easy mode on the cheap:


    > - Remove timers

    > - Remove boss reset on wipe


    > Then adjust loot accordingly. This probably would‘t take a lot of resources to program.


    > It would open that content to a much larger part of the playerbase and let them train the boss mechanics which in turn will help the ‚real‘ raiders by generating a steady supply of new people who will know how bosses work without having to drag them along first.


    > This wouldn‘t take anything away from the current raids but add more content for the rest of the player population.


    Accourding to the level of "difficulty" the loot must be set around LS instance level. Which is basicly nothing.

    Ignoring the fact that some mechanics would need to be completly reworked that it would even work (not cheap).

    Following the question, how often would you play that content then?

    Following the question, would it be ok for you if they skip some LS releases in favour of that?

    LS 5, a raid reborn?


    Im not a fan of such methaphers but, if you want to drive a motorcycle you don´t train on your bicycle for it. So the Training part thing is just an Illusion.

    Other then that, as mention by many other before ---> trainings guild, they are there. An atm the best starting method for raiding.


    Look,i know, you want to experience raids, but lorewise, there isn´t too much there exept reading letters and seeing "famous" location, which you all can do in a cleared instance. If you wan´t to fight a "famous" beast (spoiler alert, female humans everywhere) you can also easily ask someone else to open the boss for you and watch/Fight him. Other than that, raids "magic" are "challenging" mechanics, hell im watching my skilbar 80% of the time and concentrate to not to fuck up. Nerving it to the ground will rip that "magic" apart, and you will only be fighting an open world random mob with a fancy skill. Not that epic. Which brings us back to replay value.


    Dead content with no replay value or important lore. All that while preventing DEVs to release new content.

    Thank you no



    Its the same thing asking "hey, could you make lazarus a raidboss, mechanics are already there, just adjust boss hp, add a timer and we are good to go.





  20. > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > > @Fengzhou.9853 said:

    > > > @"Widowmaker Z.4802" said:

    > > > I have to laugh at the people comparing the price to other games. Most of these other games also allow you to obtain mounts in game, whether it's with gold, achievements or drops. GW2 has no mount skins, except for the original mounts themselves, that are obtainable in game.

    > >

    > > Have to agree with this one massively. Yes.. 25 dollars is pretty average for mounts bought from game shops.. BUT there's often a bunch more obtainable (some super easy and some really difficult) in game as an option.


    > I can earn ALL of the $25 mounts in game in GW2.



    Sorry to say but "grind gold for gemshop" isn´t what i would call "obtainable ingame".

    Gemshop has a "monopoly" on mount skins, so you as a customer have no real choice.

    If there was a Vendor where you could buy a Skin (even a skin with no special effect) which cost 2000G and 2000*insert random hard do obtain currency here* you could decide for yourself. But for now there is only the option to buy in the gemstore or don´t buy at all. Very consumer unfriendly.

  21. > @Zedek.8932 said:

    > I boil this thread down to:


    > ## I can not afford something totally optional and now I cause mad beef.


    > Yep, threads like this are that simple. Even though many would not admit it.

    > Why?


    > _If you can afford it, you buy it.

    > If you can afford it, but you don't like the items offered, you don't create and upvote those threads.

    > If you can afford it, but you think it's too expensive, you just don't buy it._


    > If you can afford a shiny and it reaches a certain threshold, then you buy it.

    > If not, something's not right in that math: Either you can not shell out the money and are upset or you don't like said item enough in the first place, but why do you bother to bring up strawman agruments - like the pricing of it?


    > I heard so many strawman arguments here, like "I can buy it but the price is too high". Why are you making a fuzz of it when you are basically saying "I can buy it but I can't". Then usually comes the "...it's about the principle" argument. Then don't buy it.


    > This goes on and on with free or quasi-free game:

    > People on a freebie complain about not getting mounts. See bolded part at the top of my post.

    > People with only HoT complain about not getting mounts. See bolded part of the top of my post.

    > People with neither expansion complain about not having the elite specializations. See bolded part of the top of my post.

    > People see an "apparently" nice item but complain they don't get it because they refuse to pay for it. See bolded part of the top of my post.


    > Here is the trugh, guys:

    > No payment, no water. No payment, no electricity. No payment, no groceries. No payment, no mountskins.

    > Anything else, references to RNG, lottery, EA Games, all that -> See bolded part of the top of my post.


    > Excelsior.



    I find it interesting that you compare as you said yourself, OPTIONAL skins to water, electricity and groceries. But i guess im just nitpicking.


  22. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @sigur.9453 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @Miellyn.6847 said:

    > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > > > @Alehin.3746 said:

    > > > > > > MMOInks was right. We need the infantile mode for raids. RIDE THE CLOUDS, MY FELLOW CAREBEARS! YEEEEHAAAWWWW

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If it didn't give any rewards it would remove nothing from raiding minority :)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > After all, this is not prestigous content :)

    > > > >

    > > > > Except development time and longer release cycles.

    > > >

    > > > You don't know this :)

    > >

    > > A complete rework will of course take devtime. Most likly done by the raid team. So we can be pretty sure it will.


    > It's not a complet rework. It's changing numbers. It's definitely easier than you make it out to be. Legendary armor is a proven waste of time and resources though :)


    Its going way off topic here, but no.

    It not "just changing numbers", they will need to rework all the mechanics to make it more "consumer friendly".

    Simply nerving the boss HP and DMG won´t fix it. 9/10 wipes happen because of mechanical fails.

    I honestly have no idea about coding (do you?) but if it would be so easy in just "changing numbers" they would have probaply already done it.

    As every other company they evaludade the costs of such a task and decided that it would not be cost-efficent.

    Proven by whom? An expert analyst? Could you Link me his report?

  23. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Miellyn.6847 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @Alehin.3746 said:

    > > > > MMOInks was right. We need the infantile mode for raids. RIDE THE CLOUDS, MY FELLOW CAREBEARS! YEEEEHAAAWWWW

    > > >

    > > > If it didn't give any rewards it would remove nothing from raiding minority :)

    > > >

    > > > After all, this is not prestigous content :)

    > >

    > > Except development time and longer release cycles.


    > You don't know this :)


    A complete rework will of course take devtime. Most likly done by the raid team. So we can be pretty sure it will.

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