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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > we came to the conclusion that trinity isn´t bad at all since its already the last straw of "real teamplay". Its already to much of playing IN a group than playing WITH a group in the endgame content. So you are at least forced in roles which again at least force you to do SOME kind of communication. take that away and the only interaction with each other would be the ready check,


    > The trinity doesn't force you to communicate at all. You have automated systems in other games, getting 1 healer, 1 tank and 3 DPS and nobody ever talks. It's not the role split between healer, tank and dps that allows communication between players, in fact it's the opposite, you keep aggro as tank by following a simple rotation, keep said tank alive using your healing rotation as healer and the DPS roles simply roll their heads on their keyboards to provide DPS without any kind of thought. After all, the actual mechanics are being taken care off by the other players, someone else will keep the aggro and someone else will heal. It's not the trinity that allows communication, it's the boss mechanics that do. You don't need the trinity to make players talk to each other and communicate, unless by communicate you mean "LF Healer, team ready to go!" kind of nonsense. That's not communication.


    To be clear, im only speaking about raids here, haven´t touched any other group content for about a year now.


    as i said, it is the last reason to communicate, even if its as little as "u tank or i?"

    the other things you listed is because encounters are to easy, we need more group pressure,or more mechanics the whole group has to deal with (i love dhuum shackles in that regard)

    i like fixation mechanic as well, but it limits the boss in that way that his "normal attacks" are no danger at all. otherwise everyone would need to play tankier gear or add a healer (which would be a trinity role)

    good groups already don´t need a dedicated healer on every encounter. (which again underlines the fact that raids are to easy)

    in your own words, everyone would just role their head on the keyboard and provide dps, since nothing else matters (if encounters would stay as they are now), and it would even more feel like everyone for her/him self.

    i like beeing a tank.

    i like beeing a healer

    i like beeing a support

    i like beeing a dps.

    i like specializing.


    i don´t like to be 1/10 to do a bit of everything



  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > No because it's a terrible "system".

    > >

    > > Why is it a terrible system?


    > The trinity was created to "artificially" force players to join in groups to play content by making certain roles essential. It's nothing more than lazy design choice by developers that don't know how to design encounters and/or classes, that was unfortunately forced on players in MMORPGs. Roles always existed in RPGs, however, it was MMORPGs that brought us strict roles like the trinity. If you check any pen and paper RPG (where MMORPGs spawned from) you won't find any kind of trinity, unless you take some more recent games that were created -after- MMORPGs got famous (usually failures btw). Also a lot (most?) CRPGs do not have this trinity either, unless again they were released -after- MMORPGs became famous and tried to capitalize on the trinity effect to make "roles" essential in their gameplay because their developers were lazy. And even in that case, this trinity is never "forced", nor essential to succeed.


    > Waiting for the proper "role" to join your group in order to do content is what makes the system terrible. Lazy design (it's called aggro) that forces players to take on artificial roles, "hey I'm the tank, focus on me boss while my pet healer is keeping me alive!", making the mobs/bosses look incompetent and stupid. Which is why I prefer the fixation mechanic over the dumb "who has the most toughness" mechanic or the "Look I taunt you so I get aggro" mechanic of other MMORPGs.


    i recently have an disscussion with a guildmate of mine about that topic.

    we came to the conclusion that trinity isn´t bad at all since its already the last straw of "real teamplay". Its already to much of playing IN a group than playing WITH a group in the endgame content. So you are at least forced in roles which again at least force you to do SOME kind of communication. take that away and the only interaction with each other would be the ready check,



    other then that i rather prefer to wait for a specific role than for some BS event to spawn i need for an achievment.

    i would also not call it a lazy design joice, on the contrary. without roles everything would feel like open world events. not my style of gameplay i would enjoy in group content.

    Gw2 aggro system i have to agree is a joke. compared to other games its just to easy to maintain aggro when you need to (= have toughness)

  3. Each vendor has unique skins/accessoirs/amulets (not nesassary all of them). but they all have the same stat combos to choose. So for you trinkets it shouldnt matter.

    But watch out, i think some rings are "unique", so you can only wear one of them/char. (not sure about that, but you can read it on the item)

    The fastet map would be the bitterfrost one, you can simply gather those winterberries in the wood part of the area (something like 27/Character/Day).

    These you can also use to get more unbound magic since its super fast to get.


    For your power guard though i would recommend to get you trinkets via fractal/laurel vendor, but its good to get everything else.

    The portal scroll/foliant is awesome to get your other toons there, if you don´t want to play this story. the more chars you have the more "value" it gets.


  4. > @"DotDotWin.4357" said:

    > Yeah, the more I learn about this game the less I want to keep playing it.


    > For me, the idea of games should be fun but this feels like if I want avoid being a laughing stock as a player I need to get a bachelor's degree in Gw2 game mechanics so I understand them well enough to follow what's going on when I hit cap and I get to choose from 3 very strict meta builds with very strict rotations that if I don't master I might as well not even bother with end game content.


    > This game starts off fun but ends up feeling a lot like a data entry job as all the fun is slowly sucked out of it while you level.


    > It wouldn't be so bad if you could change your UI and move around abilities but I never learned to play piano so my fingers can't dance well enough to pull off some of this crazy stuff these builds require.


    > Swapping weapons mid-fight to get a whole new set of abilities to use sounds great until you realize those abilities are scattered all over the keyboard and you can't move the ones you actually want to use to a reasonable location.



    you can rebind all skills on your keyboard/mouse.

    luckily for you gw2 does offer very little endgame content where a bachelor degree is needed.

    you can FT autoatack the rest oft he game.

  5. > @"Blackari.2051" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Blackari.2051" said:

    > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > It's not "out-cheese". It's condi damage being balanced around the assumption that all the stacks will continue to tick to its full time. It affects condi builds more than power ones, because not only you can't apply condi during the invulnerability phases, but also the condis you have already applied do no damage. It's like invuln would suddenly start to negate/heal back last 10-20 seconds of power damage. That wouldn't sound fair, would it?

    > > >

    > > > what ? that doesnt make any sense.... when boss go invuln, as power build you are done you cant do anything untill boss gets out of invuln phase.

    > > The same with condi builds - boss goes invuln, you can't apply condis until boss gets out of invuln phase.

    > > But, in addition to that, the condis you have already applied, suddenly do no damage.

    > >

    > > > So if you have your condis up, then boss goes invuln you will stop doing dmg too, for the same amount of time as power build... it is not healing or negating anything, it is just a window when both power and condi builds cant dmg boss and it seems more than fair now imo....

    > > You are forgetting, that condis do damage with a delay. The attack power build uses 1 second before invuln phase that deals 2000 damage? It deals 2000 damage. In case of a condi build however? That atttack deals only 1s of damage ticks, rest is wasted. Even though the attack happened when the mob was still vulnerable. It is exactly as if power attacks were partially negated if they happened to be dealt a few seconds before invuln.

    > >

    > > The same when invuln ends - power damage picks up immediately, but condi damage only starts to be applied, but will be dealt with a delay. Thus power loses the invuln window of damage, but condi loses _more_.

    > >

    > > > imagine raid group of 10x power dps and another group of 10x condi dps.... before patch, second group would have a huge advantage because they would be dealing dmg even tho boss is "unhittable" for power group..

    > > That's only because their damage is always "late". They start dealing it with a delay

    > >

    > > > after patch both groups cannot damage the boss during the same time, it is the same now for both spectrums

    > > Except it's _not_ the same.

    > >

    > >


    > yeah you are right, but still i think it is (probably?) compensated by condi build dealing damage even when you roll or have to move and cant hit the boss etc., maybe if they made it so in pve you will get first tick of dmg instanteniously and then it will continue like normally does


    since you then don´t apply any new condisions, you will also lose dps, so it doesn´t really compensate.

    it hard to balance it , but if i remember correctly, there was a quote from a dev not to long ago that said, power should be doing more dps per design.

  6. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > has this something to do with NOT using the special action key?

    > > if i remember correctly there was some kind of mechanic to it? a bloodstone fen mastery ability?

    > >

    > > i can also remember fighting him on an alt account without having that said key available, which made the fight a bit harder (but i could still kite him to death with a full glass build)


    > If you don't use the special action key, he pounces and hurts you. If you do, he pounces and he's CCed (dazed or stunned, I can't remember). It makes a pretty big difference if you're already having a hard time, maybe even the difference between wiping multiple times and making it by the skin of your teeth.


    > The special action key used like it that, as it was a lot in season 3, was a terrible mechanic though. It was basically just mixing in a game of whack-a-mole with the regular GW2 fight mechanics, adding nothing worthwhile to it. It was just an extra reflex test of the most simple variety: press a button, quick!


    Well to be fair in gw2 everything boils down to pressing a button/s or do/do not stand in a circle.

    i personelly like the special action key, its also an easy way for devs to impliment something fun/frustrating (or as the name suggests, special) to a figh.

  7. has this something to do with NOT using the special action key?

    if i remember correctly there was some kind of mechanic to it? a bloodstone fen mastery ability?


    i can also remember fighting him on an alt account without having that said key available, which made the fight a bit harder (but i could still kite him to death with a full glass build)

  8. > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > Honest question, does anet actually look at the benchmarks. The only necro benchmark is 30k specing full dps, and is below support warrior at 31k with ea and banners.

    > And what do they do, buff support warrior damage and further nerf necro.

    > What the nerf mean in raids

    > Feast of corruption lost 2 stacks of torment

    > Dhuumfire you must now wait to activate other shroud skills or lose dps.


    where did they buff support warrior dps?

  9. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > I seriously think there needs to be a back pedal here. You are blaming one person for a seemly unprovoked attack on a 'partner' on twitter who then goes on to publicly post on you tube what 'justice' had been serviced. Is that not just as bad?

    > doesn't make him the good guy in my books.




    the video that was linked above istn´t deroir though. and ther is no such video off him.

    factcheck before you comment please

  10. > @"Nagi.8941" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Uhura.5163" said:

    > > > When you see those kind of réaction after the decision to fire JP and PF, you can see there is something wrong.[https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk "https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk")

    > > > I hope Deroir knows he is one of the 2 person who started all of this and could have stop it to escalate at this point.

    > > > Anyway, even if they won't read this post, i want to say that as a female player, Jessica and Peter you have all my support.

    > >

    > > Deroir appologized 2 times.

    > >


    > The victim in the situation shouldn’t have to apologize, imho. He did nothing wrong. She, a capable adult woman, posted a discussion on a public twitter feed that she chose not to make private. He responded to it in a considerate and respectful fashion. Her reaction to that was not something he could control.


    > It’s amazing how many people here think that a professional woman is not capable of controlling her own emotions and that it is the duty of the big strong capable man in the situation to make sure not to upset her. It’s really tiring seeing how many of you with “good intentions” view women like irrational children who will blow up at any minute.


    > She’s an adult. She’s a professional. She chose to react how she did, and it’s not his place to control her reaction to his respectful attempt to have a conversation with her.


    i absolutly agree, just wanted to get the facts straight.

  11. > @"Uhura.5163" said:

    > When you see those kind of réaction after the decision to fire JP and PF, you can see there is something wrong.[https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk "https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk")

    > I hope Deroir knows he is one of the 2 person who started all of this and could have stop it to escalate at this point.

    > Anyway, even if they won't read this post, i want to say that as a female player, Jessica and Peter you have all my support.


    Deroir appologized 2 times.


  12. > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > Ok, just to add some (probably obvious, sorry) info:

    > yesterday, after waiting for Dwayna slightly more than 1 hour and a half, I managed to convince everyone to abort the defense (a mentor tag was already gathering people for it). Many other players there complained that the defense didn't work for them, and sometimes also for Lyssa.


    > It seemed impossible to stop everyone from attacking the Risen, until I asked someone to explain it in German: guys, people stopped and the event failed. It was a great moment and I really enjoyed the event and the following re-capture.

    > So, important tip: if people seem to ignore what are you saying in map chat, stop yelling at them. Some of them don't speak English, it's not their fault. Try to explain it in German/French/the main language of your server.


    > So far, Dwayna (and even safer, both temples in Malchor's Leap) give the achievement on the capture only. The other 3 seem quite safe even with the defense.


    Dwayna and Lyssa also work on Defense. I think for some players its a "mob tagging" issue.

    i ran a condi build on balthasar pre, didn´t get the achievment.


  13. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > Yeah it looks like next raid will be released with next Living World episode, which means only one raid wing for 2018. It would be nice if they just say hey we plan one raid wing a year as that’s the best we can do with resources we have.


    Exactly this, a bit more "generall info" what to expect for each niche aka not open world pve content, would be fair.

  14. > @"Rednik.3809" said:

    > Less than 10% of players ever killed anything in W5. Idk why anyone is seriously expecting more than one raid release per year, if not per expansion.


    then they should actually say that. i hate that "maybe next time" attitude.

    but i get it, they wouldn´t have sold me pof if they did.

  15. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > If we are to stay entirely on topic, the thread is asking about tiers of difficulty in Raids, not about "How to get Legendary Armor without playing Raids" or even more specifically "How to get Envoy Armor without doing the actual Raids", those are side-discussions and frankly are outside the original topic:


    > Agreed, but my answer to that was that there should be an easy mode and it should be a method of earning those rewards. *Alternative* methods of earning those rewards become less and less related to the central thread the further you shift away from "Envoy armor as a raid reward." If we aren't even discussing them as a direct substitute to the raid method, I don't see how they're relevant at all.


    > >On the other hand, someone that actively dislikes Raiding, or instanced content in general, is more than likely to not be interested in an easier mode of the same Raid either.


    > Not true. The reasons that people dislike raiding in its current state have nothing to do with easy mode, because easy mode eliminates them. It's like asking someone

    > A:"Do you like ghost pepper buffalo wings?"

    > B:"No, they are way too spicy."

    > A:"So you can't possibly like mild buffalo wings either."

    > B:". . .That's not how any of this works."


    are we back to feeding the poor yet?

    or is the ferrari off the table?

  16. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > ???

    > > so you argree that epi should be reworked?


    > Not in the slightest. I just found your premise extremely faulty that ele wasn't stacked for just one skill...It was stacked because it had more than one that pushed it over the top. Additionally it had fine DPS and wasn't reliant on those skills as can be seen by the current benchmarks, the same cannot be said for necro. It's DPS by comparison without Epi is garbage.


    i absolutly agree.

    ele wasn´t stacked for one skill, it was stacked because it offered (still does) extremly good dps OVERALL. Mostly coming from MODIFIERS.

    Don´t you think its wrong if a class is garbage without that one single skill? Is that how balance should work?


  17. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > you are ignoring that ele was not stacked because it had ONE overpowered skill. whithout that said skill, you are right, "its pretty bad".


    > Yeah, stop ignoring the fact that ele had MORE than ONE overpowered skill. How dare we bring up the fact that BOTH Meteor Shower and Ice Bow have had more reworks than Epidemic combined.





    so you argree that epi should be reworked?

  18. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > Fun fact: epi is not working better now than then. In tre semi-recent history it has been reworked exactly once, and that was the nerf meant for WvW (that definitely didn't improve anything in pve). It's not overperforming any more than it did when you made those previous comments. The only difference is that eles got dialed back from their previous unreasonable levels.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > The thing that changed Epi and made it absolutely broken is Scourge. Reaper was basically only stacking bleeding and a tiny bit of Torment. Scourge stacks Burning, Torment and Bleeding. Scourge brings way more Conditions to bounce than Reaper or Core Necro.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > But at these times. You had a Condi berserker or could even take a Condi rev with you. So no. Nothing rlly changed

    > >

    > > And right now you dont have to take a Condi Berserker. That only makes sense on VG but still.

    > > Yes, you could have taken a condi rev. With Scourge you dont have to take a Condi Rev for torment and can use another Scourge for another Epi. One Epi isnt the problem. The problem is the stacking of Scourges.

    > >

    > > Would you say that a Condi class should get ~28k Boss DPS on VG? A Boss that has basically no toughness. Weaver dealt ~25k Boss DPS pre patch. That was without the Spotter, EA and Frost Spirit nerf.

    > > Scourge is able to get ~40-42k Boss DPS on Desmina, meaning that it deals more DPS on an actual Boss than the current top DPS Class can deal on a large golem.

    > >

    > > It might only be used on 4 bosses, on those 4 bosses however it is a huge problem.


    > 4 bosses out of 17? And that's bad? And stacking Eles on almost every boss before the patch was good?


    > https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_stats


    > Go there and tell me that again. Over all bosses scourge is at 24k boss DPS. There are 11 builds that do overall more boss DPS.


    > And while being at 35k on desmina or like 28 on vg, scourges DPS on other bosses have to Be pretty bad to get that 24k on average. You have to be at like 13-20k on 2 other the other bosses then.


    > And if you go to Snowcrows website... We will see if berserker won't see any use while being at 41k large boss's dps


    you are ignoring that ele was not stacked because it had ONE overpowered skill. whithout that said skill, you are right, "its pretty bad".

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