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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > you should tell that to op, he stated in this thread that he dont want necros in his groups. or something similar.

    > > but true, i also have prejudices when a necro/dh joins, but it has nothing to do with balance or benchmarks. (but im always willing to give them a chance to proof me wrong)

    > > discrimination is a far to hard word for not beeing able to join into every group.


    > To discriminate: to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality:


    > When someone judge how you will perform based on the profession you play and reject you before even giving you a chance, what else is it if it's not discrimination? I won't describe a cat by saying that it's a furry beast, I'll say that it's a cat. Discrimination exist as long as you are rejected specifically based on the profession you play instead of your actual performances in the fight.


    > One of my favourite example of discrimination is something that happened to me in fractal in the HoT era. I joined a PuG to clear my daylies as a dps condi chrono (something unthinkable at that time). We were progressing just fine until this revenant started to bother me with his "Condi chrono? Why don't you play a proper build? Where's your support? What are you good for?... Blah Blah Blah". The revenant was "meta" and performed poorly but the group was doing fine. I quited the group and found another group shortly after doing again all 3 fractals before my first group managed to even finish their own daylies.


    > The morality is that despite not being meta I was compensating for the poorly played meta revenant.


    > Here, a good song against discrimination:



    i realy hope you won´t face any discimination in RL, because this is laugable compared to other issues. its a god damn game.

    also there is an distincion between desciminating for factors that are in ones own choosing (behaviour, music/fashion style, class in an online mmo) and factors one can not choose (ethnic, sex, sexual orientation).

    one is socialy acepted, one is not.

    i agree by definition you are correct, but it still sounds way to overdramatic for me. if they didn´t let me play in their group, i feel angry (I wouldn't care in fact)

    , not discriminated.


    yeah another reason why dps meters are a good thing i guess. happens.

  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > The OP concern is mainly that he is kicked arbitrarily from group because he play a certain profession.

    > > >

    > > as i looked on the sceenshots again, i noticed op tried to join on power favoured bosses with a scourge. i highly daught that he would have got a place with a dps firebrand either. (i wouldn´t mind in my goups if s/he´s joined btw)

    > >


    > I doubt it was just a single boss or once that he encountered this reject. There is even a screenshot where he ask the cm to specify if they don't want necromancers in their LFG and the guy flat out refuse. In one of the screenshot, you can even see a "normal DPS" added on a LFG, not even specifying power or condi.


    > The end game suffer from a serious problem of discrimination, the screenshots show case of bullying. We all know that the content can be done by any and all professions, however there are still case of professions rejected in "open" LFG. Since it's difficult to change the way "human" thinks, the only way to reduce this bullying is to show this bullying and ask for "balance" tweeks that can mend the issue.


    you should tell that to op, he stated in this thread that he dont want necros in his groups. or something similar.

    but true, i also have prejudices when a necro/dh joins, but it has nothing to do with balance or benchmarks. (but im always willing to give them a chance to proof me wrong)

    discrimination is a far to hard word for not beeing able to join into every group.

  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > You know, for PuG, the 50% percentile (average) is probably a lot more accurate than the 99% percentile (top players in experienced static groups)

    > >

    > > since OP is talking about "good groups" all the time and "high skill ceilings", im comparing to that. 50% isn´t that good to compare anyway since there are a lot of "dead people" and "no boon groups" which screw the whole statistics on that level.

    > > edit: its also possible to get 99%+ in pug groups, so its not only perfect static teamups. and since ops concern is balance, somone doing a random rota and pressing buttons on cooldown does not realy matter.


    > The OP concern is mainly that he is kicked arbitrarily from group because he play a certain profession.


    as i looked on the sceenshots again, i noticed op tried to join on power favoured bosses with a scourge. i highly daught that he would have got a place with a dps firebrand either. (i wouldn´t mind in my goups if s/he´s joined btw)


    > You only can hope for 99% percentile performance if you are in a group that provide you with the tools to achieve it (optimal boon and condition uptime) while you as a player make little to no error. That's not something that anyone should expect from a pug group. And since the op have clearly issues to enter pug groups (yes the screens are important) it's better to look at the 50% percentile than at the 99% percentile that represent barely 1% of the meager part of GW2 population that push themself to do raids. Finding a PuG group that reach 99% percentile is probably as rare as a precursor drop.


    not saying i expect it, but i definitly not unachievable. you don´t need the whole group to achieve 99% dps, a good chrono will carry you quite far. the top 100% values are out of reach, but even a "low 100% log" is possible.

    as said before, 50% has NO RELEVANCE to balance. it only shows that someone has to learn the encounter or the rotation some more.

    i have definitly seen more 99% logs in pugs then precourser drops. (to add: i mostly join >250Li groups when i pug)


    > One should never even look at the 99% percentile and expect to reach it out of a static experienced group. 50% is what you should expect and plan for. And in regard of performance, if you look at what the OP said and the 50% percentile, you'll see that he is almost right on spot (13% instead of 15%) when it come to the dps difference. Now, sure, the dps scourge can provide an instance of barrier every x second but that's about all it does and it's difficult to justify such a dps difference for a tiny barrier when other can just easily blast a water field for the same result.


    if i would set 50% as my personal goal, id rather do worldbosses. if you have skill + know your class & the enouncter, even with less optimal boons you are capeable to reach at least (and i am super generous here)75%+. its another thing when mechanics go wrong, , granted.

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > just a quick thought.

    > > would fractal legendary have the same "issues" like the raid on? i mean IF they would do that, you can be 100% sure to include some amount of CM participation or even LNHB title for such an item?

    > Why? Raid armor does not require raid CMs, after all. And for a good reason.




    good point, haven´t thought of that. although not missing green on cairn can be a cm for some people ;)

  5. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > For whatever reason at this point, the OP is being stubborn and unreasonable ... to the point of denying even to himself and splitting hairs about wanting DPS, but not meta-DPS levels to get teams that kick necros for not being a meta-DPS class. /shrug. This is textbook how NOT to make a thread if you want developers to give the problem attention.

    > > > lets start with meta

    > > > it means "Most Effective Tactic Available" like people stack renegade on dhuum or mirages on twin largos it is the MOST effective tactics

    > > > but a Deadeye joining dhuum wont get kick although it not meta for that boss but its dps is very close so no one care

    > > > but a necro joining dhuum is a problem you know why because it has 15-20% less dmg you will have to do more greens and the more necros joins the more you will have to do increasing the whole group chance of failure .

    > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > interessting example, if a look at the global stats

    > > https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_stats/area-19450

    > > scourge does only <60 dps than deadeye.i wouldn´t call that unplayable. but feel free to prove me wrong with meaningfull evidence (that does not include feelings and opinions)

    > > im not even mentioning that scourge is also often taking for the kiter role. now we have 2 viable options to play a necro on dhuum, mhmmm


    > You know, for PuG, the 50% percentile (average) is probably a lot more accurate than the 99% percentile (top players in experienced static groups)


    since OP is talking about "good groups" all the time and "high skill ceilings", im comparing to that. 50% isn´t that good to compare anyway since there are a lot of "dead people" and "no boon groups" which screw the whole statistics on that level.

    edit: its also possible to get 99%+ in pug groups, so its not only perfect static teamups. and since ops concern is balance, somone doing a random rota and pressing buttons on cooldown does not realy matter.

  6. just a quick thought.

    would fractal legendary have the same "issues" like the raid on? i mean IF they would do that, you can be 100% sure to include some amount of CM participation or even LNHB title for such an item? wouldn´t the same people have a problem by getting it? the overlap of people doing fraktal cm & raids is pretty high i guess (no data here, only assuming). not even mentioning the already realy good rewards you get from fractals. (arguable more gold then raids + asc. items). it would be "fairer" to pin it to dungeons (not that i think they would do even that). or hell, open world with endless participation grind if people want that.

  7. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > For whatever reason at this point, the OP is being stubborn and unreasonable ... to the point of denying even to himself and splitting hairs about wanting DPS, but not meta-DPS levels to get teams that kick necros for not being a meta-DPS class. /shrug. This is textbook how NOT to make a thread if you want developers to give the problem attention.

    > lets start with meta

    > it means "Most Effective Tactic Available" like people stack renegade on dhuum or mirages on twin largos it is the MOST effective tactics

    > but a Deadeye joining dhuum wont get kick although it not meta for that boss but its dps is very close so no one care

    > but a necro joining dhuum is a problem you know why because it has 15-20% less dmg you will have to do more greens and the more necros joins the more you will have to do increasing the whole group chance of failure .





    interessting example, if a look at the global stats


    scourge does only <60 dps than deadeye.i wouldn´t call that unplayable. but feel free to prove me wrong with meaningfull evidence (that does not include feelings and opinions)

    im not even mentioning that scourge is also often taking for the kiter role. now we have 2 viable options to play a necro on dhuum, mhmmm

  8. > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > Interesting results. Looks like the "casual crowd" who prefers to log in once an hour every few months to check out the story wins out over us playing daily.

    > > >

    > > > Well, this LW preferring casual has been playing 12.500 hours over 2.287 days.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > What repeatable content do you do typically, in an average day?


    > Casual crowd things.



    can you be more specific? im honestly interested what can keep one playing 5-6h each day. whats your routine? i run out of activities after 1 hour/day.

  9. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Yggdrasiln.5240" said:

    > > > I don't think giving raiding a bit of wiggle room is a bad idea?



    > Maybe it shouldn’t be training for normal, but a place where all the people with the grocery list of reasons they don’t Raid, can go.



    why should anet use there ressources to make raids for people who don´t like raids? wouldn´t that be better spent on LS updates? don´t get me wrong here, mmo´s are like a themepark with various attractions for various people. not everyone needs to like the same rides. you still have dungeons and t1-t2 fractals if you are more into a chill expierence. (and obviously the easy encounters, which are already in the raids and can be done be people without any clue in a reasonable amount of time)


  10. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > The future...

    > > >

    > > > FTC... “Lootboxes are bad for kids. no more lootboxes.”

    > > >

    > > > Gamers... “Oh yeah, we won! Rejoice my sisters and bros!”

    > > >

    > > > Game Companies... “FTC ruling has killed off a source of income that helps pays the bills and employees, funds future development and maintenance... so here are your awesome new monthly membership options... $20 monthly basic membership, $30 monthly advanced membership, $40 monthly premiere membership, $50 monthly super VIP membership...”

    > > >

    > > > Game Companies part 2 “You can now purchase ALL items on the gem store (triple the original cost)! We also removed the gold to gems exchange function as a result of this awesome new QoL direct buy feature!”

    > > >


    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > i would happily pay a monthly fee if all items are achievable ingame. game is already to gem store centric.


    > I don’t mind paying a monthly fee either, but that’s besides the points being made.


    > Our game is gem store centric because that’s how they generate revenue on the B2P model.


    > You can already get almost every item *directly, except a few select rng account bound skins from bl chests, by exchanging your in-game gold for gems... All players have been given a path to earn all items for FREE simply by playing the game and using the main game currency.


    > Gamers need to be careful what they wish for, especially when companies start to get regulated by the government.


    with "available ingame" i meant, i have to achieve something other then farming gold to obtain it.

    i know why it is how it is. im just stating that for me as a player the current system is not fun at all. personal opinion obviously.

    you point, which is true only states that after every change there will be "outrage", but that doesn´t mean the EVERYONE would be unhappy.

    i get your point, but its a bit to simplified to not comment on it (no offense)

  11. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > The future...


    > FTC... “Lootboxes are bad for kids. no more lootboxes.”


    > Gamers... “Oh yeah, we won! Rejoice my sisters and bros!”


    > Game Companies... “FTC ruling has killed off a source of income that helps pays the bills and employees, funds future development and maintenance... so here are your awesome new monthly membership options... $20 monthly basic membership, $30 monthly advanced membership, $40 monthly premiere membership, $50 monthly super VIP membership...”


    > Game Companies part 2 “You can now purchase ALL items on the gem store (triple the original cost)! We also removed the gold to gems exchange function as a result of this awesome new QoL direct buy feature!”







    i would happily pay a monthly fee if all items are achievable ingame. game is already to gem store centric.

  12. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Farkon.2170" said:

    > > > The point of the topic is the mentality of everyone not allowing necros in groups for PVE

    > > > It happens if you're a necro.

    > > > If you're a guardian main or an engineer, you're not going to understand why and come up with whatever means you can get so you don't have a necro outdps you, I get that.

    > > > But, the point of the topic is that people don't want a Necro for their serious PvE content, serious spvp (except one build), or serious raiding due to low dps and nothing brought to the table. (among other problems)

    > > > We have lower dps then other classes with conditions, it's a fact, and "educating" other necros with "advice" doesn't solve this mentality because we're not always the ones leading the groups.

    > >

    > > everyone? really? thats complete BS.

    > > i also have very rarly the issue when joining a group as war dps (very very rarly) but through my amazing social interaction skills, i always got at least one try to "proof my worth" to the group.

    > > so you mean one meta build for pvp issn´t enough? you might want to disscuss this in other class forums with 0 builds in the current meta.

    > > necro is meta on various bosses, sry, you sound like you want necro to be the be all, end all meta dps/support/power/condi class.

    > > on freaking paper, yes. i have been in pug runs with necros on top dps spot. get a static, problem solved.


    > Personally you sound a little angry.


    > I want to add my 2 cents:


    > I think that you can get groups, its just that there are those that are elitists about the dps thing, and go for whoever do the highest dps. Sure there are certain niches that necro fit under, like boon corrupt and rez bot, but rez bots are of limited use if you got a team who is already super good, and boon corrupt is not useful in raids.


    > I think what dragonfury is talking about, is the fact that necromancers don't have much of a choice of role if its dps or support, because even our support role isn't as god as lets say firebrand, or mesmers with the chronomancer, who provide a whole lot of different buffs.



    > Boon corrupt and condi corrupt are a type of support, but it cant shine if there is nothing to corrupt.


    > Furthermore yes you are correct as well that if you get a guild who allows you to raid with them, you can just ignore the random pugs of raids and get in, you just need a not elitist guild with people who are understanding.



    yeah,sorry for that, hearing the same stuff, for every class every fw month, with the same arguments get tyring.

    you are right, there are, but from my expierence, the "elitist" you are refearing to are nothing but tryhards,and very few. the really exp ppl in pugs do not really care. 2 chronos? check! banners? check! Druid? check! 1 healer? check. dps? don´t suck, be condi/power. check!

    to be honest, the rare cases of class toxicity i only expierenced in low (<300Li) groups.


    no idea about support necro, but there isn´t anythin that comes close to chrono/druid/bs anyway.

    on the healer part, scourge,firebrand,scrapper are pretty aligned, everyone is happy when that slot is filled.


    dps in actuall raids is as told before, fine.

    pretty sure if you get along with the people in your guild they will let you play what you want, as long as you don´t stand in thw way of their progres st omuch (which again, isn´t a class thing, it has more to to with personal skill)

    declaired speedrun/world record groups are obviously excluded from my statement.



  13. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > >

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > i constantly pug/static with necro/scourges, or what action do you mean?

    > > >

    > > > nice proof you send me of you playing as halo

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/QflTKw2.png "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > i proofed that necros & scourges are exeptet in pug/static groups, nothing else. i myself just play necro in fractals, i do not log my runs though. i have a scourge but its barly used, not because its unplayable in raids, because its unfun for me to play.


    > sorry that my bad that make you a necro expert becasue you pug with necro not as a necro

    > ofc we have the best community becasue i pug with my necro alot in fractal and raid but when you get a 2 to 3 kick in a week before you enter the wing that will change your mind

    > and getting OMG a necro in wing x learn to play a real dps profession/ elite is a nice touch to get not even from the commander of the squad

    > clearly you have a very strong opinion about necro for someone not even playing the profession other than AFK farming OFC


    ok, dealing with your "passion" has become a wast of time.

    feel free to let your anger flow. i will happily continue raiding, with and without necros.

  14. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:


    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > i constantly pug/static with necro/scourges, or what action do you mean?


    > nice proof you send me of you playing as halo

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/QflTKw2.png "")



    i proofed that necros & scourges are exeptet in pug/static groups, nothing else. i myself just play necro in fractals, i do not log my runs though. i have a scourge but its barly used, not because its unplayable in raids, because its unfun for me to play.

  15. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > There is more to this game than straight DPS, the sooner you understand that the better.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > not ture in this game you can skip a lot of mechanics if you have high enough dps

    > > > > > > > no updraft Gorseval , less canon in sabetha , less mushroom in Slothasor , less green in dhuum etc

    > > > > > > > that is why its a dps driven meta where you cant have the lowest dps class in end game

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > while its true what you are saying, its interessting that you choose exampe of bosses where necro is actually taken.

    > > > > > > gorseval---> see video above

    > > > > > > sabetha ---> kiter +dps

    > > > > > > dhumm---> kiter, dps not the best choice on normal, but pretty cheesy on CM

    > > > > > > sloth ---> just for the fun of killing a teammate with epi

    > > > > >

    > > > > > if i am the commander in a pug squad

    > > > > > gorseval---> any dps higher than necro

    > > > > > sabetha ---> dudu as kiter and any dps higher than necro

    > > > > > dhumm---> kiter dud is way better and any dps higher than necro

    > > > > > sloth ---> yea i agree with that its fun to fail in raid

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > You are a horrible commander then or/and pretty new to raids. Luckily your kind is a minority.

    > > >

    > > > LMAO

    > > > clearly you have a very strong opinion about necro for someone not even play the profession

    > > > word mean nothing without action

    > >

    > > have you hacked my account since you apearantly know what classes i play and which not?

    > > and whats the empy word phrase you choose to "close your statement"? i constantly pug/static with necro/scourges, or what action do you mean?


    > prove that you costantly pug/static with necro/scourge ?

    > i know that because of your argument is not of someone who play necro in raids


    sure, random raidar logs on my first page, enjoy:








  16. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"Farkon.2170" said:

    > > > > > The point of the topic is the mentality of everyone not allowing necros in groups for PVE

    > > > > > It happens if you're a necro.

    > > > > > If you're a guardian main or an engineer, you're not going to understand why and come up with whatever means you can get so you don't have a necro outdps you, I get that.

    > > > > > But, the point of the topic is that people don't want a Necro for their serious PvE content, serious spvp (except one build), or serious raiding due to low dps and nothing brought to the table. (among other problems)

    > > > > > We have lower dps then other classes with conditions, it's a fact, and "educating" other necros with "advice" doesn't solve this mentality because we're not always the ones leading the groups.

    > > > >

    > > > > everyone? really? thats complete BS.

    > > > > i also have very rarly the issue when joining a group as war dps (very very rarly) but through my amazing social interaction skills, i always got at least one try to "proof my worth" to the group.

    > > > > so you mean one meta build for pvp issn´t enough? you might want to disscuss this in other class forums with 0 builds in the current meta.

    > > > > necro is meta on various bosses, sry, you sound like you want necro to be the be all, end all meta dps/support/power/condi class.

    > > > > on freaking paper, yes. i have been in pug runs with necros on top dps spot. get a static, problem solved.

    > > > not true

    > > > you are dreaming

    > > > so i am a necro main and i had 24 qadim KP and i know the mechanic of W6 and i join a sqaud but they kick me before i even enter the wing and i wanted to prove my worth to the sqaud but i cant i get insta kick

    > > > and your amazing social interaction skills wont help you at all as a necro

    > > >

    > >

    > > So because of one incident with these circumstances you want the whole system changed. Doesn't sound reasonable to me sorry what am I dreaming? proof me wrong.


    > what on Tyria that make you think that its one incident with these circumstances

    > for me it was the last straw to come here and share it on the forum

    > by the way i did post a same incident 2 month ago but Anet deleted it from the forum because it have "all-cap headings"

    > which is the same treatment passionate necro get as always


    i don´t know, apperantly im on a paralell world, because i do NOT face such situations ingame. and sorry to say, i take my on experience more trithfull that "random guy on the internet".

    passionate is a very charming word for having strong feelings and believes. you could also say heated.

  17. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > There is more to this game than straight DPS, the sooner you understand that the better.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > not ture in this game you can skip a lot of mechanics if you have high enough dps

    > > > > > no updraft Gorseval , less canon in sabetha , less mushroom in Slothasor , less green in dhuum etc

    > > > > > that is why its a dps driven meta where you cant have the lowest dps class in end game

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > while its true what you are saying, its interessting that you choose exampe of bosses where necro is actually taken.

    > > > > gorseval---> see video above

    > > > > sabetha ---> kiter +dps

    > > > > dhumm---> kiter, dps not the best choice on normal, but pretty cheesy on CM

    > > > > sloth ---> just for the fun of killing a teammate with epi

    > > >

    > > > if i am the commander in a pug squad

    > > > gorseval---> any dps higher than necro

    > > > sabetha ---> dudu as kiter and any dps higher than necro

    > > > dhumm---> kiter dud is way better and any dps higher than necro

    > > > sloth ---> yea i agree with that its fun to fail in raid

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > You are a horrible commander then or/and pretty new to raids. Luckily your kind is a minority.


    > LMAO

    > clearly you have a very strong opinion about necro for someone not even play the profession

    > word mean nothing without action


    have you hacked my account since you apearantly know what classes i play and which not?

    and whats the empy word phrase you choose to "close your statement"? i constantly pug/static with necro/scourges, or what action do you mean?

  18. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Farkon.2170" said:

    > > > The point of the topic is the mentality of everyone not allowing necros in groups for PVE

    > > > It happens if you're a necro.

    > > > If you're a guardian main or an engineer, you're not going to understand why and come up with whatever means you can get so you don't have a necro outdps you, I get that.

    > > > But, the point of the topic is that people don't want a Necro for their serious PvE content, serious spvp (except one build), or serious raiding due to low dps and nothing brought to the table. (among other problems)

    > > > We have lower dps then other classes with conditions, it's a fact, and "educating" other necros with "advice" doesn't solve this mentality because we're not always the ones leading the groups.

    > >

    > > everyone? really? thats complete BS.

    > > i also have very rarly the issue when joining a group as war dps (very very rarly) but through my amazing social interaction skills, i always got at least one try to "proof my worth" to the group.

    > > so you mean one meta build for pvp issn´t enough? you might want to disscuss this in other class forums with 0 builds in the current meta.

    > > necro is meta on various bosses, sry, you sound like you want necro to be the be all, end all meta dps/support/power/condi class.

    > > on freaking paper, yes. i have been in pug runs with necros on top dps spot. get a static, problem solved.

    > not true

    > you are dreaming

    > so i am a necro main and i had 24 qadim KP and i know the mechanic of W6 and i join a sqaud but they kick me before i even enter the wing and i wanted to prove my worth to the sqaud but i cant i get insta kick

    > and your amazing social interaction skills wont help you at all as a necro



    So because of one incident with these circumstances you want the whole system changed. Doesn't sound reasonable to me sorry what am I dreaming? proof me wrong.

  19. > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

    > > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > >

    > > > > There is more to this game than straight DPS, the sooner you understand that the better.

    > > >

    > > > not ture in this game you can skip a lot of mechanics if you have high enough dps

    > > > no updraft Gorseval , less canon in sabetha , less mushroom in Slothasor , less green in dhuum etc

    > > > that is why its a dps driven meta where you cant have the lowest dps class in end game

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > while its true what you are saying, its interessting that you choose exampe of bosses where necro is actually taken.

    > > gorseval---> see video above

    > > sabetha ---> kiter +dps

    > > dhumm---> kiter, dps not the best choice on normal, but pretty cheesy on CM

    > > sloth ---> just for the fun of killing a teammate with epi


    > if i am the commander in a pug squad

    > gorseval---> any dps higher than necro

    > sabetha ---> dudu as kiter and any dps higher than necro

    > dhumm---> kiter dud is way better and any dps higher than necro

    > sloth ---> yea i agree with that its fun to fail in raid




    You are a horrible commander then or/and pretty new to raids. Luckily your kind is a minority.

  20. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > > I was interested to discover that according to gw2efficiency -- I know, I know -- more players have the golden scarf than the regular scarf. To me, that says players were more interested in the more challenging content than the 'participation' content. Perhaps anet would do well by its players to introduce more challenging content moving forward as well . . .

    > > > Or it could just mean that have the participation trophy as their goal aren't there yet because they won't (or can't) spend hours on beetle races on day 1.

    > > It doesn't take very long to do the participation cheeve. It's only fifteen laps and you can do them with the time trial, don't have to wait for the races. Given that even on the easiest courses the players that have achieved the golden scarf would only be a few more laps away from the regular scarf it would appear that once they achieved gold on a course many actually ignored the regular cheeve and moved on to the more challenging cheeve, so a more reasonable interpretation of the data would be that more players preferred the more challenging content . . .

    > >

    > > Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .

    > But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed.


    > Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours.


    its funny that you write that since its the people who do NOT rush though content complaining here. not gold on the track in the first day? a failure!

  21. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I didn't get the impression the OP was talking about 'Special Action' skills, but those Episodes (or parts thereof) where one's entire skill bar changes (such as the one where one becomes Caithe[?] in LW Season Two).


    > Those kinds certainly aren't my favorite, but, to me, it's not that big a deal as infrequently as they are encountered.


    ah my bad then. my points still stand though.

  22. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > While still lootboxes, they are the less malicious kind. It becomes a problem once people feel the need to purchase them to get ahead, aka pay to win. Since GW2 gem store items are entirely convenience based I don't thinkt hey will face any big problems with this.


    a lootbox is a lootbox, malicious or less malicious, qol or p2w. but in the end it will be on the law to deside. i for sure wouldn´t be sad if they would be gone and all items would be able to achive via an ingame activity. (and im not talking about farming gold here)

  23. special action key is a smart way to impliment mechanics in the LS and other content. otherwise (im taking your example) you would need to add a stealth skill for every class, which wouldn´t work since most of the times its against the class design/philiosphy.

    devs quite literally dictate your style of play at anytime.

    im sorry that you are having problems with that skills it seams, but whats to learn other to read it? a hero is defined by overcoming a challenge, so no idea what you are trying to say.

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