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Posts posted by sigur.9453


    > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

    > > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > > > Just stick concentration on your shield and air/slayer sigils on your sword/focus. You still gotta swap, except the difference between good and bad chrono's will not be as much their boon uptimes, but their personal contribution to dps.

    > > > Why would you care how much dps have your chrono ? He could run full tank gear and do 0 damage but provide perma boons ,no one ever would tell him he have low dps and kick him. You have dedicated DPS classes /facepalm

    > >

    > > Because some players want to do best possible job they can. That is fun for them. Its the same argument as why shouldnt warrior run magi gear when he is taken for banners and not damage ...

    > I dont even know what you have instead of a brain there lad. His gear doesnt increase bonus of his banners thus he can play any spec he want condi bers or power spb. Mesmer need concentration in order to provide boons so they have to get it from gear. Why i even have to exlain it ?


    a bit offensive, aren´t we?

    what s/he meant was obviously that if for mesmer, boons should be anything to worry about, then for bs it should be enough to drop banners and autoatack for EA, since that is the reason to be in the squad. BUT some players don´t want to just fullfill there role, they want to master it by reaching the highest dps possible within the limitations of there role/build. for experienced chronos a good boonuptime is "easy to achive" so the only thing to improve on is there personal dps. Same goes for any other support spec. is it neccasary? no. but if its is their goal, why not.

  2. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

    > > Meters to measure your own dps? Sure, go ahead.

    > > Meters to measure other peoples dps and then judge them, insult them and kick them out because they're not dealing enough damage? No. I can't see any other reason to why you should measure other peoples dps except for disgusting elitism.


    > To turn this around to be more constructive, how would you propose a raid group be run in order to be successful without the disgusting elitism as you put it? Everyone can only see their personal data on the meter and you keep wiping on a boss. You're the commander of the squad. How do you rectify the situation?


    It's easy, kick everyone and try again. Lfg would be full all the time, yay!


  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > > A small squad does not equal a map instance that isn't full. I've tried to join small squads, only to find that their map is still full. There are always plenty of people who do not bother joining a squad (after all, it's not difficult to follow a marker on a map, and being in the group or not makes no difference).

    > What size squads are you joining? I've never had a problem joining 10-person groups. 17 is borderline, especially at certain times. I believe a full lab map is around 40-50, so I always assume that squads of 25+ are on full maps.



    exactly this.

    if you scrole to the bottom of the lfg you will see a lot of smaller groups with a high chance of the map beeing not full.

    i think player cap for lab is 25 though.


    that said, lfg in its current form still needs a lot of work. it looks more than a hastly impimentet feature that a well reconsidered tool.


  4. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > > The people that can change this are in Brussels, not Seattle. But I wouldn't expect them to revisit this any time soon. Neither regulators nor politicians like to admit that they made a hasty decision and failed to recognize all the consequences or see all the nuances of new laws or regulations.

    > > > >

    > > > > Although not a Belgian, I don't think it was hasty decision. I'm basically hoping to have bit similar in my home country. Why? Because I really think that if you put money to something that plays RNG with you is gambling, being it blackjack or roulette table, a slot machine or a loot box. The different story is what kind of regulations should these gambling companies fulfill to keep their business.

    > > >

    > > > It's one thing to say that RNG boxes in video games are inappropriate. It's quite another thing to say that they are comparable to roulette or lottos or blackjack and should be regulated the same way. That's what I mean by hasty.

    > > >

    > > psycholigicaly, it is the same though.

    > > but its a hard to handle topic.

    > > although its not a to far fetched conclusion to say its gambling since " you pay money to get things ramdomly with different values". and different values they have.

    > >

    > > > There's clearly horrid & predatory practices that take place in some games, most especially in games for tablets & phones (which are much more likely to affect kids, but also adults with poor impulse control). There's clearly some value in governments taking a look at it. But going directly from "we don't like this" to "let's define it as gambling and regulate the same way" instead of discussing it first with industry leaders is "hasty." It's an important issue, but it's not urgent in the same way that other issues are.

    > > >

    > > discussing it with industry leaders is a dobble edged sword. Since the industry will always but THEIR demands first. especially when you get such calibers as tencent and ea.

    > > as far as i can recall the whole thing was brought up by gamers/consumers which politicans actually SHOULD represent. my guess is that game companies spent way to less "lobbying money" in the last years. the whole issues would have been handled differently if they did, trust me.

    > >

    > > > tl;dr I'm not against the idea that government has a role to play. I think that the Belgian gambling commission's response was heavy handed and there were lots of other steps they could have taken first, which probably would have resulted in a better situation for everyone.

    > >

    > > who is "everyone" in this scenario? i would be perfectly fine if i won´t be able to buy blc´s or gems aswell. it´s on (in this scenario) anet to maybe change their monetization model or not change and loose a customer.

    > >

    > >


    > Im fine with you and people who think its awful with the gem shop to pay a sub to play gw2 and get to use what ever in said gem shop( all being account locked and no gifting ofcourse, so no thinking of opening millions of black lion chest and sell the skins =) ) aslong as I dont have too.

    > Then when you stop paying your account is locked, like games as wow etc.


    Would totally be fine with that. As long as I can get said skins in game via achievement, loot, whatever I would gladly pay a sub fee.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"TamX.1870" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > The people that can change this are in Brussels, not Seattle. But I wouldn't expect them to revisit this any time soon. Neither regulators nor politicians like to admit that they made a hasty decision and failed to recognize all the consequences or see all the nuances of new laws or regulations.

    > >

    > > Although not a Belgian, I don't think it was hasty decision. I'm basically hoping to have bit similar in my home country. Why? Because I really think that if you put money to something that plays RNG with you is gambling, being it blackjack or roulette table, a slot machine or a loot box. The different story is what kind of regulations should these gambling companies fulfill to keep their business.


    > It's one thing to say that RNG boxes in video games are inappropriate. It's quite another thing to say that they are comparable to roulette or lottos or blackjack and should be regulated the same way. That's what I mean by hasty.


    psycholigicaly, it is the same though.

    but its a hard to handle topic.

    although its not a to far fetched conclusion to say its gambling since " you pay money to get things ramdomly with different values". and different values they have.


    > There's clearly horrid & predatory practices that take place in some games, most especially in games for tablets & phones (which are much more likely to affect kids, but also adults with poor impulse control). There's clearly some value in governments taking a look at it. But going directly from "we don't like this" to "let's define it as gambling and regulate the same way" instead of discussing it first with industry leaders is "hasty." It's an important issue, but it's not urgent in the same way that other issues are.


    discussing it with industry leaders is a dobble edged sword. Since the industry will always but THEIR demands first. especially when you get such calibers as tencent and ea.

    as far as i can recall the whole thing was brought up by gamers/consumers which politicans actually SHOULD represent. my guess is that game companies spent way to less "lobbying money" in the last years. the whole issues would have been handled differently if they did, trust me.


    > tl;dr I'm not against the idea that government has a role to play. I think that the Belgian gambling commission's response was heavy handed and there were lots of other steps they could have taken first, which probably would have resulted in a better situation for everyone.


    who is "everyone" in this scenario? i would be perfectly fine if i won´t be able to buy blc´s or gems aswell. it´s on (in this scenario) anet to maybe change their monetization model or not change and loose a customer.



  6. > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

    > > > The only real solution is have enough people complain to politicians. Their decisions were purely made to make themselves look good, with no care for consumers, as such, it makes no sense to blame devs/publishers.

    > >

    > > thats a nice opinion. mine is complety different. i will highly apreciate when the system will be implimentet eu wide.


    > What I stated isn't an opinion. It is a fact most politicians have no clue how games even work, many had even been against the idea of video games even existing and only "changed their mind" when the business became big. You are praising politicians for doing a copy/paste legislation, as in, they did absolutely no work, and didn't put any thought into it. They didn't even do the bare minimum and work with the major European nations to come up with a solution to stop predatory monetization systems, which you do not need loot boxes to be predatory. Ever look at some of the Chinese MMORPGs or some of the older Korean games? How about mobile games? They get people to spend an absurd amount of money without relying on RNG boxes alone. European game publishers have a history of having some of the worst monetization practices to the point they make Nexon look good.


    Its true that most politicans aren´t per se gamers. But the rest you wrote doesn´t make sense. The set GROUND rules for "gamebling related features" in games. it only logic that they cat go in detail for every game available. thats how laws work, not the law has to try to fit in, everything realated TO it has.

    This i don´t know why you mentioned mobile games or chinese mmos. even when i agree with the absurd money makes proccess there (p2w * 1000) it has nothing to do with the topic here (lootboxes and rng related real money stuff).


    > France has already stated they didn't consider loot boxes an issue as a whole, they were only against how mobile games and certain games were abusing them, such as forcing you to pay for RNG boxes in order to progress through the game. The UK and the US also ruled it wasn't gambling, and the politicians who spoke against RNG boxes also shared the same opinion as French politicians. This means anyone complaining about BLC and saying politicians agree are wrong. As it stands now, nothing will change for most Europeans, because you need the major consuming nations to pass the legislation [uK, France, Germany].


    i think the eu lawmakers do not care anymore about UK´s opinion ;)´

    dont know about the "This means anyone complaining about BLC and saying politicians agree are wrong" part. some do, some don´t. politicians are individuals aswell you know. time will tell, chances are pretty high it will change since as you kind of said before. it easy "political capital".


    > **I don't even like RNG boxes**, almost all of the BLCs I've opened were free, and on other games I don't buy them either, and even limit how much I'll buy with gold. I am simply not going to praise politicians and pretend they care about "protecting" me, when they don't.


    im not praising them for protecting me. it simply gives more reason for game companies to release there product less gemshop centric (which is one of the worst things in gw2 for example)

    i see you trust in politicians is broken (with good reasons to be honest) but not everything is per se bad. sure they could do things better, especially when it comes to techrelated issues (#neuland) but in my OPINION these are steps in the right direction. for to long it has been "wild west" mentality in games .(i do whatever i want, give me your money please)



  7. > @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

    > Gotta say the track is not what I expected, after a few hours of practice I got it down to 53.3 second. The most annoying part is that when you reset the race, none of your skill or endurance is reset, and also the race event pops way too often.


    As your name suggests, i would´t have expected anything else!

  8. > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

    > The only real solution is have enough people complain to politicians. Their decisions were purely made to make themselves look good, with no care for consumers, as such, it makes no sense to blame devs/publishers.


    thats a nice opinion. mine is complety different. i will highly apreciate when the system will be implimentet eu wide.

  9. you can already outdps some mediocre dps players with c-bs and base bs.

    that said same is possible with a condi dps war and therefore its already welcome as a dps class in pug raids.

    i don´t know about spellbreaker, i find full counter not very fun to play with.


    although you are right with your core statement, banners are horrible boring and i would like them to be changed to a more "active skill" like:


    "Raise your Banner of ........." Gives your Party 150......for 30 seconds.


    That would also help against the HORRIBLE banner placement i see in pugs from time to time. But would als oresult in a minor dps loss.

    wouldn´t mind them beeing removed completly either. it not like we need those stats to succesfully clear a raid.


  10. hyperbole but:

    we could just exchance every boss with a giant chest that doesn´t fight back (which most of the core ones already are with a different skin).


    breakbars have there place and should stay. it´s not to demanding for people to actually use cc skills.

    they add at least SOMETHING to the "fight" other than doing your rotation (or pushing buttons on cooldowns for the majority)

  11. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Or players could learn to do the simple mechanic of using their CC skills.

    > > >

    > > > That said, I did make one suggestion many months ago, that if a nerf was to be done, reducing the damage reduction buff from 33% to 25% would be more than enough.

    > >

    > > Saddly without a full in depth, *mandatory* tutorial that explains *EVERY* little tidbit about CC, including *how much "cc damage"* each skill does it will never happen in this game, and do bear in mind in this game that a good player can do up to 5x as much as an average player, so obviously this game has fails at explaining things.


    > More breakbars on world bosses -- esp some of the easy starter zone ones -- would probably go a long way towards helping new ppl learn about cc . . .


    Nah, i dont think this will help. they will ignore the breakbar like they ignore the breakbar on other content.

    The only thing that could fix that is a "tutorial" or at least 1 door in every 3 story instances that needs to be broken/smashed open with cc skills.

    And of course (like others have already said) they need to add the cc value in the tooltipps (write it in the same colour then the cc bars are) so CC is present right from the start when you first read through your skills



    and to the topic, i don´t think it needs a nerf.

    i have only done this event (3 times) shorty after collection releases that needed it, so the "quality/experiece" of the other players was on the level that it SHOULD be on a lvl 80map in a 6 year old game. and it was quite easy to complete. this is not a starting area, so a bit of "a challenge" is fine.

  12. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > > > Yesterday: "Qadim 500 LI + 10+ KP"

    > > > > This RNG KP made us laugh in Discord. We are in week 3 bois.... :D

    > > >

    > > > Well.. you got to be 1) competent and 2) lucky, to join this group.. this game is all about getting a good RNG

    > > > I'm not qualify for this group as I only have 4 kp from 3kills ????

    > >

    > > i heard kp drops are performance related..... /s

    > > ;)

    > It should be.. Top dps gets 5kp lowest get one.. It explain why I get only 1 each time lol ?


    puh, this could be fun

    it could/would lead to following scenarios:


    a: nobody wants to do machanics anymore (would´t be that great of a difference i guess), or play a support role (no more nerf chrono threats,yay)

    b; nobody rezz or dodge anymore since its a dps loss, which could get chaotic since there is no more healer in the team (see point a)

    c; i would only let base mesmers in my team to secure my top spot. (who am i kitten, stil last place)




  13. WvW/PvP reward tracks are designed to get the same loot as an OW/strict PvE player. So it would reward pve players (like myself) double. i don´t think this would be a good/fair thing, and i can only imagine the drama and outcry that would come from that.

    and playing open world YOU ARE slowly working your way to certain loot you want.

  14. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > Yesterday: "Qadim 500 LI + 10+ KP"

    > > This RNG KP made us laugh in Discord. We are in week 3 bois.... :D


    > Well.. you got to be 1) competent and 2) lucky, to join this group.. this game is all about getting a good RNG

    > I'm not qualify for this group as I only have 4 kp from 3kills ????


    i heard kp drops are performance related..... /s


  15. > @"Ralistu.1965" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > Can we finally get out of the holy trinity meta?

    > > >

    > > > In all groups there has to be two chronos, one druid and one warrior.

    > > >

    > > > That's pretty kitten annoying.

    > > >

    > > > Please anet. Open this up, so other classes get a chance to be played as well.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > even with these "locked spots" you are able to bring every other class in a 10man team. where is the problem?


    > 9*3= 27. you can bring all 27 with you? remember, there are 3 specs per class.


    > I thought raids in GW2 were only 10 mans.


    I think you discussed this matter enough with cyni.... but.. .I have the option between 9 classes when I make a new character. I can change elite specs on the fly without relogging.... There are 9 classes

  16. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > Can we finally get out of the holy trinity meta?


    > In all groups there has to be two chronos, one druid and one warrior.


    > That's pretty kitten annoying.


    > Please anet. Open this up, so other classes get a chance to be played as well.




    even with these "locked spots" you are able to bring every other class in a 10man team. where is the problem?

  17. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > Some bars decline with chill. Others don't. Same with cripple, slow, and other conditions.

    > > >

    > > > Some break bars regenerate over time. Others only regenerate after the are broken.

    > > >

    > > > Some break bars, when broken, have an effect that weakens the monster. Others make them more powerful.

    > > >

    > > > Some break bars require a high amount of breaking attacks, while others are relatively easy.

    > > >

    > > > Etc.

    > >

    > > you have a few outliers, (i only know one OW boss that requires chill) but in generall they all work the same.

    > >


    > We're not discussing just bosses; we're discussing break-bars. And, those aren't outliers; there are dozens of exceptions to the main "rules".


    Where? I don't think it's intellectually to demanding that people will notice that cc bars are not functioning the same every time. It's about giving a general introduction. Not every mechanic in an instance or ow needs to be explained 100%. And that general intruduction is lacking or better, not there at all. It seams to be very confusing to be honest. I had a talk with 3 25k+ap players that thought you can only cc when the blue bar is gone.

  18. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > Some bars decline with chill. Others don't. Same with cripple, slow, and other conditions.


    > Some break bars regenerate over time. Others only regenerate after the are broken.


    > Some break bars, when broken, have an effect that weakens the monster. Others make them more powerful.


    > Some break bars require a high amount of breaking attacks, while others are relatively easy.


    > Etc.


    you have a few outliers, (i only know one OW boss that requires chill) but in generall they all work the same.


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