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Posts posted by sigur.9453

  1. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > While I like the idea of a tutorial on it, I don't think it would work. Because there are so many different kinds of break bars, it would be impossible to explain them all in a tutorial in a way that could be remembered.


    > What's also needed is different-colored break bars, for the various different kinds.


    Different breakbars? Please tell me more.


    Just add a door in every story instance that needs to be CC'd to open.


  2. > @"Leinhart.2981" said:

    > Hello,

    > First of all, I'm sorry if the topic has already been discussed before!

    it has....



    > I would like to have a CLEAR answer from Anet about their opinion concerning ARC DPS. I never installed it because their position isn't clear. Is this thing clearly allowed or not?


    it is

    > And why don't you add a personal DPS meter IG? I'm not interested in the other players' DPS, only mine, because I want to improve my own skills, not to judge my teammates.


    would be nice, but if you have no other dps to compare your dps with whats the the deal?

    > The current system is in my opinion insane for the community, especially in raid mode. If you want my opinion, it would be a good idea to just add a "my DPS" tool in game, and to add a "show the party my DPS" possibility or something like that. This way, the ones who want to compare their E pen*s can compare with their mates, and the ones who just want to see their own performances can do it aswell. Of course, the ones not interested in such a device just don't use it.



    "cairn 250Li +, dps meter or kick" your idea hasn´t been thought trough realy


    > You have to admit, the DPS optimization is now a part of your game, mostly in raids and T4 fractals, but even in WvW. It would be fair for everyone to clarify the situation and to deal with the cancer some can live in raids. I know, it's frustrating to play with bad players, but some are just not that bad. Still, if some cancer players judge that their mates are unable to reach a certain amount of damages, they just kick them.


    i am happy that i am in good health, others are not, so maybe you should bring your wording into question.


    > The community is the best of any MMO in my opinion. Unfortunately, a bad management of the DPS meter can ruin the experience of many players and divide them. Some, by elitism, think they are above the others and have a bad behaviour, some others just want to play for fun and are kicked because they're unable to reach the "needed threshold" or judged, just because they don't practice as much as the first category or anything else.


    i also play for fun, who would have guessed, but fun is very hard to argue about, since everyone defines it in another way. i kick/leave players that interfere with MY fun.

    double standards.




  3. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > Still don't get why people are always so shocked if asked to join "training groups" before they are allowed in experienced groups.

    > > > > Nobody would let drive a car into high traffic by yourself and without a clue either. There is a reason why there are driving lessons, tests, driving instructors or parents watching you (or whichever system your country uses). While some people shouldn't drive a tall. Simply said... to avoid disaster.

    > > >

    > > > The first problem is getting into training-groups/guilds/communities due to the lack of visiblity/publicity of these. The LFG just isn't sufficient. The second problem is getting into decent/experienced groups once you've done some training since the LI/LF/KP-requirements reached grotesque dimensions. That way, the raiding-community makes an already very niche game-mode even more niche by creating an artificial inaccessiblity - the raiding community is basically digging its own grave.

    > > >

    > > > What most people apparently don't understand is the fact that such darwinistic (LI/LD/KP) hierarchies are unhealthy for MMORPGs anyway. Healthy MMOs need a healthy mix of player-types to make content successful. "Not so good" players will keep "not so good" players down while good players will push other good players - that's especially true in GW2 due to how PvE works here and considering how very overrewarding high DPS is due to phasing- and other mechanics. That's why - in a healthy MMO - you want a good mix of player-types to make the content more enjoyable for everyone. GW2 is the very first MMO I've met such a ridiculous hierarchy - and I've played many MMOs during the last 15 years, so I guess I may be able to actually say that GW2 is quite unhealthy in that regard.

    > >

    > > to be fair, while i agree with you partly. the difference between a "good player" and a "not so good player" is immense here compared to other mmo´s. the difference between "good stats" and "bad stats" aswell.

    > > imo, there is something realy off if you can do 10 times the dps when you choose the right stats + rotation then "random stats + skills on cooldown". Dont get me wrong i highly appreciate rewarding gameplay (i know my class and i can play it well = good dps).

    > > and do not talk about traits, 80% are useless after all.

    > > a lot of choices =/= a lot of good choices.

    > > chances are pretty high that a random pug with no LI & KP has never seen snowcrows.com or metabattle, because "its just a game" mentality or lets say the "i can do open world content on my own without dying, so i must be good" mindset. (we have all been there)

    > > its also shocking that if you run open world event not a lot of ppl seam to know basic game mechanics (CC) which isn´t there fault per se, its rather on anets fault not "teaching" this stuff.

    > > this stuff will make it harder for you/your group to kill a boss, so ppl are moving the savest way.

    > >

    > > regarding trainings groups:

    > > idealy you will find new friends there to form new statics, or join the guilds which hosted them. we do them on occation or rather take unexp ppl with us, its not unusual that they want to join us after .and we are currently running 6 statics in our guild. (obviously on different skill/exp levels)

    > > lfg is a pretty nice tool, that a lot of people do net even know it exist, which is again on anets part to "teach". other that that ppl need to "take matter in their own hand". there was a player in aerodrom yesterday that simply asked "i want to start raiding, anyone here willing to teach". the majority of peoply simply wont do that since the rest of the game is "antisocial" af.


    > Then you have the problem of the raid-reward-structures. Some people simply don't want to raid anymore if they've already done their weekly full clear since they won't get any rewards after that. ArenaNet really needs to revamp that reward-system in a meaningful way which encourages people to take part in the content more.


    yes thats also a big part of the problem. but i understand this would be to hard to balance reward wise. i ony could imagine a daylie boss of some sort that rewards bufffood, minis or LI since everything gives LI nowadays.

  4. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > Still don't get why people are always so shocked if asked to join "training groups" before they are allowed in experienced groups.

    > > Nobody would let drive a car into high traffic by yourself and without a clue either. There is a reason why there are driving lessons, tests, driving instructors or parents watching you (or whichever system your country uses). While some people shouldn't drive a tall. Simply said... to avoid disaster.


    > The first problem is getting into training-groups/guilds/communities due to the lack of visiblity/publicity of these. The LFG just isn't sufficient. The second problem is getting into decent/experienced groups once you've done some training since the LI/LF/KP-requirements reached grotesque dimensions. That way, the raiding-community makes an already very niche game-mode even more niche by creating an artificial inaccessiblity - the raiding community is basically digging its own grave.


    > What most people apparently don't understand is the fact that such darwinistic (LI/LD/KP) hierarchies are unhealthy for MMORPGs anyway. Healthy MMOs need a healthy mix of player-types to make content successful. "Not so good" players will keep "not so good" players down while good players will push other good players - that's especially true in GW2 due to how PvE works here and considering how very overrewarding high DPS is due to phasing- and other mechanics. That's why - in a healthy MMO - you want a good mix of player-types to make the content more enjoyable for everyone. GW2 is the very first MMO I've met such a ridiculous hierarchy - and I've played many MMOs during the last 15 years, so I guess I may be able to actually say that GW2 is quite unhealthy in that regard.


    to be fair, while i agree with you partly. the difference between a "good player" and a "not so good player" is immense here compared to other mmo´s. the difference between "good stats" and "bad stats" aswell.

    imo, there is something realy off if you can do 10 times the dps when you choose the right stats + rotation then "random stats + skills on cooldown". Dont get me wrong i highly appreciate rewarding gameplay (i know my class and i can play it well = good dps).

    and do not talk about traits, 80% are useless after all.

    a lot of choices =/= a lot of good choices.

    chances are pretty high that a random pug with no LI & KP has never seen snowcrows.com or metabattle, because "its just a game" mentality or lets say the "i can do open world content on my own without dying, so i must be good" mindset. (we have all been there)

    its also shocking that if you run open world event not a lot of ppl seam to know basic game mechanics (CC) which isn´t there fault per se, its rather on anets fault not "teaching" this stuff.

    this stuff will make it harder for you/your group to kill a boss, so ppl are moving the savest way.


    regarding trainings groups:

    idealy you will find new friends there to form new statics, or join the guilds which hosted them. we do them on occation or rather take unexp ppl with us, its not unusual that they want to join us after .and we are currently running 6 statics in our guild. (obviously on different skill/exp levels)

    lfg is a pretty nice tool, that a lot of people do net even know it exist, which is again on anets part to "teach". other that that ppl need to "take matter in their own hand". there was a player in aerodrom yesterday that simply asked "i want to start raiding, anyone here willing to teach". the majority of peoply simply wont do that since the rest of the game is "antisocial" af.

  5. > @"Daniel.5428" said:

    > Is stupid to cry about doing Open-World. This is what the game mostly is. If you want instanced only mmo play Diablo and something else. MMORPGs are about open world. Pvp and W3 aremore like pvp-competitive and fractals, raids are more like co-op instances but the essence of the game is the Open-World activities, this is how it is in every MMORPG.


    and yet there are people only playing for instanced endgame content. i also hate open world grinds (or activities you called it here)



    >And, comparing to other content, raiding community is the lowest anyway. GW2 is going random ways anyway, is not even half as solid as the rulling MMOs on the market mainly because Anet became pretty cash-grabby. The replayability will never be resolved. The maps are badly designed. They are designed as a 2-3 weeks use only. They try to solve the replayability problem by introducing collections like requiem who force you to do those hearts for map currency over and over again. This is the problem with GW2. It has too many useless currencies. Every map has a different currency which is stupid.


    yes we raiders are a minority, but yet we are part of the game (a loyal one after all) same goes for pvp & wvw. so please don´t "opress" us.


    the currency actually **adds** "replayability" to all the maps, so not so stupid after all. but yes, the maps are pretty much once and done.



  6. > @"gonzi.7605" said:

    > The reason why raids was somehow popular in WoW was how easy it was to start raiding. Sure, there were people who would tryhard and goes with raid under 9,9999999999 min. But also many people dont care but that, they want just sit, 5 min and start raiding. And to be honest? It's the way game was made to play. Focus on fun, not on rush. While in gw2 its always bout "fast, faster, fastest". You deal only 14.90k dps while i did 15,1k = kick. And no, its not lie, even if i wish it was.


    > The best moment is when you get with 10 other RANDOM players, and you must just survive. You start thinking "how to make it?". And dont care that much about numbers or builds. That's the direction - pure fun. That's also the reason why i dont care bout raids anymore in gw2. From time to time i do some PUG with newbies just for this joy. But i dont give a f. about doing boss 2 mins faster than before. And also i never kick someone from my group as long as he try. I dont require him to play my way or dont play at all (like most people do), i just try to complete it. No matter how. Sure, you might call me casual, but guess what. I dont care, bcs for me you are casuals hiding behind expectation wall (nice coincident that you want "pro" players in team... for carring you? just saying) :P


    Raids where "easy" because dungeons did a pretty good job prepering you for it. Every mobgroup could be a potential wipe if you didn´t sheep/zap, dps, tank..correctly. gw2 doesn´t prepare you for instanced endgame at all. ("what is CC?")

    And raids where on a whole other organisation level then gw2 raids. 40ppl > 10ppl. with a lot of preping for it. (potions,etc.) in gw2 you open lfg and your in or make your own squad.

    "Fast, faster, fastest" in Gw2 translates into "easy, easier ,easiest", its not about the 1 minute less per boss (exept you go for a record), it´s about that 1 minute less time to make a mistake that wipes the group.

    Kicked for 200 less dps, IS a lie, or a chrono did 200 more, that it would be understandable.


    Fun is very subjectiv and should not take part in a discussion as a messuring element.

  7. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > > > I did B1 yesterday and tried B2. B1 was pretty much ok, but multiple usage of the sword-skill probably isn't intended? B2 pissed me off though. You'd think they learn from community-backlash about balancing, but apparently they don't. It's really, really, really bad game-design to create a dps-check where one class blatantly and by a large margin outperforms other classes. It's somewhat acceptable at bosses like KC, Matthias or Cairn, since these have rather lenient enrage-timers, but for the love of god, not at an encounter which is a dps-check so that stacking a certain class basically turns the encounter into easy mode - especially a class that is broken anyway concerning its dps-potential in real scenarios. It's even more stupid since the encounter has a CM.

    > > > >

    > > > > I do wonder if it is not also because people are still learning the encounter. So people perform worse on hard classed

    > > >

    > > > I don't think so. Mirage is OP at this encounter due to the nature of how a Mirage "dodges" and due to the nature of the conditions a Mirage provides. Mirage's dodging mechanics lead to a lot of bonus dps in comparison to other classes due to how AoE- and thus dodge-heavy the encounter is. Also, both confusion and torment lead to a lot of bonus-damage due to how the bosses behave.

    > >

    > > Mirage is pretty nice on that boss(es), but you actually **do not have to dodge at** all for the whole encounter. Already saw some CM videos where they only used power classes, so it should be fine.


    > Yeah this was also part of my reasoning, we don't know yet how much of the fight can be distorted etc.

    > I'm guessing the big circle attack with the first largos can by ignored by stability.


    Nah, just stand on the outer side of the circle and you won't be kicked. The closer to the middle the harder you will fly. Bubbles you can just step out. And jump over Shockwave.... No dodging required

  8. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > I did B1 yesterday and tried B2. B1 was pretty much ok, but multiple usage of the sword-skill probably isn't intended? B2 pissed me off though. You'd think they learn from community-backlash about balancing, but apparently they don't. It's really, really, really bad game-design to create a dps-check where one class blatantly and by a large margin outperforms other classes. It's somewhat acceptable at bosses like KC, Matthias or Cairn, since these have rather lenient enrage-timers, but for the love of god, not at an encounter which is a dps-check so that stacking a certain class basically turns the encounter into easy mode - especially a class that is broken anyway concerning its dps-potential in real scenarios. It's even more stupid since the encounter has a CM.

    > >

    > > I do wonder if it is not also because people are still learning the encounter. So people perform worse on hard classed


    > I don't think so. Mirage is OP at this encounter due to the nature of how a Mirage "dodges" and due to the nature of the conditions a Mirage provides. Mirage's dodging mechanics lead to a lot of bonus dps in comparison to other classes due to how AoE- and thus dodge-heavy the encounter is. Also, both confusion and torment lead to a lot of bonus-damage due to how the bosses behave.


    Mirage is pretty nice on that boss(es), but you actually **do not have to dodge at** all for the whole encounter. Already saw some CM videos where they only used power classes, so it should be fine.

  9. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > When I was an adolescent of about 14 years on, I played my first (J)RPG in English. There was barely internet (it was the nineties) and I had a dictionary next to me. If I had problem to understand I picked it up and translated it. I mean that is dedication. Learn English, it's the door to internationality, to the world, to everything. I really don't get all these stubborn, hard headed cruise control people who want all in their language. Your country is not the center of the world. If you would all learn the internationally most important language the world would be a better place...


    i learned more english in games/tv/radio than in school, sad but true.

  10. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > > > > > Ultimately, the whole issue of language barriers disapears if everyone stops radiating pride and starts speaking english.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > why not French or german?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > i think we can agree that english is seen as the "global language" ?!

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I thought that Mandarin is the "global language" given how many people speak it.

    > > > >

    > > > > While you are correct on "how many people speak it part", english is still the international language for trade. -> global language

    > > >

    > > > I do wonder why ANet decided to add german, french and other translations (there should be a chinese version too), but ignore russian.

    > > > Then again the chat system is already ignoring greek, cyrillic and others.

    > >

    > > $$$$$$$$$

    > > or €€€€€€€ to exact.


    > Yeah money is always a factor, but then again why bother translating at all? Well french and germans might skip the game if it's not translated.

    > And the chat might be because they don't really want to moderate it. But then again that really doesn't help since I can still curse if I wanna using

    > latin characters. Isn't chat moderation actually done by the player base? I usually report inappropriate character names and conversations.


    Exactly they might skip the game. It´s an invest/return issue,. you can be sure that there were/are maket analysts hired, whom came to the conclusion "its not worth it".

    If you compare the quality of filmtranslations in germay/france to russia, you will also see(or hear to be exact) huge differences. There is a reason for everything if money is involved, you can trust that.

  11. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > > > Ultimately, the whole issue of language barriers disapears if everyone stops radiating pride and starts speaking english.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > why not French or german?

    > > > >

    > > > > i think we can agree that english is seen as the "global language" ?!

    > > >

    > > > I thought that Mandarin is the "global language" given how many people speak it.

    > >

    > > While you are correct on "how many people speak it part", english is still the international language for trade. -> global language


    > I do wonder why ANet decided to add german, french and other translations (there should be a chinese version too), but ignore russian.

    > Then again the chat system is already ignoring greek, cyrillic and others.



    or €€€€€€€ to be exact.

  12. > @"Deadvillager.1956" said:

    > New dungeons would be highly appreciated. Everyone likes dungeons and i miss the unique approach from anet. Just imagine what the fractals/raids team could do in a dungeon setup :(


    As a part of "everyone" i have to disagree.

    Trashmobs are no fun. Especially with that horrible "stack and smack" ai.

  13. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > > @"MauChann.3081" said:

    > > > Assuming from your post you will be playing only WvW during Halloween?

    > > >

    > > > For those not doing WvW but doing the Labyrinth. I heard that renegade shortbow is the new lootstick?

    > > > Otherwise we could always revert back to scourge I guess but I think using a renegade to farm enemies is worth a try?

    > >

    > > why? i would play deadeye short bow, perma quickness and just 1111 and f1 for quickness how easy.

    > >


    > > @"MauChann.3081" said:

    > > Assuming from your post you will be playing only WvW during Halloween?

    > >

    > > For those not doing WvW but doing the Labyrinth. I heard that renegade shortbow is the new lootstick?

    > > Otherwise we could always revert back to scourge I guess but I think using a renegade to farm enemies is worth a try?


    > Amateurs.


    > ![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tjzP_2mokyM/maxresdefault.jpg "")



    may be a bit better on the door events, but people forget how many mobs you can tag with sb thief inbetween, nothing can beat that.

    with over 5 thiefs in a squad, you will struggle to keep up. i saw a lot of angry engee players last year.


  14. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > i get what you mean, but mechanics are to easy currently, and cleave of EVERY class is way to high.


    > "Easy" is subjective, for some ,especially those that have done them for years, they are, but for others they are rather hard as evident by the amount of players clearing raids in the first place. You also find the mechanics simplistic, standing (or not) on fields, providing CC and so no, but for many others that's not the case, I'd wager that for the majority it's not.


    true. but i can only talk from my point of view. im only speaking for myself here.


    > > how is it preventing in that regard? what mechanics exist that are NOT possible when you have dedicated roles? How would it change the fight exept dancing around to stay behind the boss which is rotating all the time (=annoying)


    > I can compare Vale Guardian with Slothasor.

    > On Vale Guardian, that has a tank "role", that tank is the only person that is required to have any level of competence in playing the game, you can literally take first timers on VG and if the tank is good they can finish the fight. A competent tank makes VG a joke, regardless of the rest of the team. On Slothasor on the other hand, everyone needs to pay attention because they can become "tanks" at any moment, plus all the extra mechanics of Slothasor affect the team as a whole. On Vale Guardian you can pretty much carry the team easily, on Slothasor it's not as easy. And yes I'd say that if Slothasor had a dedicated tank it would be a much easier fight.


    again i can only talk from my pov.

    yes a good tank does almost all the work. the enrage time is far to forgivable and don´t talk about ignorable mechanics. now imagine a tight timer and green simply oneshots you if not done correctly. ---> everyone needs to pay attention.

    sloth is subjectivly harder i guess, yes. not necessary because there is no dedicated tank. it can get chaotic with inexpierenced players, but since you "only need to stand correctly" its not a big deal.

    Overall i would say if they made all the fight tighter, dmg and machanic wise, the tank would´t be forced to to 80% alone. but i imagine a majority wouldn´t like that either.

    See Dhuum, Yes, there is a tank, but you rarly get time to take a deep breath. But it´s considerer "to hard" for a lot of players. im all for more challenge, but with inclusion of said trinity (i like to take responibility tanking,healing,....)


    > But I guess it all boils down to:

    > > You will ALWAYS need someone to fill a specific role or task, like your sloth example below. if you need someone who pulls and a class without pull joins what do you do?

    > In other words, you don't need to enforce the traditional trinity roles to have roles in an encounter so you are not 1/10 that does the same thing without a trinity.

    > You said it yourself that good groups don't need a dedicated healer on many encounters, while obviously on other encounters you don't need a dedicated tank either. You "explain" this by calling it too easy, I say it's because the encounters allow creativity instead. In order to survive without a dedicated healer you must be doing something different other than just spamming damage. Why would you want to change that and make dedicated healers and tanks mandatory for all encounters?


    But whats ther difference then. you don´t have a tank, a healer 2 supports and Dps, you then have a pusher, a add cleaner ,....

    Wouldn´t that just be a rebranding of a trinity? you already to that btw, its simply "coinsidence" that those things are mostly done by tank/healer roles.

    Again, more mechanics for the group to deal with, or a lot of aoe effect (like desmina) im all in for.


    again, im talking for a more exp standpoint, playing dps =/= doing rota. its doing rota while avoiding incoming damage.

    healer is mandatory if you are not capable to do so. --> good design?!

    the encounters are already quite mixed, we have 1 tank, random tank, 2 tanks, no tanks. where is the problem?


    to make myself clear, im not saying i want everything to be trinity. i was just not on your viewpoint of it beeing a "terrible system".


  15. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > as i said, it is the last reason to communicate, even if its as little as "u tank or i?"


    > Only you don't really communicate that either in trinity games. You press a button, queue as the role you choose and you are done. And besides, that's bad communication, it means waiting for someone to come and fill that role. I've already tasted that waiting game and it's not fun (and nothing about communication)

    > The communication you get from mechanics is more important, like shouting "green" when a green circle spawn at Vale Guardian.


    You will ALWAYS need someone to fill a specific role or task, like your sloth example below. if you need someone who pulls and a class without pull joins what do you do?

    But since we are playing gw and there is no autogroup function, it does not matter.

    in my experience groups fill really fast, especially if you are in a raid active guild.

    i get what you mean, but mechanics are to easy currently, and cleave of EVERY class is way to high.

    Other then that is saldy very pug unfriendly, or at least the huge "i don´t want to talk to others on voice"- crowd would be very unhappy.


    > > in your own words, everyone would just role their head on the keyboard and provide dps, since nothing else matters (if encounters would stay as they are now), and it would even more feel like everyone for her/him self.


    > Only you need to take care of mechanics and can't only stand still and dps, that's what happens when you get a strict trinity. Fixation is one such mechanic that requires every player to do something at random times and stay focused, dropping high damaging area of effects at the appropriate place is another one, providing crowd control to break bars, move specific adds to specific places, stand in green circles, they are all mechanics that far better emphasize "roles" in a game rather than having a tank, a healer and a dps that each take a specific role and do a specific thing before the fight even begins.


    You already need to take care of mechanics, which sadly boils down to (not) stand in a glowy field. and providing CC is aswell dps´s job. (where a lot still fail). This is also a huge factor why dps of some people is so wide apart (even on simple roation classes) they can´t handle it already. So simple saying dps = rota is bs, sry.

    Moving adds to specific places -> KC? i would love a hp buff on adds at other bosses in that regard, that someone is actually "in charge" off add controll, again, cleave is to strong.

    Or you have "friends" on samarog, which is at best annoying.

    i would love some more mechanics to deal with while "interacting with one another". But no reason to get rid of the trinity because of that.


    > > i don´t like to be 1/10 to do a bit of everything


    > When fighting Slothasor, some players will need to decide the pattern they will follow when eating their mushrooms, sometimes players use reflections, others use pulls skills to deal with the adds, you also need a good amount of crowd control. Slothasor doesn't need a tank and in a sense nor a healer. Yet it has important role splits and communication is very important. You are not 1/10 that does a bit of everything when fighting Slothasor because you have a role in that fight. A different role than someone else. Yet there is no trinity involved there.


    So? i still see the same classes at sloth like on any other boss.(with trinity) and like samarog, beeing tank is an annoyance at best. the fight would be the same with a dedicated tank imo.


    > Other bosses are more complex than that, like Dhuum or Matthias, while some are simpler, like Gorseval. You don't NEED to have tank/healer/dps roles (the trinity) to have exciting mechanics and role splits. In fact, the trinity prevents creative usage of mechanics and is the lazy way out.


    how is it preventing in that regard? what mechanics exist that are NOT possible when you have dedicated roles? How would it change the fight exept dancing around to stay behind the boss which is rotating all the time (=annoying)



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