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Posts posted by TPMN.1483

  1. Simple fact is this:

    It does not give another player an advantage over another in-game.

    It does not automate actions.


    *A large portion of the player base are using it*

    Banning players now for using it (after it has been in use for over a year) would result in a massive uproar against ANET and significant bad press.


    ANET would have to release a statement to the community first telling people to stop using it and give a grace window for this to apply like they did with gw2bagwam DPS metre (which broke TOS).

  2. If a group DPS is low - how do you fix it?


    Generally in a strike mission it may be one or two DPS who are low pulling less DPS than the support classes. You need to isolate,fix or remove these - with only group DPS showing it’s not possible. Hence an individual colour range DPS helps in this instance.

  3. Sarcasm warning ⚠️



    ANET are publishing a new rent a super computer model for GW2. You will be able to rent a supercomputer in the same AWS data centre as the GW2 servers.


    Lag has been eliminated from WvW,PvE and PvP as you game machine is now inside ANETs AWS data centre. You can now subscribe to ANETs rent a GW2 Supercomputer model from June 1st.


    Pricing to be confirmed, Marketing to be confirmed, Release year to be confirmed (when it’s ready).



    **You can do this for yourself right now**

    Technical details are here : (Windows)


    *Yes* you can rent a Nvidia Gaming PC inside AWS and build a cloud gaming service. Pricing is / hr.





    —If this works, this would be a viable replacement.

  4. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > What about an idea like a stat sheet after a boss showing

    > 1. Total group dps

    > 2. Total group healing

    > 3. Total group boon uptime

    > 4. Total damage avoided (not sure they could calculate dodges/aegis, etc)


    > This way it would give you an idea on the health of your group, but would not be singling people out.


    You need to know an individuals DPS range at least - right now this is aimed at those without arc (who won’t install it or don’t know it exists and want to have an idea how they are vs others). The reason I suggest 5-10K ranges represented by colour is so that people don’t get singled out for being a couple of K less. It could even be via colour intensity as more DPS is done.


    This could also then help people realise why are 10 people in my squad doing like massive DPS and I hardly do any (eg open world - where ANET reports massive differences in DPS).


    ArcDPS will give all the detailed info after the fight as a lot of the things that you are suggesting are actually quite hard to do (No.2,4)


  5. > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > Yeah, and force the dps race even more. No thanks. I largely prefer tactics and mechanics instead of just " MOARR DAMAGE!!! ".

    > Also, it will make lots of people quit high end pve or even quit the game.

    > As for me, I don't need video games to be an additional source of stress. Thanks.



    The high end PVE already use DPS metres so why would they quit if a simple dps metre was also there?



    > P.S. While we're at it, there's tons of stats combos out there. Could be nice to see more viable builds using other stats instead of the same 2 that has been used for 6 years and more.


    There are defn. more than two viable builds using more stats than 2 - the meta has shaken things up several times.

  6. We have arcdps as our more accurate metre - a simple metre is that stepping stone for players to start becoming aware of what damage they are doing. I don’t expect ANET have the resources or will to develop a full blown DPS metre- hence a simple one would be a start for those who don’t install arc.

  7. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > There is, it's called being gate keeped out of being able to even play the content. Which the """veterans""" are content on doing, even if it means the destruction of their own game to the point where they need to quit and move onto another game(Where btw, they'll be gate keeped out of!)


    Many Veterans offer specific training and have setup Guilds,Discord Servers,Guides and training videos to help players get experienced. I believe the Veteran players are entitled to have their high requirement groups when they want an experienced fast run with people who understand every mechanic, will clear easily (most of the time) and understand what’s going on without explanation.


    There are many veterans who have put time aside to train new players so they can become more experienced and learn at a faster rate than they did. Veteran players may have spent 10-15hrs on every boss learning it - there is nothing stopping you forming a group with friends and trying to work out how to kill a particular price of content.

  8. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > - Find a training run.

    > > - Find a guild which does raids and takes new players for practice runs.

    > > - Join a raid training discord and join practice runs.


    > Sick joke, this games raids are not mechanically hard enough to require this and it's flat out insulting to peoples intelligence to keep not only suggesting, but doing it.


    > WoW does not have training runs, you show up and play the game. Gate keeping is why this games in a downward spiral and has been for years.



    I’m sorry that this doesn’t even hold true for GW2.

    Took a low Killproof raider into Mursaat Overseer - they did fine, Samarog was a different story.

    Their DPS on MO-28K, Samarog - 5K (Other DPS in group was >15K).


    It was obvious they didn’t know the mechanics, Same build on that person, they were not allowed to continue to Cairne as we felt they might wipe the group and be doing too little DPS. We did explain to this person that we felt they were not ready for this group and explained why. They whispered me back they were new to raids.


    The reason for training runs is for people to get better and understand the fight. Some people may just get it quickly others need to practice. Players want to run with likeminded level of ability, ethos and within their skill range and have fun.

  9. So hang on ... Gorseval can be 4 man'd:


    This has enrage which hard-wipe mechanics... all of the bosses have been low-manned as the timers are honestly there so you dont spend 30 mins - 1 hr killing a boss.

    Many groups will kill them with more than half the time left on the clock.


  10. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Vilin.8056" said:

    > > 1 x healbrand, 1x Alac Gade, 1x Banner Slave, 1x Heal Scourge(No Golem), 6x Condi Scourge

    > quickens only for 5?


    > > @"TPMN.1483" said:

    > > Why do they need nerfing if its possible to solo them?

    > player skill is different. If we tank about content not for 3% yes, it should be nerfed.



    Its 100% possible that over 80% of the population can easily do raids if they are prepared to gear, train and put some practice in.

  11. > @"Vilin.8056" said:

    > Been running a farm squad and we have evolved a cheese strategy:

    > 1 x healbrand, 1x Alac Gade, 1x Banner Slave, 1x Heal Scourge(No Golem), 6x Condi Scourge


    > Stack center, Chill Grasp everything, Face tank everything with barriers.

    > Everything simply melted in the massive stacks of sand shades.


    Exactly - this strike mission seems far too easy.

  12. > >there is a time limit to kill a boss, however with 8 healers this can be mitigated on many bosses

    > yes, we try 7-8 healers setup in raid long time ago too. It not works, enrage to big. So we should wait then enrage will be removed.


    - 3 Man Vale Guardian with enrage timer.

    - Solo Vale Guardian.

    - Solo Spirit Vale

    - Trio Matthias.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq8rHO-PZAE - Solo Cairne


    Yes - its going to take longer, but this is possible to heal through enrage timers.


    Why do they need nerfing if its possible to solo them?

  13. Why does it take days to learn how to DPS? It takes 30 mins tops - to improve your DPS to 80% of the benchmarks and you'll be a better player for it.


    > > Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place

    > So that enough reduce raid boss damage 30% and remove any encounters. Also make raid achievement not dependable from encounters time. What we see it now and what strike have don't assign with Andrew Grey vision. People not want spend days on golem and spam buttons in specific order and priority.


    Raid achievements are not based from an encounters time - there is a time limit to kill a boss, however with 8 healers this can be mitigated on many bosses and the first boss Vale Guardian has been solo'd beyond the encounters time.


    The damage from raid bosses in most instances is low as many groups run only one healer - perhaps if you had actually Raided for any length of time you would then be able to make comments that are factual. If damage was reduced by 30% groups would run no healers.

  14. > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

    > > @"Lexi.1398" said:

    > > will likely kick you as soon as they see someone failing mechanics constantly/doing like 2k dps on a dps build.

    > It is no matter what dps you have they kick you with no chance, because requirements first that they need.I have 15li and know mecanics but they still compare with li not with trying.

    Groups want success - individuals with more experience are more likely to be successful. If a person with high LI dies, performs badly - they will still be kicked. If you can show them video proof that you can do high DPS in groups and not fail mechanics, then it is more likely you may make it into a higher LI requirement group.


    > > I don't know what sort of training groups you've tried to find but i've certainly never heard of an actual training group that requires killproof (aka, you already know the boss mechanics) for a boss they're trying to teach you how to kill...?

    > But facts say it is not that you think.


    You are defn. looking in the wrong places, see here:




  15. > @"frqnbbsov.9806" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > The LFG groups which demands 250 LI or more are NOT for beginners.


    > I saw only this in lfg, the fact is that I play about 4 month and I have only 15 li, if we get statistics I know exactly more players will agree with me, in guild there are requirements too. The most common action is kicked from squad.



    Getting kicked is the correct action - you are not experienced enough to play in that group and will find it frustrating as you will not know whats going on.

    If you kill all the bosses in W1-4, you will get 15 LI each week - In 16 weeks you will have your 250 LI.


    Check out the 'training' guilds which have low requirements on the prior links and message I posted.

  16. If a group are asking for Legendary Insights and Kill Proof - it is because they want someone experienced which will not cause a group wipe. Many groups will also require externally validated kill proofs such as via http://killproof.me .

    There are training raid groups that will 'train' you and help you get some kill proof and legendary insights: https://www.snowcrows.com/raids/training/ -- check the link.


    The statistics on how things players have, I would check via https://gw2efficiency.com/ - it a good % sample of the playerbase. Generally 1% of the player-base who has registered on efficiency has the 250 LI / LD .


    The requirements for many is that you have a character properly geared, which you should be able to do and spend time getting this. I would advise having a 'DPS' class ready geared to start training and contact one of the groups or use the "looking for guild" section in the forums to find a group that will help you.


    PVE Legendary armor is from Raids, PVP Legendary armor is from PVP, WvW Legendary armor is from WvW. There is very little benefit of having legendary armor above ascended armor. This is not WoW where a higher tier of armor gives you more damage or damage absorption. This is designed for players who have many hours in the game and can be obtained with dedication, time and some effort.

  17. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"TPMN.1483" said:

    > > Why do you need 3 healers ? I did it with 2 - one for each sub squad.

    > I have my own vision and strategy. For example I for boneskiner I bring 5 heal (2hfb, driud, hscg, alacheal) So for CW strike 3 is optimal (2hfb + druid or hsg)

    > I don't say that this is best way. I say that I like that way.

    _I wish ANET would stop the cheese strategy of stacking far too many healers - and fix the boneskinner encounter_


    > >The mission seems easy just like Mursatt Overseer as you hardly move and play wack a mole.

    > sorry, can't compare, I don't go raids usaly. It is too toxic.

    _If you don't go to raids - how do you know ? This seems like a broad brush statement which is factually incorrect. The Mursatt Overseer is a boss which hardly moves and people mostly just do damage moving occasionally and is considered one of the easiest raid bosses._



    > > I'm not sure how such easy strike missions act as a bridge between FOTM -> RAIDS: This was meant to be the purpose for strike missions.

    > Don't think that strike have some additional purpose. Just only some part of content.


    From Andrew Grey at ArenaNet - the purpose of strike missions:

    _Our intention was for Strike Missions to be that intermediary step into 10-person content. As we've mentioned before and you've likely noticed, strike missions are getting harder. Once a full suite of strike missions is complete there should be a graceful ramp up to the existing raid content rather than the imposing leap that previously existed, and our hope is once that ramp is in place, the number of players participating in raids will go up. In addition to that, we're striving to make improvements to Strike Missions themselves to make grouping easier, and to improve the rewards. We hope this will help introduce more people to 10-person content, which will in turn increase the number of people interested in Raids._


  18. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > this is good strike. May be best. Completed 10+ times. I like it.

    > With strong 250KP group with 3 heals completed very nice.

    > With non kp group we have fail 100% but nice that progress not lost and we continue and finish. So for non kp group may be it a little bit too hot


    Why do you need 3 healers ? I did it with 2 - one for each sub squad. The mission seems easy just like Mursatt Overseer as you hardly move and play wack a mole.


    I'm not sure how such easy strike missions act as a bridge between FOTM -> RAIDS: This was meant to be the purpose for strike missions.

    T4 CMs seem harder than many of the strike missions released so far (except Bone Skinner if done right).

  19. It looks like you can just stack in one spot, Occasionally move due to choppers pull mobs for 6-7 mins and play wack a mole (and a few occasional shoot the choppers in action cam) to max chests; am I missing something ?


    The hardest part seems to be getting your chests at the end without burning to death as the fire walls remain in place too long.


    Not sure why we have to do this strike 50 times for an achievement/mastery.


    Any thoughts about the new strike?


  20. They can do what WoW has done - upgrade the engine, release further expansions and continue under the GW2 branding. There is no reason iterative development can not be done.


    At this point many veteran players have so many more hours invested compared to GW1 , shifting to a GW3 may be one cut to many.

  21. “ The only reason I can begin to fathom is that the Devs think that kitten dps is a decent trade-off for a bit more sustain.”


    This is exactly the devs thinking and why they applied major needed nerfs to the class which removed it originally from T4 FOTM pug meta many months ago.


    The epidemic skill nerf hit necros hard when they were meta for Dhuum CM and other fights.


    TBF - I understand the logic and am fine with the devs thinking on necro.

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