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Posts posted by TPMN.1483

  1. So it becomes even cheaper to have multiple characters than it does for equipment templates (aka loadouts) with this proposed update from anet as could potentially just share leg armour/weapons/rings.


    One good way of checking what players think of items is by looking at what is being offered on sale in the gem store and if there is a noticeable rise in the gold -> gem cost. Build templates went on sale and there was no real rise, character slots went on sale and the gold->gem cost went up by over 50g/ for 400 gems.

  2. This is a minor QoL item - however which then concerns me is the following with the legendary item:

    * Infusions

    * sigils (Ordinary ones - inc legendary ones!)

    * Runes (Ordinary ones - inc legendary ones).


    These were originally bound to that item - Where is that left ? on the character that had the weapon?

    -- please start to think this through properly on how it would work and give a better update;


    What does not work is the 'build template' part of the characters (especially the "equipment loadouts") . "Equipment Template functionality" - needs the ability to be saved to an external source ASAP. I would even prioritise that above this update that is being talked about in this post and the feedback that legendary items are devalued is due to the fact that equipping a legendary item forgets all these aspects of the item.


    It takes too long to configure a legendary item if it is put on a character, the runes, sigils and infusions and costs far too much with the equipment loadout function across multiple characters.


    The fact the legendary gear looses all its upgrades, sigils, infusions when copied to another character makes this impossible to use even with this update that is proposed.... Right now it is easier to have another ascended weapon on a character and have that than this system even with the proposed changes as above.


    For one class, I may have the need for the following equipment templates which includes 'gear and armor loadouts which vary':

    * 6-7 raid equipment loadouts ; 6 FoTM builds; 3 PvP builds; 2-3 WvW Builds; 2-3 Builds.


    Please start listening to your consumers.

  3. A lot of these high priced items will be bought to keep the prices high.. bit like de beers used to do with diamonds. They used to buy he majority of the worlds diamonds and then choose what price they could be sold at and how many would be released. This helps keep the prices artificially high.


    Some GW2 TP traders have stockpiles of these to show off their wealth and have created a bit of a pyramid effect. Drop rates can change if anet chooses to - as they are the ones which choose the supply of the market. The people who it will affect most are those who have stockpiled them.


    The average player is not affected, someone who has one or two may see a cut in their items value. Those who use them because they like the effect are not affected. The people who use them to flaunt their wealth are the most affected.


    ANET has changed drop rates of items in the past - both increase and decreased for numerous items. (Halloween weapons for example - eg Revenge, and modified drop rates from silverwastes).

  4. @Killthehealersffs.8940 - Players were getting upset with a build inspect tool - however this is off-topic.


    http://martionlabs.com/stopping-development/ - check the reason for stopping development:

    "_**Stopping development**_

    I’m stopping development of my mechanics log and boon table plugins. In practice I haven’t touched the code in over a month, but the recent announcement of official build templates has lost whatever faith I had left in Arenanet. There have been content releases for GW2. There has been a drought – sure – but things like the new Icebrood Saga and Strike Mission are “content”. It’s just not content I enjoy playing. I am a raider. Raids in GW2 have been very slow to come out. Still, Wing 7 was a raid and it made the game better than not releasing anything at all.

    Enter official build templates. This is a patch that Arenanet has been working on for a long time. By doing this, they force Delta to disable his templates. Yet, the official build templates cannot do as much as the unofficial one that Delta made. My ranger has 20+ templates (1 per boss + power/condi/wvw roaming/misc). Such a use case is simply not supported by the official solution.

    The microtransactions are also really dumb to me. If they are trying to monetize the raid community, they should have said something about how they are working on a new raid, maybe? I would have been happier if on the same day they said “…and we’re working on wing 8 to be released later this year”, but they didn’t. They effectively want us to pay for something worse than what we already had for free with no promise of what that money is going towards.

    Build templates were the 1st example for me where Arenanet spent a significant amount of resources making raids worse. That is why I drew the line at build templates.

    I will still be raiding in Guild Wars 2, but not enough to maintain the plugins for any new content. The existing plugins will work as they do now as long as arcdps itself maintains the same combat api."


    -- The decrease in the number of raiders is the length of time is has taken to get raid wings released.

    W1 - Nov 2015 | W2 - March 2016 (4 months after W1) | W3 - June 2016 (3 Months after W2) | W4 - Feb 2017 ( 9 Months) | W5 - Nov 2017 (9 months) | W6 - Sept 2018 (10 months) | W7 - June 2019 (9 months) … .Fast forward to Feb 2020 (11 months and no new RAID wing) - no wing 8.

    - You will see a drop off after W4 as many were complaining how long it was taking to release raids, w5 was tied to an expansion with the 3 releases being very spaced out which will show a drop in people doing than an increase in players... new players learning raids will start with W1-W4 not W5, 6 or 7; as often they will do W1-W4 or parts of it to get the LI for legendary armour.


  5. The implementation as is right now is not defensible - the equipment templates as designed; especially the equipment loadouts are a failure. They have not given anything - 2 equipment loadout slots; If I'm running a Chrono the amount of equipment loadouts I require is > 6. The maximum the game allows is 6 for a character - I cannot save them outside the game, they are prohibitively expensive still. How it has been handled so far without listening to player feedback from those that have been asking for this for a long time has been poor. There is no doubt that the "devs" do care - however, I would not agree we are super spoiled and these are massive problems for those who wish to play higher end content. For the people who run a couple of builds (e.g. 2) with minor changes; great - it works.. .for those with many builds (which is a lot of the more skilled players tbf) the system is despicable.


    Six months is a decent amount of time to implement something that remedies the situation - the ability to save/parse/load the equipment loadout externally would be a minimal fix from a player perspective and go a long way to restoring the conversation between the player and publishers.

  6. > @"Black Storm.6974" said:

    > Thank you for the effort you are putting into developing build and equipment “templates”.

    > They seems good to me and I hope you can make them even better with future updates.

    > I’m glad we have this official system instead of that third party tool that most people would never use.


    The problem is those who need it most have been punished the most - this system we have is not really giving people much at all. All it has done has replaced your PVE/WvW/PvP slot with a single equipment loadout (not template). I am still annoyed how a third-party tool that was free was still far superior and ANET decided to wallop a banhammer on it. Try using the system extensively and see if it really works for you - the current implementation falls far short of what is needed even as a MVP release.

  7. When you are in a personal story mission and unlock a POI in there for the first time it does not unlock the AP for the tutorial achievement for that map.

    Please fix - as often characters may unlock that POI for the first time inside the personal story and it just stalls the achievement.


    I found this was the case on Asura personal story (was a thief) POI inside the lab and various others had to be triggered in a different character if I first triggered the POI inside the story

  8. the answer is it depends how many gear templates you have - for each character a hardcore player looks something like:

    2-3 WvW builds (gear+skills)/2-6 FoTM Builds/12-13 RAID builds (due to each boss having minor, major tweaks or power DPS,condi DPS, heal variants)/2-3 PvP builds...try remembering 10+ equipment template loadouts and which skill builds go with what. The clicking of changing legendary weapons /infusions and part armor stats is extensive and takes a long time to do. When it takes longer to change the build than clearing a fractal or raid boss - there is a problem; even with the best memory in the world.


    Get it wrong for an area/zone/boss can mean the difference of life or death in an area -> time wasted -> frustration-> want to uninstall.


    Remembering all the gear and skills with the current system is an epic fail and takes forever. The current system actually punishes people and ingraines them to not change builds around (esp equipment).

  9. If there were only two things ANET could do to improve this feature what would yours be and why ?... (Its been 6 months so far with no real improvement or listening to the official feedback we've given them at all).


    _Note:__ Limiting this to two things specifically around "equipment" loadouts makes it more likely that something can be implemented quickly than a big change which would take a long time. I do agree that the implementation is messy etc (one file/button would be nice to load everything - but this is a "big change" requiring lots of time to coding/qa/test etc ).. however if I only had two improvements that could be made in the next 6 months..._. (If you need a reminder on how it currently works - check out the ANET video:



    I'm torn between the following two choices (Option A or B):

    **A. Copyable chat loadout codes & preview loadout codes** - with a warning stating somethings are not in the inventory to be equipped if needed but continues to apply it.


    _**How would it work:**_

    * The code generated would be the same as the current GW2 API JSON file implementation (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:2/characters/:id/equipment) and be stored a pre-located memory space allowing this to be copied into the windows clipboard (which has no space limitations).

    * There would be a preview option to see what the requested "loadout" looks like (ANET can beg/borrow code from GW2 Efficiency to read their own API if needed).

    * It would force validation check on loading and not load any pieces not held in a players inventory and automatically swap stats/infusions/transfusions as needed.

    * We know that the code to interpret a copy existing code template -> another code template already exists; this would require some additional code changes to make sure the items are in the inventory and then mark them to be used in a loadout before putting them into the loadout slot.


    _**Why this option? ...**_

    * This would fix the legendary armor/weapons not equipping sigils/infusions/stats when put into a new loadout slot as this would be saved in the code.

    * Allow myself to properly utilise 10+ equipment loadouts I regularly use for various characters without any additional cost if I want to save the information externally and view builds that I may have forgotten about.

    * Reuse of current existing codebase that ANET already uses which can also create a file compatible with third-party fan-sites to interpret as its based upon the GW2 API.

    * Allow sharing of full build to be shown to other characters in-game - one of the big holdbacks in trying to get people into strike missions -> fotm -> raids; is not understanding what a "good" current build may look like which includes armor/weapons/traits. A lot of new players don't use third party sites and being able to share in-game allows us to help educate individuals on what "good" looks like.


    **B. A reduction on cost to 500 gems/character for max loadouts increased to 10 loadouts** - this is a quick-fix; where at current gold/gem prices. The cost is prohibitively expensive for players who have invested with multiple characters (e.g. one of each profession and some with up to 64 characters !) .


    _**How would it work:**_

    * Issue gem refunds to those who have already purchased many equipment loadouts - they are likely to spend them on other areas of the game and that becomes a 'win-win' for ANET and the player (It has been done before for perm. harvesting tools).

    * Big press release... "we wanted to ensure all the bugs were ironed out... we want to give the players more flexibility in the way they want to play... " - aka spin it in a positive way.


    _**Why this options ? ...**_

    * Current farming averages around 10-15g/hour; costs about 2000 gems (~730gold) for a character to have 6 loadouts = 48 hrs farming. Which is about 2 weeks for a hard-core player or 12 weeks for someone that plays 4 hrs / week (aka casual). It has been proven to be cheaper to create a new character, expand its bags, power level it up than buy any loadouts.

    * It would encourage people to have more experimentation for a character as they have the "idea" saved in a loadout slot rather than be fixed to two different equipment builds.

    * The ANET "analytics" team (aka player engagement/success) - can prove if the loadout slots have reduced the number of builds different player are running and how successful they have been with different groups of people. This is something people should be using in a MMO like GW2 to enhance their gameplay.

    * Multiple character costs: 2000gems x 9 = 6.5K Gold or (9x$25 gem cards) = $225 USD. This is excessive in any MMO for a "feature" which was available for free in GW1 with unlimited expansion and removed from third party utilities at the request of ANET. I am not prepared to "invest" in ANET right now with the lack of "expansion" level functions/features and the lack of content that I want to play (sry ANET - living story does not cut it) and this is a different topic for another day.

    * Note: that I do not use the 'build' skills loadout and use a third party tool to manage my builds which is much more sophisticated and usable than ANETs implementation - so they are already receiving 0 gems/$0 from me for this part of the feature

  10. Mounts / Gliders do not apply in Raids (Twisted Castle) or jumping puzzles as they are disabled.


    There are plenty of good reasons to take a fall damage trait here! PvE has good reason for these traits - removal seems a bit nonsensical and the argument because there is now gliding/mounts doesn’t fly imo.


    Raids actually heavily use the faster res which can often be essential to revive squad members in order to avoid a mechanic or get them out of a difficult situation to avoid a team wipe. I don’t quite understand why these traits are being worked on when they are non priority items for balance and the -be aspects have not been discussed. I would like to see the pro/cons of making this change in reflect of the above feedback.

  11. I believe these build templates are okay for the ‘traits and skills’, the price of them should be a 1/10 of what they are now for this component- it’s only a chat code that is being stored. The pricing model is a Hugh mistake, with at least 6 different alternatives out to manage build template chat codes for free, the best one being


    The gear templates are a complete farce and badly implemented for the following reasons:

    Limited to 6(or 10 see reddit)

    They are loadouts not templates - which is more suitable for FPS games not MMOs esp something as complex as GW2.

    Chat code or similar functionality which can be copied / pasted is essential and missing.

    The implementation of how legendary armour / weapons / infusions/ sigils work with them etc...

    The list of problems with this is growing and needs an extensive rewrite and a 90% cost reduction. The prices are not justified for what they are considering many games will give you this for an in game currently low cost - think 100g/old commander tag pricing if you compare how Ubisoft does this very similar approach for their games - eg AC Odyssey and it’s a baked in component of the game.


    The implementation of this function has been poor, without interaction with those that that need it most. The casual user with a few builds may find it sufficient those invested in understanding the complexities of the game not so much driving us away from this model anet have provided leading exclusively to third party tools to suit our needs at much lower cost.


    A lower more reasonable price point would have resulted in more people using/buying these. I can not justify the cost of >24K gems to max this out on one of each of my professions. This situation needs urgent resolution - I would suggest an immediate and permanent price cut and refunding of gems to those who purchased. This would be the same as when infinite harvesting tools became account bound instead of soul bound.


    I implore ANET to do the right thing.

  12. Okay - going to keep this really simple:

    Allow us to convert raid currency to mystic clovers - on a max N / week.


    We can currently do fractals, pvp, wvw and get mystic clovers as a potential reward - however RAIDs are lagging behind the ability to get mystic clovers which are required for the following:

    * PVE Legendary Amor - which requires you to complete raids

    * Legendary Amulet, Rings, Accessories - requires you to complete raids



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