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Posts posted by TPMN.1483

  1. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"TPMN.1483" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > The OP wants the ability to use mounts to bypass JPs removed because it takes players away from their portal services. They made it fairly evident in one of their posts.

    > > Anet will remove LFG listings asking for gold for portal services - and eventually give bans. This has been stated before.

    > I would like you to post a link to this quote.

    > To me, selling JP carries is no functionally different than selling raid carries and that is allowed.

    > Link please.






    What about selling access to ones home instance for gathering resources? Namely I just spotted this new type of selling in lfg just about an hour ago : " Sell access crafting nodes (17) for 20 silver…..->" . Does it belong to the dungeon sort of selling section or is it abusing the lfg due to selling access to “items”?


    From ANET response:

    •Advertising an access portal is not allowed.

    •Guild Recruitment is not allowed.

    Both are unrelated to forming a group and therefore are not part of the intended purpose of the Looking for Group Tool.

    Gaile Gray

    Communications Manager

    Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events







    — I expect the guild recruitment has changed as there is now a specific LFG section for it. However the access portal stance has not changed.




  2. Hi All,


    Error generated on GW2 leaderboards - when trying to view the full list when logged in:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

    Error text="callback (complete): TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at file://Leaderboards/Code/Lib/GameInfo.js:80:31 at Array.forEach (native) at Object.guildNamesFromIds (file://Leaderboards/Code/Lib/GameInfo.js:79:17) at Object.success (file://Leaderboards/Code/Lib/GameInfo.js:34:37) at complete (file://Srv/Code/sugar-sts.js:160:39)" line="505" module="3" code="48"/


    Anyone else getting these errors ?


    I've tried on both Chrome and MS Edge.

  3. How about a system which wakes the IT support server team up from their slumber if they need to fix something so this doesn’t happen again with such a long period for rollback?


    I know problems can happen in the middle of the night when running a 24x7 system - automated notification/ calls / alarms do wonders if monitoring is setup correctly to mobile phones / landlines etc,

  4. I don’t think it’s healthy trying to chase all the AP where it’s either gold, time gated or a massive grind and will ensure you spend a large number of hours doing things that you may not find fun. Take it easy, play what bits of content you want and you’ll get AP eventually - sometimes mix it up with trying to get a specific achievement you missed.


    I have known people who only chase AP and if there is no AP behind it - they won’t do it. The leaderboard is meant to be a bit of fun - not a massive rivalry to show off between your friends.


    I was 200 AP behind a friend of mine for a long time, I’m now 300 AP ahead and comfortably in the top 100 (NA). Does it matter to me - *no*. It did let me get a pretty back piece -)


    We did have a bit of a laugh how I stormed ahead, this was due to actually doing SAB this year for a change after putting it off for so long and had some spare time available.


    There are lots more AP - I could get however it’s locked behind game modes which are not fun or hardly played by anyone (Keg brawl anyone ?!?) or just credit card gold obtained (BLTP skins). I just accept each living story brings a bunch more AP, if I keep playing it will go up eventually.

  5. We need the ability to post suggested builds in-game: Gear and traits - so people can see what to run. That way they can get closer to it and then hopefully get better.


    Currently pinging traits is useless without also pinging suggested gear for people and what / how to play it eg the support, DPS, boon or whatever the role is.


    Squad messages would have been perfect to have 10 codes for each person to run that each person could check their build against,

  6. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > I think it was a mistake for them to allow arcdps to do templates to begin with, that's what made it feel bad.

    > > Nah, it's just a bad template system, and massively overpriced. It would have been so even if Arc Templates never existed.

    > > It's just designed wrong - it's very easy to see that the main design goal was not making a good template system, but making a system you could monetize as kitten.

    > >

    > >


    > Depends. I don't think 6 dollars for 16ish slots worth of gear slots, and 4ish for the corresponding build template is that bad. If you're really cheap you can abuse extra character slots for far cheaper (2 equipment builds and 3 templates for 10 dollars), so they increased the value of additional characters, out of the box. This is why i struggle understanding other players. They gave you free storage space (and free account wide templates to boot). The monetary value of additional storage (if you do a gems to gold conversion) for larger bags is far more expensive i believe. Also, gems are cheap now if you're good at gold farming.


    > All this makes me believe is that letting people have something for free and then monetizing it later is a bad idea. Even build templates at 4 dollars a pop i would say is not that exorbitant, and then it's even better when you realize they gave everyone 6 for free with account wide ones. Usually when a company does something dirty they just add the item and expect you to buy it. Anet did a lot to soften the blow and even gave everyone more storage space to boot. And even allowed you to repurpose previous, invisible templates.


    They didn’t give anything free:

    One build slot is your PvE, PvP and WvW - It’s just been moved around. The “build templates” are a non-issue as they can be stored externally in a notepad. Most people I know store the “builds” external to GW2 for traits / stuff like that.

    The equipment templates is just your PvE/WvW one with 2 slots : which is giving you nothing for free. The 6 slots is not enough and too expensive and for things like each strike mission people will swap a different equipment template per boss if needed: Healbrand, Quickbrand, DPS Guard, firebrand ...etc. / soon run out of slots even in a small area of the game such as being forced to do a ranged Jormag build vs Franier for which is pure melee, then bone skinner etc

  7. How about exchanging raid tokens for mystic clovers and mystic coins once per week?


    Once the legendary armoury is out - there is going to be very little need for ascended drops at all once one of each weight and weapon type has been obtained.

  8. They saved a lot of the nice looking skins for BLTC. Raids, strike missions, fractals also have some unique skins which will take some effort to get (more than spamming 1).


    GW2 has so many more skins than GW1 it’s much harder to compare like for like.

  9. We all love the error 42 modal dialog popups in the middle of:

    • Jumping Puzzles

    • Raids

    • Fractals

    • PvP

    ... it obstructs our view and is meaningless to most players - it has been the cause of many deaths.


    How about an in-game little icon with system status ? (Red, yellow, green)- That we can press to find any problems that might be occurring and save us from the modal pop up which ruins gameplay.

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