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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. The problem was that Core Guard was strongly dependent on RI as a totally overtuned trait to make up for other mechanics being largely meh and outclassed. It's good RI is tuned down but there should be compensations. For example the F1-F3 mechanics on Core Guard are basically still 2012 power level and a sad joke compared to what FB or even DH get out of it. DH has decent F1-F3 mechanics and decent survivability but traps/LB just don't do enough pressure for to keep up with other builds.


    So I'd say reworking the Virtues for Core Guard has some potential to make the class more viable, while DH probably just needs more damage potential (utility and survivability are fine imo).


    Burn builds are a semi viable options but stay fairly niche cause the lack of cover condis makes counterplay quite easy.

  2. The bunker potential is definititely too high, but it's not really a hardcarry since bunkering and ressing is pretty much all it can do. This can be decisive in some situations, but often is not, depending on how your team is doing in the teamfights. But yeah, the sustain needs a further tunedown, especially if meta specs keep getting nerfed.

  3. > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > > > > > Rampage is fine and easily countered.

    > > > > > > > > Tempest perspective.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Magnetic Auras / Immobilize / chill / Weakness and cripple spam combined with a tiny bit of kiting, easy done.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I swear ya'll complain about anything...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Not every class poops these conditions out mate, just because your class somehow counters it doesn't matter all classes can counter it

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I cant help with Rev or Holo but give me your build and class and Ill point out to you what works...

    > > > > > > Its usually soft CC like blinds, cripples, slows, chills and so forth... Weakness also helps too

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Please dont say you dont have any either, its like posting condi killed you because you had no condi cleanse and asking for condi nerfs afterwards.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I play Rev and I do actually know and have enough abilities paired with kiting to avoid rampage, just saying not every class has this. Also rampage makes it so you have to use a LOT of cooldowns wich is kinda kitten because when rampage is over you're very vulnerable wich kinda sucks

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Im jealous that you can play Rev...

    > > > > Ok fair enough, off the top of my mind just about every class can handle it well except for necro but is that any different to your rev and conditions?

    > > > > (I only say necro because I struggle with Rampage when I play Necro)

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Can I just point out that we're also talking about being able to defend from rampage in a perfect world where you have all your skills available for you? In real scenarios you already used most of your cooldowns to avoid bull's charge and other ridiculously hard hitting skills warrior has to offer, leaving very little to avoid rampage

    > >

    > > ? "hey guys, enemy popped a long cd elite skill and i have no CD availiable to me, yet i should come out unharmed"


    > Rampage is veeeery far from a 'long cd', relatively speaking. It isn't that it's impossible to survive rampage - it's the amount of resources a player has to dedicate to mitigate a single elite skill and the frequency at which the skill can be used. It doesn't matter how many skills the elite has that are must-dodge (minimum two of them - #4 and #5. Arguably 3 I guess. Anyway).


    > It isn't even how telegraphed some of the skills are - it's that you MUST mitigate them and MUST dedicate not-insignificant resources to doing so. 'lol just dodge' means jack - the POINT is to deprive your opponent of defensive cooldowns to the point where they can be killed. Rampage does that too well too often - it's investment/reward is way out of whack. Other classes have wet dreams about having an elite skill that forces the opponent to dedicate that many defensive resources to dealing with it.




    Wow, actually a sane answer from a person that understands the problem.

  4. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > After some overperforming builds from the last meta were nerfed, Spellbreaker is back in full force and there is already a lot of complaints about there. I think a lot of the issues with it could be resolved by tuning down rampage. It would hit Holo aswell, but it would definitely keep being viable (I play pretty much exclusively without Elixir X on a high level).

    > >

    > > The general mechanic of Rampage however is overstacked with benefits and promotes lazy gameplay. First of all there is the extremely high dps potential on every single skill, that gets boosted even further by several dmg modifiers on warrior. In addition to that you gain 2 very useful movement skills - sometimes leading high lvl warriors to use Rampage just to disengage. On top of that you have very strong potential, (4 CCS) and a ranged cc with high dps. That in itself is already a very strong combination. However, to make things worse, you also get permanent pulsing stability AND a very strong defense (dmg reduction and increased hp pool). If you tether your enemy before activating it you can also additionally get extra might and reveal, negating another possible counterplay (strength). So basically there is almost no counterplay except extremely high corrupt/boonrip pressure on the stability paired with cc. That is unlikely to ever work in a 1v1 situation, where you are usually busy avoiding the big hits (aka all of them).

    > >

    > > So, in my opinion, at least 2 aspects of this bundle (damage, CC, movement, stability, defense) have to go. I'm personally In favour of removing the stability and defensive bonuses, making it a high risk high reward play, with still very strong combination of damage, CC and mobility but the possibility of being punished by counter CC with no available stunbreak and no increased defense to just facetank through it. As of now it's a very high reward play with close to zero risks.


    > Regardless of what you think of rampage (it surely needs a nerf), the trade off argument is regarding elite specialization not a specific skill. Particularly one that is a core skill.


    > In that spirit, what is the trade-off for playing holo? Very high damage, high sustainability, high mobility, ridiculous boon stacking and boat load of CC. What do you give-up when playing holo?!


    Ranged option >600 or defensive weapon skills, both of which it lacks when going into holomode. But whatever, I think I'm out if it just turns into another thread where I get attacked for my class instead of the actual topic being discussed. Really says a lot if I suggest a nerf to an aspect that actually hits my class too and all I hear is "wah wah wah but you play holo and I got killed by one in WvW". Basically pointless to post here.

  5. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > a holo complaining about warrior


    > holo, which is the most broken (with boonbeast) out there

    > mobility, stealth, sustain, burst, boons, you name it, ranged pressure, melee pressure, cc


    > oh and id i forget the broken forge skilsl? i love when forge 5 hits me through a freaking wall.


    > if only holos would also have access to rampage, oh wait they do albeit it on a 50% chance...


    > can't have it all right


    I litereally argued for a nerf that also hits holo. Also Holo in WvW is completely different from PvP since some nerfs are unsplit.

  6. After some overperforming builds from the last meta were nerfed, Spellbreaker is back in full force and there is already a lot of complaints about there. I think a lot of the issues with it could be resolved by tuning down rampage. It would hit Holo aswell, but it would definitely keep being viable (I play pretty much exclusively without Elixir X on a high level).


    The general mechanic of Rampage however is overstacked with benefits and promotes lazy gameplay. First of all there is the extremely high dps potential on every single skill, that gets boosted even further by several dmg modifiers on warrior. In addition to that you gain 2 very useful movement skills - sometimes leading high lvl warriors to use Rampage just to disengage. On top of that you have very strong potential, (4 CCS) and a ranged cc with high dps. That in itself is already a very strong combination. However, to make things worse, you also get permanent pulsing stability AND a very strong defense (dmg reduction and increased hp pool). If you tether your enemy before activating it you can also additionally get extra might and reveal, negating another possible counterplay (strength). So basically there is almost no counterplay except extremely high corrupt/boonrip pressure on the stability paired with cc. That is unlikely to ever work in a 1v1 situation, where you are usually busy avoiding the big hits (aka all of them).


    So, in my opinion, at least 2 aspects of this bundle (damage, CC, movement, stability, defense) have to go. I'm personally In favour of removing the stability and defensive bonuses, making it a high risk high reward play, with still very strong combination of damage, CC and mobility but the possibility of being punished by counter CC with no available stunbreak and no increased defense to just facetank through it. As of now it's a very high reward play with close to zero risks.

  7. The problem is that the Anet balance team is somehow madly in love with underplayed garbage builds and puts 80% of its effort into buffing them (usually either with no impact at all or overdoing it as on Scrapper) while tuning down builds that are overperforming is atrociously slow and piecemeal. These are basically just the necessary Mesmer nerfs that should have been done months ago, while other builds that are overperforming will probably take months more to hit, even though it would actually be easy. For example Rampage should have been tuned down long ago. Same goes for Rev, especially Sword 5. Sic 'Em on Soulbeast is also somewhat questionable.

  8. I've made a thread about this months ago, but apparently Anet some minor changes in the pipe for it that will release somewhen in the Summer of 2034 (together with Swiss System ATs, WvW Alliances and the missing gems from community tournaments), so until then it remains permastuck as "beta".


    Unfortunately graphics have been the priority over functionality with this map, so we have a beautiful map that is absolutely awful to play.

  9. The problem is that your opponents are also low rating and hence in those cases you stand out as the highest rated player in the match, with little to gain and a lot to lose. To a certain degree this is needed, especially with DuoQ, since P3+/Leg Duos could otherwise easily stack their rating to the sky by farming Gold2 players at night and reach ~90%+ winratio. However, as a solo player it can be really frustrating, especially if your opponents are still in the P1/P2 range, so while you outplay them you can not just walk over them in a few seconds as it is often the case with gold players, making hardcarry a lot more complicated. You often find yourself having to hardcarry a game that is not easily winnable overall, and get really meager reward such as +5-7 while losing -15-18. This would already require a 3:1 W/L ratio to stay even, which is often not realistic in those games a SoloQ player.


    Eventually the problem always goes back to the fact that this community is overall not big enough to result in a balanced leaderboard. The system used is probably not much worse than that in other games such as OW, it's just that the overall playerbase is a small fracture compared to those games.

    DuoQ also worsens some of these sketched problems, even though it is not the ultimate reason.

  10. Start with the ingame lfg system for ATs and build up contacts from there. For low plat/high gold there should be plenty of opportunities there, up to p2. It's only really at P3+ that people pretty much exclusively build their groups through their own friendslist.

  11. Unfortunately I fall in the category of "very experiences roamers" (even though I mostly did SPvP) and basically everyone else I know with a similar playstyle does decisively NOT find the warclaw a good addition. You could even argue if moving the fights into camps is a healthy thing considering you don't only have pesky NPCs there but also usually more people dripping in and distorting the fight for soloers (even though most players in WvW are bad enough that I can 1vX them). But apart from that it also encourages the decisively unfun behaviour of many WvWers which is to wait until you have 2/3:1 advantage before you engage, which the Warclaw makes far easier. And that is what I see is happening.

  12. There was a guild leaderboard once back in the day, and it was a completely meme, with Car Crash taking 9 out of 10 spots or so for most seasons, because they were the only high level team that bothered it. And in the end not even them, it was basically entirely PvE/WvW guilds that weren't even close to ESL when it got abolished. The top team was from a random WvW roamer guild and even regularly lost Ranked Games vs full pugs when qing with full or almost full pre. WIth the population level we have it would just result in maybe 2 or 3 decent teams farming low level teams at different times, and the one who does more of that grind takes the first spot.

  13. Necros tended to be the bigest ragers, with legends like Vingador, Ziltoid and Vimbi all maining it. My theory is that the fact you will get constantly focussed without many immunity or stunbreaks is detrimental to your mental health in the long run, especially if you play Qs every day and rarely with premades. Either you become Zen level relaxed and PMA, like Pancake, or the exact opposite.

  14. Technically you are correct about the tells, but compared to the powercrept mechanics from many HoT and PoF specs (or core ones that got powercrept later), all those skills you mentioned are fairly small impact. Core Nec has tons of corrupts and a very high HP pool, but that's pretty much it, making it a very easy target to +1 and usually struggling to get a kill.


    I think lack of tells can be a problem when it concerns the really big hitters, but isn't really one when it concerns skills like Chillblains or Tainted Shackles. If you want to dodge skills like these you have to dodge preemptively and risk wasting a dodge.

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